Методические рекомендации «Виноделие»

Материал опубликован 22 July 2018

Муниципальное бюджетное учреждение

дополнительного образования детей

Центр детского творчества

Темрюкского района.

Принята на заседании Утверждаю

педагогического/методического совета Директор МБУ ДО ЦДТ

от «____»___________________2017 г. _______________/ФИО/

Протокол № _____________________ «___»__________2017 г.


Методические рекомендации по выполнению контрольных работ

и варианты контрольных заданий

для студентов очной и заочной формы обучения

по специальности

260107 Технология бродильных производств и виноделие.


Автор составитель: педагог дополнительного образования

Лебедева Светлана Владимировна









Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов

заочной формы обучения.

1. Пояснительная записка.

Данные методические указания составлены для студентов заочного обучения. Основной целью обучения курса «Иностранный язык» является обучение практическому владению разговорно-бытовой речью и деловым языком специальности для активного применения как в повседневной жизни, так и в профессиональной деятельности.

Критерием практического владения иностранным языком является умение достаточно свободно пользоваться относительно простыми языковыми средствами в основных видах речевой деятельности: говорении, аудировании, чтении, письме. Практическое владение языком предполагает также умение самостоятельно работать со специальной литературой с целью получения профессиональной информации, оформлять деловую переписку, вести беседу, переговоры. Занятия по курсу «Иностранный язык» имеют практический характер. Освоение и совершенствование студентами фонетики, грамматики (морфологии и синтаксиса), правил словообразования и сочетаемости слов, а также лексики и фразеологии происходит в процессе работы с устными и письменными текстам, разного рода словарями и справочниками, организуемой с учетом новых педагогических технологий.

В результате изучения курса «Иностранный язык» студент должен уметь:

- распознавать отдельные (простые и сложные) звуки в словах;

- выделять ключевые слова и основную идею звучащей речи;

- понимать смысл монологической и диалогической речи;

- поставить вопросы и ответить на них;

- составить связный текст с использованием ключевых слов на бытовые и профессиональные темы;

- сделать устное сообщение на заданную тему (с предварительной подготовкой);

- сделать краткий или подробный пересказ прослушанного или прочитанного текста.

- уметь читать новые тексты общекультурного, общенаучного характера и тексты по специальности;

- определять содержание текста по знакомым словам, и т.п.;

- распознавать значения слов по контексту;

- переводить (со словарем) бытового, литературного и специального текста с иностранного на русский и с русского на иностранный язык;

иностранном языке;


- гласные и согласные звуки.

- ударение в словах; одноударные и двуударные слова;

- интонация речи (повествование, вопрос);

- формальные признаки существительного, артикль, множественное число, притяжательный падеж;

- местоимения (личные, притяжательные, указательные; неопределенные местоимения any, some, по и их производные );

- числительные ( количественные, порядковые);

- степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий:

- времена английского глагола (Present, Раst, Future (Simple, Continuous, Perfect);

- модальные глаголы;

- функции глаголов to have , to be;















2. Введение.

Настоящие методические указания имеют целью помочь вам в вашей самостоятельной работе над развитием практических навыков чтения и перевода литературы по специальности на английском языке. Для того чтобы добиться успеха, необходимо приступить к работе над языком с первых же дней занятий в вузе и заниматься языком систематически. Особенностью изучения иностранного языка в заочной системе обучения является то, что бóльшая часть языкового материала должна прорабатываться самостоятельно. На аудиторные занятия отводится не менее 8 часов, на самостоятельную работу - 199 часов. Программа по английскому языку ставит перед собой следующие задачи:

1)оказать практическую помощь студентам, самостоятельно изучающим английский язык. За весь период обучения на заочном отделении студент выполняет одну контрольную работу, состоящую из текста, который они выбирают согласно предложенного перечня вариантов по последним цифрам шифра. Вариант контрольной работы должен соответствовать номеру варианта и цифре шифра. Объём работы не должен превышать 12-ти листов рукописного текста. Листы должны иметь поля не менее 3х сантиметров для замечаний преподавателя. Первый лист титульный, с указанием варианта. Контрольная работа выполняется фиолетовыми или синими чернилами, чётко и аккуратно, без исправлений и помарок. Текст необходимо переписать в тетрадь, затем выполнить письменно перевод текста. В конце работы должен быть приведён список использованной литературы, дата выполнения работы и подпись студента. Выполненная работа сдаётся в учебную часть не позднее, чем за 2 недели до начала сессии. При получении проверенной контрольной работы с рецензией преподавателя студенты должны исправить ошибки, сделать дополнения к ответам, дать объяснения по замечаниям рецензии. На зачёте студент предоставляет преподавателю контрольную работу со всеми дополнениями. Студенты, не выполнившие контрольную работу, к зачёту не допускаются. На зачёте студенты должны быть готовы ответить на вопросы преподавателя по контрольной работе. При возникновении трудностей в изучении и при выполнении контрольной работы, студентам следует обратиться к преподавателю за консультацией.










