Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку в 7 классе
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«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 100»
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«Контрольно-измерительные материалы по английскому языку для 7-го класса»
ФИО автора: Садыкова Альбина Фирдаусовна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ № 100», I квалификационная категория |
Ижевск, 2019
Введение ..…………………………………………………………………………………... |
3 |
КИМ 7 класс ...………………………………………………………………………….... |
4 |
Заключение ………………………………………………………………………………... |
31 |
Список использованной литературы ……………………………………………………... |
32 |
На сегодняшний день у учителя существует проблема с домашними заданиями в учебниках и рабочих тетрадях, ответы к которым уже есть в Интернете. Та же ситуация существует и с контрольными работами, ответы к которым у обучающегося есть ещё до того, как он освоит тему. Подобная проблема побуждает учителя к созданию собственных контрольно-измерительных материалов (КИМ), ответы на которые, соответственно, нет в сети. Этим объясняется актуальность представленной работы.
Её объектом являются КИМ, а предметом – КИМ для 7-го класса к УМК “English 7” В. П. Кузовлева.
Цель – разработать КИМ для 7-го класса по примеру готовых КИМ к УМК В. П. Кузовлева.
Для достижения цели необходимо решить следующие задачи:
1) рассмотреть готовые КИМ;
2) составить по их примеру собственные;
3) применить их на практике.
Гипотеза - включение в урок КИМ, созданных учителем по примеру разработанных к УМК, но не имеющих ответов, способствует более осознанному отношению обучающихся к учебному процессу и позволяет учителю выявить их реальные УУД.
Практическая значимость работы заключается в разработке входного и тематических КИМ для УМК “English 7” В. П. Кузовлева на 2 варианта.
В работе представлены КИМ, некоторые части которых, главным образом, «Аудирование», «Чтение» и «Лексика», взяты из УМК В. П. Кузовлева во избежание работы обучающихся на материале несоответствующего уровня сложности. Однако задания к ним разработаны другие или их текст несколько изменён, чтобы у обучающихся не возникало мнения, что существуют готовые ответы. Тексты для чтения из сборника контрольных заданий не изменены, поскольку обучающиеся не знакомы с данным учебным пособием и, соответственно, не знают источник ответов на задания. Таким образом, большинство сносок указывает не на оригинальный текст, а трансформированный. В целом, тематические КИМ являются аналогом разработанных в рабочей тетради.
Ещё одна особенность состоит в том, что некоторые КИМ состоят из 3 частей, другие - из 5, выполнение которых рассчитано на два урока. Связано это с тем, что у В. П. Кузовлева некоторые КИМ объединяют материалы нескольких разделов и представлены в специальном сборнике «Контрольные задания». Поэтому автору КИМ в данной работе, представилось логичным добавить к стандартным разделам таких контрольных: «Аудирование», «Лексика и грамматика» и «Чтение», - ещё два: «Письмо» и «Говорение», чтобы проверить УУД в данных коммуникативных умениях. Что касается содержания первых трёх разделов, то оно направлено на проверку УУД изученного раздела, поскольку, как показывает практика, работы, выполняемые на материале нескольких тем, требуют больше часов для повторения и вызывают больше затруднений в силу того, что включают в себя материал, который изучался задолго до урока контроля. Этим же объясняется отсутствие разработанного итогового контроля.
The starting check work (7)
The 1st version
1. Grammar. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple/ Progressive/ Perfect Tense!
My Summer Holidays
After the hard and busy school year, my summer holidays (1) … (to begin). Of course, I (2)… (to plan) a lot of wonderful things before.
As a result, I (3) … (to go) to the Azov Sea with my parents. We (4) … (to swim) and (5) … (to bathe) in the sun there. The water (6) … (to be) very warm because the Sea of Azov isn’t deep. But best of all, I (7) … (to like) riding a water scooter. After I … (8) (to try) it for the first time, I couldn’t wait for the next one to sit on it. Once, when I (9) … (to ride) a water scooter, I (10) … (to see) dolphins. It became a pleasant bonus to my summer experiences.
2. Vocabulary. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box!
went, hills, the countryside, hard, great, forward, explored, took, spent, care |
Exeter England 1 September, 2017 |
Dear Mandy,
Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear that you had had a (11) … time near Snowdon and in York on holiday.
As for me, I spent my holidays in (12) … . I helped my grandparents to (13) … for fruit and vegetables in their kitchen garden. It was interesting but (14) … .
At weekends, I usually (15) … fishing with my granddad in the morning. After that, I (16) … time with my friends on the riverside. We (17) … the underwater world, walked up (18) … and other elevations, and (19) … lots of photos of our adventures. I send you some in this letter.
I’m looking (20) … to hearing from you again.
All the best,
3. Reading
Answer the questions on the text in task 1 “My Summer Holidays”:
21. Where did the boy spend his summer holidays?
22. What did he do there?
23. What did he like there best of all?
4. Writing
Write a report “My Summer Holidays” in 10-12 sentences. Answer the following questions in it:
1. Where were you on your summer holidays?
2. Who did you spend them with?
3. What did you like best of all?
4. How do you find your holidays? What were they like?
The starting check work (7)
The 2nd version
1. Grammar. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple/ Progressive/ Perfect Tense!
My Summer Holidays
Two months ago, my family and I (1) ... (to be) in Sochi. And before I (2) ... (to spend) my holidays in this resort city, I (3) ... (to visit) the school part-time school camp. I (4) ... (to take) part in plenty of activities there; for example, I (5) ... (to learn) to make paper and wood handicrafts and (6) ... (to compete) in track-and-field athletics.
At the Black Sea, I (7) ... (to ride) a water bicycle. I (8) ... never ... (to do) it before. One morning, when my father and I (9) ... (to boat), we (10) ... (to notice) some medusae. It was very thrilling.
2. Vocabulary. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box!
helped, sorry, our caravan, looking, swim, stay, make, went, read, fish |
Manchester England September 1, 2017 |
Dear John,
Thank you for your recent letter. It was great to hear about your holidays you had spent in the Lake District.
As for me, I (11) … camping with my family on holidays. We made trips to different campsites in (12) … . As soon as we arrived at a camping site, my brother and I (13) … dad to put up the tent because it was too stuffy to (14) … in the car all the time. After that, we went on search for brushwood (хворост) to (15) … a fire. Besides, dad taught us to catch (16) … and (17) … in different ways in the nearest river. When it was rainy, we (18) … books in the caravan. After a week on one campsite, we were both (19) … we had to leave it and (20) … forward to new adventures in new places.
Hope to see you soon.
All the best,
3. Reading
Answer the questions on the text in task 1 “My Summer Holidays”:
21. Where did the boy spend his summer holidays?
22. What did he do there?
23. What did he like there best of all?
4. Writing
Write a report “My Summer Holidays” in 10-12 sentences. Answer the following questions in it:
1. Where were you on your summer holidays?
2. Who did you spend them with?
3. What did you like best of all?
4. How do you find your holidays? What were they like?
Test yourself 1
The 1st version
I. Listening comprehension [4, c. 11]
Listen to Linda talking about her school. Write the information about her:
1) What form is Linda in?
2) What are her favourite subjects?
3) What subjects doesn’t Linda like?
4) Does she have to wear a uniform?
5) When does Linda have to be at school?
6) Does she like her school on the whole (в целом)?
II. Use of English
1. Vocabulary. What does Mick say about his school life? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. One word is extra. There’s an example (0) at the beginning.
miss, science, glad, going, means, discover, sunbathing, knowledge, sightseeing, according to, a highlight, field trips, look forward |
I like (0) going to school. I’m (1) … when it starts. But I can’t say that I (2) … to school on holidays, especially on summer ones. In summer, I usually go (3) … to different cities with my family and don’t have time to (4) … my friends and teachers. However, 1 September is (5) … for me. I love not only school subjects, for example, (6) … and English, but also after-school events; such as (7) … and outings, as we (8) … new things just in their original places. (9) … learnt (изученный) material, we do projects then. This activity extends our (10) … of a subject. In case we don’t understand anything, we can always ask our teachers what a notion (понятие) (11) … .
2. Grammar. The children are talking about school and school activities. Report what they say.
(0) Susan says, “My class goes on a field trip on Friday. I think we’ll enjoy it.”
Susan says that her class goes on a field trip on Friday. She thinks that they will enjoy it.
1) Allison says, “There are different competitions at my school. I think that I’ll take part in competitions for the best essay and poems.”
2) Josh says, “I am starting to learn new subjects. I worry that I don’t have any helper in my homework.”
3) Mia says, “On summer holidays, we went sunbathing on the roof of our summer house.”
4) Neil says, “My friend and I write articles for a school newspaper. But we are not always glad that we take part in producing our columns.
5) Julie says, “I don’t like lessons starting with an assembly. I’m upset that we have to listen to a religious worship every day.”
6) Justin says, “I am glad to be back to school. I’m happy that I do tests and homework right.”
III. Reading comprehension [4, c. 11 - 12]
Read Matt’s notes about a day of his school life. Mark the statements true (T), false (F), or not stated (N/s).
8: 30 Arrived at school.
8: 40 Went to registration in my classroom.
8: 45 Listened to school news at the assembly.
9: 00 The first lesson was English. We wrote a check work. I don’t think I did it well.
9: 50 At the French lesson, we were making up the dialogues “At the airport” and acting them out. It was useful. I like languages more than science. This year, besides French, I began to study Italian.
10:35 Break time! We went outside and mixed with our friends after the two-day break. I could go to the canteen to have something to eat, but didn’t want then.
11: 00 We went to history. Today we were reading about the reign of Henry VIII. I like learning about English kings and queens much and I’m glad that I’ve got a good teacher in my favourite subject. At the end of the lesson, we watched a short film about the king. It was full of action.
