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Михтарьянц Талита Карповна25

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия:

«Cosmonautics Day» 

(dedicated to Gagarin's flight in space)

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 6 класс

Учитель: Михтарьянц Талита Карповна

Цели урока:

Развивающая:  расширение знаний учащихся по теме «Космос и Солнечная система», тренировка лексических навыков, тренировка монологической речи, поддерживание интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Обучающая:  совершенствовать навыки аудирования, чтения и говорения по теме; повторить лексико-грамматический материал за пройденный курс.

Воспитательная:  расширять кругозор о стране изучаемого языка, воспитывать уважение к иноязычной культуре; воспитывать умение работать в коллективе, развивать познавательный интерес к языку другой страны.

Оборудование: ноутбук, презентация, карта Солнечной системы, портрет Юрия Гагарина, фотографии с изображением планет (Марс, Земля, Луна), аудиофайл с записью песни «Twinkle, twinkle little star».

Ход урока.

Ведущий 1. – Good morning, dear guests! We are glad to see all of you today. As you know, Cosmonautic Day is coming. And I`d like to tell you something about this holiday. It is celebrated every April 12 to commemorate the first manned Earth orbit. It is celebrated in honour of the first space flight made by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in 1961.

Ведущий 2 читает стихотворение «Planets» о 9 планетах солнечной системы.

Ведущий 2. – «Planets»

Here are nine planets that we know.
Round and round the Sun they go.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars,
These are the planets near our star.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, too.
Neptune, Pluto, we can't see you.
These are the nine planets that we know.
Round and round the Sun they go.

Ведущий 1. – I`d like to tell you few words about Yuri Gagarin. He was a Hero of the Soviet Union and a Soviet cosmonaut. Yuri Gagarin was born on 9 March 1934. While a youth Yuri became interested in Space and planets. After school Gagarin was selected for further training at a technical high school in Saratov. There he joined the “Aero Club” and learned to fly light aircraft. In 1955 he entered military flight training at the Orenburg Pilot’s School. After his Space flight Gagarin became a world wide celebrity. He died on 27 March 1968 while a training flight his plain crashed near Kirzhach. But still memory of him and his flight lives in the hearts of millions Russian people.

Появляются декорации, карта Солнечной системы и два главных героя – космонавты, которые хотят слетать на Марс с целью узнать что-то об этой таинственной планете.

Космонавт 1. – Hello! We came from a distant planet that is called the Earth. Oh, here is our planet.

Появляется планета Земля.

Земля. – Hello, everybody! I`m the Earth. I`m the third planet from the Sun. I`m the only one planet where life is known to exist. You can see a lot of deep oceans, lakes and rivers on my surface. And I have one natural satellite, the Moon. Oh, here it is!

Появляется Луна, Космонавт 2 читает стихотворение про Луну.

Космонавт 2. – “The Moon”

Are you lonely, Moon?
You giant white balloon!
You have no water, wind or air.
No wonder, nothing lives up there.
You can't grow trees or flowers or grass.
Your soil is only rocks and glass.
Even your light is not your own.
Instead it's from the sun that's shone.
Your gravity is weak, I hear.
You really have no atmosphere.
But don't be sad, Moon, please don't cry.
For I still love you in the sky.

Космонавт 1. – Now we are going to the Mars, let’s go!!!

Затем, космонавты облетают Луну и летят к планете Марс. Звучит космическая музыка. Появляется планета Марс и Марсианин.

Марс. – Hello! I`m the Mars, the forth planet from the Sun. They call me the “Red Planet” because when you look at me I seem to be of red colour.

Космонавт 2. – Look, there are some Martians.

Космонавт 1. – Let`s talk to them. Hello! We came from a distant planet the Earth. We want to make friendship with you.

Марсианин. – Hi, we are glad to meet you. Look at our beautiful “red” planet. As you know, this planet has a thin atmosphere and a lot of craters, volcanoes, and valleys on the surface.

Космонавт 2. – Wow, how interesting!

Марсианин. – We are very glad you are here. So, now let`s sing a happy song together about Solar System.

Звучит мелодия на песню "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”. Космонавты, Марсианин и все планеты поют вместе песню.

Solar System

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
Oh so bright and oh so far.
In the sky, a tiny dot.
Glowing gas that's very hot!
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
Oh so bright and oh so far.

Beaming, beaming, gleaming moon,
Like a giant white balloon,
Round and round the Earth you spin,
Through the month, new shapes you're in.
Beaming, beaming, gleaming moon,
Like a giant white balloon.

Glowing, glowing, red-hot sun.
Shining light on everyone.
Earth goes round you once a year.
You're a star with atmosphere!
Glowing, glowing, red-hot sun,
Shining light on everyone.

Космонавты, Марсианин и планеты прощаются и уходят. Выходят ведущие.

Ведущий 1. – And now we want to know how attentive you were! We are going to ask few questions about Space and Solar System. You can get nice prizes for the right answers! Let`s start!

Ведущий 2. – What`s the name of the first man who went to the orbit space? (Yuri Gagarin)

Ведущий 1. – How many planets there are in the Solar System? (9 planets)

Ведущий 2. – Can you enumerate them?

Ведущий 1. – When do Russian people celebrate the Cosmonautic Day? (12 April)

Ведущий 2. – Are there any craters, volcanoes or valleys on the surface of the Mars? (Yes, there area lot)

Ведущий 1. – What’s the only one planet where life is known to exist? (the Earth)

Ребята, правильно ответившие на вопросы, получают поощрительные призы.

Ведущий 2. – Thank you guys for taking part in our class, dedicated to the Cosmonautics Day!

Ведущий 1. – We hope you enjoyed this time with us today! Thanks a lot, Good bye!


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