Исправления контрольной работы на основе рецензии

Проверенная преподавателем контрольная работа возвращается студенту с рецензией и оценкой «зачтено» или «не зачтено». Студент должен ознакомиться с рецензией, с исправлениями, замечаниями, указаниями на полях работы, проанализировать их. Если работа зачтена, но в ней допущен ряд ошибок, то их надо исправить. Руководствуясь указаниями рецензента, повторите соответствующий грамматический материал, проверьте значения неверно переведенных слов по словарю и т. д. Все предложения, в которых были ошибки, перепишите в конце контрольной работы в исправленном виде. Контрольная работа с исправлением ошибок предъявляется преподавателю на зачетно-экзаменационной сессии. Если работа не зачтена, ее следует переделать целиком или частично, в зависимости от указаний преподавателя. Контрольные работы являются учебными документами, которые необходимо сохранять и предъявлять на зачетах и экзаменах. При сдаче зачета или экзамена преподаватель может провести опрос и по контрольной работе. Контрольная работа должна быть зарегистрирована. При оформлении контрольных заданий придерживайтесь следующих указаний:

Выполняйте каждую контрольную работу в отдельной тетради. На

обложке напишите свою фамилию, имя, отчество, адрес.

Работа должна быть написана аккуратно, четко, разборчиво, без со

кращений. Для замечаний, объяснений, указаний рецензента оставляйте в тетради широкие поля.

Выполняйте работы в той последовательности, в которой они даны

в настоящем пособии. Присылайте на проверку только одну работу.

Обязательно указывайте номер упражнения и переписывайте зада-

ние. Модель выполнения можно не переписывать.

Если контрольная работа выполнена неясно, небрежно, не полностью

или не в соответствии с указаниями, она возвращается студенту

без проверки.









History of Portuguese wine

Port has been one of the most well known and successful wines in the history of Portuguese wine.

The history of Portuguese wine has been influenced by Portugal's relative isolationism in the world's wine market, with the one notable exception of its relationship with the British. While wine has been made in Portugal (and neighboring Spain) since at least 2000 BC when the Tartessians planted vines in the Sado and Tagus valleys. By the 10th century BC, the Phoenicians had arrived and introduced new grape varieties and winemaking techniques to the area. Up until this point, viticulture was mostly centered around the southern coastal areas of Portugal. In later centuries, the Ancient Greeks, Celts and Romans would do much to spread viticulture and winemaking further north.


influenced,amounts,astringent,acidity,proximately,shipments,lucrative,introduction,dry red, Port ,fortified, upgrades ,authentic scale.

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

Cliff, brush, song, room, bath, spot, pen, rose, record, baby, church, book, mouse, man, child, tree, safe, ox, sugar, bus, leaf, body.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Sad, happy, big, gray, far, honorable, bad, dry, near, old, complete, unusual.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1. Не goes to school by bus. 2. She likes milk. 3. My father watches TV in the evening. 4.I play tennis on Sunday. 5. My brother plays football very well. 6. My sister sings very often. 7. She washes her face. 8. I usually drink tea for the breakfast. 9. Jane does her English exercises after school. 10.Port has been one of the most well known and successful wines in the history of Portuguese wine.

4. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения.

1.This is Mr. Simpson. And this is ... daughter.

2. This is my dog. And this is ... house.

3.This is Mary. And this is ... doll.

4. My name is Ann. And these are ... parents.

5.These are Tom and Jack. And these are ... sisters.

6.This is you near the mirror. And this is ... reflection.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1.Tom ... good boy. 2. Jack and Jill... my friends. 3. Mr. And Mrs. Brown ... on holidays. 4. I ... ten years old. 5. He ... pupil of fifth grade. 6. Mike and I... in the yard. 7. Simon ... absent today. 8. Karen ... our new teacher. 9. We ... doing test. 10. Peter and his brother ... playing football.

6.Напишите словами количественные числительные. 3,5,11,21,56,88, 189,2795.


Harvesting and destemming

Mechanical harvesters are large tractors that straddle grapevine trellises and, using firm plastic or rubber rods, strike the fruiting zone of the grapevine to dislodge the grapes from the rachis. Mechanical harvesters have the advantage of being able to cover a large area of vineyard land in a relatively short period of time, and with a minimum investment of manpower per harvested ton. A disadvantage of mechanical harvesting is the indiscriminate inclusion of foreign non-grape material in the product, especially leaf stems and leaves, but also, depending on the trellis system and grapevine canopy management, may include moldy grapes,canes, metal debris, rocks and even small animals and bird nests. Some winemakers remove leaves and loose debris from the grapevine before mechanical harvesting to avoid such material being included in the harvested fruit. In the United States mechanical harvesting is seldom used for premium winemaking because of the indiscriminate picking and increased oxidation of the grape juice. In other countries (such as Australia and New Zealand), mechanical harvesting of premium winegrapes is more common because of general labor shortages. Manual harvesting is the hand-picking of grape clusters from the grapevines. In the United States, some grapes are picked into one- or two-ton bins for transport back to the winery.


