Открытое заседание кружка «Кукольный театр на английском языке»

Материал опубликован 11 August 2019

                                                   Сценарий мероприятия

Звучат фанфары. За кадром звучит голос: Ladies and gentlemen! Art studio “Fairyland” presents…!
Звучит музыка из видеоклипа «Театр чудес». Появляются дети в масках, танцуя с перчаточными куклами.
Даша: Our puppet theatre is little nine.
Let’s make all people be alive.
Me, Dasha (снимает маску), you, he and she
Don’t forget about me.
Right, you too are going with us
To introduce our theatre’s stars.
This is Kira, slim and bright.
Кира: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4
I’ll be speaking English more and more.
Даша: This is Alisher, clever boy
He is a really cowboy.
Алишер: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4
I’ll be learning English more and more.
Даша: They’re my friends Rashid and Alex, shy but smart
Their mind and brain are very wide.
Рашид и Саша: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4
We’ll be studying more and more.
Даша: They are Kristy and Ksenya, brave and fine,
Their faces and eyes can always shine.

Кристина и Ксюша: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4

We’ll be listening to English music more and more.
Даша: They are Angel and Indira, creative
Romantic style for them is native.
Анжела и Индира: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4
We’ll be acting in English puppet shows more and more. 
Дети говорят вместе: “The Wolf and seven Goats”.
Козлята: (вместе) Let’s play music. (Кантри музыка)
Bunny: I play the guitar.
Hunny: I play the drum.
Manny: I play the pipe.
(Козлята играют на музыкальных инструментах)
Маша: And that time… The Wolf, the Bear, the Fox come up to the
house and knock at the door.
Козлята: Who is there? (Вместе)
Волк, медведь, лиса: I am a wolf. I am a Bear. I am a Fox. Hello,
boys and girls. (говорят вместе)
Волк: I have a birthday today.
Медведь: We have a tasty cake.
Лиса: Let’s go to the forest to have a party.

Козлята: Okay. Let’s go.

Маша:. The Goat comes.
Коза: Oh, no! Where are my children?
Мышь: Squeak – Squeak! The Wolf came here ten minutes ago and
took them to his place.
Коза: Oh, oh! My poor Kids! What can I do? 
Маша:The Goat makes her way to the forest. She hears the song
“Happy Birthday” and sees….
Волк: Hello. You are welcome. Today is my birthday. I am 10.
Маша:The Goat is happy and starts dancing.
(Все герои поют песенку о дне рождении и танцуют.)

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