12: 30 At the lunch time, we went to the canteen and had a very nice meal of fish and potatoes. Then after lunch, we all went to the school yard and played cricket. I think this was really fun.
1: 50 We went to afternoon registration.
2: 00 The first two lessons in the afternoon were maths. We had to calculate how much money we would need to make our dream trips. I made a calculation for a trip to York as I’m interested in Vikings. Linda and Lucy made the cheapest tours. Everybody liked them.
3: 20 Our final lesson is English. We were discussing “Danny the Champion of the World” by Roald Dahl.
4: 00 It was the end of the day for most pupils, but I had to go to a drama club. We did lots of acting-out the scenes of “A Golden Goose” by the brothers Grimm on the stage. Then I went home.
1) _ School starts at 8:30 a. m.
2) _ Matt had registration twice on that day.
3) _ The boy got a bad mark for the English test.
4) _ Matt studies two foreign languages.
5) _ During the break time, the student went to the canteen.
6) _ Matt’s favourite subject is history.
7) _ The schoolboy would like to make a trip to York.
8) _ Linda and Lucy made calculations for trips to Bath and Liverpool.
9) _ Matt went home at 4 p. m.
10) _ He wrote his notes on Monday.
Test yourself 1
The 2nd version.
I. Listening comprehension [4, c. 11]
Listen to David talking about her school. Write the information about him:
1) What form is David in?
2) What are his favourite subjects?
3) Why does he like lessons?
4) Does he have to wear a uniform?
5) How many lessons does David have to study at school this year?
6) When should he be at school?
II. Use of English
1. Vocabulary. What does Phil say about his school life? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. One word is extra. There’s an example (0) at the beginning.
a waste of time, discovering, do without, science, student, assembly, sunbathing, understand, by heart, sightseeing, according to, outings, look forward |
I’m a good (0) student and can’t (1) … school where I have lots of friends and favourite subjects. In summer, I usually go (2) … in the Lake District to summon up (набраться) fresh energy. That’s why, I don’t (3) … to be back to school. Besides, the school life is interesting thanks to a timetable (4) … students’ age and a variety of after-school activities. The only thing I don’t like about school is a daily (5) … before classes as everything new I can read from the notice board. That’s why, I find such a meeting (6) … . My favourite subject is (7) … because I like doing experiments. I have to learn plenty of formulae (8) …, though. Among after-class events, I prefer (9) … to museums because I like (10) … new cultural objects. If I don’t (11) … anything, I can ask a guide who always answers my questions.
2. Grammar. The children are talking about school and school activities. Report what they say.
(0) Susan says, “My class goes on a field trip on Friday. I think we’ll enjoy it.”
Susan says that her class goes on a field trip on Friday. She thinks that they will enjoy it.
1) Laura says, “I’m interested in lots of subjects. I’m happy that I acquire good knowledge.”
2) Kevin says, “Last week we had a field trip to our local study centre.
3) Ellen says, “I am going to act with my friends at a school theatre. I worry that I don’t have any experience in it.”
4) Stewart says, “There are different after-school activities in my class. I think that I’ll enjoy field trips and outings.”
5) I don’t like having a registration before afternoon lessons. I’m upset that we are registered at this time as if the teachers don’t trust us.
6) Alex says, “My brother and I go to a track-and field athletics club. We are glad that we often present our school at different contests.”
III. Reading comprehension [4, c. 11 - 12]
Read Bryan’s notes about a day of his school life. Mark the statements true (T), false (F), or not stated (N/s).
8: 35 Arrived at school.
8: 40 Went to registration in my classroom.
8: 45 Listened to information about school events for the day.
9: 00 The first lesson was science. We wrote a test. I think I did it well.
9: 50 At the French lesson, we were speaking about autumn in France. It was instructive (познавательно). But I like science more than languages. This year, besides French, I began to study Chinese.
10:35 Break time! We went outside and mixed with our friends after the weekend. I could go to the canteen, but didn’t want to eat at that time.
11: 00 We went to maths. Today we were doing equations. I like doing sums and calculating and I’m glad that I’ve got a double lesson of my favourite subject. At the end of the lesson, we did a little check work. I hope I did it right.
12: 30 At the lunch time, we went to the canteen and had a very nice meal of chicken and rice. Then after lunch, we all went to the school yard and played baseball. I think everybody enjoyed the game.
1: 50 We went to afternoon registration.
2: 00 The first two lessons in the afternoon were geography. We had to make up an ad for a place we would like to visit on autumn holidays. I wrote an ad for China as I’d like to practise my Chinese. Gregory and Pete made the best ads. Everybody liked them.
3: 20 Our final lesson is English. We were learning compound sentences and came up to the blackboard to analyse them.
4: 00 It was the end of the day for most pupils, but I had to go to a tennis club. I played some sets of this game in the school gym. Then I went home.
1) _ School starts at 8:35 a. m.
2) _ Bryan had registration twice on that day.
3) _ The boy got a good mark for the English test.
4) _ Bryan studies two foreign languages.
5) _ During the break time, the student went to the canteen.
6) _ Bryan’s favourite subject is maths.
7) _ The schoolboy would like to make a trip to China.
8) _ Gregory and Pete made ad for Spain and Italy.
9) _ Bryan went home at 4 p. m.
10) _ He wrote his notes on Monday.
Test yourself 2
The 1st version
I. Listening comprehension [4, c. 26]
Listen to Molly and mark if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not stated (N/s)!
1. Molly has taken photographs for about five years.
2. Nobody else in her family likes photographing.
3. Molly took photos of everything.
4. The competition winners’ photos presented beautiful people and landscapes.
5. Molly took part in the competition sending a photo of a bird and won.
6. She learned about the competition in the magazine “The World of Photography”.
7. The girl doesn’t think of photography as of profession.
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Fill in the gaps (1 – 12) with the correct form of the word forming the Past Simple or the Present Perfect, the first conditional and the degrees of comparison of adverbs.
Lisa plays the piano. About her abilities, she says, “My top achievement is that I (1) … (to take) part in the International Television Competition “The Nutcracker”. I (2) … (to go) to music school when I was seven. I (3) … (to begin) preparing for the competition two years ago and (4) … (never/ to regret) it since then because I like playing the piano.
I (5) … (to play) the piano every day. My teacher (6) … (to say), ‘If you (7) … (to practise) more, you’ll play (8) … (right). But you (9) … (not to achieve) good results in playing if you are idle. You should play (10) … (properly) than anyone else and perform your piece of music (11) … (well) of all.’ My ambition is to win in the competition “The Nutcracker” next year and make progress (12) … (essentially).
2. Word building. Use the words in brackets to form new words that fit in the gaps (1 – 5) in the text!
Nowadays (0) competitions (to compete) in robotics are getting popular among youth. Each team-participant has to build an (1) … (origin) robot. Lots of computer (2) … (programme) say that it’s necessary for everybody to be interested in I.C.T. There is also a (3) … (tour) in robotics after selecting (отборочных) competitions. To make some (4) … (achieve) in it, participators have to create a polyfunctional mechanism. It’s a higher level; that’s why, students have to work more (5) … (careful).
3. Vocabulary. Choose the correct word (a, b, c or d) to fill each gap (1 – 7)!
Last year, Stewart Anderson won in the International (0) a in Mathematics. When he learnt about his (1) …, it felt like a dream. It was (2) … for him thanks to his (3) … in maths: Steve was always a top student at this subject. Besides, he trained really (4) … before the test. Steve (5) … preparing for it half a year before it started. Although he was the number one student at the subject at school, he understood that he had to learn more to get an award at the international level. Therefore, the boy didn’t only do sums and calculate but also (6) … necessary comments in encyclopedias. After the success in the Olympiad, Steve’s name was put on the school (7) … .
0 (a) Olympiad |
(b) Contest |
(c) Competition |
(d) Match |
1 (a) ability |
(b) achievement |
(c) winner |
(d) ambition |
2 (a) impossible |
(b) hard |
(c) necessary |
(d) possible |
3 (a) achievements |
(b) ambitions |
(c) abilities |
(d) arguments |
4 (a) easily |
(b) hard |
(c) little |
(d) more |
5 (a) had got around to |
(b) had been over |
(c) had come up |
(d) had looked up |
6 (a) went out |
(b) looked up |
(c) got around to |
(d) came up |
7 (a) wing |
(b) award |
(c) level |
(d) board of fame |
III. Reading comprehension [4, c. 26 - 27]
Read the story “Kevin’s Talent”. For questions 1 – 6, choose the correct answer (a, b or c)!
Kevin was ten years old and lived in the family with lots of talents. His dad was the number one builder. His mum was the best at helping people. His sister, Linda, was talented at playing the violin. His elder brother, William, achieved much in maths. Kevin liked making different animals and birds of paper, but he thought this activity didn’t bring any use and didn’t share his handicrafts with anyone.
Once the boy was so upset that granny asked him, “What’s troubling you, Kevin?”
“Everybody does more useful things than I do,” answered Kevin.
“I think you haven’t understood yet what’s the worth (ценность) of your gift,“ said grandma.
“What does worth mean?” questioned Kevin.
“Every activity can be a help,” explained granny. “Its worth makes it special.”
“How to find it?” asked the boy.
“You should look around what or whom your hobby can help,” she advised.
“And how will I know if it is what I look for?”
“You will feel special all over when you go in for your activity,” reacted grandma.
And Kevin looked. He made more and more paper toys but didn’t feel anything.
On his 11th birthday, he invited some friends. They gave him so many presents that he decided to thank them with his paper animals. The boys liked them very much and asked their friend to explain to them how to make such craftworks. Kevin taught them to make a paper hippopotamus first of all. When somebody made something wrong, the young instructor corrected them patiently. In the end, every guest was able to embody the African animal in paper.