Harvesting, oxidation ,labor, include, trellis, technology, agrotechnics, selection.

1.Переведите на английский язык.

Для приготовления десертного вина обязательно нужно знать содержание сахара в винограде. Чем выше сахаристость сусла, тем больше в вине глицерина и янтарной кислоты.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

High, dangerous, good, little, bad, long, beautiful.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1.The Port was increasing in popularity in Britain. 2.Portuguese wines were first shipped to England in the 12th century. 3.Portugal and England signed the Treaty of Windsor which fostered close diplomatic relations between the two countries. 4.New investments paved the way for upgrades in winemaking technology and facilities.

4. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения.

1.You had to wash … face.

2. This is my dog. And this is ... house.

3.This is my book and that is… book.

4. My name is Maria. This is … husband.

5.Take … books and let’s go.

6.This is you near the mirror. And this is ... reflection.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1.The Port … very famous in our country. 2.She … thin, tall, and not very young. 3.Port … Portuguese wine.4.Bob and Rose …English children.5. They … brother and sister.6.Alina … a tall woman.7.Boris and I … friends.8. There … some buses in the street.9.There … no exercise-book on the desk.10. … they interconnected?

Вариант №3

History of Portuguese wine

For centuries after wards, Portuguese wines came to be associated with Port (and to some extent Madeira which was a popular drink of British colonies across the globe, such as the American colonies.) In the mid-to-late 20th century, sweet, slightly sparkling rosé brands from Portugal (Mateus and Lancers being the most notable) became immensely popular across the globe-with the British wine market again leading the way. In the mid-1980s, Portugal's introduction to the European Union brought a flood of financing and grants to the stagnant Portuguese wine industry. These new investments paved the way for upgrades in winemaking technology and facilities. Renewed interest in the abundance of unique Portuguese wine grape varieties shifted focus to more premium wine production with a portfolio of unique dry red and white wines being marketed on a global scale.


Viticulture, introduction, dry red, Port ,fortified, rotation of crops, fruit and vegetable, theory and practice, agrotechnics, selection.

1.Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Лучшие сорта винограда для изготовления десертного вина- это прежде всего Мускаты, Мальвазия, Каберне, Ркацители, Изабелла и.т.д. Янтарная кислота как в чистом виде, так и в виде солей обладает приятным ароматом и вкусом, которые украшают букет вина.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

High, dangerous, good, little, bad, long, beautiful.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1.The Port was increasing in popularity in Britain. 2.Portuguese wines were first shipped to England in the 12th century. 3.Portugal and England signed the Treaty of Windsor which fostered close diplomatic relations between the two countries. 4.New investments paved the way for upgrades in winemaking technology and facilities.

4. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения.

1.You have to wash … face.

2. This is my dog. And this is ... house.

3.She has to wash … hands.

4. My name is Maria. This is … husband.

5.Take … books and let’s go.

6.This is you near the mirror. And this is ... reflection.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1.The Port … very famous in our country. 2.She … thin, tall, and not very young. 3.Port … Portuguese wine.4.Bob and Rose …English children.5. They … brother and sister.6.Alina … a tall woman.7.Boris and I … friends.8. There … some buses in the street.9.There … no exercise-book on the desk.10. … they interconnected?


6.Напишите словами количественные числительные 34,56,77,123,1234,456,890,12,17.



Relationship with England

The fortunes of the Portuguese wine industry has been sharply influenced by the politics and conflicts of England such as when the English Parliament enacted an embargo on all French wine imports in order to limit the income of Charles II (pictured). Looking for an alternative source of wine, English wine merchants started importing vast amounts of Portuguese wine.

Being a cool weather country, lacking favorable climate for viticulture, England has always been a eager market for exported wines from other regions. Its close proximately to France, made French wines a natural supply source for English thirst. However, the convenience of those close borders also brought with them a seemingly endless series of political and military conflicts between the English and French crowns. During periods of heated conflict, English wine merchants were forced to look elsewhere for trading partners and it was in this manner that their attention was brought to the vineyards of Portugal. Documents exist detailing Portuguese wine shipments from the Minho region to England occurring as early as the 12th century. These wines, including those from the wet northern region of modern day Vinho Verde, were often light and astringent with noticeable acidity. While they fulfilled a need, these wines did little to supplant the popularity of French wines (particularly those of Bordeaux) for English wine drinkers.


