Методическая разработка «Обучение чтению младших школьников на уроках английского языка»
Обучение чтению младших школьников на английском языке
Методическая разработка
Автор: Трунян Жанета Сейрановна
Учитель иностранных языков
ГАОУ МО «Балашихинский лицей»
г. Балашиха
Введение 3
Алфавит английского языка 5
Cогласные буквы. Часть1 11
Согласные буквы. Часть 2 17
Контроль согласных букв 23
Гласные буквы. Часть 1 25
Краткие звуки 25
Контроль букв и звуков 29
Чтение односложных слов 32
Буквосочетания. Согласные буквы 38
Гласные буквы. Часть 2. 40
Краткие звуки 41
Буквосочетания. Долгие звуки. 44
Скороговорки 46
Дифтонги. Трифтонги 48
Правила чтения гласных букв в ударном слоге 52
Таблица буквосочетаний 60
Поем песни! 60
Чтение 68
Заключение 78
Список литературы 79
Приложение 80
Современные учебные материалы являются коммуникативно направленными, в которых применяется акустический подход при формировании фонетических навыков речи. Обучающиеся посредством прослушивания слов, речевых моделей, выражений и текстов имитируют, овладевая техникой чтения. Однако следует учитывать темп и часы, выделенные на обучение технике чтению в общеобразовательных учреждениях на начальном этапе. Под техникой чтения подразумевается не только буквенно-звуковое соотнесение, но и буквенно-звуковой связи со смысловым значением прочитанного содержания. Следует учитывать, что высокий уровень овладения техникой чтения позволяет сформировать продуктивные (говорение, письмо) и репродуктивные виды речевой деятельности (аудирование, чтение).
Наблюдение показывает, что акустический подход не позволяет сформировать слухо-произносительные навыки и речевые умения, так как слишком велик процент ошибок.
Впоследствии несформированный навык затрудняет производить работу с текстом зрительно и на слух: понять основную мысль, получить подробную информацию, вычленить конкретную информацию.
Поэтому, целью при обучении чтению младших школьников на начальном этапе является определение подхода к формированию техники чтения, разработка системы упражнений и приемы запоминания буквенно-звуковых образов.
В соответствии с целью обучения чтению на начальном этапе разработаны задачи:
- умение соотносить графического образа слова с его звуковым;
- воспроизводить каллиграфически буквы;
-умение соотносить зрительного/графического образа речевой единицы с ее слухоречедвигательным образом;
-извлекать необходимую информацию из текста и использовать ее в зависимости от поставленной задачи;
- развитие ассоциативного запоминания.
Исходя из вышеизложенной информации, было решено составить методическую разработку, чтобы избежать трудностей и формировать положительный настрой к дальнейшему изучению иностранного языка. Данная методическая разработка позволяет ознакомить младших школьников с зарубежными песенным и стихотворным фольклором, развивая интеллектуальные и познавательные способности обучающихся.
Послушай учителя и повтори буквы.
Послушай песню и спой.
Ссылка на песню:
заглавные буквы
строчные буквы
Соедини буквы по порядку, чтобы получилась картинка.
Буква |
Звук |
Слово |
Картинка |
B b |
[b] – звук соответствует русскому «б», но произносится с сомкнутыми губами энергично и резко |
bed |
C c |
[k] - звук следует произносить с придыханием “к” |
cat |
D d |
[d] – звук соответствует русскому «д», но при произнесении язык направляется к бугоркам на верхнем небе. |
dog |
F f |
[f] – звук соответствует русскому «ф», но при произнесении верхние зубы касаются наружного края нижней губы. |
flag |
G g (g) |
[g] – звук соответствует русскому «г», но произносится с большей напряженностью. (в некоторых учебниках можно встретить такую форму “g”). |
glass |
H h |
[h] – звук произносится как очень слабое русское «х» (представь, что тебе холодно, и ты греешь руки; или когда дышат на стекло) |
horse |
J j |
[dʒ] – звук соответствует русскому «дж», но при произнесении язык направляется к бугоркам на верхнем небе. |
jug |
K k |
[k] – звук следует произносить с придыханием “к” |
kangaroo |
L l |
[l] - звук соответствует русскому «л», но при произнесении язык направляется к бугоркам на верхнем небе (намного дальше от передних зубов). |
lamp |
M m |
[m] - звук соответствует русскому «м», но произносится с сомкнутыми губами энергично и резко. |
mouse |
Послушай звуки и повтори.
Ссылка: https://www.native-english.ru/pronounce/english-sounds
Пропиши буквы и проговори их звуки.
Нарисуй в тетради к каждой букве картинку и выдели на картинке букву. Проговори слова.
Соедини заглавные буквы со строчными буквами.
