Конкурс знатоков грамматики английского языка «Грамотейка» (3–11 класс)

Тема: конкурс знатоков грамматики английского языка «Грамотейка»
Предмет: английский язык
Форма проведения: блиц-опрос в рамках недели английского языка
Время выполнения: 15 минут
Цель: систематизация знаний обучающихся в области английской грамматики
Задачи: повторить изученную на уроках грамматику; выявить лучших знатоков грамматики в разных классах; повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка
Классы: 3-11
Раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями, в которых обучающиеся выбирают правильный ответ
Forms 3-4
1. He like/likes to read books.
2. She can/cans play tennis.
3. I have got/has got a family.
4. The cat have got/has got a nice ball.
5. We have got a/- new books.
6. My book/books are very thick.
7. I are/am young.
8. My mother is/are not old.
Forms 5-6
Choose the correct variant
1. We ___ good students.
A) is
B) am
C) are
2. My ___ are always interesting.
A) story
B) storys
C) stories
D) storyes
3. There ___ a lot of snow in the streets.
A) was
B) were
C) am
4. I ___ my homework tomorrow.
A) do
B) does
C) did
D) will do
5. Your mum can cook well, ___?
A) can she
B) can’t she
C) can your
D) cook your
6. Your friend slept in the tent last summer, ___?
A) didn’t your
B) doesn’t your
C) don’t he
D) didn’t he
7. ___ you go to the park yesterday? – Yes, I ___.
A) did, did
B) do, did
C) did, do
D) do, do
8. The ___ are behind the box.
A) mouse
B) mouses
C) mice
D) mices
9. I’m ___ engineer.
A) a
B) an
C) the
D) –
10. He ___ to play tomorrow.
A) will
B) go
C) goes
D) is going
Forms 7-8
Choose the correct variant
1. She ___ the book for three hours.
A) read
B) reads
C) is reading
D) has read
E) has been reading
2. He ___ books every day.
A) read
B) reads
C) is reading
D) has read
E) has been reading
3. He ___ books right now.
A) read
B) reads
C) is reading
D) has read
E) has been reading
4. He ___ just the book.
A) read
B) reads
C) is reading
D) has read
E) has been reading
5. He ___ the book just now.
A) read
B) reads
C) is reading
D) has read
E) has been reading
6. ___ Atlantic Ocean is in the west.
A) a
B) an
C) the
D) –
7. They heard about the film, ___?
A) did they
B) didn’t they
C) do they
D) don’t they
8. The book is ___.
A) my
B) me
C) mine
D) I
9. I’m interested in ___ films.
A) watch
B) to watch
C) watching
D) watched
10. My pyjamas ___ too big on me.
A) is
B) am
C) are
D) was
Forms 9-11
Choose the correct variant
1. There ___ a lot of fish living in the lake.
A) is
B) are
2. He is fond of ___ museums.
A) visit
B) visits
C) visited
D) visiting
3. Australia is worth ___.
A) see
B) seeing
C) saw
D) seen
4. He should ___ it yesterday, but he didn’t.
A) do
B) did
C) have done
D) doing
5. I’m really fine, ___?
A) amn’t I
B) aren’t I
C) am I
D) wasn’t I
6. ___ to read the book?
A) had you
B) did you have
C) have you
D) are you having
7. Look at the ___ children!
A) dance
B) dancing
C) danced
D) dances
8. The train ___ in 5 minutes.
A) arrive
B) arrives
C) arrived
D) will arrive
9. He asked __ she __ to Moscow the day before.
A) that, flew
B) if, flew
C) that, had flown
D) if, had flown
10. Which sentences are right? Choose the correct sentences.
A) The film is watching now.
B) The child will be asked a question.
C) A question will be asked.
D) I’m seeing it now.
E) The book was read.
F) Me is taught by a native speaker.
G) He made me a favour.
По итогам конкурса награждаются дипломами и призами победители и призеры в группах 3-4 классы, 5-6 классы, 7-8 классы, 9-11 классы.