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Ярчук Наталья45

ROAD TRANSPORT учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов укрупненной группы специальности СПО 23.00.00 «Техника и технология наземного транспорта»

Министерство общего и профессионального образования Свердловской области

Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Свердловской области

«Екатеринбургский автомобильно-дорожный колледж»


учебное пособие по английскому языку

для студентов укрупненной группы специальности СПО

23.00.00 «Техника и технология наземного транспорта»

Екатеринбург, 2020


ЦК общих гуманитарных дисциплин Протокол № от 2020г.

Председатель ЦК Филипась Л.П.


Ярчук Н.Е.

Михалёва М.М.

Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов укрупненной группы специальности СПО 23.00.00 «Техника и технология наземного транспорта», изучающих английский язык.



Learning New Words (Изучение новой лексики) Road Safety (Безопасность на дороге)

Role of Transportation (Роль перевозок)

Texts for Reading (Тексты для дополнительного чтения) Приложение



Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по укрупненной группе специальностей 23.00.00 «Техника и технология наземного транспорта».

Основная цель пособия – подготовить обучающихся по данным специальностям к использованию английского языка в их будущей профессиональной деятельности. Пособие направлено на овладение студентами лексикой, используемой в сфере наземного транспорта, а также на формирование навыков и умений говорения, аудирования, чтения.

Пособие состоит из следующих разделов:

Learning New Words (Изучение новой лексики)

Road Safety (Безопасность на дороге)

Role of Transportation (Роль перевозок)

Texts for Reading (Тексты для дополнительного чтения)


Работа над новыми словами и терминами представлена в разделе Learning New Words (Изучение новой лексики). Учебный материал данного раздела направлен на формирование и развитие языковой коммуникативной компетенции и навыков профессионально-ориентированного языкового взаимодействия.

В разделе Road Safety (Безопасность на дороге) представлены задания и тексты по проблемам дорожной безопасности, побуждающие обучающихся к высказыванию собственного мнения.

Раздел Role of Transportation (Роль перевозок) содержит тексты и задания на употребление лексики профессионального общения, а также вопросы по содержанию текстов.

В разделе Texts for Reading (Тексты для дополнительного чтения)

представлены аутентичные тексты, охватывающие основные направления

данных специальностей, а также проблемы как экология, транспорт в странах изучаемого языка и т.д.

В Приложении представлены наиболее часто употребляемые сокращения в технической литературе по данным специальностям.

Для формирования навыков аудирования предлагается использовать задания из аутентичного пособия English for the Automobile Industry, указанного в списке литературы.

Данное пособие может быть использовано в качестве дополнения к учебникам по указанным выше специальностям.

Learning New Words (Изучение новой лексики)

Изучите лексику по теме «Road transport»




Auto caravan


(Storage) battery







Gasoline (Am.)








Larry (Br.)

Truck (Am.)

Давление в шинах

Tyre pressure












Spare part


Inner tube


Petrol can, Gas can


Bonnet (Br.)

Hood (Am.)

Ключ (гаечный)


Ключ зажигания

Ignition key





Коробка передач






Нарушение правил

Violation of traffic regulations









Ограничение скорости

Speed limit



Превышение скорости


Пешеход (ный переход)














Рычаг переключения передач



Traffic light


Signal lamp









Ветровое стекло

Windscreen (Br.)

Windshield (Am.)

Выхлопная труба

Exhaust pipe

Дорожный знак

Road sign

Предупредительный знак

Warning sign

Ж\д переезд

Railway crossing

Левый (правый) поворот

Left (right) turn

Легковой автомобиль

Passenger car

Брать на буксир


Быть неисправным

Be out of repair

Вести машину

Drive a car


Fill up



Подберите эквиваленты

Vehicles: road transport


Fire engine






Sports car



Police car




Saloon car



Подберите эквиваленты к следующим словам

Travelling by road




Outside lane






Grass verge

Level crossing

Service area

Crash barrier

Hard shoulder

Middle lane

Slip road


Inside lane



Cycle path


Закончите следующие предложения, используя лексику из упражнения


You enter or leave a motorway by a .

A is a space next to a main road where you can park your car out of the way of the other traffic.