C |
L |
K |
B |
D |
F |
G |
J |
H |
f |
h |
g |
d |
j |
l |
c |
b |
k |
Заполни таблицу. Впиши недостающие звуки или буквы.
l |
[ ] |
d |
[ ] |
[ k ] |
k |
[ ] |
[ m ] |
[ b ] |
f |
[ ] |
[dʒ] |
[ h ] |
Послушай учителя и прочитай по звукам.
k k g h f l f d b m h c c
b b b d d d b b d d b d
j j l m f j h c b l j f g h h
Послушай учителя и прочитай буквосочетания.
g k c k l j l h
b d g d f b h b
f m c j l k m h
Обведи букву, на которую начинаются слова.
h g f 2) g j l 3) c h k 4) f k h 5) d f b
6) j g k 7) d b g 8) h m l 9) c k h 10) l j m
Впиши пропущенные строчные буквы и прочитай их.
__ ouse __ amp
__ at __ lass
__ og __ ug
__ lag __ orse
__ ed __ angaroo
Поставь ✘, если слова не соответствуют картинкам, и ✔, если соответствуют.
bed □ 2) glass □ 3) horse □ 4) jug □
5) mouse □ 6) cat □ 7) dog □
8) lamp □ 9) kangaroo □ 10) flag □
Буквы |
Звуки |
Слова |
Картинки |
N n |
[ n ] - большая музыкальность и продолжительность звучания, чем в русском “н” |
nest |
P p |
[ p ] - звук произносится с придыханием |
pin |
Q q |
[ k ] - следует произносить с придыханием “к”, при этом губы формируют О-образную форму. |
queen |
R r |
[ r ] - губы образовывают трубочку и мягко произносится “р” |
rabbit |
S s |
[ s ] - следует произносить твердый глухой “с”, более продолжительное звучание (имитация шипения змеи) |
snake |
T t |
[ t ] - звук произносится с придыханием |
tree |
V v |
[ v ] - следует прикусывать нижнюю губу и проговаривать “в” |
vest |
W w |
[ w ] - губы образовывают трубочку и произносится “в” |
window |
X x |
[ ks ] – звук “k” следует произносить с придыханием и одновременно произносится твердый глухой “с” |
box |
Y y |
[ j ] - звук напоминает русское “й” (как в слове “если”) |
yacht |
Z z |
[z ] - следует твердо произносить звонкий “з” |
zip |
Послушай звуки и повтори. Ссылка: https://www.native-english.ru/pronounce/english-sounds
Пропиши буквы и проговори их звуки.
Нарисуй в тетради к каждой букве картинку и выдели на картинке букву. Проговори слова.
Соедини заглавные буквы со строчными буквами.
S |
Z |
Q |
T |
X |
V |
N |
Y |
W |
R |
P |
r |
v |
w |
p |
z |
s |
q |
y |
t |
n |
x |
Заполни таблицу. Впиши недостающие звуки или буквы.
s |
[ ] |
[z] |
n |
[ ] |
t |
[ ] |
[v] |
r |
[ ] |
[ k ] (3 буквы) |
[ ks ] |
p |
[ ] |
w |
[ ] |
y |
[ ] |
- |
- |
Послушай учителя и прочитай по звукам.
y w s z x y x y s n s z r r
w w t t t q z y y p q r v t
q q r v w v t y p y x x z n
Послушай учителя и прочитай буквосочетания.
s z p t s q n y
v w t x q y s w
n t r t y v p x
Обведи букву, на которую начинаются слова.
t s p 2) v z r 3) w v q 4) w p t
5) n t p 6) w z s 7) p q x
8) n t r 9) v y w 10) v w t
Впиши пропущенные строчные буквы и прочитай их.
_indow _ip
_ueen _abbit
_ree _acht
_est _in
_nake bo_
Поставь ✘, если слова не соответствуют картинкам, и ✔, если соответствуют.
tree□ 2) box □ 3) zip □ 4) nest □
5) vest □ 6) snake □ 7) rabbit □ 8) queen □
9) pin □ 10) yacht □ 11) window □
Игра “Бинго” - обучающиеся получают карточки с таблицей букв.
Учитель произносит звуки определенных букв, а обучающимся, в свою очередь, следует вычеркнуть буквы услышанных звуков. Победят те обучающиеся, у которых все буквы услышанных звуков будут вычеркнуты правильно или в крайнем случае 8 букв. Учитель произносит такие звуки: [b], [k] (3 буквы должны быть вычеркнуты), [ f ], [ t ], [ l ], [ m ], [ dʒ ], [ p ], [ j ], [ s ], [ w ], [h] (Приложение 1). После каждый ученик зачитывает свои буквы. Примечание: буквы в разной последовательности.
Электронная игра в приложении “Wordwall” - карточки с рисунками следует соединить с буквой (ссылка: https://wordwall.net/resource/20210505/test-letters-and-sounds)
Звуко-буквенный диктант. Учитель произносит звуки всех согласных букв, обучающимся следует подписать буквы услышанных звуков.
