Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку для III курса по специальности «Техника и технология наземного транспорта»
Министерство общего и профессионального образования
Свердловской области
Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Свердловской области «Екатеринбургский автомобильно-дорожный колледж»
Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку
для обучающихся III курса по укрупненной группе специальностей 23.00.00 «Техника и технология наземного транспорта»
Екатеринбург, 2019
ЦК общих гуманитарных дисциплин
Протокол № ______ от _________2019г.
Председатель ЦК _______ Филипась Л.П.
Ярчук Н.Е., преподаватель ГАПОУ СО «Екатеринбургский автомобильно-дорожный колледж»
Михалёва М.М., преподаватель ГАПОУ СО «Екатеринбургский автомобильно-дорожный колледж»
Данная рабочая тетрадь предназначена для обучающихся III курса по укрупненной группе специальностей 23.00.00 «Техника и технология наземного транспорта»
Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов III курса, обучающихся по укрупненной группе специальностей 23.00.00 «Техника и технология наземного транспорта».
Основная цель пособия – формирование и дальнейшее развитие профессионально ориентированной компетенции, овладение обучающимися умениями чтения и перевода с ориентацией на будущую профессиональную деятельность.
Пособие состоит из следующих разделов:
Learning New Words (изучение новой лексики)
Practice (практика применения лексики в ситуациях профессионального общения)
Reading and translation
Работа над новыми словами и терминами представлена в разделе Learning New Words. Профессиональная лексика по данной группе специальностей включает в себя большое количество названий деталей и узлов автомобиля. Поэтому большим плюсом данного пособия является наличие иллюстраций. Для обучающихся, участвующих в конкурсе WorldSkills, знание английской терминологии по специальности поможет уменьшить продолжительность времени на ознакомление с заданиями чемпионата, представленными на английском языке.
На основе изученной лексики обучающимся предлагаются задания на развитие коммуникативных навыков по темам профессиональной направленности, которые представлены во втором разделе Practice .
В разделе Reading and translation представлены тексты и задания к ним.
В заключении следует отметить, что владение терминологии может стать ключевым фактором в борьбе за победу даже во время проведения отборочных туров профессиональных конкурсов и олимпиад, так как часть заданий предлагаются на английском языке.
Данное пособие может также использоваться на занятиях по английскому языку по указанной выше группе специальностей и смежным специальностям в дополнение к основному учебнику.
Уважаемый студент, предлагаемая Вам рабочая тетрадь содержит различные задания, связанные с выбранной Вами специальностью. Часть предложенных Вам заданий представлены из аутентичного учебника English for the Automobile Industry (автор Marie Kavanagh, издательство Oxford Business English). Выполнив данные задания, Вы овладеете лексическими единицами, навыками употребления лексики профессионального общения, навыками перевода текстов и инструкций. Содержащиеся в рабочей тетради упражнения и тексты помогут Вам в подготовке к участию в олимпиадах по специальности и конкурсе WorldSkills.
Желаем удачи! Good luck!
1. Составьте словарь по Вашей специальности (найдите русские эквиваленты к словам)
Bus | |||
Auto caravan | |||
(Storage) battery | |||
Accelerator | |||
Bumper | |||
Petrol Gasoline (Am.) | |||
Tow-line | |||
Driver | |||
Garage | |||
Lorry (Br.) Truck (Am.) | |||
Tyre pressure | |||
Engine | |||
Jack | |||
Road | |||
Ignition | |||
Tool | |||
Spare part | |||
Inner tube | |||
Petrol can, Gas can | |||
Bonnet (Br.) Hood (Am.) | |||
Spanner | |||
Ignition key | |||
Grankshaft | |||
Wheel | |||
Gear-box | |||
Hammer | |||
Motorcycle | |||
Violation of traffic regulations | |||
Pump | |||
Trouble | |||
Overtaking | |||
Detour | |||
Speed limit | |||
Screwdriver | |||
Speeding | |||
Pedestrian | |||
Pliers | |||
Turn | |||
Breakage | |||
Trailer | |||
U-turn | |||
Steering-wheel | |||
Gear-shift | |||
Traffic light | |||
Signal lamp | |||
Brake-light | |||
Clutch | |||
Brake | |||
Headlight | |||
Windscreen (Br.) Windshield (Am.) | |||
Exhaust pipe | |||
Road sign | |||
Warning sign | |||
Railway crossing | |||
Left (right) turn | |||
Passenger car | |||
Tow | |||
Be out of repair | |||
Drive a car | |||
Fill up | |||
Repair |
Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словам
1 | back seat | 26 | Windscreen wipers |
2 | tailgate/ hatch | 27 | Rear-view mirror |
3 | Roof | 28 | Windscreen |
4 | Aerial | 29 | Headlight |
5 | Seat belt | 30 | Tyre |
6 | Handbrake | 31 | Hub |
7 | Gear level | 32 | Indicator |
