«The Great Patriotic War»

Материал опубликован 6 March

Урок английского языка для учащихся 6-7 классов.

Тема: «The Great Patriotic War»


Обучающие: познакомить обучающихся с чукотскими участниками ВОВ; расширить словарный запас обучающихся по теме ВОВ; повторить изученный лексический и грамматический материал.

Развивающие: развивать умения чтения с основным пониманием содержания, развивать умение строить монологическое высказывание по опорным словам; развивать умение работать в группе, побуждать детей к поиску новых знаний, к расширению своего кругозора.

Воспитательные: воспитывать чувство гордости за героическое прошлое земляков; воспитывать патриотизм;

Форма проведения: урок

Возраст и состав участников: учащиеся 11-13 лет, 6-7 классs

Оснащение: компьютер; мультимедийный проектор; доска для просмотра презентаций; презентация; карточки с названиями команд: «the Pilots», «the Machine gunners»; жетоны с изображением символов ВОВ; минусовка песни «Священная война»; карточки с текстами и заданиями.

Ход урока Procedure

1. Организационный момент Introduction

Обучающиеся входят в класс и выбирают жетоны (Pilots and Machine gunners), в это время звучит минусовка песни «Священная война».

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. So choose a card of a machine gunner or a pilot. Today we have two teams: the Pilots and the Machine gunners. (учитель показывает постер РОДИНА-МАТЬ ЗОВЕТ!) Can you guess what are we going to talk about? (обучающиеся высказывают свои предположения)



I think that you have already understood that the theme of our lesson will be ……The Great Patriotic War.

When you hear the word the Great Patriotic War, which associations do you have?

Let’s fill in this mindmap, please.




The Great Patriotic War




Probable pupils’ answers: Victory Day, battle, veteran, parade, enemy, defend, firework, 4 o’clock, Red Square, 1941-1945, heroes, the 22nd of June, the 9th of May (заполняем ассоциаграмму)

What are the main objectives of our lesson? (дети формулируют задачи урока, учитель фиксирует на доске)

1)to revise and learn new words;

2) to revise grammar tenses

3)to remember some facts about The Great Patriotic War;

4)to speak about The Great Patriotic War.

2. Фонетическая разминка Phonetic Drill

The Great Patriotic War Let`s learn to pronounce this word combination correctly. Listen to me and repeat after me:


The Great

The Great Patriotic

The Great Patriotic War

War – War – War - The Great Patriotic War

Look at the screen and repeat after me:

[æ] [ʌ] [eɪ] [ɔ:]

battle gun great war

patriotic gunner blaze force

happen parade fouhgt

Who wants to read? Read one by one.

Read to each other and correct mistakes. (самоконтроль)

3. Речевая разминка Speech Drill

Please answer my questions!

1. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?

2. When is Victory Day?

4. How do Russian people celebrate Victory Day?

5. What the main battles of the Great Patriotic War?

6. What heroes of the Great Patriotic War do you know?

7. How many Russian people died in this war?

8. Did anyone from your family take part in the Great Patriotic War? What do you know about him (her)?

4. Повторение лексического и грамматического материала Revision

Повторение грамматических времен (Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Progressive), каждой команде дается текст. Обучающиеся в группах выполняют задание, меняются листами ответов и проверяют с опорой на слайд. (правильные ответы даны на слайде, проверяем и корректируем ошибки)

Grammar Card

Choose the right verbs form.

On the 22nd of June 1941 the Great Patriotic War began/ begins. All people, young and old, stood/were standing proudly and fought/were fighting together against fascists for motherland. At that time villages were burning/ burned, and cities were blazing/blazed, left the ruins. By and by the Red Army are getting/were getting to the Victory. In 1945 Victory Day become/ became the most important day in our country. It happened/ happens more than 80 years ago, but we still keep/kept in the minds terrible days of our history. In Russia Victory Day is / was one of the greatest holidays of the year. People usually present flowers and souvenirs to the veterans who took part/were taking part in the Great Patriotic War. In the evening there was/is a holiday firework and a minute of silence in honor of those who didn’t come/ doesn’t come back from the war.

Let's talk briefly about the war using these key words. Look at the screen!

