Викторина на английском языке «Сities and countries of the world» (Города и страны мира) для студентов 1 курса колледжа

Материал опубликован 1 October 2022

Aвтор: Кузнецова Элина Николаевна

г.Екатеринбург, Фармацевтический филиал «СОМК»

Викторина: «Города и страны мира»

Цели: Формирование страноведческой компетенции, активизация познавательной, мыслительной деятельности, интеграция учебных дисциплин, осуществление межпредметных связей

Задачи: Активизация знаний по страноведению, воспитание уважительного отношения к другой культуре, потребности расширять кругозор, развитие логического мышления, памяти, расширение словарного запаса

Quiz «Cities and countries of the world»

1. In what city is the famous Little Murmaid statue located?

* in Vienna *in Amsterdam *in Luxembourg *in Copenhagen * in Venice

2. Which city in France is known as film festival?

*Nice *Paris *Cannes *Strasbourg

3. In what city does the European Parliament sit?

*in Berlin *in Brussels *in Srasbourg *in Varshava *in Luxembourg

4. Where was the first ferris wheel (колесо обозрения) built?

*in Chicago *in Boston *in Las Vegas *in Los Angeles *in New York

5. What town did «Titanic» set sail in April, 1912 from?

*from Manchester *from Liverpool *from Glasgo *from Sauthampton *from Belfast

6. The town where the zero meridian passes is…

*Oxford *Manchester *Greenwich * Liverpool ?

7. Where is the famous Leaning Tower located?

*in Gabrovo (Bulgaria) *in Nice (France) *in Venice (Italy) *in Pisa (Italy)

8. In what city is the Motherland monument located?

*in Sevastopol *in Volgograd *in St.Petersburg *in Brest *in Belgorod

9. How many steps are there on Mamaev Kurgan?

*100 *200 *300 *400 *500

10. Where is the longest metro (472 stations) located?

* in Berlin (Germany) *in Moscow (Russia) * in London (Great Britain) * in New York (USA) *in Buenos Aires (Argentina)

11. There is a joke, describing densely populated city: «The dogs in this city wag there tails not left and right, but up and down». What city is it?

*Delhi (India) * Buenos Aires (Argentina) *Tokyo (Japan) *Shanghai (China)

12. The joke fountains in Peterhof (Petrodvorets) were made to entertain guests of …

*A.S.Pushkin *Peter I *Nicholas II *Ivan Grozny ?

13. Where was the first metro built?

*in Great Britain *in USA *in Germany *in France *in Hungary

14. Golden Gate Bridge is located in…

*Los Angeles *San Fransisco *Las Vegas *San Diego *Washington ?

15. Which country is also called Holland?

*Denmark *Norway *Netherlands *Finland

16. Which country does Greenland belong to?

*Denmark *Netherlands *Switzelland *Sweden *France

17. Which сity in the world has the largest population?

*Delhi (India) *Buenos Aires (Argentina) *New York (USA) *Shanghai (China) *Tokyo (Japan)

18. The first Olympic Games took place in…

*Italy *India *Spain *Egypt *Greece *USA ?

19. Where is a 17-th century mausoleum Taj Mahal situated?

*in Brazil *in India *in China * in Japan *in Tajikistan

20. Scandinavia includes…

*Denmark, Norway, Sweden

*Denmark, Norway, Swetzerland

*Norway, Sweden, Swetzerland

*Denmark, Sweden, Swetzerland ?

21. What is the capital of Spain?

*Barcelona *Madrid *Valencia *Sevilla

22. What is the capital of Italy?

*Milan *Florence *Venice *Verona *Palermo *Rome *Pisa

23. What is the capital of Hungary?

*Budapest *Prague *Sofia *Warsaw

24. What is the capital of Вulgaria?

*Budapest *Prague *Sofia *Warsaw

25. What is the capital of Poland?

*Budapest *Prague *Sofia *Warsaw

26. What is the capital of Chech Republic?

*Budapest *Prague *Sofia *Warsaw

27. What is the capital of Сuba?

*Havana *Canberra *Ottava

28. What is the capital of Australia?

*Havana *Canberra *Ottava

29. What is the capital of Canada?

*Havana *Canberra *Ottava

30. What is the capital of Azerbaijan?

*Baku *Yerevan *Tbilisi

31. What is the capital of Armenia?

*Baku *Yerevan *Tbilisi

32. What is the capital of Georgia (Грузия)?

*Baku *Yerevan *Tbilisi

33. What is the capital of Tatarstan?

*Kazan *Nur-Sultan *Bishkek

34. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

*Kazan *Nur-Sultan *Bishkek

35. What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?

*Kazan *Nur-Sultan *Bishkek

Правильные ответы:

1. Copenhagen

2. Сannes

3. Stasbourg

4. Chicago

5. Sauthampton

6. Greenwich

7. Pisa

8. Volgograd

9. 200

10. New York

11. Tokyo

12. Peter I

13. Great Britain

14. San Fransisco

15. Netherlands

16. Denmark

17. Tokyo

18. Greece

19. India

20. Denmark, Norway, Sweden

21. Madrid

22. Rome

23. Budapest

24. Sofia

25. Warsaw

26. Prague

27. Havana

28. Canberra

29. Ottava

30. Baku

31. Yerevan

32. Tbilisi

33. Kazan

34. Nur-Sultan

35. Bishkek




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