Проект Pet therapy

Материал опубликован 6 October 2020 в группе

Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение

Артинского городского округа

Артинская средняя общеобразовательная школа №1

Проектная (исследовательская) работа

«Pet Therapy»

Работу выполнила:

Русинова Мария Олеговна

Учащаяся 11Б класса


Спиридович Юлия Рудольфовна

Учитель английского языка

Первой квалификационной категории

Арти, 2013 г.



Theoretical part.

What is pet therapy?

The history of pet therapy.

Different kinds of pet therapy.

Practical part.

Questionnaire about pets and pet therapy.

Experiment with blood pressure.



List of literature


The topic of my research work is “Pet therapy”. I have chosen this topic because in future I want to become a doctor and help people. That is why I would like to learn about other kinds of treatment. Besides official medical treatment there are many other ways to overcome diseases. For example: stone therapy, salt therapy, apiotherapy or bee therapy, leech therapy and many others.

But I want to tell you about pet therapy or animal-assisted therapy. I consider it very interesting because animals are the most wonderful and unpredictable creatures on the Earth.

A lot of people living in different corners of our planet keep domestic animals as pets. They enjoy spending time with their pets but they do not even imagine what their pets can do. They feel better after spending some time with their pets, but they do not realize that it happens thanks to their favourite animals.

Before starting my work I became interested in ways to treat people without pills and surgeons.

So, the aims of my research work are

To learn about animals who can treat people

To learn how helpful animals can be

To find out what kinds of pet therapy exist

Theoretical part.

What is pet therapy?

The term Pet-therapy (eng. pet therapy, from the English. pet - generic name of a pet, literally «favorite animal» or the English. animal assisted therapy) the so-called therapy of patients with animals (dogs, horses, dolphins, rabbits, cats, birds etc.) appeared recently. In Russia pet-therapy is more known as the zoo therapy or animal therapy (from lat. animal - animal).

The history of pet therapy.

The enjoyment of animals as companions dates back many centuries, perhaps even to prehistoric times. The first known therapeutic use of animals started in Gheel, Belgium in the ninth century. In this town, learning to care for farm animals has long been an important part of an assisted living program designed for people with disabilities.

Fashionable term «pet therapy» not more than half a century, and the very concept since the time of Hippocrates. Then in the glorious Ancient Greece drew attention to the beneficial influence of Pets on people's health, and in consequence of humanity is not to deny yourself the pleasure to contain Pets and solve their health problems with them.

But only in the middle of the last century to get rid of some of ailments by attracting animals identified as a separate method of treatment - pet-therapy (from the English «pet» - pet). The founder of the study of the influence of animal wellbeing of people became an American psychiatrist with the Russian-Jewish roots of Boris Levinson. He had used on children with mental disorders, and drew attention to the improvement of the condition of the little patients after talking with his dog, which was often at reception.

Some of the earliest uses of animal-assisted healing in the United States were for psychiatric patients. The presence of the therapy animals produced a beneficial effect on both children and adults with mental health issues. It is only in the last few decades that AAT has been more formally applied in a variety of therapeutic settings, including schools and prisons, as well as hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, and outpatient care programs.

Soon method of treatment with the animals began to spread all over the world.

Different kinds of pet therapy.

Dolphin therapy

Bird therapy

Fish therapy

Reptile therapy


Apitherapy (Bee Therapy)

Leech Therapy

Feles Therapy (the Cat Therapy)

Dog Therapy

I would like to tell you about hippo therapy.


According to the American Hippotherapy Association, Inc., "Hippotherapy" is a physical, occupational and speech therapy treatment strategy that utilizes equine movement."

In the hippotherapy environment, a therapist uses the horse's movement to provide carefully graded sensory input. A foundation is established to improve neurological function and sensory processing, which can be generalized to a wide range of daily activities. Unlike in therapeutic horseback riding where specific riding skills are taught, in hippotherapy the movement of the horse is a means to a treatment goal.

History: The medical use of the horse which addresses people with neuromotor dysfunction is called Hippotherapy and was developed in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the 1960's. In Germany, Hippotherapy was a treatment by two physiotherapists, a specially trained horse and horse handler. The theories of physiotherapy practice where applied and the physiotherapist would give directives to the horse handler as to the gait, tempo, cadence,and direction for the horse to preform which would affect the patient throughout the therapy treatment. The movement of the horse is carefully modulated to influence neuromuscular changes in the patient. In the late 1980's a group of physical, occupational therapists and speech and language pathologists from Canada and the USA went to Germany to learn about hippotherapy. They brought it back to Canada and the USA.

Presently in the USA: Equine Assisted Therapy is the umbrella term for any specially trained licensed health professional who incorporates the equine environment into a treatment session within their scope of practice and professional designation.Equine Assisited Therapy is the umbrella term which lists Hippotherapy and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. Licensed Physical, Occupational Therapists, Physical and Occupational Therapy Assistants and Speech and Language Pathologists incorporate the horse's movement( hippotherapy) into their total plan of care for their patients. In the Mental Health Industry, Social Workers, Psychologists and Mental Health providers may incorporate Equine Assisted Psychotherapy into their treatment sessions. This is different from hippotherapy where the movment of the horse influences or facilitates an adaptive response in the patient. Forms of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy may have the patient on the horse or off the horse and the treatment is not focused on a set of specific movements for the horse to produce an adaptive response in the patient.

