Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему «Past Simple» (3 класс)
Дата: 21.04.15 г.
Класс: 3-а
Тема: « Past Simple»
Учитель: Байгузина Н.В
Цель урока: формирование грамматического навыка.
1.отработать чтение стихотворения;
2.проверить знания учащихся по теме Past Simple ;
3.ввести и первично закрепить неправильные глаголы;
4.ввести и первично закрепить неправильные глаголы (draw-drew; know-knew; throw-threw; buy-bought;think-thought);
5.тренировать учащихся в употребление времени Past Simple в упражнениях;
6.учить составлять диалог по диалогу образцу.
Оборудование урока: презентация
1. приучать учащихся к самостоятельной работе;
2. формировать у учащихся положительное
отношение к английскому языку.
1. создать благоприятные условия для снижения
2. способствовать развитию языковой догадки.
g |
Этап урока |
Содержание урока |
Приемы работы |
Режим работы |
Время |
Наглядность ТСО |
Примечания |
1 |
Организационный этап Мотивационный |
Good afternoon, children! I am glad to see you. Sit down please. Today I will be your teacher. My name is Natalia Valerievna. - Answer my questions: What day of the week is it today? (Today is Tuesday) -What date is it today? (Today is the 21st of April) What season is it now? (Spring) Do you like spring? What is the weather like today? (The weather is …) - Now write today’s date in your copybooks. Thank you. Good for you! |
Слушание Беседа |
T T →P1, P2, P3 |
1 min |
2 |
Фонетическая зарядка |
- Let’s continue our lesson with a phonetic drill - Today we are going to practice reading the poem. - Now look at the screen. Here you can see a poem. - First listen to me very carefully. I’ll read it. I love the spring. - Now let’s translate it; P1, start please. (Я люблю весну Good for you. - Now let’s read the poem line by line all together. - Read this poem after me; all together. - Now you are to read this poem one by one. Well done! Thank you! |
Слушание Слушание Индивидуальная работа Хоровая работа Индивидуальная |
T T P1, P2 T →Cl P1. P2 |
5 min |
Презентация |
3 |
Проверка знаний учащихся по теме Past Simple |
- Now we will revise the Past Simple. (сейчас мы с вами повторим время P.S.) Answer my questions in Russian: - Что обозначает время P.S.? ( прошедшее время) - Как образуется это время? ( глагол с окончанием Ed, если глагол неправильный, то мы берем его вторую форму) - А как образуется отрицательная форма? ( did not\ didn’t + глагол) - Молодцы! А как образуется вопросительная форма? ( Did + подлежащие + глагол) - А краткий ответ как образуется? ( Yes + подлежащие + вспомогательный глагол) - Now look at the screen? I’ll say the verb and you’ll translate it. Then I’ll say the first form of the verb in the Past Simple Tense Do (делать) did Have (иметь) had Read (читать) read Go (идти) went Get (получать) got Meet (встречать) met See (видеть) saw -Now we’ll have a test. I’ll give you cards with the task. I’ll give you four minutes. 1 A. hand C. she / her bike / push She pushed her bike 2. Make positive, negative and interrogative sentences. А. I played the piano yesterday B. He wrote letters every year А. I didn’t play the piano yesterday Did I play the piano yesterday? B. He didn’t write letters every year Did he write letters every year? Your time is up. Let’s check. Look at the screen. Well done! |
Беседа Фронтальная работа Фронтальная работа Индивидуальная работа |
T →P1, P2, P3 P1, P2, P3 P1, P2, P3 P1 P2 |
13 min |
Презентация Презентация Тест |
4 |
Физминутка |
- Now it’s time for us to relax a little. Children, stand up. Look at the board and move like in the video. Are you ready? Sit down, please. |
Хоровая |
T |
3 min |
Видео |
5 |
Введение и первичное закрепление Past Simple и неправильных глаголов |
-Let's remember when we use "a.m", "p.m". Look at the sentences. Find the mistakes in these sentences. Look at the first sentence. Where is the mistake? I usually get up at 7 р. m. (a. m.) Look at the second sentence. The match is starting at 4 a. m. (p.m.) Look at the third sentence. I go to school every day at 8 a.m. Look at the fourth sentence. I go to bed at 9 a.m. (p.m.) Good. Open your books at page fifty Exercise three. Look at Foxy's diary. Answer my questions. What does Foxy usually do in his school days? (He has breakfast, he goes to school, he goes for a walk and does sports, does his homework, plays computer games) What time does he get up? (He gets up at seven o'clock am). What time does Foxy read books? (Foxy reads books at eight o'clock pm). What time does he go to bed? (he goes to bed at nine o'clock) What does he say about Saturdays and Sundays? (He does not go to school, he plays with his friends, he visits his grandparents). Right. Well done. Now let's do Ex. four on p. fifty one. Open your books at page fifty one Exercise four. Topsy asked Foxy what he did yesterday at home, at school and after school. Listen to the dialogue. (читает учитель) Repeat after me. All together Now you are to read this dialogue. P1 and P2, start, pleasе. P3 and P4, translate this dialogue. T: Во сколько ты проснулся вчера? F: Я встал в 7 часов утра. T: Кто пошёл с тобой в школу? F: Мой друг пошел в школу вместе со мной. T: Что ты делал в 7.30 вечера? F: В 7.30 вечера я ужинал. Now read the dialogue in pairs. Please read the dialogue.(1-2 прочитают вслух) Good. |
Фронтальная работа Беседа Фронтальная работа Слушание Хоровая работа Парная работа Парная |
P1, P2, P3 T →P1, P2, P3 P1, P2, P3 Т T →Cl Р |
9 min 10 min |
-Сейчас мы с вами ещё познакомимся с некоторыми неправильными глаголами – разбойниками. Now look at the screen? (new words) I’ll say the verb and you’ll translate it. Then I’ll say the second form of the verb in the Past Simple Tense Draw-drew-рисовал Know-knew-знал Throw-threw-бросил Buy-bought- покупал Think-thought-думал - Repeat the words all together. - Open you vocabulary and write down these verbs. Good. -P1 read the task ex.4(a) -Read about Romy’s plans and ask her what she really did. Your friend will answer for her. -P2 read example (Did you draw a picture on Sunday?- Yes, I did. I drew a picture. No, I didn’t. I didn’t drew it.) Thank you! 1. Did you go to school on Monday?-(….) 2. Did you do sports, run and swam on Tuesday?(…) 3. Did you go shopping and buy books on Wednesday? (….) 4. Did you make a cake Thursday?(…) 5. Did you think about the fun park on Friday? (…) 6. Did you meet my friends to speak spoke about plans?(…) |
Фронтальная работа Хоровая работа Фронтальная работа |
P1, P2, P3 T →Cl T →P1, P2, P3 |
Презентация |
6 |
Домашнее задание |
- Open your diaries and write down your hometask. I’ll give your cards put them into your copybooks. - WB-p.76-77, ex 1,2 - Учить новые слова. |
Слушание |
Т |
2 min |
Презентация |
7 |
Рефлексия |
-Children, let’s summarize our a red flower on lesson! Who liked the lesson, draw your copybooks. Who didn’t like the lesson, draw a blue flower. |
Индивидуальная работа |
P1.P2 |
1 min |
Презентация |
8 |
Подведение итогов урока |
OK, children. We had a lot of work today. Thank you for your work, see you tomorrow! |
Слушание |
T |
1 min |