[dʒ] |
[k] (2 буквы) |
[l] |
[f] |
[g] |
[m] |
[j] |
Впиши буквы к звукам
Пропиши слова в тетради по одной строчке.
bed jug pin vest
cat kangaroo queen window
dog lamp rabbit box
flag mouse snake yacht
glass nest tree zip
m |
o |
u |
s |
e |
t |
z |
k |
b |
v |
p |
e |
h |
f |
l |
a |
g |
r |
s |
w |
r |
s |
y |
n |
t |
f |
a |
x |
i |
g |
n |
g |
a |
k |
d |
b |
z |
n |
j |
a |
l |
b |
c |
x |
b |
l |
d |
r |
k |
a |
q |
z |
h |
j |
p |
o |
n |
e |
s |
t |
j |
q |
t |
o |
w |
h |
e |
s |
l |
a |
m |
p |
Буквы |
Звуки |
Слово |
Картинка |
А а |
[æ] - следует широко открыть рот, приложить ладонь ниже подбородка, произнести “э” так, чтобы нижняя челюсть коснулась ладони.
ant |
Е е |
[е] - следует улыбнуться и произнести “э” |
egg |
I i |
[i] - следует немного приоткрыть рот и произнести “и”
ink |
O o |
[ɒ] - звук напоминает что-то среднее между “и” и “о”, широко следует приоткрывать рот и произносить звук |
orange |
U u |
[ʌ] - следует нешироко приоткрыть рот и произносить “а”
umbrella |
Послушай звуки и повтори.
Пропиши буквы и проговори их звуки.
Нарисуй в тетради к каждой букве картинку и выдели на картинке букву. Проговори слова.
Соедини заглавные буквы со строчными.
Заполни таблицу. Впиши недостающие буквы или звуки.
e |
[ ] |
u |
[ ] |
[ o] |
a |
[ ] |
[ i ] |
- |
- |
Послушай учителя и прочитай.
B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z
Обведи букву, на которую начинаются слова.
a o u 2) i a е 3) o u i
4) a o u 5) u i e
Впиши пропущенные строчные буквы и прочитай их.
Поставь ✘, если слова не соответствуют картинкам, и ✔, если соответствуют.
egg □ 2) ant □ 3) umbrella □
4) orange □ 5) ink □
1. Заполни алфавит заглавными буквами.
2. Заполни алфавит строчными буквами.
3. Послушай учителя и прочитай.
It’s an ant. A, a, ant.
It’s a bed. B, b, bed.
It’s a cat. C, c, cat.
It’s a dog. D, d, dog.
I’ve got an egg. E, e, egg.
I’ve got a flag. F, f, flag.
I’ve got a glass. G, g, glass.
I’ve got a horse. H, h, horse.
Look at the ink! I, i, ink!
Look at the jug! J, j, jug!
Look at the kangaroo! K, k, kangaroo!
Look at the lamp! L, l, lamp!
Where’s the mouse? M, m, mouse?
Where’s the nest? N, n, nest?
Where’s the orange? O, o, orange?
Where’s the pin? P, p, pin?
That is a queen! Q, q, queen!
This is a rabbit! R, r, rabbit!
That is a snake! S, s, snake!
This is a tree! T, t, tree!
It’s a red umbrella. U, u, umbrella.
It’s a blue vest. V, v, vest.
It’s a pink window. W, w, window.
It’s a green box. X, x, box.
Read “yacht”! Y, y, yacht!
Read “zip”! Z, z, zip!
Перерисуй и заполни таблицу. Изобрази рисунки, которые «скрываются» под этими словами.
Слово |
Рисунок |
bed |
jug |
dog |
window |
flag |
tree |
umbrella |
Прочитай слова.
[ f ] – [ v ] [ v ] – [ w ] [ t ] – [ f ]
fun van vest west Ted Fed
fan vail veg wag ten fen
fact vet vet wet top fox
frog vest
[ k ] – [ g ] [ t ] – [ d ] [ s ] – [ z ] [ kw ] – [ p ]
kit get two don sit zed quadra piano
kola gun tap dip swim zebra quest pet
kog giddy ten dim sun zip quid pin

[ θ ] – следует поместить язык между зубами и произнести звук «с» three, bath, teeth, mouth, thick, |
[ ð ] – следует поместить язык между зубами и произнести звук «з» the, this, that, father, mother, then |
Ch [ tʃ ] – следует энергично произнести звук «ч»
bench, chest, teacher, chicken, cheese, chips, match
Ph [ f ]
dolphin, elephant, photo, phone, nephew, Ralph.
Sh [ ʃ ] – следует мягко произносить звук «ш»
shell, sheep, ship, shine, shower, shop, shirt,shade.
Lm [ m ], Lf [ f ], Lk [ k ]
Palm, calm, balk, half, walk, calf
Ng, [ ŋ ] – следует приоткрыть рот и произнести звук «н», кончик языка не должен двигаться, (можно опираться о нижние зубы).
thing, bang, sing, song, ring, reading, playing, watching.
Nk [ ŋk ] - приоткрыть рот и произнести звук «н», кончик языка не должен двигаться, (можно опираться о нижние зубы) и произнести звук «к».
think, sink, blank, frank, drink, thank, ink
Gn, Kn [ n ]
knob, knit, gnat, gnash, knee, knife, knock, knave.