8 | Clutch (pedal) | 33 | Sidelight |
9 | Brake (pedal) | 34 | Bumper |
10 | Accelerator (pedal) | 35 | Light switch |
11 | Bonnet | 36 | Indicator switch |
12 | Wing | 37 | Choke |
13 | Door | 38 | Temperature gauge |
14 | Handle | 39 | Speedometer |
15 | Jack | 40 | Kilometer |
16 | Petrol cap | 41 | Fuel gauge |
17 | Rear light | 42 | Windscreen wiper switch |
18 | Brake light | 43 | Heater controls |
19 | Indicator | 44 | Radio |
20 | Reversing light | 45 | Glove compartment |
21 | Fog light | 46 | Ignition |
22 | Exhaust pipe | 47 | Key |
23 | Number plate | 48 | Horn |
24 | Reflector | 49 | Steering wheel |
25 | Wheelbrace | 50 | Hubcap |
Подберите русские эквиваленты
Parts of car, Exterior
Aerial | Indicator | Tyre |
Bonnet | Lock | Wheel |
Boot | Number plate | Windscreen |
Bumper | Petrol cap | Windscreen |
Door handle | Rear light | Wiper |
Exhaust pipe | Rear window | Wing |
Headlight | Roof rack | Wong mirror |
Accelerator | Gear level | Passenger seat |
Brake pedal | Glove | Petrol gauge |
Foot brake | Compartment | Rear-view |
Car radio | Handbrake | Mirror |
Choke | Heater | Seat-belt |
Clutch | Horn | Speedometer |
Dashboard | Ignition | Steering wheel |
Driver’s seat | Indicator switch |
Заполните таблицу
brake light grill taillight fender spoiler headlight hood door
Front of car | |
Rear of car | |
Side of car | |
Выберите и запишите термины, данные ниже, которые относятся к:
the engine (двигателю); | the chassis (шасси); | the body (кузову). |
| | |
Fuel system, axle shaft, accessories, cooling system, frame with axles, running gear, lubricating system, steering system, heater, propeller shaft, power transmission, final drive, windshield wiper, clutch, wheels and axle shafts, gearbox, electric system, differential.
Дайте русские эквиваленты приведенных выше терминов.
Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующее по смыслу окончание
1. The automobile is made up of... | 1. a power transmission, running gear, steering and braking systems. |
2. The engine is ... | 2. the clutch, gearbox, propeller shaft, final drive, differential and axle shafts. |
3. The engine includes ... | 3. a hood, fenders and accessories. |
4. The chassis consists of... | 4. the engine, the chassis and the body. |
5. The power transmission comprises ... | 5. a frame with axles, wheels and springs. |
6. The running gear consists of… | 6. the source of power. |
7. The body has ... | 7.fuel, cooling, electric and lubricating systems. |
Выберите и запишите соответствующий описанию механизм
1.Mechanism which is used to stop the car.
a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system
2.Mechanism which is used to guide the car.
a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system
3.Mechanism which engages or disengages the engine and the car wheels.
a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system
4.Mechanism which is used to change the speed of the car.
a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) accelerator
5.Mechanism which is used to guide the car in one or the other directions.
a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system
6.Device which is designed to measure the speed of the car.
a) heater; b) windscreen; c) speedometer; d) tachometer
Vehicles: Road transport
Соотнесите названия с данными видами наземного транспорта, переведите названия на русский язык
Ambulance | Fire engine | Motorbike | Scooter |
Bicycle | Hatchback | Pick-up-truck | Sports car |
Bus | Juggernaut | Police car | Taxi |
Coach | Lorry | Saloon car | Van |
10. Глаголы по теме «Вождение автомобиля»
Verbs to do with driving
Accelerate | Dip one’s headlights | Park |
Brake | Do a U-turn | Reverse |
Break down | Give way | Skid |
Break the speed limit | Keep to the speed limit | Stall |
Change gear | Overtake | Tow |
Употребите нужный глагол в следующих ситуациях
1. He usually __________________ when he's driving. So if the sign says 90, then he never drives at more than kilometers per hour.
2. To ______________ means to drive backwards.
3. You usually ________________ to make a car slow down or stop.
4. When driving at night you should always ________________ when you see a car coming towards you. Otherwise you can blind the driver.
5. This car can ________________ from 0-100 kilometers per hour in under ten seconds.
6. To ________________ a car means to drive past it.
7. If a car ________________ another one, it pulls it along behind it, usually using a rope or a chain.
8. It is always very difficult to _______________ in the High Street, so we usually go to one of the large car parks near the station.
9. One of the most difficult things when learning to drive is to ______________ smoothly. That’s why many people prefer automatic cars.
