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Рябова Надежда Васильевна80
Россия, Татарстан респ., пгт Аксубаево

Форма проведения – массовое театрально-музыкальное развлекательное представление – мюзикл.

Эта форма мероприятия была выбрана нами, так как драма непосредственно связана с игрой. Драматизация служит не только развлечением для детей, но и способствует лучшему запоминанию и усвоению различных грамматических явлений, расширению лексического запаса, развитию диалогической и монологической речи. Основной задачей для ребёнка становится успешно сыгранная роль, играя, дети, перевоплощаясь в персонажа, полностью раскрепощаются, у них развивается творческое воображение. Драматизация помогает преодолеть пассивность тем детям, для которых изучение языка является трудной и непостижимой задачей.

Образовательные задачи:

Формировать умения понимать на слух речь сверстников, произносить по памяти тексты,соблюдая правила произношения и соответствующую интонацию;

Развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;

Развивать ответственность у учащихся;

Развивать артистические способности учащихся;

Расширять словарный запас учащихся;

Развивать их творческую активность;

Повышать мотивацию учащихся к предмету «Английский язык»

Father Frost’s tale

A fairy-tail teller:

Once upon a time there lived a wife and a husband. They hadn’t got… Oh, no. I’m mistaken. The old woman had a daughter Barbara from the first marriage. She was very ugly, lazy and unpleasant. And she had a stepdaughter, Nastya, an old man’s daughter, very beautiful, modest and hardworking. Their family was so cool.


In their house:

An old woman: I work like a horse from morning till night. I have to do everything myself. Oh, I’m so tired.

Husband! Husband! Where are you? (he comes) Did you do everything I asked you about? Is the sledge ready?

An old man: (sings the song “Americano” and when he sees his wife becomes sad and upset).What’s up?

An old woman : Oh, my god! Don’t you know? We are going to the royal palace. Go and do it. (goes away). Anastasiya, Anastasiya,

Nastya: Yes, mummy.

An old woman : Don’t call me mummy.

Nastya: OK, mummy.

An old woman: Where have you been?

Nastya : In the kitchen, I was preparing food.

An old woman: Did you prepare tasty things for the king?

Nastya: Yes, I didn’t sleep at night preparing these tasty things ( shows on the table. There is a jar of pickled cucumbers and some jam)

In the castle.

(the King and the Prince are choosing the future wife for the Prince)

King: You are choosing brides- all those beautiful maidens. Oh, god, I wish you married as soon as possible.

Prince: yes, I want to choose the most beautiful girl.

King; And I want to improve our financial position. Will you, please, decide at last.

(He sings the song “Money, money”)

Prince: next, please

Servant: the girl number 1. She is from Spain.(She dances)

King: How pretty she is!

Prince: She is too small and too spanish .I don’t like her.

Servant: the bride number 2. (She dances)

King: She is too thin and sporty. I don’t like her.

Servant: The bride number 3. She is from Far East. (She dances)

Prince: She is too shy.

King: …We’ll phone you. Next.

Servant: Oh, the weather is very bad. It’s a pity. The rest brides can’t come to us.

In their house:

An old woman: Come to me my dear daughter. My beauty! What a nose! What eyes!

(Barbara sings a song “This is me”)

How wonderful you are, my darling. I’m sure the prince will fall in love with you and marry you.

Daughter: I don’t believe in it. I don’t have a nice dress to put on when I go to the prince. (shows a bunch of dresses)

An old man comes and says: Everything is ready to go to the prince.

An old woman: Don’t be so loud. My dear daughter, I want to make you a surprise. I invited the best dress designer and a stylist from the capital.

(the stylist comes into the room)

Stylist: The star is shocked. You need to change your image. What is it? (he shows on her tress) It looks like a sausage on your head.

(he sings “D&G armani” and does make up)

Stylist: OK, How do you like it?

Daughter: I think, not bad. And not expensive.

In the castle.

An old woman :(she pushes her daughter to the king) Don’t be afraid! Don’t be afraid!

Daughter: I’m not afraid!

An old woman : The king! This is my dear daughter. She cooks perfectly. Will you please try her dish

(gives a plate to the tsar)

Daughter: This is my favourite dish.

King: Oh, what an awful food.

Daughter: No, it’s so tasty and delicious.

Nastya: (also hurries to the tsar and shows her presents): You’ve forgotten. Try it, please. I prepared it for you dear prince and king.

King: Prince, prince, try this one please and look at this lovely girl.

Prince: What is your name?

Nastya: I’m Nastya.

( they sing a song “Can I have this dance?”)

In the house:

An old woman: I’m sick and tired of this awful girl. Husband, take her away into the forest and leave her alone.

An old man: How can I do it? She is my daughter.

An old woman: And I’ve said you should do it as quick as you can.

A fairy-tail teller: Here I want to say that I have never understood why he doesn’t screw up his courage and doesn’t protest his wife. So the husband takes his daughter to the forest.

In the forest;

Father Frost: Are you cold my darling?

Nastya: no, I’m not. I,m warm.

(the song “Jingle bells”)

Father Frost: (brings her to his castle) Make yourself at home, please. You will live in my castle.

In the house:

Servant: Our king has come to you with his son. He wants to marry to your daughter.

An old woman: No problem. Here she is.

Prince: Are you kidding? I wasn’t born yesterday. Oh, we want to see Nastya.

An old woman: She isn’t here. She is in the forest.

Prince: I will find her myself.

( the song “Wherever you gone”)

A fairy tale teller: And the prince goes to the forest to look for his honey. But Nastya is in the Father Frost’s castle. She is up to the ears in her work in Father Frost’s castle; cleans the house, cooks for the Father Frost, tells him interesting stories.

(Nastya dances, cleans the room and sings “Happy Working song” in the Father Frost’s castle)

In the Father Frost’s house.

Father Frost: you are so kind and hardworking. I’ll give you presents; jewelries, firs, gold and nice dresses.

Nastya: Thank you. Father Frost. How kind of you.

(the dance of snowflakes)

In the house

Nastya: These presents are for me. Father Frost gave them to me.

Daughter: How can such a ragged girl have so many jewelries. I feel, I’m green with envy. Only I deserve them. I want the presents too. Let’s go to the forest to receive them.

In the forest

Father Frost: Are you cold my darling?

Daughter: Are you in your right mind? Don’t you see I’m very cold and want presents from you.

Father Frost: OK, OK. I’ll give you a box of nice presents.

Prince: Oh, Don’t play cat and mouse. I’m looking for Nastya. Haven’t you seen her?

Daughter: It’s time to call a spade a spade. She is already at home. She wanted to twist me round her little finger. But I will have more presents from Father Frost. He promised. (She pushes Father Frost and laughs)

In the house

Prince: My darling, at last I can see you. I want you to be my wife. I love you.

Nastya: I’m ready to marry you, I love you too. I have presents from Father Frost. Here they are.

(Barbara comes in)

Daughter: I also have a nice present. ( shows them her groom). Now we are ready to celebrate New Year.

(everybody sing a song “Last Christmasand dance)


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