Mum was very interested what the boys were doing so quietly. When she opened Kevin’s room, she found eight paper toys. She was pleasantly surprised and suggested her son and his friends should shared them with children in the local hospital. From that day, Kevin and his friend made paper animals and birds together and brought them to the hospital where Kevin’s mum worked. Young patients were very glad and thankful to them. And Kevin was glad that his gift was of use.
1. In Kevin’s family
(a) people liked making paper handicrafts.
(b) everybody had an ability.
(c) children play the violin wonderfully.
2. The boy didn’t tell the others about his skill because
(a) he was shy.
(b) he didn’t want to share his paper toys.
(c) he thought that there was no use of it.
3. Kevin was upset as
(a) he thought his skill couldn’t be of help for others.
(b) all the members of his family had abilities, and he didn’t have one.
(c) he was ashamed of his gift, which wasn’t suitable for a boy.
4. The boy looked for the worth of his ability
(a) teaching his friends how to make paper toys,
(b) bringing his paper toys to the local hospital,
(c) making lots of paper toys.
5. After Kevin had given his friends the paper toys,
(a) they brought them to the local hospital.
(b) they asked him to teach them to do the same.
(c) they thanked him.
6. Kevin was happy because
(a) he understood that his ability could bring children happiness.
(b) he taught his friends to make paper animals.
(c) his mum was pleasantly surprised.
Test yourself 2
The 2nd version
I. Listening comprehension [4, c. 26]
Listen to Molly and mark if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not stated (N/s)!
1. Molly enjoys taking photographs.
2. She takes photos of animals, people, and countryside.
3. The competition winners’ photographs were so wonderful that they inspired Molly to take part in the competition.
4. To take part in the competition Molly sent some photos of a bird she had seen at the window of her house.
5. Molly won a gold award for her bird.
6. She went to London with her parents to get the award.
7. The prize was a professional photo camera.
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Fill in the gaps (1 – 12) with the correct form of the word forming the Past Simple or the Present Perfect, the first conditional and the degrees of comparison of adverbs.
Josh makes different constructions of radio details. About his skills, he says, “My most important achievement is that I (1) … (to win) a prize for the best toy at school. I (2) … (to join) the radio club when I was in the 2nd school year. I (3) … (to take) part in the competition 5 years later and (4) … (never/ be) disappointed in my hobby since I started it because I love it.
I (5) … (to make) my toy for hours every day before the competition. My teacher (6) … (to advise) me, ‘ You’ll make a toy (7) … (quickly) if you (8) … (to train) more. But you (9) … (not to make) any achievements if you are lazy. You should do your project (10) … (carefully) than anyone else and present it (11) … (bright) of all.’ I have some ambitions. One of the greatest is to learn to present projects (12) … (interesting)
2. Word building. Use the words in brackets to form new words that fit in the gaps (1 – 5) in the text!
In our days, there are a lot of (0) competitions (compete). Some of them are creative, others are scientific. Students who join (1) … (differ) clubs can take part in competitions (2) … (accord) to their interests. For example, those who draw (3) … (professional) can participate in drawing ones. Sometimes it is even (4) … (possible) to name an absolute (5) … (win); therefore, the first three places are usually shared between two participants.
3. Vocabulary. Choose the correct word (a, b, c or d) to fill each gap (1 – 7)!
Olivia Clemens won the bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s (0) a two years ago. She did a personal programme of activities in 4 sections. In “Volunteering/ Service”, her (1) … was to help her community. She picked up litter in the yard and cared for flowers. Olivia liked (2) … gardening best. In “Physical”, she went to dance classes. The girl hadn’t danced before and her ambition was not to dance like (3) … , but to learn to dance in a relatively short period of time. And she really (4) … much in this activity. As to “Skills”, Olivia chose to make kites to develop her (5) … to work with hands. Before the programme started, she had only sewn clothes for her dolls. With the programme, she (6) … making flying objects of sticks, paper, and string. In “Expedition”, the girl planned and took part in an expedition by bike because she had (7) … in cycling.
0 (a) Award |
(b) Medal |
(c) Prize |
(d) Price |
1 (a) achievement |
(b) ability |
(c) ambition |
(d) record |
2 (a) going in for |
(b) setting |
(c) coming up |
(d) looking up |
3 (a) a top sportsman |
(b) a champion |
(c) a person |
(d) a professional |
4 (a) got |
(b) gave |
(c) achieved |
(d) went out |
5 (a) achievement |
(b) ability |
(c) level |
(d) professionalism |
6 (a) was over |
(b) got around to |
(c) achieved |
(d) looked up |
7 (a) a skill |
(b) an experiment |
(c) a tournament |
(d) a level |
III. Reading comprehension
Read the story “Lucy’s Talent”. For questions 1 – 6, choose the correct answer (a, b or c)! [4, c. 26 - 27]
Lucy was eleven years old and lived in the family with lots of abilities. Her dad was a top specialist in computer programmes. Her mum was a talented fashion designer. Her sister, Hilary, was the number one gymnast. Her brother, William, achieved good results in playing chess. Lucy liked making up little funny poems in her had, but she thought this hobby was not a big help and didn’t recite (читать) them to anyone.
Once the girl was so unhappy that granny asked her, “What’s making you feel worried, Lucy?”
“Everybody does things of more use than I do,” answered Lucy.
“I think you haven’t found out yet what’s the worth (ценность) of your gift,“ said grandma.
“What does worth mean?” questioned Lucy.
“Every activity can be useful,” explained granny. “Its worth makes it special.”
“How to understand it?” asked the girl.
“You should look around what or whom your talent can help,” she advised.
“And how will I know that it is its worth?”
“You will feel special all over when you do it,” reacted grandma.
And Lucy looked. She wrote more and more poems but didn’t feel anything.
One day her aunt with her three-year-old child paid them a visit. Lucy was asked to look after her cousin, David. First, she played with him, read some fairy tales then, and drew in the end. The boy was full of so much energy that by the time two hours passed Lucy had run out of ideas how to entertain him. As a result, David started to complain that he was very bored and cried. Then Lucy told him one of her funny poems. The boy stopped whimpering. Encouraged by success, the girl recited him one more poem. David listened to her carefully. After the third poem, he couldn’t help smiling, and his bad mood vanished.
Mum and auntie were very interested what made the crybaby laugh. When they had heard Lucy’s poems, they couldn’t help smiling, too, and saw a really positive effect in them. Mum suggested Lucy should put them on a literary web site, so that more people could be charged with their positive influence. And the girl did so. Her poems got popular with web users. They thanked her for so optimistic works and asked her to create new examples. And Lucy did because she realized that her gift was a real help for people.
1. In Lucy’s family
(a) people liked making up little funny poems.
(b) children do gymnastics perfectly.
(c) everybody had a talent..
2. The girl didn’t tell the others about her ability because
(a) she didn’t want to share her poems with anybody else.
(b) she thought that it was not helpful.
(c) she was shy.
3. Lucy was upset as
(a) all her family’s members had abilities, and she didn’t have one.
(b) she was ashamed of her gift, which wasn’t suitable for a girl.
(c) she thought her skill couldn’t be useful.
4. The girl looked for the worth of her ability
(a) writing lots of poems.
(b) putting her poems in the Internet.
(c) making her cousin smiling with her poems.
5. After Lucy had recited her three poems to David,
(a) he thanked her.
(b) he suggested she put them on a literary web site.
(c) he stopped crying and smiled..
6. Lucy was happy because
(a) she made her cousin not cry.
(b) she understood that her ability made people optimistic.
(c) her mum and aunt were glad for her.
Test yourself 3
The 1st version
I. Listening comprehension [4, c. 41]
Listen to (1) Amanda, (2) Pete, and (3) Kelly and mark if these statements are true (T) or false (F)!
1. Pete donates money to charity.
2. Pete is involved in volunteer work at school.
3. Kelly wears clothes from charity shops.
4. Kelly volunteers at the nursing home.
5. Amanda raised money to help the elderly.
6. Amanda looks after the elderly people in the nearest nursing home.
II. Use of English
1. Fill in the gaps (1 – 5) by choosing the proper word!
Every school year begins with a lesson on volunteering. (1) … (_/The) lessons mean a lot to all pupils. This year, we watched a video about (2) … (_/the) needy people. After the video, our school charity committee came up with the idea of donating (3) … (some/any) huge boxes of toys, clothes, and sweets for (4) … (_/the) pupils of our sister (связанный материально и организационно) school in the Dominican Republic. We also organized a charity concert. We didn’t take (5) … (some/any) money for the tickets, but for tea after it. Everybody enjoyed the performance.
2. Form a gerund and choose the proper preposition or an infinitive of the verbs in brackets!
1. Lots of people donate unnecessary clothes … (to support; by/ with/ on) the needy.
2. I help … (to volunteer; at/ by/ without) at a plant nursery.
3. Children are interested … (to care; at/ with/ in) for animals.
4. Volunteers contribute … (to realize; for/ to/ in) charity projects.
3. Form a complex object using words given!
1. take part in cleaning the school yard (a school management/ students) (invite)
2. help poor children with writing materials (teachers/ they) (advise)
3. not spend the raised money on their own needs (a headmaster/ he) (make)
4. make their contributions to charity (charity organizations/ people) (like)
5. donate a little money to the poor’s needs in return for hand-made articles (charity sale organizations/ customers) (let)
III. Reading comprehension
Read the story (AB: p. 41 ex. II) and mark if the statements below are true (T), false (F), or not stated (N/s)!
1. The teacher told her students how they contributed to her and the class.
2. For their help, students got three blue ribbons with the label “Who I Am Makes Difference”.
3. The worker whom (которого) one of the schoolboys honoured with the ribbon was a builder.
4. The worker made a difference to the schoolboy by teaching him career planning.
5. The worker gave his boss the ribbon because of his creativity.
6. The boss’s sun didn’t have a mother.
7. The father presented his son with the ribbon because he loved him and he was a great son for him.
IV. Writing
You have got a letter from English-speaking pen friend Ann. Write her a letter and answer her questions. Write about 100 words!