A is a road that takes traffic round the edge of a town rather than through its centre.

A is a special route arranged for traffic when the normal route cannot be used.

The is the narrow piece of ground at the side of a road which is usually covered with grass.

People driving fast cars on motorways try to stay in the as much as possible.

An _ is a road which goes underneath another road or a railway line.

A _ is a place where a road and a railway line cross each other. It is usually protected by gates or barrier that shuts off the road while a train passes.

A _ is a place where roads join.

The is the area at the side of a motorway where you are allowed to stop if your car has broken down.

Road Safety (Безопасность на дороге)

Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим дорожным знакам



Рассмотрите следующие ситуации на дороге, укажите, какой иллюстрации соответствуют представленные водителями описания ДТП


Прочитайте текст «Road Safety»

Найдите в тексте абзац, в котором идет речь о типах столкновений.

Какова основная функция ремней безопасности?

Каковы основные правила поведения пешеходов при пересечении проезжей части улицы?

Road Safety

Every year several thousand people are lolled on the roads. Every year hundred thousand people are injured. These people are killed and injured in road accidents. Accidents are often caused by carelessness of the people. There are rules that help to make the roads safe, but people do not follow the rules. In our country as in most other countries traffic keeps to the right, but in Great Britain traffic keeps to the left. While driving the car you can get into trouble. The data indicate that in road accidents the passengers who use different kinds of safety belts suffer from the impacts less than the passengers who don't use ones. It was shown that safety belts had reduced the risk of serious injuries.

Accidents can be divided into three types as follows: 1.Head-on impacts between cars;

Side impacts caused by accidents at intersections;

Rear impacts in which the car (often stationary) is struck from the rear by another car.

Head-on accidents are the most numerous in which the driver and the front seat passenger suffer head injuries. That is why the most important function of safety belts is to protect the driver and passenger from head injury. In up-to-date cars various types of safety cushions are used to protect the lives of those sitting in the car. But the gold rule is to be careful on the road while driving the car. As far as the pedestrians are concerned they should obey the following rules: before crossing the road, stop and look both ways. Look right, look left, and then look right again. If the road is clear, it is safe to cross it.

Role of Transportation (Роль перевозок)

Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы, данные после текста

Transportation and Roads

Transportation is a system consisting of three components: 1) driver 2) vehicle 3) road. Whenever any one of these three components fails, the whole system fail.

Driver. Of all components driver is the most powerful component influencing safety on the road. Studies show that 86% of the serious accidents are caused by drivers.

Vehicle. This component also plays a vital part in determining safety on roads. Just like an unsafe driver, an unsafe vehicle is a source of constant danger in a road transportation system. With the growing percentage of old vehicles the risk of accidents on road grows considerably. This risk could be minimized by eliminating unsafe vehicles from roads. One way of doing it is to carry out periodical inspection of old vehicles.

Road. To ensure maximum safety for the transportation system, it is very necessary to plan and design highways on modern engineering techniques. It is possible to obtain maximum safety on highways by controlling their geometry, providing sight distances for the speeds, which is desirable to obtain on these highways.

The traffic on the road has completely alerted within the last twenty-five years and therefore the existing system of roads in many countries should also be changed, in order to meet modern requirements. The modern trend is towards national and consequently uniform planning, design and construction.

Ответьте на вопросы

What are the three main components of transportation?

Which of the three components is the most important?

Why is it necessary to inspect the old vehicles periodically?

How should highways be designed to ensure safety?

Why should the existing system of roads be changed?

Закончите предложения

Transportation system is…

Driver is…

An unsafe vehicle is…

To ensure maximum safety for the transportation system, it is very necessary…



VEHICLE-транспортное средство



ACCIDENT-авария TRAFFIC-транспорт

2. Переведите приведённый ниже отрывок из публицистической статьи в британской газете “The Telegraph”, используя словарь

The Role of Transportation in Modern Society

Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. Transportations contribute to economic development of the society, whereas the economy depends on transportation. The field of transport has several aspects: infrastructure, vehicles, and operations. Too much infrastructure

and too much vehicle means that in many cities there is too much traffic and many of the negative impacts that come with it.