(ключевые слова на слайде)

in 1941

more than 80 years ago

came to our country

in ruins

stood proudly

died in this war

the great holiday in our country

В группах рассказывают по 5-6 предложений о ВОВ.

5. Новый материал Presentation

Not only people of the central parts of Russia defended our country. But citizens of Chukotka also took part and showed heroism. I want you to read about two of them. They are Ivan Petrovich Kerginto and TimofeyAndreevich Elkov.

To understand the texts while reading you will need some new words. Look at the screen and repeat after me three times:

-a machine gunner – пулеметчик My granddad was a machine gunner

during the war.

-(to) go missing – пропасть без вести His dad went missing.

-(to) join the Army – уйти в армию He joined the Army when he was 18.

-air forces – воздушные силы He served in the air forces.

-(to) fight – драться, сражаться The Red Army fought against fascists.

(Учитель дает примеры предложений с новыми словами)

Look at the screen! These are their photos.


Timofey Andreevich Elkov Ivan Petrovich Kerginto

The Pilots get the text about Timofey Andreevich Elkov and the Machine gunners get the text about Ivan Petrovich Kerginto. Read the texts and answer the questions:

Where were they born?

What were they during the war? (вопросы на слайде)

For the 1st team:

Ivan Petrovich Kerginto was born in 1920 in the village of Enmelen. He joined the Army in 1941. Ivan Petrovich was a machine gunner. Не took place in the war battles. Ivan Petrovich Kerginto went missing in battles of the Western Front in 1942, he was only 22 years old.

He wrote to his relatives: « Родные мои, только сначала было страшно, но мы так хорошо в них попадаем, бьем без промаха, целимся как в нерпу. До 20 фашистов я считал, а потом некогда стало, потерял счет скольких я уничтожил. Сейчас я ранен в ногу, но за меня не беспокойтесь. Вылечусь, пойду опять бить фашистов и не успокоюсь до тех пор, пока мы их всех не уничтожим!»

For the 2nd team:

Timofey Andreevich Elkov was born in the village of Uelen. When the Great Patriotic War began, Timofey also went to defend our country. He served in the air forces as a pilot. During the war he made many flights, even at night. On the 26th of June he was attacked by the enemy plane and died. For his heroism he got a medal. He was buried in Finland.

He wrote to his wife: «Я чувствую, очень изменился здесь, на фронте, а что же – и пора. В этом году мне ведь стукнет тридцать. Бегут года… И всё-таки даже здесь, на фронте, в перерыве между боями я мечтаю. О чём? О дне, когда разгромим фашистов и кончится война, и мы вместе отпразднуем победу. И ещё я мечтаю о Чукотке, о нашем Уэлене, о встрече с моими чукотскими друзьями…».

6. Закрепление нового материала Practice

Read the texts again and complete the sentences.

For the 1st team:

Complete the sentences.

1. Ivan Petrovich Kerginto was born in 1920 in ________________.

2. He __________ to the front in 1941.

3. Ivan Petrovich __________ part in the war battles of the Western Front.

4. He was a _________________.

5. Ivan Petrovich Kerginto __________ missing in 1942.

For the 2nd team:

Complete the sentences.

1. Timofey Andreevich Elkov was born in 1920 in ________________.

2. He was a _________________.

3. Timofey Andreevich ________ many flights and for his heroism _______ a medal.

4. He __________ on the 26th of June 1944 .

5. Timofey Andreevich Elkov was buried in ____________.

And now I`ll give you sheet of papers, write on them the key words to get ready to speak about the heroes of Chukotka. In some minutes get ready to share your story about these people with another team.

Ivan Petrovich Kerginto

Timofey Andreevich Elkov

Thank you for your stories.

7. Итог урока Conclusion:

1)Рефлексия Reflexion

Pupils, our lesson is going to be over in some minutes and now I want you to finish the sentences


t1741222954am.gifAt the end of the lesson I

can …

2)Домашняя работа Giving Hometask

Your homework is to make a story about the veterans of the Great Patriotic War from Chukotka or about your relatives who took part in this war.

Thank you very much for your work! Good Bye!

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