… My friends and I volunteer in the local hospital. We act out funny stories in front of ill children, do tricks, and joke. I am glad when I see smiles on young patients’ faces. I think volunteering is important as it makes people around a bit happier.
And whom do you help? How and why? What do your family do for charity?
Izhevsk Russia … November, 2017 |
Dear …,
Thank you for your letter. It’s great to hear that you … .
As for me, I support people around, too. For example, I’m involved in …. at home. Besides, I support my class in … . I also contribute to charity; for example, I … .
As to volunteering, I personally volunteer at/ in … regularly. I find this activity … because … . As for my family, they make their contribution to charity by … .
On the whole, I suppose charity takes up an important place in my life as … .
I look forward to hearing from you.
Write back soon.
All the best,
Test yourself 3
The 2nd version
I. Listening comprehension [4, c. 41]
Listen to (1) Amanda, (2) Pete, and (3) Kelly and mark if these statements are true (T) or false (F)!
1. Kelly donates money to charity.
2. Amanda is involved in volunteer work at school.
3. Pete wears clothes from charity shops.
4. Amanda volunteers at the nursing home.
5. Pete raised money to help the elderly.
6. Kelly looks after the elderly people in the nearest nursing home.
II. Use of English
1. Fill in the gaps (1 – 5) by choosing the proper word!
Making a difference to (1) … (_/the) poor people is important. But it’s more important to care for (2) … (_/the) people around you, as well, for example, your family members and classmates. At home a girl or a boy can help their parents with (3) … (any/some) housework: girls usually do the dishes, and boys carry (4) … (the/_) heavy bags. They don’t have (5) … (some/any) money for their help in their hands but have something more valuable in their hearts.
2. Form a gerund and choose the proper preposition or an infinitive of the verbs in brackets!
1. I look forward … (to volunteer; for/ to/ in) at a cat nursery.
2. Students make donations … (to provide; in/ by/ with) the needy with everything necessary.
3. My class provides the poor with first-necessity things … (to do; by/ with/ on) them something good.
4. Teenagers can contribute to charity … (to volunteer; without/ by/ at) at a health camp.
3. Form a complex object using words given!
1. take part in picking litter in the yard (a community/ inhabitants of a block of flats) (ask)
2. donate old warm clothes to the poor (social workers/ you) (let)
3. arrange a hand-made article sale (a design and technology teacher/ girls) (would prefer)
4. babysit with her little sister (the mother/ she) (make)
5. not kill animals for their meat and fur (animal protectors/ people) (teach)
IV. Writing
You have got a letter from English-speaking pen friend Ann. Write her a letter and answer her questions. Write about 100 words!
… My friends and I volunteer in the local hospital. We act out funny stories in front of ill children, do tricks, and joke. I am glad when I see smiles on young patients’ faces. I think volunteering is important as it makes people around a bit happier.
And whom do you help? How and why? What do your family do for charity?
Izhevsk Russia … November, 2017 |
Dear …,
Thank you for your letter. It’s great to hear that you … .
As for me, I support people around, too. For example, I’m involved in …. at home. Besides, I support my class in … . I also contribute to charity; for example, I … .
As to volunteering, I personally volunteer at/ in … regularly. I find this activity … because … . As for my family, they make their contribution to charity by … .
On the whole, I suppose charity takes up an important place in my life as … .
I look forward to hearing from you.
Write back soon.
All the best,
III. Reading comprehension [3, c. 11 - 12]
Read the story and mark if the statements below are true (T), false (F), or not stated (N/s)!
1. The history project was about the foreign countries’ cultures.
2. Karina wanted to be in a project group with her friend Missy.
3. The pupils were going to do their projects in groups of three.
4. Karina was the best in her history class.
5. Mrs. Bartlett wanted Karina to be the leader in the project group.
6. Karina’s group mates could hardly find any idea for their project.
7. All the pupils from Karina’s group got excellent marks for their projects.
Test yourself 4
The 1st variant
I. Listening [3, c. 17]
Listen to four speakers and match them (A - D) and their statements (1 - 5). One of the statements is extra.
1. The speaker describes what they recycle in their houses.
2. The speaker describes green activities at his/ her school.
3. The speaker talks about environmental problems in his/ her area.
4. The speaker says that his/ her friend is not eco-friendly.
5. The speaker explains what problems they have with recycling.
Speaker |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Statement |
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Use the verbs in brackets in the active voice or the passive one! [3, c. 20]
Taking away city’s rubbish is a big job. Every day a lot of food (1) ... (come) to people’s homes in lots of different containers. Most of them (2) ... (throw) away after using. Rubbish (3) ... (take) out of some cities. In other cities, food parts of rubbish (4) ... (put) in special places where it slowly (5) ... (change) into something called humus. Humus (6) ... (make) soil richer. Therefore, lots of wasted lands in the countryside (7) ... (cover) with weeds.
2. Vocabulary. Choose the proper word! [3, c. 22]
There are five basic things people need from the (8) ...: water, oxygen, food, a place to live in, and warmth. Over the years, people have (9) ... different environmental problems like air pollution and land. As a result, we have damaged the ozone layer which (10) ... us from some dangerous rays of the sun. Some living things cannot get what they need; that is why, kinds of wildlife have just (11) ... .
Everyone should be (12) ... the Earth. We all must try to (13) ... our planet and ourselves. We must use (14) ... water and electricity. (15) ... throwing litter away, we must recycle it. Then we will produce (16) ... rubbish and (17) ... unnecessary things.
8. 1) environment |
2) wildlife |
3) nature |
9. 1) dealt |
2) caused |
3) made |
10. 1) protects |
2) helps |
3) covers |
11. 1) reduced |
2) destroyed |
3) disappeared |
12. 1) ready for |
2) in charge of |
3) there for |
13. 1) care |
2) support |
3) save |
14. 1) fewer |
2) less |
15. 1) Instead of |
2) While |
3) Because of |
16. 17. 1) less |
2) fewer |
III. Reading [5, c. 91 - 92]
Read the article and complete the sentences!
More than half of the US’s animals are found in and around Florida. State laws pay special attention to manatees, bald eagles, pelicans, sea turtles, and porpoises.
The manatee is a large sea animal. It often plays with swimmers. Its greatest danger is a motorboat. There are rivers where motorboats are not allowed so they are safe for the manatee.
Bald eagles like the Florida climate, but as people population grows, eagles have fewer places to build nests where they live. The population of these large birds is becoming smaller. The Miami Audubon Society operated A Bald Eagle Hotel, where people take care of eagles that are hurt.
Sea turtles have a protected place on Hutchinson Island where they can lay their eggs and where their babies can grow. Each mother may lay as many as 150 eggs. After the mother goes back to the sea, workers from the Turtle Hatchery pick up the eggs and protect them until the babies come out of their eggs. The babies are protected until they can swim out to sea.
People who fish see a lot of pelicans. This large sea bird is an excellent fisherman. But sometimes it doesn’t want to fish, so it hangs out near docks where fishermen clean their fish. There it can eat the heads and insides that are thrown into water.
Porpoises are hurt by fishermen who use large nets and trap them by accident. These fishlike animals are like dolphins. They are found in the wild, but they also do tricks in shows around the world. They are also used in lots of scientific projects. Sometimes scientists decide that porpoises are cleverer than those who study them! Porpoises are playful animals; people can ride on their backs without fear.
a) a manatee (ламантин) b) a bald eagle c) a sea turtle d) a pelican e) a porpoise (морская свинья; бурый дельфин)
1. A creature that is sometimes smarter than people is ...
2. A creature that eats parts of fish which are thrown by fishermen is ... .
3. A creature that is often hurt by boats is a ... .
4. The babies of this creature are grown by people. It is ... .
5. A creature that is in danger because it has problems with shelter. It is ... .
Test yourself 4
The 2nd variant
I. Listening [3, c. 17]
Listen to four speakers and match them (A - D) and their statements (1 - 5). One of the statements is extra.
1. The speaker explains how greenhouse effect affects his/ her area.
2. The speaker is sure that people aren’t concerned about nature as they alone can’t save it anyway.
3. The speaker states the importance of caring about environment.
4. The speaker says recycling is more difficult without proper bins and bags.
5. The speaker describes what they do for wildlife at school.
Speaker |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Statement |
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Use the verbs in brackets in the active voice or the passive one!
A national park (1) ... (make) it possible for people to enjoy wildlife. More that that, plants and animals (2) ... (protect) there. National parks are special areas where damaging nature (3) ... (ban). In contrast to nature reserves, people’s visits (4) ... (not reduce) there. On the contrary, they do not only watch unique species and walk among them but also (5) ... (bicycle) and go boating and fishing there. Animals and plants (6) ... (care) about by park workers. They (7) ... (feed) and watered; therefore, they gladden their visitors eye.
2. Vocabulary. Choose the correct word! [1, after the script for the second term]
Everybody can make their contribution to (8) … the Earth. For example, they can start cycling. It’s healthier and better for (9) … . But some people don’t think so. As a result, air becomes more (10)… .
More than that, eco-friendly people think it is a good idea to recycle litter. But many of them can’t do it because there aren’t recycling bins for (11) …, tins and cans, paper, and batteries everywhere. Therefore, if nature protectors want to recycle, they have to transport litter to local (12) … centres. And it demands using cars; therefore, they have to put recyclable and not recyclable litter in one and the same (13) … . Since (Т. к.) people who are (14) … about nature future think they alone can’t help much, the government must support them. They should put at least (15) … special bins not far from residential districts, so that people could put (16) … recyclable rubbish in a bin with unrecyclable. Then people will cause (17) … damage to environment.