The situation is most critical in the urban transport sector. Traffic jams - now inseparable from the life of cities. The quality of freight and passenger transportation is affected. The most common negative problems of urban transport sector are: lack of safety, noise, traffic density and traffic jams.

Moreover, transportation is extremely important for successful operating of any company as well as the whole market at large. As a rule, the main goal of producers and sellers, as well as buyers, is to minimize costs for transportation and deliver goods to customers in possibly shorter terms. Innovative technologies, Internet are playing increasingly more important role and are commonly used to facilitate transportation and logistics.

The open competition stimulates carriers to the improvement of their services and it may also result in certain decrease of costs of transportation for producers. Implementation of new technologies leads to the implementation of high technologies in transportation and logistics. Consequently, the probability that producers will find their clients and carrier, which will transport the goods to the destination at possibly lower costs, increases.

Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that the implementation of new technologies will lead to better cooperation between producers and carriers.

2 . Найдите в тексте и выпишите ответы на вопросы.

What is the main goal of producers and sellers in transportation?

What aspects does the field of transportation have?

What are the main problems of urban transport sector?

What will implementation of new technologies lead to?

What is transportation?

3. Role of transportation in the supply chain

Перед чтением текста проверьте значение следующих слов по словарю

Nouns: costs, opportunities, party, mode, level, responsiveness, network

Verbs: to transport, to amount, to lower, to exchange, to respond to, to invest, to create, to take place, to suit, to evaluate, to consider, to decrease, to increase, to communicate, to allow, to own

The term “transportation” refers to the movement of product from one point to another as it moves from the beginning of a supply chain to the customer. In the United States, for example, freight transportation costs amount to about 6% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

Any supply chain’s success is closely linked to the appropriate use of transportation. Logistics companies effectively use responsive transportation systems to lower overall costs. They employ “Crossdocking”– a process, in which product is exchanged between trucks so that each truck going to a retail store has products from different suppliers. Today, the growth in shipments to and from China is creating both problems and opportunities for logistics companies. Many large corporations have already invested in buying offices in China and India.

There are two key players in any transportation that takes place within a supply chain. The shipper is that party that requires the movement of the product between the point of origin and the point of consumption. The carrier is the party that moves or transports the product.

The modes of transportation include water, rail, intermodal, truck, air, pipeline and package carriers. Water is typically the least expensive mode, but is also the slowest, whereas air and package carriers the most expensive and the fastest. Rail and water are best suited for low-value and large shipments that do not need to be

moved in a hurry. Air and package carriers are best suited for small, high-value, emergency shipments. Intermodal carriers are faster than rail and water, but more expensive.

Logistics firms should take into consideration a combination of a) transportation costs; b) inventory costs; c) the level of responsiveness to the customers’ requirements. Managers should consider an appropriate combination of company-owned and outsourced transportation to meet their needs. Managers must also use the information technology available to help decrease cost and improve responsiveness in their transportation networks. For example, satellite-based communication systems allow carriers to communicate with each other.

1. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста

What does the term “transportation” imply?

What do logistics companies use to decrease overall costs?

What are two keys players in any transportation that takes place within a supply chain?

What modes of transportation are used in Logistics?

What is the least expensive mode of transportation?

What is the fastest mode of transportation?

What is the information technology utilized for?

What do satellite-based communication systems allow carriers to do?

2. Соответствуют ли утверждения содержанию текста?

Freight transportation costs in the United States amount to about 5% of the GDP.

Any supply chain’s success is closely linked to the appropriate use of transportation.

Cross-docking is a process, in which product is exchanged between trucks so that each truck going to a retail store has products from different suppliers.

There are three key players in any transportation that takes place within a supply chain.

The carrier is that party that requires the movement of the product between two points in the supply chain.

The modes of transportation include water, rail, intermodal, truck, air, pipeline and package carriers.

Water is typically the most expensive mode.

Rail and water are best suited for high-value shipments.

Air and package carriers are best suited for emergency shipments.

Intermodal carriers are faster than rail and water and less expensive.

Firms should evaluate the transportation function based on a combination of transportation costs and other costs.

Managers should consider an appropriate combination of company-owned and outsourced transportation to meet their needs.