Viticulture, introduction, dry red, Port ,fortified, rotation of crops, fruit and vegetable, theory and practice, agrotechnics, selection.

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

Pear, cherry, plum, moss-berry, question, money, butterfly, hour, holiday.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

High, dangerous, good, little, bad, long, beautiful, long, small, thin.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1.The Port was increasing in popularity in Britain. 2.Portuguese wines were first shipped to England in the 12th century. 3.Portugal and England signed the Treaty of Windsor which fostered close diplomatic relations between the two countries. 4.New investments paved the way for upgrades in winemaking technology and facilities. 5.Sometimes I do my morning exercises. 6.I always go to my office by bus.

4. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения.

1.I saw Liz with … husband yesterday.

2.They’re going to sell … old house.

3. I know Mr Brown but I haven’t met with … wife.

4. My name is Maria. This is … husband.

5.I’m football fan. it’s … favourite sport.

6.Please, cut … hair but not very short.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1.The Port … very famous in our country. 2.Why … you so angry? 3. Port … Portuguese wine.4.Bob and Rose …English children.5. Cuba … a tropical country. 6. Alina … a tall woman.7.Boris and I … friends.8. Your money … in your handbag. 9.There … no exercise-book on the desk.10. … they interconnected?


Relationship with England

While the English wine market was lucrative, the relationship was essentially monopolistic with the vast majority of control in the hands of the English wine merchants. Portuguese growers and wine producers had little other avenues for trade with other countries and thus prices were largely dictated by the English. The 1703 Metheun Treaty further promoted English interest in Portuguese wines. The treaty established a system of preferential tariffs for Portuguese wine, at the expense of wines from other countries.[1] It specifies that the tariffs for Portuguese wine should never be more than two-thirds that of which was levied on French wines. At the time, the levy on French wines were roughly equivalent to £20 a barrel with the levies on Portuguese wines dropping to around £7 a barrel. By 1717, Portuguese wines accounted for more than 66% of all wine imported into England while French wines imports shrank to a mere 4%.


Tanning agent, acid, aromatic agent, mineral matter, yeast, mash, souring, acetic, blended wine, dessert wine, infusion, consistency.

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

Cliff, brush, rowan, pear, cherry, raspberry, dogwood, safe, ox, sugar, bus, leaf, body.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Polite, easy, low, clever, ripe, thin, beautiful, little, happy, big, gray, far, honorable, bad, dry, near, old, complete.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1.The quality of wine is very important for wine-maker. 2. The red original wine can prepare from sloe. 3. The English wine market was lucrative. 4. The levy on French wines were roughly equivalent to 20 GBP. 5. My brother plays football very well. 6. My sister sings very often. 7. She washes her face. 8.The French wines were imports shrank to a mere 4%. 9. Jane does her English exercises after school. 10.Port has been one of the most well known and successful wines in the history of Portuguese wine.

4. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения.

1.This is Mr. Simpson. And this is ... son.

2. This is my dog. And this is ... house.

3.This is Mary. And this is ... husband.

4. My name is Ann. And these are ... parents.

5.These are Tom and Jack. And these are ... brothers.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1.Tom ... good boy. 2. Jack and Jill... my friends. 3. Mr. And Mrs. Brown ... on holidays. 4. Everybody knows her. She … a doctor. 5. The letter … for you. 6. Mike and I... in the yard. 7. Simon ... absent today. 8. Karen ... our new teacher. 9. We ... doing test. 10. Alina learns English. Sheclever girl.

Напишите словами количественные числительные. 7,8,56,23,567,133,5,11,21,56,88.


The rise of Port

In the 17th century, the English discovered a new style of wine from among the steep vineyards of the Douro Valley. Of all the wines most closely associated with Portugal, and most reflective of the immense influence that the British have had on the Portuguese wine industry, it is Port. So close is the relationship that wine writer Karen Mac Neil notes "If Portugal is the mother of Port, Britain is certainly its father”.While there are many theories as to the origin of the fortified wine known as Port, one of the most prevalent is that of the 1678 visit by English wine merchants to a monastery in the Portuguese town of Lamego located along the Douro river. In search of new wines to ship back to England, the merchants came across an abbot in Lamego who was producing a style of wine that the merchants had never encountered before. While fortification of wine had been known for centuries, the fortifying grape spirit was usually added after fermentation, when the wine was already fermented dry.


Discovered, associated, influence, fortified, prevalent, in search of, came across, fortifying, added, fermentation, yeast, levels, market.