How does the horse help in Hippotherapy?

Hippotherapy comes from the Greek roots hippo-, for horse and the word therapy , thus meaning "therapy with the help of a horse".The horse's pelvis has the same three dimensional movement of the human's pelvis at the walk. The horse's three dimensional movement is carefully graded at the walk in each treatment for the patient. This three dimensional movement provides physical and sensory input, which is variable, rhythmic and repetitive. The variability of the horse's gait enables the therapist to grade the degree of input to the patient and utilize this movement in combination with other treatment strategies to achieve desired therapy goals or functional outcomes. In addition, the three-dimensional movement of the horse's pelvis leads to a movement response in the patient's pelvis which is similar to the movement patterns of human walking. A foundation is established to improve neurological function and sensory processing, which can be generalized to a wide range of daily activities and address functional outcomes and therapy goals.Hippotherapy can only be provided by a licensed Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist or Speech and Language Pathologist. Adults and children with disabilities can improve their posture, muscle tone, coordination, balance,sensory/motor development as well as speech and language skills when hippotherapy is incorporated into a total Plan of Care for a patient.

What does hippotherapy help with?

*Gross motor skills

*Speech and language abilities


*Oral Motor skills

*Respiration and postural/core control

*Fine motor skills

*Sensory Processing

*Behavioral and cognitive abilities

Hippotherapy as a treatment strategy for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy

Physical Therapists who have had special training in hippotherapy will incorporate the three dimensional movement of the horse to achieve gait training goals, balance goals, postural / core control goals, and strengthing and stretching. Improvement in gross motor skills and functional activities for developing children with disabilities are gained as the natural environment and variablity of the horse's gait present as new and unique to a child. Coordination and balance as well as equilibrium skills are addressed through the variability of the horse's movment as well as the rhythym, tempo and cadence of the horses movement.

In Occupational Therapy a specially trained Occupational Therapist will incorporate hippotherapy, the movement of the horse, to modulate and organize the sensory systems.Sensory processing via hippotherapy simultaneously addresses the vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile, visual, olfactory, and auditory systems. The occupational therapist will incorporate the movement of the horse, hippotherapy, to modulate the sensory system in preparation for a therapy or treatment goal and lead to a functional activity. The reciprocal three dimensional movement of the horse helps with the development of fine motor skills, visual motor skills, bilateral control and cognition as well.

Although many people associate hippotherapy with physical therapy, hippotherapy as a Speech and Language Therapy strategy is growing more common. Hippotherapy uses a horse to accomplish traditional speech, language, cognitive, and swallowing goals. Carefully modulated, well cadenced equine movement offers an effective means of addressing speech and language deficits through facilitation of the physiological systems that support speech and language function. Utilizing hippotherapy, appropriate sensory processing strategies have been integrated into the treatment to facilitate successful communication.

Medical conditions for which hippotherapy is indicated

Some medical conditions for which hippotherapy may be commonly indicated are listed below. However, hippotherapy is not for every patient; specially trained Physical or Occupational Therapists or Speech and Language Pathologists evaluate each potential patient on an individual basis as per their professional designation and within their scope of practice. There are specific contraindications and precautions for some conditions and diagnosis.

*Autism Spectrum Disorders

*Cerebral palsy

*Cerebral vascular accident (stroke)

*Developmental delay

*Down syndrome

*Functional spinal curvature (scoliosis)

*Learning or language disabilities

*Multiple Sclerosis

*Sensory Processing Disorders

*Traumatic brain injury

Often In everyday life we communicate with cats and dogs, but not everybody knows about their treating ability.

Dog therapy (canis therapy)

Dog carriers undivided devotion to the man that is felt not only on physical, but also on the mental level. For many seriously ill people, dogs are often the only source of communication: they faithfully listen, will be able to sustain, often physically. Getting rid of loneliness that often accompanies of terminally ill people - is the major therapeutic effect, which brings dog therapy. Even with consistently poor physical condition improving the psychological state of the positive effect on the quality of life of patients.

Visually impaired people who use guide dogs, note that with the advent of their dog's life was not only easier to travel in space, but the whole of life has become easier, because there is always a reliable friend, ready to suggest where to go. Many blind soon notice that with the advent of their life for a guide dog increases self-esteem. It is not only the dog takes care of the sick, and the blind must take care of a dog. The need to feed your pet, walk him to take some responsibility makes the blind to think of ourselves as more strong man.

Dogs help solve psychological problems in the family. Acts method simply: with the advent of home dog couple begin to concentrate less on the problems of interpersonal relationships, they transferred their attention to the dog. Reducing the opportunities for studying disadvantages of each other and cause for conflict leads to improvement of home life. The necessity to bear certain expenses on a dog and mitigates the family conflicts on financial issues. It is usually the loving owners, regardless of sex and the degree of diligence, do not save on household Pets - so in some families first appears unanimity in money matters. And when one point of contact, it is easier to others. In addition dog improves the psychological climate in the family that is always friendly. It is difficult to interfere in the presence of dogs, cheerful shuffling tail.

