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Светлана Смолякова23





по теме «Video and computer games.»


учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ № 103» г. Саратова

Смолякова Светлана Николаевна


ТЕМА: Video and computer games



Знакомство положительными и отрицательными сторонами электронных игр. Формирование социо-культурной компетенции.


Воспитание правильного отношения к многообразию виртуального мира.


Развитие памяти, мышления, логики, внимания, умения анализировать, сопоставлять, делать выводы. Развитие речевого аппарата, слуха. Развитие внутренней мотивации учащихся.


Обучение аудированию и монологической речи, обучение чтению.

Сопутствующая задача: ознакомление и отработка лексики по теме “Video and computer games”.


Лексический: to gain popularity, to develop memory, logical thinking, to make virtual friends, way of entertainment, affect in many ways, harmful effect on health, to spoil eye sight, an addiction, to make cruel, to cause violent behaviour, violent, a mystery, to provide, a skill, an official, sale, card game, violence, a secret agent, an expert,

an increase.

Грамматический: The Present Simple Tense, Passive Voice, articles.


Доска, магнитофон, аудио кассета, компьютер, мульти-медийный проектор, раздаточный материал, мультимедийная презентация.


учебник для VII класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий./О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева - Москва, Просвещение, 2010.

Электронное пособие American Potpourri- English Language Office, U.S.Embassy, Moscow, 2009.

















Организационный этап (приветствие, введение в тему, задачи урока)

Беседа о роли компьютера и компьютерных игр.

Введение и первичная отработка лексики по теме урока.

Чтение текста (задание на соответствие, задание на подстановку)

Монологические высказывания учащихся о пользе и вреде компьютерных игр по плану (сиквейн), высказывание собственного мнения.

Обучение аудированию (подготовка к прослушиванию).

Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов, выставление и комментирование оценок. Домашнее задание.






Ход урока

Организационный этап


- Hello! I’m glad to see you dear friends! We also welcome our guests. Let’s begin, we have plenty of work to do.

Performing and discussing the topic of the lesson.

- We’ll see now what the topic of our lesson today is. Here you are. I think it won’t be difficult for you to guess the topic of our lesson.

Ps – computer games.

Yes, you’re quite right. It’s Video and computer games. The topic is very interesting and I hope that you will participate in the conversation enthusiastically and show excellent results.

Answer the questions, please.

Do you like playing computer games?

How many hours a day do you devote to playing?

What do you think computer games are: fun or useless occupation?


Well, the objectives of the lesson are:

To read about computer games;

To figure out the pros and the corns;

To develop listening and conversation skills;

To learn to express personal attitude towards the problem.


Введение и первичная отработка лексики по теме урока.

Match the word-combinations and their meaning:

to gain popularity

to develop memory

logical thinking

to make virtual friends

way of entertainment

affect in many ways

harmful effect on health

to spoil eye sight

an addiction

to make cruel

to cause violent behaviour.


Быть причиной жестокого поведения

Пагубная привычка, пристрастие

Приобретать популярность

Знакомиться с возможными друзьями

Способ развлечься

Развивать память

Влиять различным образом

Пагубное влияние на здоровье

Портить зрение

Делать жестоким

K) Логическое мышление

L) Жестокий



Keys: 1-C, 2-F, 3-K, 4-D, 5-E, 6-G, 7-H, 8-I, 9-B, 10-J, 11-A.





Make up sentences.

- develop memory, logical thinking, games, and computer.

- may, unfortunately, harmful effect, have, they, on, health.

- too, much, computer, playing, is, game, no, good.


Fill in the appropriate word combination:


( friends, violent, harmful, addiction, develop memory, great way)

Computer games (1)… …, because you try to remember all details. You can make (2) … …, so it is another way of communication. Unfortunately, many computer and video games are very (3)…, and research shows that this violence can affect kids in many ways.
Computer games have a (4) … effect on health. Game playing is like an (5) … to some people, which means they don't learn well at school, don't communicate! The problem has as many strong points as well as weak ones. Computer games are a (6)… … to learn how to do things.



Чтение текста.

On your desks you have copies of the text “The pros and the corns of computer games”. You have 2 minutes to read it to yourselves and say what is the main idea of it? (choose between two ideas)

A .Computer games are gaining more popularity nowadays.

B. Playing PC games have as many positives as negatives.



2. Now read the text again and find the pros and the corns of computer games.

Let’s see what you have found.


IV. Монологические высказывания


1. If you look at the screen now you will find two plans of our further discussion:

In groups make reports proving that….

Computer games

Popular, entertaining, helpful

Develop memory, make friends, help tostudy

A way of communication, entertainment.

Computer games

Violent, harmful

Affect in many ways, spoil health(eyesight),

An addiction to, cause violent behaviour.


2. Good job! What do you, personally think of computer games?

Ps give different opinions.

A plan:

1. Computer games in the modern world.

2. The “positives” of playing computer.

3. The “negatives” of playing computer.

V. Pre-listening activities. Vocabulary study.


a mystery

to provide

a skill

an official


card game


a secret agent


an increase

a riddle

to serve, to deliver

experience, ability, practice



cards, poker


a spy








должностное лицо


карточная игра


секретный агент




Обучение аудированию. Listening.


I suppose it is always interesting to know smth about other countries and people. Let’s play a guessing game first.

Computer games are played by … of Americans.

a) billions b)millions c)thousands

2. James Bond was the most famous secret … in the world.

a) spy b)lover c)agent

3. Many people are fond of … games especially poker.

a) board b)card c)role-play

4. PC games can be a way to learn how to direct you ….

a) effort b)thought c)strength

5. Some colleges in America teach students to … electronic games.

a) create b)play c)design


KEYS: 1-b, 2-c, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c.


You will hear a radio programme about PC games in America.

Listen and check your guesses. Great!


2. Listen again and choose the right answer. You have two minutes to read them to yourselves.

Why are PC games so popular?

a) PC games provide fun and educate people.

b) Gamers play because there is a lot of violence in games.

c) People like sports

2. How can computer games be harmful?

a) Games may take too much time.

b) Some games are too violent.

c) They are harmful for the eyes.

3. Prove that video games are attracting more and more people.

a) More games are sold every year.

b) Games are getting cheaper.

c) The number of games increased last year.

KEYS: 1-a, 2-b, 3-a.



VII. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок, домашнее задание, окончание урока

- Well, you’ve worked hard at the lesson and showed very good results and deep knowledge. So your marks are:

- Here is your home assignment: write a description of your favourite computer game.

- The lesson is over. Thank you for good work. Bye!


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