Pt [ t ], Ps [ s ], Pn [ n ]
pneumonia, psychology, receipt, pseudo
Wr [ r ] , Mb [ m ], St [ s ], mn [ m ]
whistle, listen, lamb, wrap, climb, comb, hustle, limb, wrist, wring, autumn, damn
[ w ] [ h ]
when who
whale whose
white whom
where whole
Непроизнесимый h
honour, rhyme,
ghost, hour
Буквы, буквосочетания |
Краткие звуки |
Слова |
i |
[ɪ] |
key, monkey, honey, donkey, money funny, happy, sunny
zip, tip, ship |
[e] |
bed, pet, let, teddy
bread, head, ready |
[u] |
book, cook, good |
[ə] |
teacher, singer, dancer |
blood, flood
touch, double, trouble
gun, fun, jungle |
a |
[æ] |
not, hot, pot, rock, stop
wasp, was, want, watch |
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While we wear waterproofs in wet weather?
A mad maid mixed for a morning meal
Maize, milk, meat, mint, mash, merry,
Melon, mango, marrow, mutton and mustard.
May the mad maid’s mister get a malady?
The season of tourism in zones of Amazon in Brazil
Is always closed with hazes, breezes and drizzles.
Was a disaster for the season of tourism
In the zones of Amazon a blizzard on Tuesday?
Буквы, буквосочетания |
Долгие звуки |
Слова |
ei |
he, she, me, Pete, we
tree, bee, feet, deep, queen, feel, sweets
treat, read, jeans, please, eat, team
chief, brief, piece, field, niece
receipt, receive, deceive, ceiling
music, computer, student
new, few, chew, pew, stew
neutral, deuce, Europe
soon, mood, moon, too, stool
do, move, prove, who
group, rouble
crew, flew, drew |
law, draw, saw, Australia
sport, corn, port, horse
store, more, shore
door, floor
autumn, audio, pause
tall, talk, walk, ball, chalk |
bird, girl, circus, firm
fur, burn, surf, turn
her, serve, perch
learn, pearl
word, work, worm |
ar |
arm, park, car, party |
Pete weekly leaves green fields
To see a deep sea from a clean beach.
Does Pete feel sleepy on the clean beach
Seeing the deep sea each week?
[ju:], [u:]
A school’s menu usually includes seafood soup, noodles and stewed fruit. A university’s menuusually includes goose, cucumbers, mushrooms and fruit juice.
A cute beauty saloon usually uses perfume, shampoo and toothpaste produced in the US.
Judy’s room has a beautiful view of a pool, Lucy’s room has a beautiful view of ruins.
All Paul’s daughters were born in Cork, All Walt’s daughters were born in York.
Four explorers explore forty waterfalls, forty explorers explore four waterfalls.
Dora’s daughter is taller than Nora’s daughter, Nora’s daughter is shorter than Dora’s daughter.
German learners learn German words, Turkish learners learn Turkish words.
An earl gave Pearl a fur and a circlet of pearls for her thirty – first birthday.
The first skirt is dirtier than the third shirt, The first shirt is dirtier than the third skirt.
Barbara Barton is art and part of the party.
Cars can’t be parked at the park after dark
Margaret and Charles are dancing in the garden under the stars.
Mark’s car’s faster than Bart’s car. Bart’s car’s smarter than Mark’s car.
Буквы, буквосочетания |
Звуки с небольшой историей |
Слова |
Гномика не позвали на праздник. Он возмутился и проговорил [əu]
load, boat, coat, soap
go, home, nose, rope, no
old |
toe, foe, Joe
cold, bold, sold, fold |
Гномик потерял своего друга. Он ищет и зовет его.
how, now, brown, clown
out, ground, mouse, house |
oi |
Гномик боится щекотки и проговаривает [ɔɪ] |
Boy, toy, joy
boil, noise, join |
Гномик нашел клад с золотом. Он решил позвать друзей.
Play, way, say, away
Grey, they, hey, obey
Eight, weight
Train, rain, pain, sail
Lake, take, table, make |
Height, neither, either
Time, life, ice, nice
Fight, light, night
Dry, try, why
Eye, bye |
Гномик любит баловаться и пародировать плачь младенца.
Deer, cheer, career
Ear, near, hear, clear
Here, severe, sphere |
Гномик любит прыгать с тарзанки и весело кричать.
Care, prepare, hare, dare
Bear, swear
Hair, fair, repair, stair
There, where
Гномик любит поднимать штангу и проговаривать [uə]
Poor, moor
Cruel, duel, fuel
[auə]: tower, shower, sour, flour, flower, power
[aɪə]: fire, hire, admire, empire, tired, diet, quiet
[juə]: pure, cure, euro
[ɔɪə]: royal, loyal, employer
[eɪə]: layer, player
[əʊə]: grower, lower, rower, thrower
Rhymes and poems
My name is Ann,
Her name is Jane,
His name is Dan,
Say it again!
Ann’s cat is black,
Jane’s cat is grey.
They often drink milk
And wash every day.
I see a big black cat,
Big black cat,
Big black cat.
What a big black cat!
What a cat!
What a cat!
Tom and Jill
Are in the park.
