Урок английского языка в 9 классе «Travelling to Great Britain» «Путешествие в Великобританию»
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Урок английского языка в 9 классе
«Travelling to Great Britain»
«Путешествие в Великобританию»
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 9
Тема урока: Unit 1. Families And Friends: Are We Happy Together? Section 1.Holidays Are A Time For Adventures And Discoveries. (учебник: Enjoy English-9, М.З.Биболетова)
Lesson №1 “Travelling to Great Britain” Урок №1 «Путешествие в Великобританию»
Направленность выбранного урока: вводный урок (первый урок в теме)
Цели: знакомство учащихся с учебником, его структурой и особенностями; формирование навыков говорения и аудирования; введение страноведческой информации по теме «Достопримечательности»
Задачи урока:
практическая - обеспечить развитие навыков чтения и аудирования.
образовательная –- совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся, эмоциональную и эстетическую стороны в процессе обучения иностранному языку; тренировать навыки аудирования и вопросно-ответной работы; активизировать навыки устной речи по теме «Лондон».
развивающая – развивать и углублять знания учащихся по страноведению, внимание и воображение школьников.
воспитательная – прививать любовь к культуре страны изучаемого языка, повышать интерес у учащихся к изучению английского языка; повышать познавательный интерес к иностранному языку в процессе игры, драматизации на уроке.
Оборудование: плакат BritishAirways, книга записей (в отеле), столик, тележка, компьютер, экран, компьютерная презентация, карта Лондона.
План урока:
I. Начало урока.
2.Ознакомление с новым учебником.
3.Вступительное слово учителя.
II. На борту самолёта.
1.Приветствие стюардессы.
2.Беседа двух пассажиров.
III. Прибытие в Лондон.
1.Встреча с экскурсоводом.
2.Путешествие по Лондону на автобусе.
3.Прибытие в гостиницу.
4.Беседа в холле гостиницы.
5.Посещение ресторана.
III.Окончание урока.
Итоги урока.
Выставление оценок.
Ход урока:
Teacher (учитель) (T): Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. I hope you are happy to return to school after your summer holidays. (Добрыйдень, ребята.Радавидетьвас. Я надеюсь, что вы счастливы вернуться в школу после летних каникул.)
Pupil (ученик) (P): Yes, all the pupils are very happy to return to school. We are glad to see our teachers and meet our classmates. (Да, все ученики счастливы вернуться в школу. Мы рады встрече с учителями и одноклассниками)
Teacher (учитель) (T): Today some guests from our school are present at our lesson.We must greet them. Would you do it, please? (Сегодня у нас на уроке присутствуют гости. Давайте их поприветсвуем.)
Pupil (ученик) (P): I’m happy to great you on behalf of our students. I hope you will be pleased with our answers. We like English and try to study it as well as we can.(Мы рады приветствовать вас.Мы любим английский язык и пытаемся выучить его как можно лучше.)
Teacher (учитель) (T): Ознакомление учащихся с учебником
- This year you have got a new textbook. Let’s study its structure. Look through the names of the units. You see that we’ll speak about the role of family and friends in our life. We’ll learn the information about English-speaking countries and compare them with the Russian Federation. We’ll see if travelling is popular nowadays. You’ll understand how important it is to be tolerant and to live in peace. At the end of the book there are lists of personal and geographical names, a linguistic and cultural guide, grammar reference and a vocabulary. You may use them to find the necessary information. Every unit ends with preparation for testing and the guide how to be a success in testing. So, ask your questions if you have any.
Учитель рассказывает о структуре учебника, о том, что он состоит из разделов (unit), каждый из которых определённой теме и разделён на несколько частей. Учитель сообщает, что во время изучения данного учебника учащиеся будут много слушать, составлять диалоги и монологические высказывания, выполнять разнообразные письменные задания, в том числе и из рабочей тетради (Workbook).Учитель обращает внимание учащихся на условные обозначения, принятые в учебнике.
- Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It’s the first lesson in this school year and we’ll begin it with a trip to Great Britain. We are going to talk about English traditions, meals, sightseeing, and about the English character in general. (Сегодня у нас необычный урок. Это первый урок в этом учебном году и мы начнём его с путешествия по Великобритании. Мы поговорим об английских традициях, еде, достопримечательностях и об англичанах в целом.)( слайды 1-2)
-Let’s dream a little. Our students have a chance to visit Great Britain as tourists, of course. They go to London by plane. They are on board now. Let’s have a look at our tourists. What do we see? The stewardess is talking to the passengers now.(Давайте по мечтаем немного. Наши ученики получили возможность посетить Великобританию в качестве туристов, конечно. Они отправляются в Лондон на самолете. Сейчас они на борту самолета. С пассажирами разговаривает стюардесса.)
(Учащиеся-туристы сидят в самолете British Airways) (слайды 3-4)
On the Plane
Stewardess (стюардесса) (St): Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Fasten your seatbelts, please! The pilot is preparing to take off. Once we are in the air, we will be serving a light snack and something to drink. Thank you.
Sasha: Excuse me. Could you please tell me what the film is today?
Stewardess (стюардесса) (St): Yes, today’ film is “The Old Man and the Sea”.
Sasha:Oh, it’s great. Thank you.
Nick: And could you tell me where the toilet is?
Stewardess (стюардесса) (St): Yes, it’s at the back of the plane. You’ll see a sign “lavatory”. If the lavatory door says “vacant” you can go in; if it says “occupied” you need to wait, because someone is in there.
Nick: Thank you very much.
Stewardess (стюардесса) (St): You are welcome.
Pilot:(Пилот разговаривает с пассажирами)Ladies and gentlemen! This is the pilot speaking. I would like to welcome you aboard British Airways Flight 54, non-stop to Heathrow Airport in London. We are currently flying at an altitude of 11,000 metres. Our flight time today will be approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes. We will arrive in London at about 10 a.m. If there is anything we can do to make your trip with us more comfortable, please let us know. Otherwise sit back and enjoy the flight.
Stewardess (стюардесса) (St): Ladies and gentlemen! May I have your attention, please? The pilot has turned off the “Fasten Seatbelt” sign. But when you are in your seat, please, keep your seatbelts fastened at all times. Thank you.
Teacher (учитель) (T):The following is a list of signs you may see in the airport of many countries. How many signs do you understand? Let’s see if you understand the signs in an airport. (На слайде № 5 “Labeleachpicture” знаки, которые можно встретить в аэропорту.) (Учащиеся называют номера рисунков, которые они знают, и то, что знак означает)
1.Telephone. 2.Elevator. 3.Facility for the disabled. 4.Information. 5.Cafe. 6.No smoking. 7.Meeting point. 8.Baggage claim. 9.Restrooms. 10.Exchange. 11.Restaurant. 12.Bus. 13.Porters. 14.Souvenirs. 15.Post office. 16.Check-room. 7.Taxi. 18.First aim. 19.Entrance. 20.Exit. 21.Departures.22.Arrivals. 23.Hairdresser. 24.Luggage lockers, etc.
Teacher (учитель) (T): What do passengers usually do during the flight?
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): They read, some of them sleep.
Pupil 2(ученик 2) (P2): Some passengers look out of the window, some listen to the music.
Pupil 3(ученик 3) (P3): Some of them watch TV or chat.
Teacher (учитель) (T): Let’s listen to the conversation of our two students. Whataretheytalkingabout?(Один из пассажиров во время полёта рассказывает смешную историю.)
Pupil 1 (ученик11класса) (P): We’ve got enough time before landing in London. What shall we do?
Pupil 2(ученик 2) (P2): Let’s tell some funny stories to each other.
Pupil 1(ученик 11класса) (P):(I don’t suppose I’m good at it, but I could tell you about a little adventure that happened, when I came to England for the first time last year. I shall never forget the day I first set foot in London. London was a New World to me and I wanted to find out more about it. The general opinion is that there is fog or rain or both in London every day of the year. But when I arrived it was a fine and warm day and the sky was cloudless.
