Тест по английскому языку к модулю 2 "Вот и мы" УМК "Spotlight" для учащихся 6 класса.

Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для учащихся 6 класса общеобразовательной школы предназначен для закрепления и контроля знаний учащихся по завершению изучения Модуля 2. Тест выполнен в соответствии с УМК «Spotlight, 6 класс». Тест состоит из 7 заданий разных уровней сложности. Каждое задание оценивается по балльной системе (приведены ниже). Всего баллов за правильное выполнение теста-100. Учащимся необходимо выбрать 1 правильный ответ из предложенных.
Module 2 “Here we are”
Lexical and grammar test
1. Make up words:
a) aofs-
b) pficaerle-
c) tacpre-
d) ssihocun-
e) rihcmara-
Points: 5×3=15
2. Find an extra word:
1) August, October, June, July
2) September, October, December, November
3) May, March, April, June
4) December, February, April, January
5) sugar, seasons, weather, rain, sunny
Points: 5×2=10
3. Find (match) the right time:
1 | 7:30 | A | It’s a quarter past two |
2 | 5:50 | B | It’s noon |
3 | 02:15 | C | It’s five past six |
4 | 03:35 | D | It’s a quarter to nine |
5 | 12:00 | E | It’s a half past seven |
6 | 08:45 | F | It’s twenty five to four |
7 | 06:05 | G | It’s ten to six |
Points: 7×3= 21
4. Where can you buy the following things:
a) | b)______________________ |
c) | d)______________________ |
e) | f)___________________________ |
Points: 6×2= 12
5. Complete the sentences according to the text:
My Favourite Shop
My name is Martha and I’m fifteen years old. I study at the 9th grade of a state secondary school. My family is comparatively small. It’s just me, my parents and our pets. We have two pets: a cat Cristy ly and a dog Mukhtar.
At weekends I often go shopping with my parents. We visit the nearest hypermarket and some other stores in the same building. This hypermarket, which is called “Atak”, is my favourite shop, because we can find all the necessary things in one place. We buy fresh food, presents, stationery, household appliances and many other items there. We don’t even need to go to the bakery or grocery, as everything can be found in this huge shop.
At first sight it reminds a large storage of vital items. Last week we bought swimming suits and glasses for the beach holiday. We also bought a new multicooker, as the old one broke down. As you see, hypermarket offers a wide range of products.
Name | |
Age | |
Family members | |
Favorite shop | |
Usual shopping time | |
What did they buy last week | |
Points: 6×2= 12
6. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the prepositions of place (on (2), above, opposite, near, under):
1) The teddy bear is________ the bed.
2) The wardrobe is _______ the window.
3) The shelf is _______ the picture.
4) The slippers are _________the bed.
5) The desk is _________ the window.
6) The carpet is ________ the floor.
Points: 6×2= 12
7 Find mistakes and correct them (prepositions):
1) I usually get up in 08:00.
2) At the morning I have my breakfast.
3) In Monday we have 5 lessons.
4) My birthday is at 15th of June.
5) On 09:30 p.m I go to bed.
6) It often raining on autumn.
Points: 6×3= 18
100 points
1. 1) sofa 2) fireplace 3) carpet 4) cushions 5) armchair
2. 1) October 2) December 3) June 4) April 5) sugar
3. 1) E 2) G 3)A 4) F 5) B 6) D 7) C
4. a) chemist’s b) baker’s c) greengrocer’s | d) newsagent’s e) sports shop f) toy shop |
Name | Martha |
Age | fifteen years old |
Family members | Martha, her parents and their pets |
Favorite shop | hypermarket “Atak” |
Usual shopping time | at weekends |
What did they buy last week | swimming suits, glasses, multicooker |
6. 1) on 2) near 3) above 4) under 5) opposite 6)on
7. 1) at 2) in 3) on 4) on 5) at 6) in