8. 1) recycling |
2) saving |
3) reusing |
9. 1) nature reserves |
2) wilderness |
3) environment |
10. 1) damaged |
2) polluted |
3) disturbed |
11. 1) glass |
2) weeds |
3) greenhouse gases |
12. 1) reducing |
2) reusing |
3) recycling |
13. 1) bin |
2) pond |
3) greenhouse |
14. 1) in charge |
2) concerned |
3) environmentally friendly |
15. 1) fewer |
2) a few |
3) less |
16. 17. 1) less |
2) fewer |
III. Reading
Read the text (AB: p. 56 ex. II) and complete the sentences:
1. Bob Marshall made his contribution to environmental protection by...
a) walking in wilderness.
b) writing books and articles on nature protection.
c) keeping statistics on everything.
2. He always wanted to be ...
a) a writer.
b) a mountain climber.
c) a forester.
3. Bob Marshall wrote a book after ...
a) he had lived in Alaska.
b) he had climbed the Adirondack Mountains.
c) he and his brother explored the Adirondack forests.
4. When roads appeared across wild lands, he...
a) wrote an article about reasons why some lands should be wild.
b) set up the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area.
c) made his contribution to protecting wilderness with money he got for his book.
5. Bob Marshall wanted people to use wild areas for...
a) mountain climbing.
b) picnics and skiing.
c) building roads.
Test yourself 5
The 1st variant
I. Listening [4, c. 69]
Frankie calls his friend Tony over the telephone. Listen to the conversation and mark the statements with T (true) and with F (false).
1. Frankie is Tony’s old friend.
2. Earlier Tony lived in Jersey City where Frankie lives now.
3. Frankie called Tony to invite him to New York.
4. Tony has made a lot of friends in Rosemont where he lives now.
5. Tony’s mother thinks that friends should see each other regularly.
6. Tony’s father doesn’t want Tony to start up a friendship with Frankie again.
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Use the relative words who/that or which/that/ (who/that) or (which/that)!
1. Neighbours are people ... sometimes make friends with each other.
2. Friends are those ... you are glad to get together with.
3. Friendship is a feeling ... make people feel protected.
4. Acquaintances are people ... you don’t know well.
5. A book ... students turn to for help most of all is a student’s book.
6. You can always rely on a person ... will surely never betray you.
7. A diary is a book ... keeps your secrets.
2. Correct mistakes! Tick (۷) a sentence without mistakes!
1. Most my friends are my classmates. 2. I had got maths lessons last year; now I have got algebra lessons and geometry ones. 3. My friend and I both like getting together and walking. 4. My friend has a good sense of humour; that’s why, we both have got a good laugh when we get together. 5. Most students at my school are friends, and most us in my class are friends, too.
3. Vocabulary. Match the sentences!
1. You usually fall out with a person... |
A. you make up quickly with. |
2. True friends are people... |
B. who is always there for others. |
3. Helpful people are those... |
C. who doesn’t agree with your point of view. |
4. A person of ready sympathy is someone... |
D. who lives next door. |
5. A neighbour is a person... |
E. they turn to for support. |
III. Reading [5, c. 98]
Read the passage from the book “Sweet Valley Twins” by F. Pascal and ascertain if the following statements are
1) true 2) false 3) not stated.
Stacey sighed (вздохнула) again.
“Is anything wrong?” I asked her.
“I wish I knew more people, that’s all.”
“You will, Stacey. Look, you haven’t even been there for two months, yet. It takes time to make friends.”
“I think so,” she said.
“Maybe you and I could get together with Kristy and Mary Ann on Saturday. I mean to do something besides having a club meeting. Are you free on Saturday?”
“I’m always free,” said Stacey.
“Oh, come on, you are not. You get lots of babysitting jobs.”
“That’s not the same as having friends.”
“So let’s do something on Saturday, okay? I’ll ring Kristy and Mary Ann.”
“All right.”
Stacey, Kristy, Mary Ann and I got together on Saturday, but we couldn’t think of a thing for the four of us to do together. Mary Ann wasn’t allowed to ride her bike to the mall. Stacey couldn’t have ice cream... (She has diabetes.) And there was only one picture playing in town, and Kristy and I had already seen it.
“We could try those new biscuits...” Mary Ann began, then looked at Stacey and sighed remembering the diet problem.
“We could rent a movie for your VCR (video cassette recorder),” I said.
“The VCR is broken,” said Stacey.
1. Claudia was not at a new place fro two months.
2. Stacey wanted to know more people.
3. Mary Ann always had lots of babysitting jobs.
4. Stacey, Kristy, Mary Ann, and Claudia had a club meeting three times a week.
5. The girls couldn’t walk through the mall because Mary Ann could not ride her bike there.
6. There was one picture “Jane Eyre” at the town cinemas.
7. It takes time to make friends and think of a thing to do together.
IV. Writing (AB: p. 72 IV)
Your address (AB: p. 39 ex. 6)
... January, 2018
TEEN Back-to-School Special
53 Oxford Street
London WC 3B 4MC
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing as I would like to tell you about my best friend. He/ She is ... (what’s your friend’s name?). ... is ... years old. He/She studies in ... class at ... school/ school Number ...
My best friend is a person who ... . He/She is also... and... (what else is your friend like?). When we get together, we usually ... (what do you do together?). Besides, we ... (what else do you do together?) My friend and I ... (how often?) fall out over things that ... but make up ... (how?).
On the whole, I like my friend because he/she is a person who ... . I think everybody needs friends as they are people who ... .
I am looking forward to seeing my report of my best friend in your magazine.
Yours faithfully,
... ... (your first name and your family name)
V. Speaking
1. What is your best friend like?
2. What do you do together?
3. Why do you make friends with him/her?
Test yourself 5
The 2nd variant
I. Listening [4, c. 69]
Frankie calls his friend Tony over the telephone. Listen to the conversation and mark the statements with T (true) and with F (false).
1. Tony invites Frankie to visit him.
2. Tony’s father is going to meet Frankie at the station in New York.
3. Frankie is going to come on Sunday.
4. Tony and Frankie lived in Rosemont some time ago.
5. Tony’s mother wants Tony to get together with his new friends.
6. Tony’s father says that old friends are best.
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Use the relative words who/that or which/that/ (who/that) or (which/that)!
1. The best friend is a person ... is always there for you.
2. People ... you fall out with quickly are your enemies, as a rule.
3. Qualities ... are valuable to me are a sense of humour and trustworthiness.
4. People ... fall out only over trifles are friends.
5. My grandparents are people ... I make up with quickly.
6. A mobile phone is a device ... not all elderly people can rely on.
7. Travellers take maps ... they turn to for help most of all.
2. Correct mistakes! Tick (۷) a sentence without mistakes!
1. We will have got trigonometry in Form 9. 2. I like most of the subjects I have got. 3. Most my time I spend together with my friends we have got a swim. 4. My friend and I both are with a good sense of humour. 5. My friends are my classmates, and most them are girls.
3. Vocabulary. Match the sentences!
1. Best friends are people... |
A. who can’t keep their friends’ secrets. |
2. A trustworthy person is someone... |
B. who like getting together with each other. |
3. Classmates are those... |
C. that can’t last forever. |
4. Unreal friendship is something... |
D. who you can rely on. |
5. A dishonest friend is a person... |
E. you can make friends with. |
III. Reading [3, c. 18 - 19]
Read the passage from the book “Friends Are Like That” by P. Hermes and ascertain if the following statements are
1) true 2) false 3) not stated
What a weird kid Kelly is! I mean, she’s my best friend, and I really like her, but she’s very strange. It worries me sometimes. Mostly, the problem is that she’s too smart. But there are other things she could do something about but she won’t - like the way she dresses. Take what she was wearing that day. Rubber rain boots - the kind my grandma calls galoshes. She had on a white sweatshirt with green letters on the back that said Namath No.12. The shirt looked as if it was one hundred years old. And she never wears jeans like everybody else. Instead, she wears long wool skirts.
Her glasses are perfectly round. Everybody at school says she looks just like an owl. Angie, one of my friends, had told her she should get new glasses so she would look normal. Kelly had just looked at Angie and said, “Why?”
My mother says she’s “innocent”. I think she means by that that Kelly is like a little kid - like a six-year-old, instead of twice that age. Sometimes I wanted her to be more like other kids.
“Kelly! I’m bored. Let’s do something.”
“I don’t know. Think of something. Why do I always have to come up with the ideas?”
“Because that’s the way it is in a friendship,” Kelly answered seriously.”One is the leader, and the other is the follower.”
1. Kelly is different from her classmates.
2. Kelly is the smartest girl at school.
3. Tracy does not care what Kelly usually wears.
4. Kelly does not care what she looks like.
5. Kelly is twelve years old.
6. Tracy’s mother likes Kelly.
7. Kelly is the leader in her friendship with Tracey.
IV. Writing (AB: p. 72 IV)
Your address (AB: p. 39 ex. 6)
... January, 2018
TEEN Back-to-School Special
53 Oxford Street
London WC 3B 4MC
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing as I would like to tell you about my best friend. He/ She is ... (what’s your friend’s name?). ... is ... years old. He/She studies in ... class at ... school/ school Number ...
My best friend is a person who ... . He/She is also... and... (what else is your friend like?). When we get together, we usually ... (what do you do together?). Besides, we ... (what else do you do together?) My friend and I ... (how often?) fall out over things that ... but make up ... (how?).
On the whole, I like my friend because he/she is a person who ... . I think everybody needs friends as they are people who ... .
I am looking forward to seeing my report of my best friend in your magazine.