The next day I decided to go for a walk in Kensington Gardens. It was a straight road and I found the way quite easily. People in light spring clothes were walking about. I passed a pool, a children’s playground with crowds of happy children…
Well, it was time for me to go back, but which way was it?
My mind was quite confused and I was rather frightened.I ran to the right and to the left and asked several old ladies the way to Addison Road but I found that I could hardly understand what they said.
I was ready to cry, but in despair I crossed the street to the traffic island, where I found a policeman.
I took my last bit of courage in both hands, and said: “Please, sir, where is Addison Road?”He began to explain, but when he saw that I couldn’t understand, he felt helpless too.
“Are you Polish?” he said. “No, Russian,” I replied. “Wait a moment. I learned Russian at school.” And he began to explain to me the way in Russian. His Russian was bad, but it seemed to me more beautiful than all the words of all the poets. He smiled and then he raised his hand. The traffic stopped. I crossed the road.
I soon found myself in the streets and roads that I recognized. London was a beautiful city for me again, but for me the best thing in it was the policeman I had met. After that experience I decided to learn English properly and I’ll never forget the little adventure that happened to me in London. (Я не думаю, что я хорош в этом, но я могу рассказать вам о небольшом приключении, которое произошло, когда я впервые приехал в Англию в прошлом году. Я никогда не забуду тот день, когда я впервые ступил в Лондон. Лондон был для меня новым миром, и я хотел узнать больше об этом. Общее мнение заключается в том, что в Лондоне каждый день туман или дождь, или то и другое вместе. Но когда я приехал, это был прекрасный и теплый день, и небо было безоблачным.
На следующий день я решил отправиться на прогулку в Кенсингтонские сады. Это была прямая дорога, и я нашел путь довольно легко. Люди в легкой весенней одежде гуляли. Я прошел мимо бассейна, детской площадки с толпами счастливых детей ...
Ну, мне пора вернуться, но каким образом это было?
Мой разум был довольно смущен, и я был очень напуган. Я побежал направо и налево, спросил у нескольких пожилых дам о дороге на Аддисон-роуд, но я обнаружил, что едва ли могу понять, что они говорили.
Я был готов плакать, но в отчаянии я пересек улицу, где и нашел полицейского.
Я взял себя в руки и сказал: «Пожалуйста, сэр, где Аддисон-роуд?» Он начал объяснять, но когда он увидел, что я не понимаю, он тоже чувствовал себя беспомощным.
«Вы - поляк?» - сказал он. «Нет, русский, - ответил я. "Подождите минутку. Я учил русский в школе ». И он начал объяснять мне путь по-русски. Его русский был плохим, но он казался мне красивее всех слов всех поэтов. Он улыбнулся, а затем поднял руку. Движение остановилось. Я перешел дорогу.
Вскоре я оказался на улицах и дорогах, которые я узнал. Лондон снова был прекрасным городом для меня, но самым лучшим в этом был полицейский, с которым я познакомился. После этого случая я решил, что необходимо выучить английский язык и я никогда не забуду небольшое приключение, которое случилось со мной в Лондоне.)
Pupil 2(ученик 2) (P2): Oh, it’s really great!
Stewardess (стюардесса – ученица 11 класса) (St): Ladies and gentlemen! Fasten your seatbelts please! The pilot is preparing for landing. When we are in the airport in London the tourist group from Russia will be met by a guide.
Pilot (пилот): Ladies and gentlemen. This is the pilot speaking. We are about to touch down in London, at the international airport of Heathrow; it’s 10 a.m. The temperature outside is 18 degrees C. Thank you for flying British Airways. Bye.(Самолёт приземлился. В аэропорту группу туристов из России встречает гид.)(слайд 6)
Teacher (учитель) (T): At last we are in London. And this is our guide.
Guide (гид-ученица 11 класса)(G): How do you do! Welcome to our country. Pleased to meet you, boys and girls. Let me introduce myself. My name is Helen. I’m your guide. You may call me Helen. I hope we’ll be friends. And what shall I call you?