10. When a car ______________ , it turns round in a half circle then drives back the way it came.
11. He was fined for ________________________. He was doing over 100 kilometers per hour in a built-up area where the limit was 50.
12. In Britain, when you reach a roundabout you should always __________________ to traffic on your right.
13. When a car ____________________, the engine stops suddenly, because there is not enough power or speed to keep it going. This can sometimes happen when you first drive a car on a cold, frosty morning.
14. He was late for the meeting because his car ________________ just outside Brighton.
15. It is very easy for a car to ____________________ and go out of control if the roads-are wet or icy.
(практика применения лексики в ситуациях профессионального общения)
Прочитайте текст - ремонтную карту о проблемах в топливной системе.
Date: April 18
Make: Tolento
Area of Inspection:
Customer: Charles Warner
Model: Racer
Year: 2006
fuel system (Type: gasoline direct Injection).
Customer notes: Customer suspects the fuel injection system is malfunctioning.
Fuel lines: Visually checked steel and rubber fuel lines. Removed hoses and clamps and checked for damage. Two hoses were replaced.
Filters: Removed and replaced the fuel filter. Removed and replaced the air filter.
Pumps: Checked fuel pump operating pressure.
Lines: Checked condition of fuel lines going to fuel tank. Checked hoses carrying fuel to injectors.
Injectors: Checked and cleaned fuel Injectors.
Air intake: Cleaned cold air collection box.
Carburetor: No carburetor on this model.
Inspection summary: The fuel system had not been serviced since purchase. Two rubber hoses had signs of wear and small cracks. The fuel injectors were slightly clogged. Mr. Warner is advised not to drive with little fuel in his tank to reduce the amount of sediment in fuel injectors.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What are some parts of an automobile fuel system?
2. Which part of the fuel system screens out dirt or rust from the fuel?
Соответствуют ли утверждения содержанию текста?
Мark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. The steel fuel lines were damaged.
2. The fuel system had not been serviced before.
3. This model of car does not use a carburetor.
Заполните ремонтную карту
Sunshine Garage
Date ______________________
Customer: _________________
Type of car: _____ Year: ______
Problem: ________________________________________
Meter Readings: ___________________________________
Составьте инструкцию по замене шины, расположив данные предложения в нужном порядке
Прочтите описание известных автомобилей, какие это автомобили?
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
Опишите автомобиль своей мечты
Поставьте соответсвующее по смыслу прилагательное в нужной степени сравнения
Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Present Simple Passive. Переведите предложения на русский язык
7. Вы - представитель компании по производству автомобильных деталей. Вы получили письмо от Вашего клиента из Франции. Дополните письмо, использую предложенную лексику
Напишите ответ, используя данные фразы
III. Reading and translationПрочитайте текст, переведите на русский язык
Components of the Automobile
The automobile is made up of three basic parts: the power plant, or the engine, the chassis and the body.
The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels rotate and the car move. It includes fuel, cooling, lubricating and electric systems. Most automobile engines have six or eight cylinders.
The chassis includes a power train (power transmission), a running gear,
steering and braking systems as well. The power train carries the power from the engine to the car wheels. The power transmission, in turn, contains the clutch, gearbox, propeller or cardan shaft, final drive, differential, rear axle and axle shafts. The running
gear consists of a frame with axles, wheels and springs. The body has a hood, fenders and accessories: the heater, stereo tape recorder, windshield wipers, conditioner, speedometer and so on.
Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы:
1.What main parts is the automobile made up of?
2.What is the function of the engine?
3.What systems does the engine include?
4.What does the chassis consist of?
5.What units does the power transmission comprise?
6.What assemblies does the running gear consist of?
7.What has the body?
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты предложений и запишите их
1. Автомобиль состоит из трех основных частей: двигателя, шасси и кузова.
2. Двигатель — это источник энергии.
3. Двигатель включает в себя топливную, охлаждающую, смазывающую и электрическую системы.
4. Шасси включает в себя силовую передачу, ходовую часть, рулевую и тормозную системы.
5. Силовая передача (трансмиссия), в свою очередь, состоит из сцепления, коробки передач, карданного вала, главной передачи, дифференциала, заднего моста и полуосей.
6. Ходовая часть включает в себя раму с осями, колеса и рессоры.
7. Кузов включает в себя капот, крылья и вспомогательные аксессуары: отопитель, стеклоочистители, магнитолу, кондиционер и т. п.
2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы, данные после текста. Составьте перечень основных характеристик автомобиля.