Yours faithfully,
... ... (your first name and your family name)
V. Speaking
1. What is your best friend like?
2. What do you do together?
3. Why do you make friends with him/her?
Test yourself 6
The 1st variant
I. Listening [4, c. 85]
Listen to Linda and Paul talking about popular and not so popular items. Fill in the gaps in their statements!
1. Linda chooses and buy only ... things because they are good.
2. She cant live without “... ...” books because they are interesting indeed.
3. Paul agrees that some things that are popular can be ... .
4. For example “Harry Potter” books are ... .
5. But Gogo’s Crazy Bones are just plastic ... and nothing more.
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Rewrite the sentences below as in the example!
The example: It’s dangerous to swim in Loch Ness. - Loch Ness is dangerous to swim in.
Is it dangerous to swim in Loch Ness? - Is Loch Ness dangerous to swim in?
1. It is interesting for tourists to go by a routemaster.
2. It’s tasty to drink tea with English cakes.
3. Is it exciting for travellers to visit Snowdonia National Park?
4. It’s cool for football teams to play at the Millenium Stadium.
5. Is it significant to walk about the National Gallery of Scotland and the Royal Botanic Garden?
6. It isn’t always safe to take part in St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.
2. Grammar and vocabulary. Choose the right option!
(1) The/- pillar boxes stand (2) like/ as red and black soldiers in British streets. They (3) are around/ have been around (4) since/ for 1853. There are (5) thousands/ thousands of pillar boxes in Britain’s streets. That’s why, they are (6) the most typical/ the typicalest items of the street furniture and (7) the most bright/ brightest (8) one/ ones. It doesn’t matter if a pillar box stands not far from (9) the/ - Victoria Station or (10) the/- National Gallery, it is significant especially for tourists to drop a letter in it anyway.
III. Reading
AB: p. 86 ex. II Read the text about the Royal Mail and fill in the gaps in the sentences below!
1. In Great Britain, the Royal Mail serves one type of boxes known under three names: ... or ..., and ... .
2. King ... opened the Royal Mail to the public.
3. At first, letters were delivered by ... on ... .
4. According to ...’s reform, a sender had to pay a penny for their letter.
5. Therefore, the world’s first postal stamp was named ... .
6. Today’s British stamps don’t contain the ...’s name as the first one didn’t have it.
7. For the Royal Mail fans there is ... in London.
Test yourself 6
The 2nd variant
I. Listening [4, c. 85]
Listen to Linda and Paul talking about popular and not so popular items. Fill in the gaps in their statements!
1. Linda can’t live without her favourite books, ..., and games.
2. Paul thinks that there are things that are ... but not good at all.
3. All of his classmates collect and swap ... Crazy ... .
4. He can’t understand why should he be ... about them.
5. They are ... at all to play with.
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Rewrite the sentences below as in the example!
The example: It’s dangerous to swim in Loch Ness. - Loch Ness is dangerous to swim in.
Is it dangerous to swim in Loch Ness? - Is Loch Ness dangerous to swim in?
1. It’s difficult even for the English to predict English weather.
2. Is it always easy for children to understand English folk tales?
3. It is great to go thorough the Giant’s Causeway.
4. Is it nice to listen to opera performances and concerts in Belfast Botanic Gardens?
5. It’s interesting for tourists to go to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
6. It’s cool to get together at festivals of music, singing, and poetry in Wales.
2. Grammar and vocabulary. Choose the right option!
(1) The/ - red telephone boxes are (2) the most recognizable/ the recognizablest symbol of England. They (3) are around/ have been around (4) for/ since more than 90 years. The red boxes in 1936 didn’t look (5) as/ like (6) ones/ one in the 1930s because they had been perfected. There are (7) thousands/ thousands of telephone boxes even now when everybody has a mobile phone. However, there is something special in ringing somebody up from a red box not far from (8) the/ - Westminster Abbey or (9) the/ - National Theatre. Therefore, telephone boxes are recognized as one of (10) the most nice/ the nicest icon of English streets.
III. Reading
AB: p. 86 ex. II Read the text about the Royal Mail and fill in the gaps in the sentences below!
1. The Royal Mail postmen deliver mail using two means of transport: ... and ... .
2. The Royal Mail first appeared during the reign of ... .
3. In the 18th century, the mail was carried by ... and by ... in the 19th.
4. In accordance with a postal reform, ... had to pay a penny.
5. The Penny Black appeared due to ...’s postal reform.
6. The world’s first stamp had ... “Britain” on it.
7. The Royal Mail fans can visit ... in Bath.
Test yourself 7
The 1st variant
I. Listening [4, c. 98]
Listen to the tape. Fill in the gaps in the statements!
1. Neil Armstrong was born in ... .
2. Armstrong was ... ... in his family to study at university.
3. After four years of study, he served in the ... ... Navy.
4. One day he read an advertisement that they were looking for specialists for the second group of ... .
5. Armstrong took part in ... space missions.
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Transform the sentences using an infinitive as an attribute! [5, c. 148]
1. Horatio Nelson won the battle of Trafalgar. He was ... (good) admiral... .
2. Florence Nightingale treated people after battles. She was ... (generous - великодушный) nurse ... .
3. Princess Diana contributed to lots of charities. She was ... (helpful) princess... .
4. William Shakespeare wrote lots of plays and poems. He was ... (famous)... .
5. Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prize. He was ... (one)... .
2. Connect two sentences using whose! Use the proper article: a/ the/ -! [2, c. 55 - 56]
1. Elizabeth was ... Queen in 1936 - 1952. Her actions during World War II helped the British morally.
2. Adolf Hitler was ... leader of Germany in 1939. His definition of Queen Elisabeth was “the most dangerous woman in Europe”.
3. Elizabeth was ... mother. Her daughters didn’t evacuate during World War II.
4. George VI became ... king. His wife shared war dangers with her nation.
5. Elizabeth was ... member of the royal family. Her idea was to create “The Queen’s Book of the Red Cross”.
3. Vocabulary. Fill the gaps with the words from the box! [3, c. 28]
machine, hero, kind of, inventor |
George Washington Carver was a great African-American scientist and (1) ... . He didn’t invent any (2) ... but developed different products from peanuts, sweet potatoes, and soya beans that radically changed the agricultural economy of the USA. He was such (3) ... person who was interested not only in science but also in arts. Maybe Carver isn’t a famous (4) ..., but everybody (5) ... (who/whose) stu-dies agriculture knows him.
III. Reading
AB: p. 99 ex. II Read the text about F. D. Roosevelt and fill in the gaps in the sentences below!
1. Roosevelt’s grandparents were born in ... and ... .
2. Roosevelt’s mother was ... .
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt studied at ... and ... .
4. He became President when ... .
5. He was very popular because his ... could support ... .
6. F. Roosevelt was seriously ill and ... .
7. He became ... ... times.
Test yourself 7
The 2nd variant
I. Listening [4, c. 98]
Listen to the tape. Fill in the gaps in the statements!
1. When Neil Armstrong was a child, his family lived in ... towns.
2. After university, he served as a ... .
3. Armstrong became one of the group of astronauts in ... .
4. After a mission to the ... , he became famous.
5. The aim of the mission was to ... the Moon safely.
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Transform the sentences using an infinitive as an attribute! [5, c. 151 - 153]
1. William Wallace won the battle against the English. He was ... (courageous) Scotchman... .
2. Audrey Hepburn supported children in the Third World. She was ... (kind) actress... .
3. Clara Barton organised the American Red Cross. She was ... (one)... .
4. Johannes Gutenberg invented a printing machine. He was ... (good)... .
5. Mary Pickford played in a Russian film in the twenties. She was ... (two) American actress... .
2. Connect two sentences using whose! Use the proper article: a/ the/ -! [2, c. 54 - 55]
1. Helen Sharman was ... Englishwoman. Her achievement was a flight to space.
2. She became ... first British astronaut. Her launch to space was made from the Baikonur cosmodrome.
3. Elizabeth II became ... queen. Her photo H. Sharman took to her space flight.
4. H. Sharman was ... chemist. Her ambition was to go to space.
5. She became ... British member of the Russian space mission in 1991. Her first task in space was to do medical experiments.
3. Vocabulary. Fill the gaps with the words from the box! [5, c. 148]
commemorated, developed, duty, treated |
Florence Nightingale was an English nurse (1) (whose/ who) became a national heroine during the Crimean War. She set up a hospital for soldiers and (2) ... a new system of the army hospital organisation. This nurse (3) ... and saved lots of people after battles. She is (4) ... because she made nursing a respectable job for women. Although she came from a rich family, F. Nightingale was sure that her (5) ... was to work and help the needy.
III. Reading
AB: p. 99 ex. II Read the text about F. D. Roosevelt and fill in the gaps in the sentences below!
1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was ... .
2. His birthplace was ... .
3. His family was ... .
4. Roosevelt’s ambition was not ... .
5. But in 1933, he became ... .
6. Roosevelt’s New Deal changed the country: ... .
7. During the Second World War, F. Roosevelt was ... .
Test yourself 8
The 1st variant
I. Listening [4, c. 112]
Listen to four speakers. Fill in the gaps in the sentences about them below!