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

Yeast, market, merchant, quince, infusion, viburnum, rowan, pear, cherry, raspberry, dogwood, ox, sugar, bus, leaf, body.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Polite, easy, low, clever, ripe, thin, beautiful, little, happy, big, gray, far, honorable, bad, dry, near, old, complete.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1.The British have had on the Portuguese wine industry, it is Port. 2. The red original wine can prepare from sloe. 3. The English wine market was lucrative. 4. The levy on French wines were roughly equivalent to 20 GBP. 5. While there are many theories as to the origin of the fortifield wine knows as Port. 6. In search of new wines to ship back to England. 7. The merchants came across an abbot in Lamego. 8. The French wines were imports shrank to a mere 4%. 9. This method produced a very strong, alcoholic wine with noticeable levels of sweetness that was very successful in the English wine market. 10.Port has been one of the most well known and successful wines in the history of Portuguese wine.

4. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения.

1.This is an abbot. And this is ... wine.

2. This method is very strong. But … level is very successful.

3.This is Mary. And this is ... husband.

4. My name is Alex. And these are ... parents.

5.These are Tom and Jack. And these are ... brothers.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1. If Portugal … the mother of Port, Britain … certainly it … father. There … many theories as to the origin of the fortified wine known as Port. 2. One of the most prevalent wine …the Portuguese Port. 3.Who … producing a style of wine?

Напишите словами количественные числительные. 13, 16, 20, 44, 33, 1567, 234, 6790.



Filtration in winemaking is used to accomplish two objectives, clarification and microbial stabilization. In clarification, large particles that affect the visual appearance of the wine are removed. In microbial stabilization, organisms that affect the stability of the wine are removed therefore reducing the likelihood of re-fermentation or spoilage.

The process of clarification is concerned with the removal of particles; those larger than 5–10 micrometers for coarse polishing, particles larger than 1–4 micrometers for clarifying or polishing. Microbial stabilization requires a filtration of at least 0.65 micrometers. However, filtration at this level may lighten a wine's color and body. Microbial stabilization does not imply sterility. It simply means that a significant amount of yeast and bacteria have been removed.

Clarification of the wine can take place naturally by putting the wine into refrigeration at 35°F (2°C). The wine takes a month to settle and it is clear. No chemicals are needed.


Filtration, clarification, microbial stabilization, microbial technology, particles, visual, appearance, removed, reducing, re-fermentation, micrometers, polishing, requires, sterility, amount, settle, takes a month.

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

Yeast, market, merchant, quince, infusion, treaty, particle, rowan, pear, cherry, raspberry, dogwood, ox, sugar, bus, leaf, body.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Polite, easy, low, clever, ripe, thin, beautiful, little, happy, big, gray, far, honorable, bad, dry, near, old, complete, spoilage, polishing, sterility.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1.The British have had on the Portuguese wine industry, it is Port. 2. The red original wine can prepare from sloe. 3. The English wine market was lucrative. 4. The levy on French wines were roughly equivalent to 20 GBP. 5. While there are many theories as to the origin of the fortifield wine knows as Port. 6. In search of new wines to ship back to England. 7. The merchants came across an abbot in Lamego. 8. The French wines were imports shrank to a mere 4%. 9. This method produced a very strong, alcoholic wine with noticeable levels of sweetness that was very successful in the English wine market. 10.Port has been one of the most well known and successful wines in the history of Portuguese wine.

4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Белые вина- наиболее нежные и тонкие. Лучшие сорта вин получаются из винограда Алиготе, Рислинг, Совиньон, Мцване, Фетяска, произростающих в Молдавии, на Дону, в Закарпатье, Грузии и Краснодарском крае. Эти вина отличаются ароматичностью, лёгкостью и свежестью вкуса.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1. If Portugal … the mother of Port, Britain … certainly it … father. There … many theories as to the origin of the fortified wine known as Port. 2. One of the most prevalent wine …the Portuguese Port. 3.Who … producing a style of wine?

Вариант №8

After the scandal

In 1756, the Marquis of Pombal (pictured) established the declaration that delineated the Douro wine region, making it one of the world's oldest established appellation. The economic turmoil as well as growing complaints and dissatisfaction over the business dealings of the British caused the Marquis of Pombal, in 1756, to create the Douro Wine Company to regulate the Port wine trade. One of the company's first regulations was the delineation of the Douro wine region as the only sanction area that could produce wine labeled and sold as "Port". The aim of the organization was to supervise the production of Port in all stages of winemaking from harvesting to winemaking to aging and finally shipping. In addition to their supervisory role, the organization also sought to remove the temptation for fraud by ordering that all elderberry plants in the Douro be ripped out. The efforts of the Portuguese government and the General Company helped restore the Port market and sales quickly rebounded. In 1799, 44 million liters (over 11.6 million US gallons) of Port were imported by the English-an equivalent of five liters for every man, woman and child in England


Filtration, clarification, microbial stabilization, microbial technology, particles, visual, appearance, removed, reducing, re-fermentation, micrometers, polishing, requires, sterility, amount, settle, takes a month.

