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Придаточные предложения условия и времени Воронина М.В.

В придаточных предложениях времени (when?) и условий (under what condition?), так называемых на английском языке Time and Condition clauses, мы используем времена present вместо future. If I have spare time I'll go to the cinema. (Если у меня будет свободное время, я пойду в кинотеатр) Это предложение состоит из двух частей: главная (I'll go to the cinema) зависимая ( If I have spare time)

Главное предложение выражает будущее время, но в зависимой части мы не используем Future Simple а используем Present Simple, то же самое происходит с зависимой частью с when. Запятая выделяет придаточные времени в начале предложения. When we get off the train, I'll buy an ice cream for you. If you miss this train, you'll be late for your work.

Для придаточных предложений времени (when - предложений) мы используем, как правило, следующие союзы: when, as, while, before, after, since, till / until, whenever, as long as, by the time, as soon as, the moment that, no sooner… than, hardly… when, once, immediately, the 1st / last / next time. Для условных (under what condition) придаточных предложений соединительными союзами являются: if, unless, provided (that), on condition (that).

Как правило, исключения из серии придаточных, отвечающих на вопрос «что?», действуют после слов «информативного содержания», то есть таких, которые имеют отношение к познавательной деятельности: know, learn, hear, say, ask etc. • I do not know, when I'll be back. • He does not know if he will come to see us tonight

№ 1. Запишите предложения, раскрывая скобки. Употребите глагол в настоящем или будущем времени. If Peter _____ (come) to my place, we_______  (go) to play in the yard. If Peter_________ (not  come) to my place, I __________ (watch) TV. If Frank’s parents____ (have) their holidays in summer, they ____ (go) to the seaside. If they ____ (have) their holidays in winter, they _______(stay) at home. If the fog _____ (thicken), Harold ______ (put up) the tent for the night. When I _______ (finish) my work, I_______ (go) to the cinema. We___ (buy) this book as soon as our mother___ (give) us some money. When we ____ (come) to your place you_______ (show) us your present. I_______ (return) you your ring when you_______ (ask) me. I_______ (wait) for my friend until he_______ (come) from the shop.

№2. Составить придаточные предложения условия и времени. Например: Molly leave now / catch the bus. - If Molly leaves now, she’ll catch the bus. stay in bed / feel better work hard / get a job go shopping / spend much money ride a bike / get there quickly  eat carrots/see well in the dark. come now/go out together

№3. Соедините предложения при помощи союзов when или if: Jack will come. We shall play chess. — When Jack comes, we shall play chess. All the pupils will come to school tomorrow. We shall write a test then. I’ll meet Ann after school. I’ll give her my album. You’ll not do your homework. The teacher will be angry. Mike won’t come today. We’ll play football without him. I’ll finish school with good marks. My father will take me to the seaside. My school record may not be very good. Mom will be very upset.

№4. Продолжите предложения I’ll buy a colour film and take a lot of pictures if … I’ll have a party and we can dance to music if … I’ll go camping in the Lake District if … Molly’ll learn a lot of things if… I shan’t sit with you at the same desk unless… I’ll send her a letter as soon as … If he does his homework every day he … If he comes in the afternoon we … If you live in a big city what …? If Milly gives me her address, I … If you don’t stop talking, the teacher …

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11 March 2019

Спасибо, Любовь Витальевна!

11 March 2019