The use of information technology would help decrease cost and improve responsiveness in transportation networks.

Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык

Raw materials, finished product, distribution capacity, supply and demand, retail store, modes of transportation, large shipments, intermodal carrier, huge warehouse, communication systems, satellite-based systems.

Установите соответствия

include a) enlarge

maximize b) contain

eliminate c) transfer

need d)produce

transport e)advance

improve f) require

manufacture g) put into operation

implement h)avoid

5. Образуйте словосочетания




























Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами

excellence responsiveness categories inventory safety management costs sites

The inventory, along with transportation, the location of the manufacturing 1)

_ and warehouses represent an important factor that influences the

performance of the supply chain. 2) contains the raw materials,

the work in process and all the finished products of a supply chain. The changes of the inventory policies can lead to a dramatic change of the supply chain’s efficiency and 3) . Logisticians have to identify the main 4)

of inventory and the way that they can be controlled. In every

company we can identify cycle inventory, 5) inventory and seasonal

inventory. Traditionally, in the management of supply chain processes, inventory

6) _ is challenging because it directly impacts both costs and service. Effective inventory management is at the core of supply chain management 7)

_. Inventory 8) are the costs related to storing and

maintaining its inventory over a certain period of time.

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словосочетаниями

Fill in the gaps using suitable word combinations from the box below

sales order natural resources production area production plan sales department production department shipping department movement of products raw materials

Supply chain activities transform , raw materials and components into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer.

A simple supply chain is made up of several elements that are linked by the

along it.

The customer contacts the of the company, which enters the

sales order for a specific quantity to be delivered on a specific date.

The requirement activated by the customer’s will be combined with other orders.

The planning department will create a to produce the products to fulfil the customer’s orders.

The purchasing department receives a list of raw materials and services required by the _ to complete the customer’s orders.

The purchasing department sends purchase orders to selected suppliers to deliver the necessary to the manufacturing site on the required date.

Based on a production plan, the raw materials are moved to the


When the finished product arrives in the warehouse, the determines the most efficient method to ship the products.

Texts for Reading (Тексты для дополнительного чтения)

Traffic in Europe

In 1968, the European countries signed the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic treaty, with the aim of standardizing traffic regulations in participating countries in order to facilitate international road traffic and to increase road safety. Part of the treaty was the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, which defined the traffic signs and signals. As a result, in Western Europe the traffic signs are well standardised, although there are still some country-specific exceptions, mostly dating from the pre-1968 era. The principle of the European traffic sign standard is that shapes and colours are to be used for indicating the same purposes. Triangular shapes (white or yellow background) are used in warning signs. Additionally, the Vienna Convention allows an alternative shape for warning signs, a diamond shape, which is rarely used in Europe. The prohibition signs in Europe are round with a red border. Informative and various other secondary signs are of rectangular shape. Animals shown on warning signs include elks, frogs, deer, ducks, cows, sheep, horses, polar bears (on Svalbard), and monkeys (in Gibraltar). The Convention allows any animal image to be used. Directional signs have not been harmonised under the Convention, at least not on ordinary roads. As a result, there are substantial differences in directional signage throughout Europe. Differences apply in typeface, type of arrows and, most notably, colour scheme. The convention however specifies a difference between motorways and ordinary roads, and that motorways use white-on-green (e.g., Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Republic of Macedonia, Albania) or white-on-blue (e.g., Norway, Germany, the Republic of Ireland, France, the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Latvia). Hungary switched from white-on-green to white-on-blue in the early 2000s during the reconstruction of existing and construction of new motorways. Differences are

greater for non-motorways: white-on-blue in Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Greece, Cyprus, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and the Netherlands (in this case the same as motorways), white-on-green in France, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Poland and Portugal, black- on-yellow in Germany, Luxembourg, Norway, Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia, red- on-white in Denmark (though white-on-blue on motorway exits), and black-on- white in Spain. Secondary roads are different from primary roads in France, the United Kingdom, Finland, the Republic of Ireland, Switzerland and Portugal, always signposted in black-on-white. In Germany, Italy, Romania and Sweden, black-on-white indicates only urban roads or urban destinations. Signposting road numbers differs greatly as well. Only the European route number, if signposted, will always be placed in white letters on a green rectangle. European route numbers are not signed at all in the United Kingdom. Some signs like “STOP”, “ZONE” etc. are recommended to be in English, but the local language is also permitted. If the language uses non-Latin characters, the names of cities and places should also be in Latin transcription.