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

Yeast, market, merchant, quince, infusion, treaty, particle, rowan, pear, cherry, raspberry.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Polite, easy, low, clever, ripe, thin, beautiful, little, happy, big, gray, far, honorable, bad, dry, near, old, complete, spoilage, polishing, sterility.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1.The British have had on the Portuguese wine industry, it is Port. 2.One of the company’s first regulations was the delineation of the Douro.3. In 1799, 44 million liters of Port were imported. 4. Among the notable men who touted this accomplishment were William Pitt and Richard Brinsley. 5. While there are many theories as to the origin of the fortifield wine knows as Port. 6. In search of new wines to ship back to England.

4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Виноград- древнейшая сельскохозяйственная культура, и человечество выработало и отобрало для возделывания огромное количество его сортов, которые отличаются друг от друга величиной грозди, ягод, окраской, вкусом и другими свойствами. Определённые сорта винограда, так называемые технические, предназначены только для производства сухого вина.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1. If Portugal … the mother of Port, Britain … certainly it … father. There … many theories as to the origin of the fortified wine known as Port. 2. One of the most prevalent wine …the Portuguese Port. 3.Who … producing a style of wine?

Напишите словами количественные числительные. 15, 16, 20, 49, 33, 15567, 2034, 67090.

Вариант №9

After the scandal

The efforts of the Portuguese government and the General Company helped restore the Port market and sales quickly rebounded. In 1799, 44 million liters (over 11.6 million US gallons) of Port were imported by the English-an equivalent of five liters for every man, woman and child in England. During this period, Port became associated with the "Englishman's drink" with social clubs touting membership of "three-bottle men" or those who were able to drink at least three bottles of Port in one sitting. Among the notable men who touted this accomplishment were William Pitt the Younger and the playwright Richard Brinsley Sheridan.So intimately tied was Port to the English that during the Napoleonic Wars, French and Spanish troops invaded Northern Portugal and Douro in an attempt to hurt British trade interest. While the vineyards themselves sustained little damage, the French occupation of the Douro between 1807-1809 had a damaging economic effect on the Douro wine growers. The British merchants of Oporto fled before the French arrival which sealed off that valuable export market.


Filtration, clarification, microbial stabilization, microbial technology, particles, visual, appearance, removed, reducing, re-fermentation, micrometers, polishing, requires, sterility,

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

Yeast, market, merchant, quince, infusion, treaty, particle, rowan, pear, cherry, raspberry.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Polite, easy, low, clever, ripe, thin, beautiful, little, happy, big, gray, far, honorable, bad, dry, near, old, complete, spoilage, polishing, sterility.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1.The British have had on the Portuguese wine industry, it is Port. 2.One of the company’s first regulations was the delineation of the Douro.3. In 1799, 44 million liters of Port were imported. 4. Among the notable men who touted this accomplishment were William Pitt and Richard Brinsley. 5. While there are many theories as to the origin of the fortifield wine knows as Port. 6. In search of new wines to ship back to England. 7. The merchants came across an abbot in Lamego.

4. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения.

1.This is an abbot. And this is ... wine.

2. This method is very strong. But … level is very successful.

3.This is Mary. And this is ... husband.

4. My name is Alex. And these are ... parents.

5.These are Tom and Jack. And these are ... brothers.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1. If Portugal … the mother of Port, Britain … certainly it … father. There … many theories as to the origin of the fortified wine known as Port. 2. One of the most prevalent wine …the Portuguese Port. 3.Who … producing a style of wine?

Напишите словами количественные числительные. 15, 16, 20, 49, 33, 15567, 2034, 67090.


Blending and fining

Different batches of wine can be mixed before bottling in order to achieve the desired taste. The winemaker can correct perceived inadequacies by mixing wines from different grapes and batches that were produced under different conditions. These adjustments can be as simple as adjusting acid or tannin levels, to as complex as blending different varieties or vintages to achieve a consistent taste. Fining agents are used during winemaking to remove tannins, reduce astringency and remove microscopic particles that could cloud the wines. The winemakers decide on which fining agents are used and these may vary from product to product and even batch to batch (usually depending on the grapes of that particular year). Gelatin has been used in winemaking for centuries and is recognized as a traditional method for wine fining, or clarifying. It is also the most commonly used agent to reduce the tannin content. Generally no gelatin remains in the wine because it reacts with the wine components, as it clarifies, and forms a sediment which is removed by filtration prior to bottling.


influenced,amounts,astringent,acidity,proximately,shipments,lucrative,introduction,dry red, Port ,fortified, upgrades ,authentic scale.

