12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Старцева Ангелина Николаевна115

Test 8

Variant 1

1. Why aren’t visitors allowed on the site when there is an … excavation?

a) old b) archaeological c) ancient

2. Have you ever been rafting on a …?

a) stream b) river c) spring

3. Do you know that man over there? He looks …

a) known b) famous c) familiar

4. When you go to Rome again, don’t …the chance to visit the Colosseum.

a) miss b) lose c) fail

5. My uncle lives in a  village which is a two-hour drive from the nearest town.

a) far b) remote c) inhabited

6. But the world without you wasn't definitely better or worse than the one we currently ….

a) inhabit b) live c) exist

7. The presents of jewelry he gave her …, and although she said she had lost them he knew they had been sold.

a) lost b) disappeared c) missed

8. He took a knife from the cooler and …the limp fish in several places.

a) carved b) cut c) kill

9. He was the one who had named his cat Homych in … of the famous goalie.

a) praise b) fame c) honour

10. His eyes found the crumbling … of the Roman Coliseum.

a) ruins b) rubbish c) remains

11. Both original inhabitants of the land … the same gods.

a) prayed b) worshipped c) predicted

12. We will carefully … the remaining supplies of petrol in the depot.

a) reserve b) save c) conserve

13. There was no … in his death.

a) mystic b) secret c) mystery

14. They were searching for a … or some corner that was dry and a protection from the keen wind and the whirling snow.

a) cliff b) bay c) cave

15. She walked over to the picture window and looked out at the distant boats anchored (стоявшие на якоре) in the ….

a) pond b) bay c) canal

16. The Himalayas are the world’s youngest ….

a) mountain b) cliff c) mountain range

17. That mystery road narrowed and twisted under great trees out of sight into thick quiet ….

a) wood b) woods c) valley

18. Put a … up in front of a raging river, the river rises.

a) plain b) dam c) canal

19. Look at your clothes! Were you a guest at Shrek's …?

a) pond b) swamp c) lake

20. Jane was wearing ….

a) a beautiful necklace b) beautiful necklace

21. I like…. It’s….

a) a volleyball/ a good game b) volleyball/ good game c) volleyball/ a good game

22. My brother works for … company in London.

a) an insurance b) insurance

23. I had to buy … because I wanted to make some sandwiches.

a) a bread b) some bread

24. … too long. You should have it I them cut.

a) Your hair is b) Your hair are

25. I didn't have …, just two small bags.

a) much luggage b) many luggages

26. Vincent was picked up over an hour ago by …, trying to cross the border into Canada.

a) a custom b) custom c) customs

27. There was a small chink of … on …. Someone had set down their glass.

a) a glass/ a wood b) glass/ woods c) glass/ wood

28. Job has got… for … tomorrow.

a) an interview/ a job b) an interview/ job c) interview/ job

29. I’m not ready yet. Can you wait …?

a) a moment b) moment

30. Can you smell …?

a) paint b) a paint

31. I use … and … to clean my teeth.

a) a toothbrush/a toothpaste b) toothbrush/ toothpaste c) a toothbrush/ toothpaste

32. It wasn’t your fault. It’s ….

a) an accident b) accident

33. ‘Do you live …where near Pat?’ ‘No, he lives in another part of town.’

a) some b) any c) every

34. I'll try and answer … questions you ask me.

a) no b) none c) any

35. I tried to phone Ann, but there was …answer.

a) no b) any c) none

36. Sue didn't say where she was going. …she said was that she was going away. 

a) everything b) all c) nothing

37. I tried twice to phone my cousin, but …times he was out. 

a) either b) both c) neither

38. I don't know … people in this town. I’m new here.

a) many b) much c) no

39. I don't know much Chineese - only …words. 

a) a few b) a little c) little

40. …parent worries about their children.

a) every b) each c) either

Test 8

Variant 2

1. Because important research is being done to discover what life was like in … times.

a) archaeological b) mystic c) ancient

2. Actually, where I come from there’s just a little …. Flowing through the park, so I’ve never had a chance!

a) river b) lake c) stream

3. Well, he is …to be successful in the business world.

a) famous b) familiar c) known

4. You’re right. I won’t …to do it this time!

a) lose b) fail c) miss

5. They have  light showers for later in the afternoon.

a) predict b) forecast c) worship

6. My grandfather … in this small village all his life.

a) inhabited b) lived c) existed

7. "My office," the President said, ushering her through a … maple door.

a) carved b) cut c) chopped

8. The wall was marked with … hieroglyphics.

a) mystery b) secret c) mystic

9. In front of him were the … of a wooden barrier that had once been blocking this tunnel.

a) ruins b) residue c) remains

10. Oh, he thinks that he can … future.

a) worship b) predict c) forecast

11. This ancient temple should be very carefully ….

a) saved b) preserved c) conserved

12. We must … him as a hero!

a) honour b) praise b) compliment

13. I will give you as much money as it takes to make you ….

a) disappear b) lose c) miss

14. I think that we wouldn’t survive in the … without water.

a) dessert b) hot spring c) desert

15. They overlooked the long and broad … through which the bright river flowed in sweeping curves.

a) mountain b) valley c) desert

16. There was no shade up here, just …, gorse and blackberry bushes.

a) desert b) valley c) grassland

17. There are plankton frozen in this ….

a) mountain b) cliff c) glacier

18. By and by they came to the … itself, a sheet of silver dropping far, far down into a tiny lake.

a) river b) stream b) waterfall

19. I just want to slip into the … and enjoy the warm water.

a) hot spring b) hot stream c) hot canal

20. When the fire alarm rang, there was ….

a) a total chaos b) total chaos

21. Bad news … make people happy.

a) don’t b) doesn’t

22. … caused by the storm will cost a lot to repair.

a) The damage b) The damages

23. Helen was listening to … when I arrived.

a) music b) a music

24. Liz doesn’t usually wear ….

a) a jewellery b) jewellery

25. We need … petrol. I hope we come to … petrol station.

a) petrol/ a petrol station b) petrol/ petrol station c) a petrol/ a petrol station

26. I don’t like ….

a) a violence b) violence

27. There’s …. In my soup!

a) hair b) a hair c) hairs

28. I’m going to buy ….

a) a bread b) a loaf of bread

29. Where are you going to put all your ….

a) furnitures b) furniture

30. The news … depressing.

a) were b) was

31. We had a really good ….

a) journey b) travel

32. That’s …

a) a good advice b) good advice

33. ‘Where shall we go on holiday?’ ‘Let’s go … where not as cold as in Russia.’

a) every b) some c) any

34. Kate is very strange and shy person. She never tells …thing.

a) no b) some c) any

35. I went shopping with my friends, but I didn't buy … thing.

a) any b) some c) no

36. It was a surprise that our team lost the match. …people expected him to win.

a) few b) little c) a few

37. Sandy always puts …salt on his food.

a) a lot of c) many c) much

38. It cost …to repair the bike.

a) a lot b) many c) much

39. I've got two sisters and a brother. My brother is working, but … my sisters are still at school.

a) either b) neither c) both

40. The book is divided into five parts and …of these has three sections. 

a) each b) whole c) every


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