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): How do you do! My name is Oleg Khvorostinsky. You may call me Oleg.
Pupil 2 (ученик 2) (P2): Hello! My name is Dmitry Fyodorov. You may call me Dan.
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3):Hi! My name is Marina Sukhova. You may call me Mary.
Pupil 4 (ученик 4) (P4): Morning! My name is EvgeniaShevelyova. You may call me Jane.
Guide (гид) (G): I’m glad you have come. I hope you had a nice flight.
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3): Oh, yes! We had a wonderful flight.
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): Helen! It’s very kind of you to meet us. We are so grateful to you!
Guide (гид) (G): Think nothing of it. The pleasure was mine. There is a bus waiting for us.
In the Bus. LondonTour
(экскурсия по Лондону на автобусе – осмотр достопримечательностей)
Guide (гид) (G): We welcome you to London. London is one of the largest cities in the world. About 7 million people live here. London is more than two thousand years old. London’s most famous sights are Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square and St.Paul’s Cathedral. You’ll see all these places and much more of London from our red double-decker. (слайд 7)
Pupil 2 (ученик 2) (P2): May I ask a question, please? When was the first double-decker bus built and what did it look like?
Driver (водитель) (D): The first bus service in London was started in 1829. The first double-decker was built in 1851, but the upper deck didn’t have a roof until 1930. The passengers were given raincoats to put on if it started to rain.
Guide (гид) (G):Now we are coming to the center of London. The heart of London is the City. It’s the oldest part of London. You can visit some interesting places in the City or near it. One of them is the Tower of London.
Teacher (учитель) (T): Students! And what do we know about sightseeing in London? Would you like to tell us something about it?
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): (слайд 8) A few facts about the Tower of London. It was built in the 11th century. William the Conqueror ordered the building of the great stone tower later called the White Tower. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum. You can see a lot of interesting things in the halls of the White Tower.
Teacher (учитель) (T):Thanks. Would anyone like to tell us more?
Pupil 2 (ученик 2) (P2): Not far from the Tower of London is the Tower Bridge. (слайд 9) It was built across the Thames in 1894. It was designed so that it could be used equally by road traffic and by ships going up the river Thames.
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3): (слайд 10) St. Paul’s Cathedral is the City’s greatest monument. It is one of the greatest English churches. It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. In one of its towers there is one of the largest bells in the world. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built the cathedral in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years.
Pupil 4 (ученик 4) (P4): (слайд 11) Our tourists can visit Trafalgar Square in London It is in the centre of the West End of London. It was named so in commemoration of the victorious naval battle of Trafalgar in 1805, in which Admiral Nelson was fatally wounded. Nelson’s Column is a beautiful sight.
Teacher (учитель) (T): Thanks a lot.
Guide (гид) (G): (слайд 12) Now we stop here in front of the West Hotel. Let’s get off the bus. They have already reserved our rooms. (Прибытие в отель.)
In the Hotel. Reception.
(в отеле на регистрации)
Receptionist (Rec.): Morning.
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): (слайд 13) Morning. We’ve got a reservation for our tourist group from Russia. My name is Oleg Khvorostinsky.
Receptionist (Rec.): Just a minute, please. Yes, you’ve got a reservation. It’s for 6 persons. It’s for a fortnight. One double room and 4 single rooms. Correct?
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): Not quite. We’d like 3 double rooms.
Receptionist (Rec.): I’m sorry. 3 double rooms, numbers 6, 7 and 9.
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): Where are the rooms?
Receptionist (Rec.): On the second floor. Please, sign the register. Jim, will you take the suitcases to the second floor?
Jim:Yes, Sir (Madam)! (Джем укладывает чемоданы на тележку.)
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): Here is the register. How much are the rooms, please?
Receptionist (Rec.): 38 pounds, please.
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): Here you are. We’d like a telephone, too.
Receptionist (Rec.): Every room has a telephone.
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): Have the rooms got bathrooms?
Receptionist (Rec.): Yes, every room’s got a bathroom.
