12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
Материал опубликовал
Ирина Лаврова47

Конспект урока в 7B классе

к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой « Enjoy English

По теме: « Cредства связи»

Цели урока:

учебная - совершенствование речевых навыков на основе дифференцированных заданий, обеспечение условий для максимального развития способностей каждого ученика, удовлетворения его познавательных потребностей и интересов в процессе усвоения им содержания;

воспитательная – формирование терпимого отношения к мнению другого человека, развитие умения сотрудничать в паре;

развивающая – расширение кругозора, развитие фонематического слуха и памяти, способности к догадке, сравнению, обобщению.


- введение и первичное закрепление лексики по теме « Средства связи».

- закрепление навыков произношения;

- активизация навыков монологической речи;

- развитие навыков изучающего чтения

- Оборудование: компьютер, наглядные пособия (картинки с изображением средств связи, таблички с выражениями согласия и несогласия), разрезанные слова и выражения для подстановки в текст, раздаточный материал, магниты, текст с речевыми опорами.


Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

T: -Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning, dear guests. I’m glad to see you.

-How are you?

- What date is it today?

- What day of the week is it?

- What season is it?

- What’s the weather like?

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

T.: Let’s practice the English sounds and words.

ph – telegraph, elephant, telephone, photographer, photo, physics, phrase, physical, dolphin

[ f ] gh- enough, laugh, laughter, tough

f- formal, careful, first, prefer, four

III Опрос домашнего задания.

T: At home you had to retell the text about Halloe’en. And prepare dialogues on the topic “ Superstitions”.

IV. Речевая разминка.

T.: You are sociable and I am sure you have a lot of friends. Answer my questions,please.

Do you have many friends?

Where do they live?

Do you have a pen-friend?

Do you like to write letters?

Do you like to visit your relatives?

When do you usually visit your friends and relatives?

Do you often phone your friends?

What topics do you usually talk about?

Can you tell all secrets to your friend?

V.Введение лексики по теме « Средства связи» и её фонетическая отработка.

T: Let’s read the title of the lesson. I’d like you to look at the blackboard. Read the words all together and individually. Guess the meaning of the words:

by phone

by computer

by telegraph

by letters/ postcards

to call up=to ring up


How do you usually communicate with your friends?

VI. Первичное закрепление введённой лексики

T: Match. Say what we use these means of communication for.

a) telephone

Is used for sending and receiving letters and postcards

b) post

2. Is used for sending and receiving people’s voices over long distances

c) telegraph

3. Is used for sending e-mail letters over long distances, it can carry the voice

d) the Internet

4. Is used for sending information with a special code over long distances; it cannot carry the voice


T: Complete the sentences with the following words. Look at the blackboard and put the right word into the gap.


telephone, communication, postcards, communicate, message, computers, receive

.1. He seldom sends… and letters. (postcards)

2. I often call my relatives and… is very important for me. (telephone)

3. There are different means of… nowadays. ( communication)

4. We never … telegrams. (receive)

5. Is it easy to… with people? (communicate)

6. … are very popular now. (computers)

7. She didn’t get send a… . (message)

VII Введение информации по теме « Средства связи». Развитие навыков изучающего чтения.

T: Before reading the text, let’s pronounce the words.




Shilling P.L.




the telephone exchange





T: As you see means of communication play very important role in our life. Let’s read the text from exercise 64, p 22 and learn some new facts about them. Entitle the text and answer the following questions:

T: What is the title of the text? – P: The History of Means of Communication.

T:1) What means of communication were used to send messages over long distances long ago?

P: The light of fires at night and the smoke of fires by day, the loud sounds of drums to send messages across the great forests of Africa were used for centuries.

T:2) What gave a new beginning to the history of long distance communication?

P: The electric gave a new beginning to the history of long distance communication

VIII. Активизация навыков монологической речи.

T: Listen to me carefully. Agree or disagree with me, using the phrases. Correct the sentences.

Many years ago people used the light of fires to send messages.

The electric telegraph was invented by A. G. Bell.

P.L. Shilling was the Italian scientist.

The telegraph could carry voices.

The telegraph was invented in 1847.

The telephone line from New York was opened in 1915.