1. Speaker 1 likes playing ... and listening to music on ... .
2. The 2nd speaker’s favourite school clubs are ... and ... .
3. For Speaker 3, ... is a great way to keep fit.
4. Speaker 4 prefers spending time outside: in the ..., ..., and ... .
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Choose the correct word to describe things and people’s feelings! [5, c. 194]
1. Did you see England play Brazil on TV? It was a very (thrilling/ thrilled) match.
2. We were (shocking/ shocked) with the news.
3. John is the most (boring/ bored) boy I’ve ever met.
4. My granddad’s been ill for some time, and I’m very (worrying/worried) about him.
5. My team was (satisfying/ satisfied) when we won the competition.
2. Use the verbs in brackets in to be going to, in the Present Progressive, or the Future Simple!
Mary: |
Nancy, what (1) … you … (to do) this weekend? |
Nancy: |
I (2) … (to take up) climbing at our local sports centre. (3) … you… (to go) with me? |
M.: |
Probably. How often are the classes? |
N.: |
Twice a week. But I (4) … (to go) to the club this Saturday for the first time. |
M.: |
Then, I (5) … (to join) you. |
3. Liam and Liles are friends. They do everything together. Show their equal opinions using so or neither!
Liam: |
Liles: |
I go camping with my family every year. |
1. … |
I am not keen on listening pop music. |
2. … |
I must not watch TV until I do my homework. |
3. … |
I will go parachuting next year. |
4. … |
I went to summer camp last year. |
5. … |
4. Put the adverbs in brackets in the proper place(s)!
1. Laura has been mad about watching TV serials (always).
2. My family go to some outdoor events … (every season).
3. Do you go to the swimming pool (often)?
4. Real travellers are fond of camping (always).
5. People get a lot out of reading (usually).
5. Vocabulary. Fill the gaps with the words from the box! There are two extra words there. [3, c. 29]
out of, fond of, surprised, hobby, out, take up, surprising |
One of the best activities to do when you are alone is to play music. The classical music piece “Bolero” by Ravel can help you in choosing the proper instrument. You will be (1) … at the quantity of orchestra instruments. The one you will be (2) … might be a great instrument for you to (3) … . And if you get skilled at an instrument, it can become much more than just a good (4) … . You can get a lot (5) … it.
III. Reading
AB: p. 112 ex. II Answer questions A - E!
Test yourself 8
The 2nd variant
I. Listening [4, c. 112]
Listen to four speakers. Fill in the gaps in the sentences about them below!
1. Speaker 1 plays ... with his friends.
2. Speaker 2 is fond of different ... and ... .
3. Speaker 3 likes playing ... and tries to take ... everywhere.
4. Speaker 4 likes hanging out with her ... mates, playing with her ..., and going for long walks with her ... .
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Choose the correct word to describe things and people’s feelings!
1. Some parts of a sports festival can be (interested/interesting) even for those who are not sports fans.
2. My classmate John is an (amused/ amusing) person. He always tell us jokes.
3. Rugby is played with an oval ball. Ivan is (amazed/ amazing) by it.
4. Elderly people find crossword solving (entertained/ entertaining). They get a lot of knowledge out of it.
5. My father is (tired/tiring) of surfing the net. However he often checks his email even at home.
2. Use the verbs in brackets in to be going to, in the Present Progressive, or the Future Simple!
Phil: |
Orion, what (1) … you … (to do) these summer holidays? |
Orion: |
I’ve not thought over it yet. Perhaps, I (2) … (go) to a summer camp. |
Phil: |
And I (3) … (to visit) my granny in the countryside in June. Mum’s already arranged everything with grandma. (4) … you … (to be) my guest there? |
Orion: |
But what will I do in the countryside? |
Phil: |
Lots of things. You can take up my plans: I (5) … (to swim) in the river, to fish, and go on hikes. |
3. Tracey and Sarah are friends. They do everything together. Show their equal opinions using so or neither!
Tracey: |
Sarah: |
I am keen on watching nature programmes. |
1. … |
I can’t get a lot out of watching dull TV shows. |
2. … |
I visited dance classes last year. |
3. … |
I haven’t tried diving yet. |
4. … |
I clean up the house in my free time. |
5. … |
4. Put the adverbs in brackets in the proper place(s)!
1. Is watching TV a change from school for you (always)?
2. Boys collect car models now (seldom).
3. Sportsmen go to a fitness centre (daily).
4. Teenage girls are fond of collecting stickers of popular singers and actors (usually).
5. After school, most students will not have enough time to do their hobbies (always).
5. Vocabulary. Fill the gaps with the words from the box! [3, c. 27]
at, excited, talk, about, fond of, exciting, change |
If you are (1) … about outdoor events and live in Cornwell, you should celebrate Flora Day in Helston. Usually this ancient festival is organised on May 8th only if that date is not a Sunday or Monday. The programme starts at 7:00 a.m. for people who are mad (2) … dancing. This event will be a good (3) … from everyday life for fashion fans, as well. The reason is that ladies are (4) … wearing ball dresses on this day. Besides, nobody can (5) … them out of wearing amazing hats which are sometimes more beautiful than those at Ascot.
III. Reading
AB: p. 112 ex. II Answer questions F - J!
H. Where do you like hanging out?
I. How much time a week do your do your hobby?
J. Do you choose what to watch or watch everything?
Test yourself 9
The 1st variant
I. Listening [3, 31]
Listen to Julia and David and choose the proper answer!
1. Where did Julia spend her holidays?
1) She went to another country.
2) She went to another city in her country.
3) She stayed at her hometown.
2. What did John Cadbury start?
1) A grocer’s shop. 2) A chocolate factory. 3) Cadbury World.
3. What impressed Julia most in Cadbury World?
1) The Chocolate Museum.
2) The Chocolate Making Attraction.
3) The World’s Biggest Cadbury Shop.
4. How did Julia get her chocolate rabbit?
1) She bought it at the Cadbury Shop. 2) She made it herself. 3) She got it as a present.
5. What are Julia and David going to do tomorrow?
1) Go to the cafe. 2) Take some photos. 3) Celebrate David’s birthday.
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Put the verbs in brackets in the proper form: the Past Simple Passive/ Active or the Future Simple Passive/ Active! [5, c. 224 - 225]
Suzdal is a part of the Golden Ring of Russia. It is one of the oldest cities. Suzdal (1) … (to found) in the eleventh century. Its beautiful cathedrals (2) … (to design) by Russian masters. For example, the Suzdal masters Mamin, Shmakov, and Griaznov (3) … (to decorate) the famous Holy Gates of the Rizpolozhensky Monastery. The Suzdal Kremlin (4) … (to form) the city’s central part. It is still in wonderful condition. And the monument to Dmitry Pozharsky (5)… (to erect (воздвигать)) by Z. Azgur.
In the near future, the city (6) ... (to visit) by thousands of tourists. They (7) ... (to see) its trea-sures and masterpieces. The historical centre (8) ... (not rebuild), but it (9) ... (to restore). So, people (10) ... (admire) Suzdal’s sights.
2. Put a(n)/ the/ -!
1. _ Royal College of Music |
6. _ Trinity Church |
2. _ Gagarin’s Statue |
7. _ Mario’s Pizza |
3. _ “Griffin” Exhibition Centre |
8. _ designer D. Trezzini |
4. _ Westminster Cathedral |
9. _ Presidential Palace |
5. _ Mariinsky Theatre |
10. V. Brenna, _ architect |
3. Vocabulary. Fill the gaps with the words from the box! There is one extra word there. [7, c. 194]
deserve, a fortress, gallery, icons, founded, houses, rich, paintings, unique, a monument, masterpieces |
The State Tretiakov Gallery was (1) ... by P. M. Tretiakov in 1856. Its building stands opposite the southern walls of the Kremlin, which was (2) ... in the past. It was presented to Moscow in 1892 together with the collection of (3) ... of Russian artists and Western European masters. Pavel Tretiakov dedicated 40 years to establishing this national art (4) ... . The Tretiakovs purchased (приобретали) real (5) ... for their collection. Therefore, the gallery (6) ... magnificent exhibits now. Certainly, these merchants (купцы) and philanthropists (7) ... people’s honouring. Moreover, the gallery is (8) ... in other interesting things; such as statuettes, (9) ..., and even household utensils (предметами домашнего обихода). It doesn’t make this sight (10) ... but makes its visitors wonder.
III. Reading
AB: p. 126 ex. II Correct the statements (1 - 7)!
1. The Queen Mother moved to Clarence House after her elder daughter Elizabeth became queen.
2. The Queen Mother made it a wonderful place for relaxing.
3. Clarence House was beautifully decorated by the Queen Mother with her clothes.
4. The Queen Mother celebrated her birthday in Buckingham Palace every year.
5. Plenty of things from Clarence House can tell you a lot about the life of King William IV.
6. Clarence House was built in the eighteenth century.
7. Clarence House was built for the Queen Mother.
Test yourself 9
The 2nd variant
I. Listening [3, 31]
Listen to Julia and David and choose the proper answer!
1. Where did Julia spend her holidays?
1) In Birmingham, England. 2) In Birmingham, Alabama. 3) In Birmingham, England and the USA.
2. What is Birmingham, Alabama, famous for?
1) It’s the hometown of John Cadbury.
2) It’s the hometown of WilliamWallace.
3) It’s the hometown of Martin Luther King, an American national hero.
3. What is Birmingham, England, well-known through?
1) The Bull Street Shop. 2) Cadbury World. 3) The Monument to John Cadbury.
4. What did Julia’s parents buy at the World's Biggest Cadbury Shop?
1) Tea, coffee, and drinking chocolate. 2) A big chocolate rabbit. 3) Sweets and gifts.
5. Where did John invite Julia to go the next day?
1) To his birthday. 2) To the Cadbury World Café. 3) To a café.
II. Use of English
1. Grammar. Put the verbs in brackets in the proper form: the Past Simple Passive/ Active or the Future Simple Passive/ Active! [5, c. 206]
St. Petersburg is the northern capital of Russia. It is rich in sights. For example, the Peter and Paul Cathedral (1) ... (to design) by D. Trezzini in 1703. It (2) ... (to build) in 37 years. V. Brenna (3) ... (to construct) the Mikhailovsky Castle at the end of the eighteenth century. K. Brulov, F. Bruni, P. Basin, P. Shebuyev (4) ... (to decorate) St. Isaac’s Cathedral in the mid-nineteenth century. And hundreds of bridges (5) ... (to build) over the rivers and canals.