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1):Have the rooms got showers?
Receptionist (Rec.): Every bathroom’s got a shower.
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): Good.
Receptionist (Rec.): Are you going to your rooms now?
Pupil 1 (ученик 1) (P1): Yes, we are.
Receptionist (Rec.): Here are the keys. Jim, take our guests to their rooms 6,7,9.
Jim: Come this way, please. (Джим уводит гостей.)
Teacher (учитель) (T):Our tourists have gone to their rooms. At this point an English family and a young man have come down. One of our tourists is making acquaintance with the Englishman. (Размещение в отеле, знакомство с типичным англичанином.)
Pupil 2 (ученик 2) (P2): Sorry…Do you mind if I sit here?
Englishman ( англичанин) (Eng):No, of course not. You are welcome. Are you here as a tourist?
Pupil 2 (ученик 2) (P2): Yes, that’s right. I’m on a tour here. What’s your name?
Englishman ( англичанин) (Eng): My name’s John Grey. I’m on holiday. I’m a student from Oxford. And what about you?
Pupil 2 (ученик 2) (P2):I’m from Russia, the North Caucasus. Sorry… My name is Vitaly Solonetsky. I’m a secondary school student. I’m in the 8th form. I study English at school. I’m fond of English and of English studies. English history is really great! I work hard on it. Could you help me to look into one of the most interesting facts about the British Monarchy?
Englishman ( англичанин) (Eng): (слайд 14) Well, as you know, the U.K. is a constitutional monarchy. This means that it has a monarch as its head of state. The monarch reigns with the agreement of Parliament. Everything is done in the Queen’s name.
Pupil 2 (ученик 2) (P2):Can you tell me how many states make up the Commonwealth?
Englishman ( англичанин) (Eng): The Commonwealth is a free association of 50 independent states which were once part of the British Empire.
Pupil 2 (ученик 2) (P2):Do you know when Queen Elizabeth II was born and when her coronation took place?
Englishman ( англичанин) (Eng): Of, yes of course. Queen Elizabeth II was born on the 21st of April, 1926. She ascended to the throne on the 6th of February, 1952. (слайд 15) Her coronation took place in Westminster Abbey on the 2nd of June, 1953, and it was the first coronation to be televised throughout the world.
Pupil 2 (ученик 2) (P2): Oh, I’m so grateful to you for this information. I hear the Queen is very rich, as are the other members of the royal Family. In addition the government pays her expenses as Head of State, as well as for the upkeep of several palaces. The Queen’s image appears on stamps, notes and coins.
Englishman ( англичанин) (Eng): I see you are really fond of English history.
Teacher (учитель) (T): Our tourists are gathering in the hall before going to have lunch. It’s time to have lunch. I’d like to ask our pupils the basic rules of several palaces. The Queen’s image appears on stamps, notes and coins.
Englishman ( англичанин) (Eng): I see you are really fond of English history.
Teacher (учитель) (T): Our tourists are gathering in the hall before going to have lunch. It’s time to have lunch. I’d like to ask our pupils the basic rules of table manners. Whatarethey? Who knows?(Время обеда. Туристы идут в ресторан. Правила поведения за столом.)(слайды 16-18) (Памятки с правилами поведения за столом англичанин раздаёт каждому учащемуся)
Wash your hands before coming to table.
Take your napkin and put it on your lap. Keep it there during the meal and use it to wipe your hands or mouth whenever necessary.
When eating take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take.
Don’t eat too fast or too slowly, cut up your food as you eat.
In America they invite others to table to “Enjoy”, Germans say “Guten Appetit”, the Spanish say “Buena Appetito”. The British say nothing.
Sit up straight, face the table while eating and keep your elbows off the table.
Ask the people around you to pass things that are out of your reach, then thank them.
It’s not polite to leave a spoon in a tea cup. Put your spoon on a saucer.
When refusing a dish simply say: “No, thank you.” When accepting, “Yes, please.”
If you sneeze or cough while you are at table, turn your head away from the food and cover your mouth.