T: Look through the text and find the necessary information. Complete the sentences.

1. Long ago men used different means of long distance communication:…

2. The electric telegraph was invented by…

3. People used a special code to…

4. The person who talked into the first telephone…

5. Today we can talk across…

X. Активизация навыков монологической речи.

T.: Now I want one of you to speak about the history of means of communication.

Используя наглядность для пересказа, один из учащихся выходит и рассказывает об истории развития средств связи.

1. Long ago men used different means of long distance communication:…

2. The electric telegraph was invented by…

3. People used a special code to…

4. The person who talked into the first telephone…

5. Today we can talk across…


X. Итоги. Оценки. Запись д/з. : p. 31, Ex. 37,38. p.22, разноуровневые с карточки в форме ЕГЭ (из своей методразработки) с лексикой по теме « Средства связи».


Соотнесите слова из первого и второго столбиков. Правильные ответы перенесите в таблицу. (Б)


a) system


b) information


c) message

3.to receive

d) letters

4 to send

e) the Internet

5 printed

f) call

6 to use

g) games


h) messages





Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Заполните пропуски словами из рамочки. Одно слово лишнее. Правильные ответы занесите в таблицу. (П)


A) in B) get C) phone

D) telegram E) other F) mistakes

G) send H) communicate I) means

People can’t live without e-mail today. It is the easiest 1______ of Internet connection. E-mail is faster and cheaper than sending a 2_________. E-mail helps you to 3_____“fresh” news and to react 4______ time. You can book hotels and plane tickets by e-mail.

You can 5______ with a foreigner. You have the opportunity to 6_______ to each 7_______ lots of messages. In our days e-mail becomes similar to the telephone. But you can write when you want, taking as much time as you need and correct all 8_______











Раздаточный материал

Complete the sentences with the following words:

telephone, communication, postcards, communicate, message, computers, receive

1. He seldom sends…………. .…and letters.

2. I often call my relatives and……………… is very important for me.

3. There are different means of…………………. nowadays.

4. We never …………………. telegrams.

5. Is it easy to………………… with people?

6. ………………… are very popular now.

7. She didn’t get send a……………… .


Complete the sentences with the following words:

telephone, communication, postcards, communicate, message, computers, receive

1. He seldom sends…………. .…and letters.

2. I often call my relatives and……………… is very important for me.

3. There are different means of…………………. nowadays.

4. We never …………………. telegrams.

5. Is it easy to………………… with people?

6. ………………… are very popular now.

7. She didn’t get send a……………… .


Complete the sentences with the following words:

telephone, communication, postcards, communicate, message, computers, receive

1. He seldom sends…………. .…and letters.

2. I often call my relatives and……………… is very important for me.

3. There are different means of…………………. nowadays.

4. We never …………………. telegrams.

5. Is it easy to………………… with people?

6. ………………… are very popular now.

7. She didn’t get send a……………… .


Complete the sentences with the following words:

telephone, communication, postcards, communicate, message, computers, receive

1. He seldom sends…………. .…and letters.

2. I often call my relatives and……………… is very important for me.

3. There are different means of…………………. nowadays.

4. We never …………………. telegrams.

5. Is it easy to………………… with people?

6. ………………… are very popular now.

7. She didn’t get send a……………… .









Соотнесите слова из первого и второго столбиков. Правильные ответы перенесите в таблицу. (Б)


a) system


b) information


c) message

3.to receive

d) letters

4 to send

e) the Internet

5 printed

f) call

6 to use

g) games


h) messages






Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Заполните пропуски словами из рамочки. Одно слово лишнее. Правильные ответы занесите в таблицу. (П)


A) in B) get C) phone

D) telegram E) other F) mistakes

G) send H) communicate I) means

People can’t live without e-mail today. It is the easiest 1______ of Internet connection. E-mail is faster and cheaper than sending a 2_________. E-mail helps you to 3_____“fresh” news and to react 4______ time. You can book hotels and plane tickets by e-mail.

You can 5______ with a foreigner. You have the opportunity to 6_______ to each 7_______ lots of messages. In our days e-mail becomes similar to the telephone. But you can write when you want, taking as much time as you need and correct all 8_______










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