One is fair,
The other is dark.
I live here.
You live near.
Tom lives so far
He goes by car.
I’m a hare,
I run around the bear.
I’m small,
The bear can’t
catch me at all.
Don’t Care
Don’t Care didn’t care,
Don’t Care was wild:
Don’t care stole plum and pear
Like any beggar’s child.
Don’t Care was made to care
Don’t Care was hung:
Don’t Care was put in a pot
And boiled till he was done.
Rhymes and poems
I like to eat
Ben: Tell me, little Pete,
What you like to eat?
Pete: Well, I like to eat
What is tasty and sweet.
A pen and a pencil
Pete has got a pencil,
Pete has got a pen,
He draws with his pencil
And writes with his pen.
I see the letters
I see the letters,
I see the letters,
But they are not for me.
We see a pen in the bag.
You see a hen at the door.
They see a cat under the bench.
I see a carpet on the floor.
Stop! Look! Listen!
Before you cross the street
Use your eyes,
Use your ears,
And then use your feet.
Grizzly bear
If you ever, ever, ever meet a grizzly bear –
You must never, never, never ask him where
He is going or what he is doing:
For if you ever, ever dare
To stop a grizzly bear –
You will never meet
Another grizzly bear.
Ii Yy
Rhymes and poems
My kite
I’ve got my kite
My kite is white.
My kite is in the sky.
Fly high, my kite,
Fly high, white kite,
Fly high in the blue sky.
A fire
Why does a fire eat big sticks of wood?
I shouldn’t like to have that for my food.
But the flames all lick their lips –
It must taste good!
Spring is green.
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.
Rhymes and poems
so slow
go so slow
don’t go so slow
Joe, don’t go so slow
Oh, Joe, don’t go so slow.
The Rose and the Horse
The fox is growing a rose.
The rose is a lovely flower.
The horse looks at the rose.
It’s looked for a whole hour.
Donkey, donkey, old and grey,
Open your mouth and gently bray,
Lift your ears and blow your horn,
To wake the world this sleepy morn.
There was an Old Man with a nose,
Who said: if you choose to suppose,
That my nose is too long,
You are certainly wrong.
That remarkable man with a nose.
Cock a Doodle Doo
Cock a doodle do
My dame has lost her shoe
My master lost his fiddling stick
And doesn`t know what to do
And doesn`t know what to do.
Rhymes and poems
Autumn is good:
The sky is blue,
The air is pure.
Autumn is cruel:
Books and school
Teachers’ rule.
Time for school
The weather is cool,
We run to school,
Wow! I see you,
Your bag is blue
Буквы, буквосочетания |
Звуки |
Слова |
sure sion |
[ʒə] [ʒn] |
pleasure, treasure, measure decision, vision,illusion |
ture |
[ʧə] |
lecture, literature, mixture |
tion, sion |
[ʃn] |
condition, production, version, mission, nation |
ight, ght |
[aɪt], [aɪ] |
sight, bright, right |
ould |
[ʊd] |
would, could, should |
war |
[wɔ:] |
war, ward, swarm, warm |
Singing songs!
The wheels on the bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town!
The people on the bus go up and down,
Up and down,
Up and down.
The people on the bus go up and down
All through the town!
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep,
Beep, beep beep,
Beep, beep, beep.
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep
All through the town!
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish
All through the town!
The signals on the bus go blink, blink, blink,
Blink, blink, blink.
Blink, blink, blink.
The signals on the bus go blink, blink, blink
All through the town!
The motor on the bus goes zoom, zoom, zoom,
Zoom, zoom, zoom.
Zoom, zoom, zoom.
The motor on the bus goes zoom, zoom, zoom
All through the town!
The babies on the bus go waa, waa, waa,
Waa, waa, waa,
Waa, waa, waa.
The babies on the bus go waa, waa, waa
All through the town!
The parents on the bus go shh, shh, shh,
Shh, shh, shh.
Shh, shh, shh.
The parents on the bus go shh, shh, shh,
All through the town!
The mummy on the bus says, I love you,
I love you, I love you.
The daddy on the bus says, I love you, too,
All through the town!
A Sailor Went To Sea
A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what he could see, see, see
But all that he could see, see, see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea!
A sailor went to knee, knee, knee
To see what he could knee, knee, knee
But all that he could knee, knee, knee
Was the bottom of the deep blue knee, knee, knee!
(Sea, sea, sea)
A sailor went to chop, chop, chop
To see what he could chop, chop, chop
But all that he could chop, chop, chop
Was the bottom of the deep blue chop, chop, chop!
Cheeks of Rose, Tiny Toes (Our Baby)
Cheeks of rose, tiny toes,
has our little baby.
Eyes of blue, fingers too,
Cunning all as may be.
Mouth so fair, skin so clear,
just as soft as may be.
Bony eyes, looking wise,
Such a precious baby.
Thee I love, sweetest dove,
darling little baby.
While I live, thee I'll give
Kisses warm as may be.
Crow and play all the day,
happy little baby.
May your life, free from strife,
Pure as 'tis today be.