Try not to stuff your mouth full of food. Also avoid talking when you have something in your mouth.
Don’t eat from your knife.
Never read while eating.
Hands should be kept in your lap when you are not eating.
Before you leave the table remember to thank the person who was kind enough to prepare your food.
Teacher (учитель) (T): Thank you. I see you know table manners rather well. And our tourists are at the restaurant now. (слайды 19-20)
At the Restaurant.
(В ресторане)
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3): We’ve got a reservation for lunch.
Waiter (официант) (W): How many people?
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3): Six.
Waiter (официант) (W): Come with me, please. Here is your table. Is this all right?
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3): Yes, this is lovely.
Waiter (официант) (W): Here is the menu.
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3): What shall we begin with? The choice is really great today.
Waiter (официант) (W): What would you like to start with?
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3): Lobster and new potatoes for 6, please. Have you got any cauliflower?
Waiter (официант) (W): I’m sorry, we haven’t got any cauliflower.
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3): Mutton chops for 4 and stew and chips for N. and B.
Waiter (официант) (W): Would you like anything for dessert?
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3): Yes, we’d like some biscuits and cheese, cherry jam and tea for 6 persons.
Waiter (официант) (W): Right.
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3): We’d like to pay our bill right now. How much is our bill?
Waiter (официант) (W): Your bill is 17 pounds 45 pence. Here you are.
Pupil 3 (ученик 3) (P3): Thank you.
Waiter (официант) (W): You are always welcome.
Teacher (учитель) (T):The first day of travelling is nearing its end. And so is our lesson. We hope that our tourists’ stay in Great Britain will be perfect. Have a good trip!(Первый день нашего путешествия подходит к концу. Надеемся, что нашим туристам понравится пребывание в Великобритании.) As you can see, London is a great historical and cultural centre of the country. It is one of the largest and the most interesting cities in the world. You have got a lot of interesting and useful information about sights of London. (слайды 21-22) There is so much to see in London that even Londoners can always find new places of interest in their capital. They like to say: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life”. Say me, please, how do you understand these words?
Учащиеся отвечают, как они понимают высказывание: «Если вы устали от Лондона, значит вы устали от жизни». Это означает, что в Лондоне есть на что посмотреть. И даже жители Лондона всегда могут найти новые, интересные места в своей столице.
- Thank you for your work. You were active and clever today. Do you like our lesson? Well done. Today at the lesson: «5» - ; «4» - ; «3» - .
- That’s all we have time for. Let’s say “Good-bye” to each other.
Sometimes you say “Hello!”
Because the bell has gone,
And every day you say
“Good day, good day, good day”.
It’s time to say “Good-bye”,
Good-bye, good-bye, bye.
-Our lesson is over. Good-bye, boys and girls!
Памятка для учащихся
Rules of Table Manners
Wash your hands before coming to table.
Take your napkin and put it on your lap. Keep it there during the meal and use it to wipe your hands or mouth whenever necessary.
When eating take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take.
Don’t eat too fast or too slowly, cut up your food as you eat.
In America they invite others to table to “Enjoy”, Germans say “Guten Appetit”, the Spanish say “Buena Appetito”. The British say nothing.
Sit up straight, face the table while eating and keep your elbows off the table.
Ask the people around you to pass things that are out of your reach, then thank them.
It’s not polite to leave a spoon in a tea cup. Put your spoon on a saucer.
When refusing a dish simply say: “No, thank you.” When accepting, “Yes, please.”
If you sneeze or cough while you are at table, turn your head away from the food and cover your mouth.
Try not to stuff your mouth full of food. Also avoid talking when you have something in your mouth.
Don’t eat from your knife.
Never read while eating.
Hands should be kept in your lap when you are not eating.
Before you leave the table remember to thank the person who was kind enough to prepare your food.
Осипова Светлана Гурьевна
Ковалева Вера Петровна
Медведева Татьяна Петровна
Ковалева Вера Петровна
Мельникова Светлана Федоровна
Ковалева Вера Петровна