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

Cliff, brush, bench, room, bath, spot, pen, glass, record, baby, church, book, mouse, man, child, tree, safe, ox, sugar, bus, leaf, body.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Sad, happy, big, gray, far, honorable, bad, dry, near, old, complete, unusual.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1. Не goes to school by bus. 2. She likes milk. 3. My father watches TV in the evening. 4.I play tennis on Sunday. 5. My brother plays football very well. 6. My sister sings very often. 7. She washes her face. 8. I usually drink tea for the breakfast. 9. Jane does her English exercises after school. 10.Port has been one of the most well known and successful wines in the history of Portuguese wine.

4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Красные вина значительно грубее белых. Это обусловлено большим, по сравнению с белыми, содержанием в них дубильных веществ, которые в значительной степени определяют вкус. Эти вина отличаются высокой экстрактивностью, полнотой вкуса и наличием природных красящих веществ- антоцианов. Биологическая ценность красного сухого вина обусловливается провитамином P, укрепляющим прочность стенок мелких кровеносных сосудов.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1.He…born in 1985. 2. Who… absent today? 3. Mr. And Mrs. Brown ... on holidays. 4. These… my pencils. 5. … you a sportsman? 6. Mike and I... in the yard. 7. Simon ... absent today. 8. Karen ... our new teacher. 9. We ... doing test. 10. Peter and his brother ... playing football.


Вариант№1 1

Crushed grapes leaving the crusher.

Most red wines derive their color from grape skins (the exception being varieties or hybrids of non-vinifera vines which contain juice pigmented with the dark Malvidin 3,5-diglucoside anthocyanin) and therefore contact between the juice and skins is essential for color extraction. Red wines are produced by destemming and crushing the grapes into a tank and leaving the skins in contact with the juice throughout the fermentation (maceration). It is possible to produce white (colorless) wines from red grapes by the fastidious pressing of uncrushed fruit. This minimizes contact between grape juice and skins (as in the making of Blanc de noirs sparkling wine, which is derived from Pinot noir, a red vinifera grape.) Most white wines are processed without destemming or crushing and are transferred from picking bins directly to the press. This is to avoid any extraction of tannin from either the skins or grapeseeds, as well as maintaining proper juice flow through a matrix of grape clusters rather than loose berries. In some circumstances winemakers choose to crush white grapes for a short period of skin contact, usually for three to 24 hours. This serves to extract flavor and tannin from the skins (the tannin being extracted to encourage protein precipitation without excessive Bentonite addition) as well as Potassium ions, which participate in bitartrate precipitation (cream of tartar). It also results in an increase in the pH of the juice which may be desirable for overly acidic grapes. This was a practice more common in the 1970s than today, though still practiced by some Sauvignon blanc and Chardonnay producers in California.


influenced,amounts,astringent,acidity,proximately,shipments,lucrative,introduction,dry red, Port ,fortified, upgrades ,authentic scale.

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

Cliff, brush, song, room, bath, spot, pen, rose, record, baby, church, book, mouse, man, child, tree, safe, ox, sugar, bus, leaf, body.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Sad, happy, big, gray, far, honorable, bad, dry, near, old, complete, unusual.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1. Не goes to school by bus. 2. She likes milk. 3. My father watches TV in the evening. 4.I play tennis on Sunday. 5. My brother plays football very well. 6. My sister sings very often. 7. She washes her face. 8. I usually drink tea for the breakfast. 9. Jane does her English exercises after school. 10.Port has been one of the most well known and successful wines in the history of Portuguese wine.

4.Вставьте глагол to be.

1.Tom ... good boy. 2. Jack and Jill... my friends. 3. Mr. And Mrs. Brown ... on holidays. 4. I ... ten years old. 5. He ... pupil of fifth grade. 6. Mike and I... in the yard. 7. Simon ... absent today. 8. Karen ... our new teacher. 9. We ... doing test. 10. Peter and his brother ... playing football.

5.Напишите словами количественные числительные. 3,5,11,21,56,88, 189,2795.


History of Portuguese wine

Portuguese wines were first shipped to England in the 12th century from the Entre Douro e Minho region (which today includes modern Portuguese wine regions such as the Douro and Vinho verde). In 1386, Portugal and England signed the Treaty of Windsor which fostered close diplomatic relations between the two countries and opened the door for extensive trade opportunities. The 1703 Methuen Treaty furthered advanced English economic interest in Portugal by reducing tariffs and give Portuguese wines preferential treatment in the British wine market over French wines. Around this time, the fortified wine known as Port was increasing in popularity in Britain. The lucrative trade in Port prompted the Portuguese authorities to establish one of the world's first protected designation of origin when Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, Marquis of Pombal established boundaries and regulations for the production of authentic Port from the Douro in 1756.


Viticulture, introduction, dry red, Port ,fortified, upgrades ,authentic scale, date of signing a contract, trade, tariffs, paved.