In the future, some old sights (6) ... (to renovate (ремонтировать)). Museums and galleries (7) ... (to house) new exhibits. Maybe, new monuments (8) ... (to raise (воздвигать)), and old churches (9) ... (restore). 10. People (10) ... (to visit) and be delighted with the city’s magnificent beauty.
2. Put a(n)/ the/ -!
1. _ Catherine the Great’s Palace |
6. _ Academy of Fine Arts |
2. _ Open Air Theatre |
7. M. Kazakov, _ architect |
3. _ Brighton Seaside Centre |
8. _ Hermitage |
4. _ National Army Museum |
9. _ cast master A. Chokhov |
5. _ McDonald’s (fast food café) |
10. _ Zara (shop) |
3. Vocabulary. Fill the gaps with the words from the box! There is one extra word there. [7, c. 198]
times, founded, houses, a monument, paintings, deserve, restored, rare, later, rich, an icon |
The Alexander Pushkin Museum Flat is situated at No.12 Moika Embankment in St. Petersburg. It was (1) ... in 1925. Far (2) ..., in 1987, the museum was (3) ... after long repairs. There are few Pushkin’s things which are mostly in his study. The poet was fond of collecting old and (4) ... books during his life. Therefore, his room (5) ... bookshelves with four thousand books in 14 languages. On its walls, there are (6) ... which present Pushkin’s fellow (современник) poets A. Delvig, J. Baratynsky, and V. Zhukovsky. However, the other rooms (7) ... visitors’ attention, too, because they are (8) ... in things which illustrate everyday life of people from Pushkin’s (9) ... . Besides, in the yard of the museum is (10) ... to the famous poet and writer.
III. Reading
Read the text and correct the statements (1 - 7)!
What do you picture in your mind when you hear the word “Scotland”? Bagpipes? Kilts? Mysterious lochs?
Scotland is a land of monuments, green valleys, legends, and ancient castles. It has beautiful bridges and green parks. Its capital, Edinburgh, is built on the hills. More than 340 million years ago, there was an active volcano in that area, and later there appeared hills on which the Old Town stands. The fortress, Din Eidyn, was built on the top of the rock. The fortress became the Castle of Edinburgh, the national symbol of Scotland. The castle was the residence of the Scottish kings and queens. There is, for example, a room where Mary Stuart gave birth to her only son, the future King James I of Scotland and England. Also, you can see the Crown of the Scottish kings and queens and the Stone of Destiny there. It is a big grey stone which was used when Scottish and later British kings and queens were crowned.
The Royal Mile is a beautiful string of historic streets. The houses there are three or four hundred years old! Their stones can tell us about the past. There is a unique monument to a dog, as well. This is a statue of a small terrier, Bobby, that stayed at the grave of his master every day for 14 years.
The Holyrood Palace is the royal family’s official residence now. But this was the place where Mary Stuart lived during the years of her short reign.
In general, there are many places of interest in Edinburgh that can tell us a lot about Scotland and its capital. They make Scotland beautiful and romantic. [5, c. 223]
1. Edinburgh’s old part stands on an volcano.
2. Dyn Eidyn is a national symbol of Scotland.
3. Edinburgh Castle was a residence of Queen Mary Stuart and King James I.
4. This castle is the royal family’s residence now.
5. In Edinburgh Castle, there are lots of Scottish kings and queens’ things.
6. The Holyrood Mile is a string of historic streets with the houses which are three and four hundred years old.
7. There is a monument to a small terrier, Bobby, that was a true friend for his master for 14 years.
Что касается итогового контроля, то он представлен 3-мя самостоятельными работами, в соответствии с повторяемым материалом Unit 10: Lesson 1 – 3. Такое разделение позволяет проверить усвоение обучающимися повторяемых тем по блокам, а не сразу всех, что бы сделало итоговую контрольную работу перегруженной.
Final check
Lesson 1
1. Schoolchildren in Russia are involved in do/ doing different after school activities.
2. British students help to support/ supporting charities.
3. British children take part in recycling waste paper, glass, and plastic active/ actively.
4. Russians find cleaning days in spring important/ importantly.
5. Students which/ who/ whose don’t damage environment but protect it are eco-friendly.
6. People who/ which/ whose achievements are high are famous.
1. British teenagers take an active part in donating/ donate.
2. Russian teens are not always happy to cleaning/clean a school yard in spring.
3. Activities whose/ who/ which involve plenty of volunteers are charity.
4. Cities who/ whose/ which sights are unique are well-known all over the world.
5. Sociable Russian and British children make friends easy/ easily.
6. They think the ability to be sociable/ sociably is necessary.
Lesson 2
1. The Moscow History Museum is not boring to visit/ visiting.
2. The Moscow Metro is easily/ easy to travel on.
3. The Peter and Paul Fortress founded/ was founded in 1703. 4. At present, this museum complex is visited/ was visited by a large number of foreign tourists. 5. In the future, some of its museums were made/ will be made richer with new exhibits. 6. My class will go/ will be gone there this June.
7. Travel agencies recommend tourists to start/ start their journey through Russia with the Kremlin.
8. Municipal administrations let townspeople to vote/ vote for some of their projects on a correspondent website.
9. Tourists are delighting/ delighted with the magnificent Moscow Kremlin. (to delight - восхищать)
10.Not only the Kremlin is amazing/ amazed, but also Red Square. (to amaze - удивлять)
1. The Summer Garden in St. Petersburg walks around/ is walked around by lots of tourists every year. 2. It was laid/ laid in 1704. 3. Petersburg’s residents hope the unique decorations of the garden were not destroyed/ will not be destroyed by floods. 4. If I go to the northern capital once, I will get around/ will be got around this sight.
5. The fountains of St. Petersburg’s parks are attractive/ attractively to take photos of.
6. The Alexandrovsky Garden in Moscow is amusing to walking around/ walk around, too.
7. The Manezh next to the Kremlin is surprising/ surprised as its roof is supported with crosswise timber rafters (перекрещенными деревянными стропилами).
8. In 1867, its visitors were entertaining/ entertained with Hector Berlioz’s music there.
9. Guidebooks recommend tourists visit/ to visit old Russian cities and towns.
10. Before my trip to England, my mum made me read/ to read the guidebook over.
Lesson 3
I find my timetable (1) … (worry). I know that school and after-school (2) … (active) are important because we must be good at (3) … (study) and (4) … (develop) our abilities. And my school results are not bad. But I am always (5) … (tire) of my (6) … (overload - перегружать) timetable. I usually have six lessons six days a week. After school, I make a (7) … (differ) to my class: draw posters, do hand-made things, collect waste paper, arrange parties, and take part in different (8) … (compete). More than that, I attend a dance club trice a week. There I learn to perform new dances. I am not the top (9) … (dance) in my group. However, my ambition is to participate in a dance (10) … (champion). Until I am admitted to it, I should practice (11) … (proper) and not forget my school duties.
I don’t feel good about the interrelations with my parents. I think that this problem should be solved by both sides. I’d like my parents to take into notice my interest in music. (1) … (fortunate), we have (2) … (differ) tastes: I like (3) … (listen) to rock music; my parents enjoy classical. That’s why, my wish to play in a rock band is (4) … (challenge) for them. My parents want me to make high (5) … (achieve) at school instead of (6) … (play) the electric guitar. I can’t say that I’m not (7) … (interest) in my school success. But I’m also sure that playing this musical instrument can make a (8) … (contribute) to my future career. And for the time being, my pa-rents tell me to take (9) … (act) for (10) … (improve) my school marks, which is very (11) … (bother).
КИМ, созданные по примеру готовых, позволяют избежать списывания обучающимися ответов на уроках контроля. Работа над созданием контрольных, хотя и по образцам разработанных в соответствующем УМК, создаёт дополнительную нагрузку для учителя, но, как показывает практика, стоит того, поскольку выявляет истинные УУД обучающихся и какие из них нуждаются в коррекционной работе.
Что касается реакции обучающихся на КИМ, разработанные учителем, то она, в большинстве, отрицательна. Для её предотвращения следует пояснить, что КИМ учителя не сложнее тех, что представлены в рабочей тетради, поскольку являются их аналогом, и с какой целью они были разработаны. Одарённые обучающиеся, как правило, воспринимают их как средство адекватной оценки, контроль на равных с теми, у кого был доступ к ответам. Кроме того, создание КИМ по образцу даёт возможность использовать готовые дополнительное средство подготовки к контрольной.
Автор работы надеется, что представленные КИМ для 7-го класса помогут учителям, работающим по УМК В. П. Кузовлева, решить проблему списывания на уроках контроля и сократить время подготовки к таким урокам.
Английский язык. Ключи к контрольным заданиям. 7 класс.
Английский язык. Книга для чтения. 7 класс: учеб. пособие для общеобразоват. организаций/ [В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова и др.]. – 14-е изд. - М.: Просвещение, 2015. - 111 с.: ил.
Английский язык. Контрольные задания. 7 класс: учеб. пособие для общеобразоват. организаций/ [В. П. Кузовлев, В. Н. Симкин, Н. М. Лапа и др.]. - М.: Просвещение, 2016. - 48 с.
Английский язык. Рабочая тетрадь. 7 класс: пособие для учащихся общеобразоват. учреждений/ [В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова и др.]. - М.: Просвещение, 2014. - 143 с.: ил.
Английский язык: Учеб. для 7 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений. В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова и др. - 3-е изд. - М.: Просвещение, 2003. - 319 с.: ил.
Английский язык. 7 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций/ [В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова и др.]. - 3-е изд. - М.: Просвещение, 2016. - 238 с.: ил.
Клементьева Т. Б. Книга для чтения к учебному пособию «Счастливый английский. Кн. 2» для учащихся 7 - 9 кл. общеобраз. шк. - Обнинск: Титул, 2000. - 336 с.: ил.