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Project work In harmony with the world. Travelling is one of the ways to know the world better. Done BY Zhornik Vlada

Many of us, perhaps, will agree with the statement that we get a real education, which will undoubtedly be useful to us in life, without sitting in stuffy classrooms in boring lessons. Every day we learn something new outside of the classroom.

Travel gives you the opportunity to... learn foreign languages Wherever you go, anywhere in the world, people speak, or in the worst case, at least understand English. But an additional bonus to a comfortable stay in any country is, of course, knowledge of the local language. Therefore, the conclusion is that travel makes us improve our language skills and learn new languages ​​along with our own and international English. But no book, app, or online video can replace the skills you gain by talking to a native speaker. This is perhaps the best form of mastering and improving the language.

Travel provides an opportunity to… learn more about other cultures Traveling to other countries, yes to other countries, even to other parts of your country gives you the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting and new hitherto unknown. When you visit one or another country, you begin to understand how diverse the cultures of the whole world are. You begin to draw parallels, find similarities and differences between the traditions you are accustomed to, and draw something completely unusual and new for you.

Traveling gives you the opportunity to… learn the history of a country through sightseeing That's right, you heard about many world-famous sights and monuments of culture in the lessons of history and cultural studies. But no lesson, no pictures from the book and no descriptions came close to visiting those very historical sights, as well as with the opportunity to learn many interesting facts about this place.

Travel gives you the opportunity to… understand what the modern world looks like Traveling is not only an opportunity to learn about how the world was in the past, it is, first of all, an opportunity to experience and find out for yourself what it is today. Traveling to another country is, first of all, an opportunity to assess its political situation, economic situation, and social structure in real time.

Traveling gives you the opportunity to… get to know nature Traveling is an opportunity to break away from the sofa, to escape from the bustle of the city somewhere far away, where waves splash, where unusual flowers grow, trees that you have never seen before, and first of all, where there are no traffic jams, as well as angry and always late on the affairs of people walking. This is an opportunity to leave your usual comfort zone and go to explore the most exotic corners of our world, feeling the colossal power of nature.

Conclusion, travel the world, discover something new and enjoy life, which, as it turns out, also exists outside the doors of your home!

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