The "UAS" Model
This model designed as "go anywhere" vehicle is built by the Ulyanovsk Plant. It gives high performance under all conditions. All the four wheels of this model are driving ones. Roadless is easily overcome at medium speeds. Stable suspension gives great riding comfort even under off-road conditions. To protect passengers and the driver from sun rays, winds and rains the UAS is equipped with a weather proof hood. In cold weather an effective heater system may be switched on. This model possesses excellent road stability and is easy in control. Well-balanced, synchromesh gearbox, effective brakes provide additional conveniences for the driver. Maintenance of the car is extremely simple, as all points, which are frequently lubricated and adjusted are easily accessible. The body is an all-metal, two-door, eight - seater construction.
The clutch is of a single dry plate type. The transmission has three forward and one reverse speeds. The lower gear can be put in only when the front axle is engaged.
1. At what plant is the model built?
2. Does it give high performance under all conditions?
3. At what speeds is roadless overcome?
4. What is done to protect passengers from wind and rain?
5. What may be switched on in cold weather?
6. Why is maintenance of the car extremely simple?
7. How many speeds has the transmission?
3. Прочитайте текст. Напишите основные характеристики автомобиля в порядке их важности по вашему мнению
What Motor-Car Buyers Want
In answer to a questionnaire sent out by the General Motors Corporation relating to the general characteristics considered most important in cars, 211000 replies were received. According to the Automobile Daily News, car users specified the following characteristics, listed in order of their importance:
2.operating economy;
6. ease of control;
7. smoothness;
8. low first cost;
9. pick-up;
10. speed.
It is very significant that pick-up and speed, frequently stressed in automobile advertising, are, according to the answers of this questionnaire, considered of least importance by the car buyers.
4. Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы
Transportation and Roads
Transportation is a system consisting of three components: 1) driver 2) vehicle 3) road. Whenever any one of these three components fails, the whole system fail.
Driver. Of all components driver is the most powerful component influencing safety on the road. Studies show that 86% of the serious accidents are caused by drivers.
Vehicle. This component also plays a vital part in determining safety on roads. Just like an unsafe driver, an unsafe vehicle is a source of constant danger in a road transportation system. With the growing percentage of old vehicles the risk of accidents on road grows considerably. This risk could be minimized by eliminating unsafe vehicles from roads. One way of doing it is to carry out periodical inspection of old vehicles.
Road. To ensure maximum safety for the transportation system, it is very necessary to plan and design highways on modern engineering techniques. It is possible to obtain maximum safety on highways by controlling their geometry, providing sight distances for the speeds, which is desirable to obtain on these highways.
The traffic on the road has completely alerted within the last twenty-five years and therefore the existing system of roads in many countries should also be changed, in order to meet modern requirements. The modern trend is towards national and consequently uniform planning, design and construction.
1) What are the three main components of transportation?
2) Which of the three components is the most important?
3) Why is it necessary to inspect the old vehicles periodically?
4) How should highways be designed to ensure safety?
5) Why should the existing system of roads be changed?
Закончите предложения
1) Transportation system is…
2) Driver is…
3) An unsafe vehicle is…
4) To ensure maximum safety for the transportation system, it is very necessary…
Переведите приведённый ниже отрывок из публицистической статьи в британской газете “The Telegraph”, используя словарь
The Role of Transportation in Modern Society
Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. Transportations contribute to economic development of the society, whereas the economy depends on transportation. The field of transport has several aspects: infrastructure, vehicles, and operations. Too much infrastructure and too much vehicle means that in many cities there is too much traffic and many of the negative impacts that come with it.
The situation is most critical in the urban transport sector. Traffic jams - now inseparable from the life of cities. The quality of freight and passenger transportation is affected. The most common negative problems of urban transport sector are: lack of safety, noise, traffic density and traffic jams.
Moreover, transportation is extremely important for successful operating of any company as well as the whole market at large. As a rule, the main goal of producers and sellers, as well as buyers, is to minimize costs for transportation and deliver goods to customers in possibly shorter terms. Innovative technologies, Internet are playing increasingly more important role and are commonly used to facilitate transportation and logistics.
The open competition stimulates carriers to the improvement of their services and it may also result in certain decrease of costs of transportation for producers. Implementation of new technologies leads to the implementation of high technologies in transportation and logistics. Consequently, the probability that producers will find their clients and carrier, which will transport the goods to the destination at possibly lower costs, increases.
Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that the implementation of new technologies will lead to better cooperation between producers and carriers.
Найдите в тексте и выпишите ответы на вопросы
What is the main goal of producers and sellers in transportation?
What aspects does the field of transportation have?
What are the main problems of urban transport sector?
What will implementation of new technologies lead to?
What is transportation?
Jim D. Dearholt Mechanics Express Publishing, 2018
Marie Kavanagh English for the Automobile Industry Oxford Business English, 2017
Герасимук А.С. Английский язык для специалистов автосервиса Минск: «Высшая школа», 2016
Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для студентов для автомобильно-строительных специальностей средних профессиональных учебных заведений М: «Высшая школа», 2016