Road signs in the Republic of Ireland are bilingual, using Irish and English. Wales is also the same, with bilingual Welsh-English signs; some parts of Scotland also have bilingual Scottish Gaelic-English signs. Finland also uses bilingual signs, in Finnish and Swedish. European countries use the metric system on road signs (distances in kilometres or metres, heights/widths in metres) with the notable exception of the UK, where distances are indicated in miles, and on remaining fi nger post signs in the Republic of Ireland erected before 1977, where distances are also indicated in miles (which were formally used for all directional signage in the Republic of Ireland prior to 1977 and on speed limits prior to 2005). For countries driving on the left, the convention stipulates that the traffic signs should be mirror images of those used in countries driving on the right. This practice, however, is not systematically followed in the four European countries driving on the left, Cyprus, the Republic of Ireland, Malta and the United Kingdom. The convention permits the use of two background colours for danger and prohibit signs, white or

yellow. Most countries use white with a few exceptions like Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Poland, as yellow tends to be more visible in areas in which snow is prevalent. The European traffic signs have been designed with the principles of heraldry on mind; i.e., the sign must be clear and able to be resolved with one single glance. Most traffic signs conform to heraldic tincture rules, and rather use symbols than written texts for better semiotic clarity.

United Kingdom

Traffic signing in the UK conforms broadly to European norms, though a number of signs are unique to Britain and direction signs omit European route numbers. The current sign system, introduced on 1 January 1965, was developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s by the Anderson Committee, which established the motorway signing system, and by the Worboys Committee, which reformed signing for existing all-purpose roads. (For illustrations of most British road signs, see the Highway Code website.) Britain remains the only European Union member nation and the only major Commonwealth country to use non-metric (imperial) measurements for distance and speed, although metric “authorised-weight” signs were prescribed in 1981 and there is now a dual-unit (imperial first) option for restriction signage, used where foreign drivers may use the routes so that they may better understand the restriction and/or advice about a hazard ahead. Three colour schemes exist for direction signs. A road may be a motorway (white on blue), a primary route (white on dark green with yellow route numbers), or a non-primary route (black on white). A fourth colour scheme, black on yellow, is seen on temporary signs, for example marking a diversionary route avoiding a road closure. Two typefaces are specified for British road signs. Transport Medium or Transport Heavy are used for all text on fixed permanent signs and most temporary signage, depending on the colour of the sign and associated text colour; dark text on a white background is normally set in Heavy so that itstands out better. This is except for route numbers on motorway signs, for which a taller limited character set typeface

called Motorway is used. Signs are generally in English although bilingual signs are used in Wales (English/Welsh) and are beginning to be seen in parts of the Scottish Highlands (English/Scottish Gaelic).

Transport in Britain

As in the rest of western Europe in recent years there has been a large increase in the use of private cars. During the same period travel by bus and coach fell from 25 per cent to 10 per cent of all transport and rail travel Dell from 15 per cent to just over 7 per cent. Britain, where the first railways were introduced, now has a declining rail system compared to other European countries: the Germans, the Italians and the French all travel by trains much more than the British. Britain also has the most expensive system of rail passenger travel in the European Community.

Although the railways remained nationalized during the 1980s, the organization of bus and coach transport changed. Smaller buses appeared in towns and cities and there ways more competition between companies. As a result of better service and cheaper prices, the number of passengers travelling long distances by bus or coach began to increase again.

Britain started building motorways, in the 1960s and there is a sophisticated system of major roads. However, the increase in cars and lorries, particularly in and around London and on the motorways, has caused a number of problems, with long-distance travelers.