Feles therapy (Cat therapy)

The term (from the Latin «felis» cat) sometimes replaced by more intuitive – cat therapy. How much of a genius, feline therapy chosen randomly. In one of the laboratories of the University of London once went for a cat, you прикармливали staff of the faculty. The laboratory staff have noticed that the low-frequency oscillator responds to the approaching cat you have a cat by itself is capable of generating low-frequency currents.

The positive influence of low-frequency currents on many organs and body functions has long been known. Huge area of physiotherapy is based on this knowledge in medical practice popular procedures currents of low frequency. So instead of the device low frequency you can just attach to the sore place
урчащую cat. The effect is nearly the same.

Ordinary cat his rumbling will oscillate in the range from 20 to 55 Hz. Some cats have a wider range up to 150 Hz. Sound vibrations in the range of 20-50 Hz improve the regeneration of bone fractures, contribute to their strengthening. The old woman who kept house cats and often they are taken on hands, have all chances to not feel the difficulties of the age of osteoporosis.

Advocates of cat therapy assure that the healing properties of cats strongly depend on the breed and hair length. The British and the Scots, having a soft plush fur, positively influence the cardiovascular system, normalize heart rate. People with long hair - fluffy Siberian cats, Persians remove irritation, help to get rid of insomnia, excessive excitability. Short-haired and bald cats - Oriental, sphinxes, Cornish-Rex help at the diseases of gastrointestinal tract and liver.

If stroking the cat every day for a few minutes, you can improve the condition for high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. British scientists, watching for ten years for the control group of their fellow citizens, concluded that owners of cats live an average of six years longer than those who don't like animals.

Owners of cats and dogs live 4 - 5 years longer than their counterparts, and less likely to go to a doctor at an average of 16% for a man, гладящего animal, reduces the pulse frequency, come forth the General relaxation of the muscles, improves digestion presence in the house of the person, who suffered a heart attack or stroke, cats or dogs reduces the risk of re-attack twice as 30% of patients with nervous system diseases (hysteria, psychasthenia, neurasthenia and so on) cured contact with a dog.

Practical part.

Questionnaire about pets and pet therapy.

I decided to conduct a survey among my friends and then I obtained the following results.

Do you have pets? 89% of my friend answered that they have pets and 11% people answered that they have no pets. (See Appendix №1). And then I decided to ask the next question: Do you communicate with animal if you have no pets? All my friends (100%) communicate with any animals some time. (See Appendix №2). The next question was: What kinds of animals do you communicate mostly with? I was surprised by the answers. To be sure, the majority of my friends communicate with cats, dogs, rabbits but…. Spiders were the most unusual answer. So, I got the next results by this question: Cats(46%), Dogs(42%), Fish(4%), Spiders(4%), rabbits(4%).(See Appendix№3) And then I was interested about the influence of this communicating with animals, the next question was: Do you feel better after communicating with animals? 79% of my friends feel good after it, 21% don't notice a change.( See Appendix №4) Not bad result, but I would like to learn some more… The next question was: Do you know about Pet Therapy? So, I have got interesting answers: few of my friends (32%) know about this treating, others (68%) – don’t know about it. (See Appendix №5). The last question was: What kinds of Pet Therapy do you know? Surprisingly, the most known kinds of pet therapy are: The Dolphin Therapy (32%), The Hippo Therapy (17%), The Apitherapy (Bee Therapy) (10%), The Leech Therapy (3%), The Feles Therapy (the Cat Therapy) (3%), The Dog Therapy (3%). But others unfortunately answered “I don’t know” (32%). (See Appendix №6).

So I didn’t stop on this, also I have decided to make an experiment.

Experiment with blood pressure.

I have decided to make an experiment, connected with the topic of my work. My friend’s grandmother often has high blood pressure. She takes pills every day. And she has a cat that is very nice and clever. After some time my friend noticed that when grandma feels not very well the cat is always near her. One day we wanted to know if cats can really lessen blood pressure.

Firstly, we took grandma’s blood pressure. It was 180 to 120 points.

Secondly, we gave her the cat. The cat rolled itself up into a ball on the grandma’s laps and started to purr.

Thirdly, we took grandma’s blood pressure again in 20 minutes. To our surprise it was 170 to 110 points.

We made this experiment three times and results were the same.

We can conclude that cats really help people with high blood pressure without any pills. (See Appendix №7).


Pet therapy has a mass of advantages.

Firstly, it’s free treatment. You will just need to reward your pet with a drop of warmth and affection. But not do without treats his Goodies.

Secondly, it isn’t only healthy activity, also you can have fun with your pet.

Thirdly, it gives special treatment skills.

This therapy has one drawback: you may be allergic to your pet.

It is easy to be healthy with your pet.















An experiment

Blood pressure




Before the therapy




After the therapy




List of literature






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