12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Меджидова Аймесей Руслановна59
Россия, Московская обл., Королев


Stage / Procedure


Reason for doing the activity

2 min

Introduction (Welcome the class. Ask them: Do they have Present Perfect in their native language)



Introduction to the lesson: the aims and content

10 min

Warmer “Rate your week”(use past simple) Ask SS to rate their week on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1- bad, 10- fabulous. Then ask them to discuss it in pairs


A quick activity to get the class engaged

14 min

Presentation (to introduce how to use present perfect and past simple)


Explanation of a new topic. Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses.

10 min

Practice (Have you ever ... activity) Worksheets


This activity gives them a chance to practice the topic in a controlled way

12 min


(Game “Most deprived”) This game gets your students moving while practicing the negative use of the present perfect. Arrange chairs facing into a circle for all but one of your students. That student stands in the middle and announces something he has never done using the present perfect. Anyone in the circle who has done that activity must get out of his or her seat and races to find a new seat. The person in the middle tries to sit in one of the empty seats as well. The person left standing after everyone else is sitting takes the next turn in the middle of the circle.


This activity gives them a chance to explore the topic in a freer way.

8 min

Review Ask them to remember all differences between both tenses, signal words and formation. “Dear diary” - students have to write about what they did yesterday(use only Present Perfect or Past Simple)


Bring the class back together to review the topic

8 min

Cooler “Telling a story” Divide class into two groups and ask them to make a funny story about that picture (only in Past Simple or Present Perfect)


A quick activity to end the class on a positive note, plus any reminders about the next class and homework


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