Environmentally friendly cars

Many of the world’s cities lie under a permanent blanket of smog. People are concerned about global warming, and fuel prices just keep going up and up. In recent years car manufacturers have been put under pressure to invent a vehicle that is both cheaper to run and better for the environment. One of the first ideas

which car manufacturers tried, was to replace engines which run on fossil fuels with electric motors. Unfortunately, these vehicles had several drawbacks and they didn’t sell very well. The problems were that the batteries of these electric cars ran out very quickly and took a long time to recharge. Car manufacturers have improved the concept so that environmentally friendly cars can now be efficient and economical as well. The hybrid car, which has both an electric motor and a traditional petrol engine, comes in. The electric motor never needs to be recharged and it is much better for the planet than a traditional car. In a hybrid car, the engine is controlled by a computer which determines whether the car runs on petrol, electricity, or both. When the car needs maximum power, for example, if it is accelerating or climbing a steep hill, it uses all of its resources, whereas at steady speeds it runs only on petrol. When slowing down or braking, the electric motor recharges its batteries. Hybrid cars are made using materials such as aluminium and carbon fibre (углеродное волокно), which makes them extremely light. Hybrid cars are better for the environment because they use far less petrol than normal cars, so they produce less pollution. Of course, hybrid cars aren’t perfect; they still run on fossil fuel and so pollute the environment to some extent. However, they may be the first step along the road to cleaner, 'greener' cars. Car manufacturers are already working on vehicles which run on hydrogen (водород). The only emission from these cars is harmless water vapour. These are still some way in the future, though, as designers need to think of cheap and safe ways of producing, transporting and storing hydrogen, but at last, it looks like we might be heading in the right direction.

The Саr and the Environment

Most of us know that cars cause air pollution. Scientists tell us that if we don't do something soon, we will be unable to repair the damage that we are causing to our planet. What are some of the things we can do to help?

Buy a fuel-efficient car and keep it that way

Good gas is a way to stop pollution. Choose a car that is friendly to the environment when you buy one.

Keep your car tuned up

A car that badly tuned releases more pollutants into the air. If you keep track of your gas mileage, you'll know when something is wrong. A badly tuned car uses almost 10% more gas than a well-tuned car. Other ways to waste gas are: Idling your car unnecessarily. If you are stopped for longer than a minute, it is more fuel efficient to turn off your engine. Using dirty fuel filters. Dirty fuel filters waste gas. Air Conditioner Maintenance. Of course, this causes a big problem for both us and our mechanics. Our mechanics will have to make sure that there are no leaks, and fix them if there are, before they can add any R-12 (freon) to our air conditioning systems. Naturally, this cost will be passed along to us.

From the History of Russian Automobile Engineering

The automobile industry in our country has been developed since 1916. Before that time Russia had no automobile industry at all, technical schools had no departments to train specialists in automobile engineering. But in the history of the automobile such names as Shamshurenkov, Blinov, Mamin and other Russian experts in mechanics must be remembered. The first automobile built by Shamshurenkov, a Russian inventor, was put into motion by the pedalling of the driver himself. Blinov designed and constructed tractor driven by steam engine. Mamin was one of the pioneers in Russian internal combustion engines. Today Russian automobiles are engineered and built in such a manner that they are able to withstand heavy loads for long periods of operation. The modern automobile is much more than a means of riding from one place to another. The passenger's safety and comfort must be considered as much as the car's reliable performance and ability to travel on the highways. The modern automobile must have a steel

body and a steel roof and this roof must be insulated against the summer's heat and winter's (old. Ventilation is also of great importance. The comfort and convenience of the driver must be taken into consideration too. The automobile must have a heater with special defrosting devices which insure clear vision to the driver. The automobile must have great power for riding, have dependable clutch and brakes, have good riding qualities, good lights, dependable starting and ignition systems, low fuel consumption, as well as long service life.

