12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Глухарева Елена Ивановна36
Я преподаю английский язык в 7, 8 гимназических классах и в 10 классе КГУ "Средняя школа-гимназия №1" отдела образования. города Кокшетау. Педагогический стаж 34 года, имею высшую категорию
Казахстан, Акмолинская область, город Кокшетау

 11th Grade

Test for the 1st Term

I. Listening.

Choose the right answer.

1. What is the aim of the passage?

a) to give some information about common cold

b) prevention of common cold

c) to describe causes of common cold

d) to give the idea what common cold means

e) to give the idea about all infections colds includes

2. According to the passage if you caught a cold

a) it’s necessary to do regular exercises

b) you should strengthen your immune system

c) try to avoid people

d) try to stay at home for the first two days

e) you shouldn’t cover your mouth

3. The passage implies that the best defence against common cold is

a) drinking plenty of water

b) a strong immune system

c) eating well

d) walking for 35 minutes

e) doing morning exercises

4. A person should strengthen his immune system by means of

a) regular, moderate exercises

b) walking for 45 minutes, four times a week

c) taking at least one sauna each week can keep you from catching a cold

d) taking at least two saunas each week can keep you from catching a cold

e) saunas

5. Common cold is …

a) the most frequent disease in all age groups

b) when you contact with people who have colds

c) dangerous period of time when cold viruses often survive for hours on doorknobs

d) a kind of disease when a person has a weak immune system

e) when you don’t sneeze or cough.

II. Reading.

Read the text.

It was once believed that being overweight was healthy, but nowadays few people subscribe to this viewpoint. While many people are fighting the battle to reduce weight, studies are being conducted concerning biochemical factors. For example, when several hundred people were asked about their eating habits in times of stress, 44 per cent said they reacted to stressful situations by eating.

Obese people have a keener sense of taste and desire more flavourful food than non-obese people. When deprived of the variety and immensity of tastes, obese people are not satisfied and they eat much more food. Blood samples taken from people after they were shown a picture of food revealed that overweight people reacted with an increase in blood insulin, a chemical associated with appetite. This did not happen with average-weight people. Eating carbohydrates raises the level of serotonin in our brain. Enough serotonin produces a sense of satisfaction, and hunger for carbohydrates.

Choose the right answer.

1. The main purpose of the text is:

a) to help overweight people overcome their eating problem

b) to present research into factors causing obesity

c) to discuss the health problems caused by being overweight

d) to help all people how to choose their favourite food

e) to find the way to loose weight

2. The passage supports which of the following conclusions?

a) overweight people have an abnormal sense of taste

b) a variety of foods and strong flavours satisfy heavy people

c) thin people don’t enjoy food

d) thin people don’t have their favourite food at all

e) being overweight is healthy nowadays

3. According to the text

a) insulin levels don’t change average-weight people who see food

b) insulin can be used to lessen the appetite

c) insulin causes a chemical reaction when food is seen

d) obese people have not a keener sense of taste than non-obese people

e) insulin levels change average-weight people who see food

4. The idea of the text is…

a) to teach people to eat correctly

b) to find the right viewpoint connected with reducing weight

c) to give advice how to deal with weight problems

d) to know about your eating habits

e) to find ways to reduce weight

5. In the text is said about how to deal with…

a) weight problems

b) problems of non-obese people

c) problems of eating more food than a man needs

d) problems concerning biochemical factors

e) problems concerning stressful situations

III. Grammar

Choose the right answer.

1. I ruined my trousers when I washed them. If I ______ the label I ____ them in hot water.

a) had read, wouldn’t have washed

b) read, wouldn’t wash

c) had read, wouldn’t wash

d) read, would had washed

e) hadn’t read, wouldn’t have washed

2. His throat ______ better if he ______ so much.

a) will be, doesn’t smoke

b) would be, didn’t smoke

c) will be, didn’t smoke

d) was better, didn’t smoke

e) would be better, didn’t smoke

3. If _____ enough people, we __________ a minibus.

a) there is / will hire

b) there will be / will hire

c) there are / will hire

d) there is / will be hire

e) there are / will be hire

4. If you _____ too many things into the plastic bag, it _______ .

a) will put, will break

b) put, breaks

c) put, will break

d) puts, will break

e) will put, will be broken

5. I know, I ________ better, if I ________ smoking.

a) would feel / stopped

b) would feel / would stop

c) will feel / stopped

d) will be feel / would stop

e) will feel / stop

Choose the right article.

6. I had _____ temperature. I knew I would be all right.

a) x b) the c) a d) no e) an

7. Many doctors are using acupuncture to treat _____ patients.

x b) the c) a d) no e) an

8. He broke his leg and he is in ______ hospital now.

the b) a c ) x d) no e) an


Choose the right word.

9. Something is wrong with my legs, all my joints _____.

a) pain b) ache c) hurt d) hurts e) painful

10. I guess the anaesthetic was unnecessary. The operation was ________.

a) acheless b) painful c) painless d) acheful e) pain

Choose the right preposition.

11. The weather has been nasty lately and many people have fallen ill _____ the flu.

a) on b) down c) with d) of e) in

12. Doctors were mistankenly treating him _____ asthma when he was having heart problem.

a) for b) from c) of d) with e) in

13. Reading in bad light can make the eyes _________.

a) ache b) hurt c) injure d) ruin e) break

14. Surgical instruments must be ____________ before use.

a) cleaned b) washed c) sterilized d) cleaned up e) burnt

15. The builder fell off a wall and ______ his leg.

a) break b) broke c) suffer d) cutted e) burn


Additional material

11th Grade

Test for the 1st Term

Text for Listening

Common Cold

Common cold is the most frequent infection in all age groups. A strong immune system is the best defence against all infections colds included. The best way is eating well, not smoking, and drinking plenty of water every day. Minimize contact with people who have colds, and don’t share towels and other things with them. Cold viruses often survive for hours on doorknobs, money, and other surfaces, so wash your hands frequently.

When you have a cold, stay at home for the first two days. When you sneeze, it can carry your cold virus up to 4 metres away, so always cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough.

Regular, moderate exercises (such as walking for 45 minutes, five times a week) strengthen the immune system and make you less likely to get colds and other infections. Saunas may also help. Swedish researchers have evidence that taking at least two saunas each week can keep you from catching a cold.


Keys for the Test


a 2. d 3. a 4. a 5. a

II. Reading

c 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a


















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