Days of the Week
Days of the Week (Clap, clap)
Days of the Week (Clap, clap)
Days of the Week, Days of the Week, Days of the Week! (Clap, clap)
There's Sunday and there's Monday
There's Tuesday and there's Wednesday
There's Thursday and there's Friday
And then there's Saturday!
Days of the Week (Clap, clap)
Days of the Week (Clap, clap)
Days of the Week, Days of the Week, Days of the Week! (Clap, clap)
Early to Bed
Early to bed
Early to rise
Makes a man
and Wise.
Early to bed
Early to rise
Makes a man
and Wise.
Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a piggy by the toe
If he hollers let him go!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Catch a monkey by the toe
If he hollers let him go!
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Five Fat Sausages
Five fat sausages frying in a pan
All of a sudden - one went "BANG"!
Four fat sausages frying in a pan
All of a sudden - one went "BANG"!
Three fat sausages frying in a pan
All of a sudden - one went "BANG"!
Two fat sausages frying in a pan
All of a sudden - one went "BANG"!
One fat sausage frying in a pan
All of a sudden - it went "BANG"!
No fat sausages frying in a pan.
The Finger Family Song
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Hand Washing Song
Wash hands well each day,
To keep germs away.
Scrub with soap and water,
And be on your way.
Wash hands well each day,
To keep germs away.
Scrub with soap and water,
And be on your way.
I Hear Thunder
I hear thunder!
I hear thunder!
Hark don't you,
hark don't you?
Pitter, patter raindrops,
Pitter patter raindrops,
I'm wet through
and so are you!
I Love The Mountains
I love the mountains
I love the rolling hills
I love the flowers
I love the daffodils
I love the fireside
When the lights are low
Boom de-ahh-da
Boom de-ahh-da
Boom de-ahh-da
Boom de-ahh-d
Johny Johny (Yes Papa)
Johny, Johny!
Yes, Papa
Eating sugar?
No, Papa
Telling lies?
No, Papa
Open your mouth!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
London Bridge is Falling Down
"London Bridge is Falling Down" is sung with several different verses. Here are some popular ones...
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.
Build It Up With Sticks and Stones,
Sticks and Stones,
Sticks and Stones.
Build It Up With Sticks and Stones,
My Fair Lady.
Sticks and Stones Will All Fall Down,
All Fall Down All Fall Down,
Sticks and Stones Will All Fall Down,
My Fair Lady.
Build It Up With Wood and Clay,
Wood and Clay Wood and Clay,
Build It Up With Wood and Clay,
My Fair Lady.
Wood and Clay Will Wash Away,
Wash Away,
Wash Away.
Wood and Clay Will Wash Away,
My Fair Lady.
Build It Up With Iron and Steel,
Iron and Steel,
Iron and Steel,
Build It Up With Iron and Steel,
My Fair Lady.
Iron and Steel Will Bend and Bow,
Bend and Bow,
Bend and Bow,
Iron and Steel Will Bend and Bow,
My Fair Lady.
Built it up with silver and gold,
Silver and gold, silver and gold,
Built it up with silver and gold,
My fair lady.
Gold and silver I have none,
I have none, I have none,
Gold and silver I have none,
My fair lady.
Build It Up With Bricks of Shaw,
Bricks So Sure,
Bricks So Sure,
Build It Up With Bricks of Shaw,
My Fair Lady.
It Will Stand For Ever More,
Ever More,
Ever More,
It Will Stand For Ever More,
My Fair Lady.
Miss Polly Had a Dolly
Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick.
So she phoned for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick.
The doctor came with his bag and his hat,
And knocked at the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.
He looked at the dolly and shook his head,
And said "Miss Polly put her straight to bed.
He wrote a paper for a pill, pill, pill.
I'll be back in the morning with the bill, bill, bill.
My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
My Bonnie lies over the sea,
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me,
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me,
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me!
Last night as I lay on my pillow,
Last night as I lay on my bed,
Last night as I lay on my pillow,
I dreamt that my Bonnie was dead.
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me,
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me
The Seasons
Spring is showery, flowery, bowery
Summer - hoppy, croppy, poppy,
Autumn - wheezy, sneezy, freezy,
Winter - slippy, drippy, nippy.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon.
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Then the traveller in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark.
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep.
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveller in the dark.
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
If You're Happy
If you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands, clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands.
If you're angry, angry, angry stomp your feet.
If you're angry, angry, angry stomp your feet.
If you're angry, angry, angry stomp your feet, stomp your feet.
If you're angry, angry, angry stomp your feet.
If you're scared, scared, scared say, "Oh no!"
If you're scared, scared, scared say, "Oh no!"
If you're scared, scared, scared say, "Oh no!" Say, "Oh no!"
If you're scared, scared, scared say, "Oh no!"
If you're sleepy, sleepy, sleepy take a nap.
If you're sleepy, sleepy, sleepy take a nap.
If you're sleepy, sleepy, sleepy take a nap, take a nap.
If you're sleepy, sleepy, sleepy take a nap.
If you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands, clap your hands.
