Урок-соревнование «Экзамен по ПДД» на английском языке (6 класс)

Материал опубликован 5 November 2017 в группе

Класс: 6

Предмет: английский язык

УМК: Английский язык. 6 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений /

[Ю. Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс]. – 2-е изд.- М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2008. – 136 с.: ил. – (Английский в фокусе)

Тема учебного занятия: «Your driving test» (Сдача экзамена на знания правил дорожногодвижения)

Место урока в учебном плане: Module 3 «Getting around»; 3a «Road safety»

Продолжительность учебного занятия: 45 минут

Тип учебного занятия: урок-соревнование

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний

Цель урока: обобщить знания учащихся по модулю №3 «Правила дорожного движения» в игровой форме.

Задачи: организовать выполнение заданий

- по усвоению лексики;

- по усвоению грамматики;

- умению вести беседу, задавать вопросы и отвечать на них;

- по аудированию и чтению;

- учить детей работать в группе.

 Режим работы: индивидуальный, групповой.

Виды упражнений: языковые, условно-речевые, речевые.

Оснащение урока: компьютер (презентация), мультимедийный проектор, экран, доска, картинки, магниты, рабочие листы учащихся (раздаточный материал).

Ход урока:

Организационно-мотивационный этап. Самоопределение в деятельности.

Teacher: Good morning, children! Nice to see you.

Формулирование темы урока.

(Cлайд 1)

PPTM / 12.08 Мб

Teacher: Look at the slide. What are we going to speak about? That’s all right; today we are going to speak about Road Safety.

(Cлайд 2)

Are we careless or careful on the roads? Careful, of course. What should we know to be safe and sound? Yes, traffic signs or safety rules. So, we must decide together on the topic of our lesson. Let’s name it “Your driving test”.

(Cлайд 3)

We are going to have a competition today. Imagine that you are at a driving school. I am your driving instructor. You will go through different tasks and take five exams. At the end of the lesson the winning team will get their driving licences. Now let’s split into two teams.

Teacher: Put the letters in the correct order to make the names of your teams.

(car drivers, bus drivers) (клей, бумага, на которую будут клеить названия)

Teacher: Now we have two teams: the first one is called “Car drivers”, the second one’s name is “Bus drivers”. You’ve got traffic lights. You will put up the traffic lights if you are ready to answer.

Test 1: Vocabulary. Актуализация лексики.

Teacher: Our first exam is on Vocabulary. Let’s start with task 1. What words about road safety do you know? Look at this “vocabulary network” and complete it with the words.

(Cлайд 4) (Road safety) –

(bicycle helmet, seat belt, handgrips, traffic lights, traffic warden, traffic signs, pavement, yellow lines, zebra crossing)

Teacher: Well done. Task 2 is to match the parts of the statements and read them out for the other group to mime them.




a) handgrips

b) both ways

c) a seat belt




a) a bicycle helmet

b) from the window

c) out of the window

Task 3. Put the words in the correct order to form full sentences.





to the driver/talk/don’t


(Cлайд 5)

Task 4. Match the words with their definitions.

bicycle helmet

a place in a street where you can park a car

parking zone

it attached to the seat of a car or plane which you fasten around yourself for protection in an accident

traffic lights

a place marked with black and white lines where people who are walking can cross a road safely

zebra crossing

a set of red, yellow, and green lights that control traffic

seat belt

a hard hat that you wear to protect your head if you have an accident while you are riding a  bicycle

traffic warden 

a sign on the road. 


a name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe. 

traffic sign 

an area which people use for walking. 


(Cлайд 6)


parking zone

a place in a street where you can park a car

seat belt

it attached to the seat of a car or plane which you fasten around yourself for protection in an accident

zebra crossing

a place marked with black and white lines where people who are walking can cross a road safely

traffic lights

a set of red, yellow, and green lights that control traffic

bicycle helmet

a hard hat that you wear to protect your head if you have an accident while you are riding a  bicycle

traffic sign

a sign on the road. 

traffic warden 

a name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe. 


an area which people use for walking. 


Физкульминутка: Stand up and mime.

Look both ways.

Now cross the road.

Lean out of the window. Don’t do it.

Wave your hand from the window.

Wear your seat belts.

Put on your bicycle helmets.

Talk to the driver. Don’t do that.

You are in a bus. Use handgrips.

Go to school on foot.

Ride a bike.

Fly a plane.

Drive a car.

(Cлайд 7)

Test 2: Grammar. OK. I see that you know some road safety rules rather well. But what else must we know to cross the road? Everybody must know the ROAD SIGNS. They tell us what we can do and what we can't do in the street. Let’s see who knows the Road Signs better.

(Cлайд 8)

Task 1. Match the traffic signs to the statements.

You can drive at 25 mph.

You can’t drive at 25 mph.

You can’t go straight on.

You can go straight on.

(Cлайд 9)

You can’t park here.

You can park here.

You can’t turn right.

You can turn right.

Task 2. Now stand in two lines, listen to me and choose the correct traffic sign.

You can go straight on.

You can’t go straight on.

You can turn right.

You can’t park here.

You can’t drive at 45 mph.

You can drive at 65 miles per hour.

Task 3. Each team will get some traffic signs. Your task is to show the signs to the other team and ask them to name what they mean. Say what you can or can’t do. Ready, steady, go!

(первая команда показывает дорожные знаки другой команде,

которая должна правильно описать знак)

(Cлайд 10)

Test 3: Listening. You are going to see a dog. It will tell you about some safety rules. Your task is to write the days of the week under the pictures in your worksheets. But first of all, let’s remember the days of the week.

(Cлайд 11)

Фонетическая зарядка: Repeat after me.









(Cлайд 12)

Teacher: Now watch the story and do the task.

(Cлайд 13)

(Cлайд 14)

(Cлайд 15)




Test 4: Reading. Open your workbooks at p.20, ex.1. Look at the letter and the map and fill in the missing words.

(Cлайд 16)

Test 5: Speaking. The first task is to get instructions and follow them.

(Cлайд 17)

Team 1: You are Sue. Go down the street until you get to the traffic lights. Turn right and go straight on. It's on your left opposite the bank.

Team 2: You are Tony. Go down the street. Turn right and go straight on. It's on your right opposite the café.


Task 2. Use the map to ask for and give directions.

Team 1: from the cinema to the museum

Team 2: from the school to the café

(Cлайд 18)

Подведение итогов.

Teacher: Let’s see the results. You’ve passed all of the exams. And now I would like to present you with your driving licenses. Congratulations!!!

(Cлайд 19)

(вручение водительских удостоверений)

Рефлексия: Now let’s discuss our results! Do you like the lesson? If you do, go to the green light. If you don’t like the lesson, go to the traffic lights with the red light. If you don’t know, choose the yellow light.

(на доске прикреплены изображения светофоров с включенным красным желтым и зеленым сигналами)

Домашнее задание: Thank you for your active work at the lesson. I give you good and excellent marks today.  I hope you will always remember the traffic rules and will never get into trouble. Your homework is to prepare for the test. The lesson is over. Good bye!




Использованные материалы:

http:// урок.рф/library/urokkvest_po_anglijskomu_yaziku_na_temu_velikobrita_234531.html




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