The Car of the Future


Our “Auto Safety” Series


The main car manufacturers

Nowadays Japan and the United States are the largest car producers. Japan replaced the United States as the top passenger car manufacturer from 1980 to 1983. It regained the top spot in 1987 and still holds the fi rst place. Other major producers include France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Spain. In general, the largest automating countries also have the largest markets for cars. The United States has the biggest car market by far. Such countries as Japan, Italy, and France follow well behind. The largest U.S. automakers, called the Big Three, are General Motors Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler Corporation. Each of the Big Three produces, under different trade names, a variety of cars and light trucks designed to meet the needs, preferences, and incomes of different consumers. Japan’s major producers include Toyota Motor Corporation, Nissan Motor Company, Honda Motor Company, Mitsubishi Motor Company, and Mazda Motor Corporation. Historically, Japanese cars made for use in Japan have tended to be small, fuel effi cient, and of limited power. This is because Japan depends completely on imported oil and many of its streets are too narrow and crowded for big cars. For export, Japan produces a range of models to satisfy a variety of buyers. Many European companies make far fewer vehicles than do Japanese or American fi rms because they target their output to the smaller luxury and sports car markets. Such European producers include Jaguar of Great Britain; Mercedes- Benz, Audi, BMW, and Porsche of Germany; and Saab and Volvo of Sweden. Other European manufacturers produce millions of cars each year. These major producers include Volkswagen of Germany; Peugeot and Renault of France; and Fiat of Italy.


Наиболее употребительные сокращения в технической литературе

a.m. - ante meridiem (лат.) — во столько-то часов до полудня

С - centigrade - по стоградусной шкале Цельсия (о температуре)

e.g. — exempli gratia (лат.) - например etc. — et cetera (лат.) — и т. д.

hr. — hour — час

i.e. — id est (лат.) — то есть kg. - kilogram - килограмм lb. — pound — фунт

L — litre — литр

m. — metre — метр mi. — mile — миля

mill. — minute — минута

NB - nota bene (лат.) - pay attention— обратите внимание, заметьте

p.m. — post meridiem (лат.)пополудни

s. — second — секунда

t. - ton - тонна

vs - versus (лат.) - против

w. — watt — ватт

X-rays — Roentgen rays - рентгеновские лучи a.с. [alternating current] — переменный ток amp. [ampere] — ампер

B.D.C. [bottom dead centre] - нижняя мертвая точка

b.h.p . [brake horsepower] - эффективная тормозная мощность C.-I. engine [compression-ignition engine] — двигатель с воспламенением от сжатия, дизель

c.с./сu. cm. [cubic centimetre] — кубический сантиметр

cu. in. [cubic inch] —кубический дюйм cu. ft. [cubic foot] - кубический фут

wt. [hundredweight] — центнер

d.c. [direct current] — постоянный ток

F. [Fahrenheit] — по шкале Фаренгейта (о температуре)

f.p.m . [feet per minute] — футов в минуту

f.p.s . [feet per second] — футов в секунду ft.-lbs. [foot-pounds] — футо-фунты

gal. [gallon] — галлон

g.p.m . [gallon per minute] - галлон в минуту hp [horsepower] - лошадиная сила

in. [inch] - дюйм

k.p.h . [kilometers per hour] - километров в час lb [pound] — фунт

lb.-ft. [pound-foot] - фунто-фут

m.p.g . [miles per gallon] — число миль пробега на галлон топлива

m.p.h . [miles per hour] - миль в час

n.h.p . [nominal horsepower] — номинальная мощность в л.с.

n.t.p . [normal temperature and pressure] — нормальные температура и давление

o.a.d . [overall dimension] — габаритный размер psi. [pounds per square inch] - фунтов на кв .дюйм

r.p.m . [revolutions per minute] — оборотов в минуту sq. ft. [square foot] — квадратный фут

t.d.c . [top dead centre] - верхняя мертвая точка

[velocity] — скорость vol. [volume] — объем


Герасимук А.С. Английский язык для специалистов автосервиса (учебное пособие с электронным звуковым приложением) Минск

«Высшая школа», 2013

Kavanagh Marie English for the Automobile Industry Oxford Business English 2016

Marion Grussendorf. English for Logistics. Oxford Business English, 2017

Никонова, И.В. Английский язык: сборник научно-технических текстов на английском языке [Текст] / И.В. Никонова. – Новосибирск : СГГА, 2012. – 76 с.

Petrochenkov A. (2014) Business English for Special Purposes. Moscow: Dobraja Kniga.

Stukalina Yulia Professional English for Students of Logistics. Transport and Telecommunication Institute, 2014

Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для студентов автомобилестроительных специальностей средних профессиональных учебных заведений. Учебное пособие. М: Высшая школа, 2013

Transportweekly. http://www.transportweekly.com/


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