If you're happy, happy, happy clap your hands.
My favourite season
Spring is my favorite season
And let me tell you the reason:
I love spring because I love flowers!
Spring is my favorite season.
Summer is my favorite season
And let me tell you the reason:
I love summer because I love the sun!
Summer is my favorite season.
Autumn is my favorite season
And let me tell you the reason:
I love autumn because I love the rain!
Autumn is my favorite season.
Winter is my favorite season
And let me tell you the reason:
I love winter because I love the snow!
Winter is my favorite season.
Playing with Paws
Hiss! Aunt Trish's cat, Paws, flashed his teeth at Roy.
"Slow down," Aunt Trish told Roy. She didn't look pleased. "You shouldn't move so fast around cats."
Roy stepped away from Paws. He didn't know anything about cats. Back home, he had two dogs. But Roy's mom was away on a trip. So Roy had to stay with Aunt Trish—and Paws—for a week.
"Paws has never been around kids," Aunt Trish said, petting the cat. "I hope you two can get along."
Paws rubbed against Aunt Trish's hand and purred.
But when Roy put his hand out, Paws ran off and hid under the couch.
Roy felt worried. It looked like it was going to be a hard week.
Why is Roy staying at Aunt Trish's house?
a)Roy’s mother is away on a trip.
b)Roy’s house is under construction.
c)Roy wants to stay with Aunt Trish’s cat.
Strawberry Shortcake Surprise
Kayla skipped into Ben's house. She was bursting with excitement. It was her first playdate with her new friends, Ben and Milo.
"Guess what?" Ben said. "My dad says we can bake a cake."
"Hooray!" Kayla shouted.
The kids crowded around Ben's dad as he handed out aprons.
"Okay," said Ben's dad. "It's strawberry shortcake time!"
Kayla froze. Strawberries! She couldn't eat strawberries. The last time she ate strawberries, she got itchy red spots all over her skin! The doctor told her that she was allergic to strawberries.
"Is shortcake like real cake?" Milo asked.
"Yes," said Ben's dad. "It's cake with whipped cream and strawberries on top."
What happened the last time Kayla ate strawberries?
a)The doctor said to eat more of them
b)She got itchy red spots on her skin.
c)She got red strawberry juice on her clothes.
Which picture better matches the setting?
Clouds floated across the blue sky, and a gentle breeze blew through the forest.
Red and yellow leaves drifted down from the trees.It was time for Bart's nap, but hewas hungry. The brown bear stood up on his back paws to reach the berries. As he gobbled them up, the juice colored his fur purple.
Dakota gazed into the dark sky. From here, Earth looked like a green-and-blue ball.
He was surprised that the land was so dry and flat. He took slow, careful steps.
His legs felt heavy in his spacesuit, and he didn't want to trip over his big boots.
When he reached the camera, Dakota held up his flag and grinned.
He was the first kid on the moon!
The hot sun beat down on Rahi. He could hear seagulls cawing among the waves, but he kept his eyes on his work.
Even though Rahi wore a baseball cap, his nose was sunburned. But he was
almost finished. He balanced on his knees and placed the last pail of sand at the
top of the stack.His giant spaceship looked perfect!
A) B)
The stage curtains opened, showing a tall castle in a field of flowers.
Elsa rolled her wheelchair onto the stage. With so many people watching, she was too nervous to smile. She wiped her shaking hands on her tutu and checked her
crown again.
Then the music started, and her fear disappeared. Spinning her chair and raising
her arms, Elsa danced.
A) B)
Who is the narrator?
Strange shadows covered my bedroom walls. What was that sound? Was it
footsteps? Shaking, I held my teddy bear close.
Once I start feeling scared, it is hard to stop. But this time, I knew what to do! I
turned on my new night-light. Click!The warm glow of the night light filled the room.
The shadows disappeared, and soon I was drifting off to sleep.
a child b) a parent c) a night – light
I've been begging Aunt Charlene to let me play her piano. Today, she's going to
teach me how! I don't need a lesson, though. I watch her play every day.
I drop my toy train and climb onto the piano bench. I move my hands really fast, hitting lots of keys at the same time: Bang, crash, clang! "Oh no! Is the piano broken?" I ask.
Aunt Charlene laughs. "No, but my ears might be!"
Aunt Charlene b) an adult neighbour c) a young child
I bent my knees and got ready to jump. "Okay, here I go!" I cried.
Thump! The rope hit my shoes and flopped to the ground. I felt my face grow red.
I thought my sister would laugh, but she didn't. She just said, "You're waiting too long to jump, little bro."She gave me some tips and I tried again. This time I made it over the rope.
"Thanks, sis!" I said.
a gym teacher b) an older sister c) a young brother
My rug by the window was warm and soft. Chewing on my favorite bone, I
curled up in the sunlight. I was looking forward to a calm, quiet day.
I was happily chasing rabbits in my dreams when the doorbell rang.
"Oh no," I thought, waking up fast. "It's puppy-sitting day!"
