12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Ковалев Г.А.204
Я учитель английского языка . Работаю в МОУ "Успенская школа" 18 лет. При обучении отдаю предпочтение употреблению инновационных технологий на моих уроках.
Украина, Донецкий Амвросиевский район, село Успенка

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

1.Read and complete:



2. Do sums:

Ten plus twenty is_____                        nine plus thirty is_____

Eight plus fifty is ______                        six plus seventy is _____

Ninety minus two is _____                      fifty minus three is _____


2. Read and complete:

Mo…ning, t…o, ho…se, ga…den, su…fing, d…ving, pla…, fr…end, rolle… blades, cre…,stat…on, w..ke , g…rage, f…x, b…ke, m…ngo, b…ans, sug…r, b…tter.

3. Put letters in the correct order:

1. whela; 2.dolhpin ; 3. sela; 4.girefaf; 5. mokney.


4. Write words in the correct order:

1.Friday, 2.Monday,3. Tuesday, 4.Sunday, 5.Wednesday, 6.Thursday, 7.Saturday.


5.Translate into Russian:

Whale, dolphin, seal, giraffe, hippo, crocodile, lizard, mouse, goose.

6.Write noun in the plural form:

Cat, dog, fox, bus, dress, man, goose, mouse, child, woman, berry.


7. Put and write words in the correct order:

1. I a am officer police. 2. Danielle my name is.

3. He a baker is. 4. She not does lemon like.

5. We tea like sugar with.

8. Write the answers of the riddles:

I am from Africa. I am green. I am big. I am strong. I can swim very well. (crocodile)

I am grey, strong, evil. I can run, jump. I like meat.(wolf)

I am from Russia. I am very big and brown. I can run, climb. I live in the forest. I like honey. (bear)

9. Read and choose the correct word:

1.You must/mustn`t eat with your hands.(mustn`t)

2. You may/must do your home task.(must)

3. You has to/ have to go to bed late.(have to)

4. You haven`t to /hasn`t to go to school on Sunday.(haven`t to)

10. Read and choose the correct words:

1. She is/are a pupil. 2. He is/are a great cook.

3. Look! Ben is dance/ dancing. 4. Harry have to/has to do sums.

5. We is/are tall and slim. 6. They like/likes to travel.

7. He like/likes to play tennis. 8. She doesn`t/don`t help parents.

key:is,is,dancing,has to,are,like,likes,doesn`t.

11. Read and complete:

Jump – jumped; walk-….; talk-…; play-…; watch-…; read-…; cook-….;help-….


12. Describe the picture: e.g.  He is a handsome.


Опубликовано в группе «УРОК.РФ: группа для участников конкурсов»

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