The puppy charged in, jumped on my back, and then pulled at my tail. So much
for calm and quiet!
a) a puppy b) a person c) an adult dog
Martin's Monkey
Martin picked up his stuffed monkey and gave it a squeeze. "Today I'm starting
first grade, Sunny. I might not know anyone in my class. So I'm glad you're
coming with me!"
"You should leave Sunny at home," Martin's sister Clara said. "The other kids might think it's strange to bring a stuffed animal to school. I never brought my toys with me."
But Martin took Sunny everywhere. Sunny came on car rides and camping trips. And when it thundered loudly, Martin always looked into the monkey's bright, sunny eyes. It helped him to remember that storms don't last forever. Petting Sunny's
golden fur helped Martin feel calm and happy.
Now, Martin put Sunny in his backpack. "Sunny can't stay home," he told Clara.
"He's my best friend!"
Why does Martin want to bring Sunny to school? Look for clues in the story.
a)Martin feels less afraid when Sunny is near.
b)Clara told Martin to show Sunny to his friends.
c)The other kids told Martin they will bring toys, too.
Ice towers
Imagine walking through Antarctica. It is very, very cold. Everything is covered
with snow and ice.You probably wouldn't expect to see a huge volcano filled with hot lava. But that is what you might find! Antarctica has a volcano called
Mount Erebus.Sometimes the heat from Mount Erebus escapes through cracks in
the frozen ground. When the heat meets the cold air outside, it makes steam. The
steam freezes right away because the air is so cold. As steam keeps pouring out
and freezing, it builds a hollow tower of ice.
Ice towers can be as tall as sixty feet! They sometimes look like giant white
chimneys with smoke coming out. These huge ice towers are found all around
Mount Erebus
What can you find in Antarctica?
a)Large cities
b)Polar bears
c)A volcano
If you see a hedgehog for the first time, you might think it looks a little funny. These animals have hard, pointy hairs all over their backs. They look like they are
covered with pins!
Hedgehogs also sometimes look like balls. That is because when hedgehogs are
afraid, they roll up into a ball. This helps protect them from foxes and other
animals.Hedgehogs have big claws on their feet. These claws are like long toes.
They use these claws to dig in the ground for bugs to eat.These busy animals sometimes hunt for food in rows of bushes called hedges. When they make noises, they
sound like pigs or hogs. People think that is how they got the name "hedgehog."
What do hedgehogs do when they are scared?
a)They use their strong legs to run away
b)They make loud, scary noises
c)They roll their bodies into a ball
Famous places
In Lisbon, people ride streetcars. A streetcar looks like a train car. But it runs on tracks in the streets.A streetcar works like a bus. It stops so people can get on. Then it goes to the next stop.
The middle of the United States has a lot of open land. Some of that land is
called the Great Plains.Much of the land in the Great Plains is flat. The flat land
makes the Great Plains good for farming.
In London, there is a very tall tower with a huge clock on top. Inside the
clock is a bell. This bell is called Big Ben.Big Ben is old. People first heard the
bell ring many years ago.
The pyramids in Egypt are very tall and have pointed tops. They are made of big blocks of stone.People made the pyramids long ago. They were made for kings of Egypt.
Complete the sentence.
In Lisbon, streetcars run ______.
a) behind buses
b)without stopping
c)on tracks
2)______ land is good for farming.
3)Big Ben is a ______.
4)The pyramids are made of _____
В методике обучения иностранным языкам ключевыми являются формирование языковых навыков и речевых умений. Считается, что при обучении любому виду речевой деятельности учителю необходимо сформировать навыки, а также умения, которые определены учебной программой и соответствуют потребностям образования и развития личности.
В нашей методической разработке речь идет о рецептивном виде речевой деятельности – чтении. В данной работе выявлены педагогические условия с учетом психологических особенностей младших школьников, обеспечивающих эффективность процесса обучения чтению младших школьников на английском языке.
Предложенный комплекс упражнений позволяет совершенствовать технику чтения: соотнесение зрительной/графический образ речевой единицы с ее слухоречедвигательным образом, а также владение различными технологиями извлечения информации из текста и их адекватное использование в зависимости от поставленной задачи.
Опираясь на теоретические и практические знания, мы надеемся, что посредством использования приведенных упражнений у обучающихся сформируется положительный настрой на развитие и совершенствование техники чтения.
Список литературы.
1. Быкова, Н. И. Spotlight 2: Student's Book / Английский язык. 2 класс / Н.И. Быкова, Дули Дженни , М. Д. Поспелова, Вирджиния Эванс. - М.: Express Publishing, Просвещение, 2011.
2. Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам: Базовый курс лекций: Пособие для учителей и студентов пед.вузов.- М.: Просвещение, 2003.- 239 с.
3.Thoreleif G. Hegge, Samuel A. Kirk, Winifred D. Kirk: Remedial reading drills. - Internet Edition for Free Distribution by Donald L. Potter, 2005
4.Платформа «I excel» - URL: IXL Language arts https://www.ixl.com/ela/kindergarten
5. Приложение «Wordwall» - URL: https://wordwall.net
Приложение 1
Игра «Бинго»
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