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

Map, bag, glass, day, leaf, selection, grape, wine-maker, taste, owner, fruit, vegetable.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Large, ripe, big, hard, dirty, bad, good.


3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1.The Port was increasing in popularity in Britain. 2.Portuguese wines were first shipped to England in the 12th century. 3.Portugal and England signed the Treaty of Windsor which fostered close diplomatic relations between the two countries.


4. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения.

1.You have to wash … face.

2. This is my dog. And this is ... house.

3.Aunt Ann shook … head.

4. My name is Ann. And these are ... parents.

5.Take … books and let’s go.

6.This is you near the mirror. And this is ... reflection.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1.Maria Petrova … a teacher.2.She … thin, tall, and not very young. 3.Port … Portuguese wine.4.Bob and Rose …English children.5. They … brother and sister.6.Alina … a tall woman.7.Boris and I … friends.8. There … some buses in the street.9.There … no exercise-book on the desk.


6.Напишите словами количественные числительные. 3,5,11,50, 100, 238, 600.

Вариант №13

Harvested Cabernet Sauvignon grapes.

The quality of the grapes determines the quality of the wine more than any other factor. Grape quality is affected by variety as well as weather during the growing season, soil minerals and acidity, time of harvest, and pruning method. The combination of these effects is often referred to as the grape's terroir. Grapes are usually harvested from the vineyard from early September until early November in the northern hemisphere, and mid February until early March in the southern hemisphere. In some cool areas in the southern hemisphere, for example Tasmania, harvesting extends into May. The most common species of wine grape is Vitis vinifera, which includes nearly all varieties of European origin. Laboratory tests . Whether the wine is aging in tanks or barrels, tests are run periodically in a laboratory to check the status of the wine. Common tests include °Brix, pH, titratable acidity, residual sugar, free or available sulfur, total sulfur, volatile acidity and percent alcohol. Additional tests include those for the crystallization of cream of tartar (potassium hydrogen tartrate) and the precipitation of heat unstable protein; this last test is limited to white wines. These tests are often performed throughout the making of the wine as well as prior to bottling. In response to the results of these tests, a winemaker can then decide on appropriate remedial action, for example the addition of more sulfur dioxide. Sensory tests will also be performed and again in response to these a winemaker may take remedial action such as the addition of a protein to soften the taste of the wine.


Viticulture, introduction, dry red, Port ,fortified, rotation of crops, fruit and vegetable, theory and practice, agrotechnics, selection.

1.Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Лучшие сорта винограда для изготовления десертного вина- это прежде всего Мускаты, Мальвазия, Каберне, Ркацители, Изабелла и.т.д. Янтарная кислота как в чистом виде, так и в виде солей обладает приятным ароматом и вкусом, которые украшают букет вина.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Far, dangerous, good, much, bad, narrow, beautiful.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1.The Port was increasing in popularity in Britain. 2.Portuguese wines were first shipped to England in the 12th century. 3.Portugal and England signed the Treaty of Windsor which fostered close diplomatic relations between the two countries. 4.New investments paved the way for upgrades in winemaking technology and facilities.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1.The Port … very famous in our country. 2.She … thin, tall, and not very young. 3.Port … Portuguese wine.4.Bob and Rose …English children.5. They … brother and sister.6.Alina … a tall woman.7.Boris and I … friends.8. There … some buses in the street.9.There … no exercise-book on the desk.10. … they interconnected?

6.Напишите словами количественные числительные 34,56,77,123,1234,456,890,12,17.



Relationship with England

The fortunes of the Portuguese wine industry has been sharply influenced by the politics and conflicts of England such as when the English Parliament enacted an embargo on all French wine imports in order to limit the income of Charles II (pictured). Looking for an alternative source of wine, English wine merchants started importing vast amounts of Portuguese wine.

Being a cool weather country, lacking favorable climate for viticulture, England has always been a eager market for exported wines from other regions. Its close proximately to France, made French wines a natural supply source for English thirst. However, the convenience of those close borders also brought with them a seemingly endless series of political and military conflicts between the English and French crowns. During periods of heated conflict, English wine merchants were forced to look elsewhere for trading partners and it was in this manner that their attention was brought to the vineyards of Portugal. Documents exist detailing Portuguese wine shipments from the Minho region to England occurring as early as the 12th century. These wines, including those from the wet northern region of modern day Vinho Verde, were often light and astringent with noticeable acidity.


Viticulture, introduction, dry red, Port ,fortified, rotation of crops, fruit and vegetable, theory and practice, agrotechnics, selection.

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

Pear, cherry, plum, moss-berry, question, money, butterfly, hour, holiday.

2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

High, dangerous, good, little, bad, long, beautiful, long, small, thin.

3. Переделайте предложения в отрицательные и в вопросительные.

1.The British have had on the Portuguese wine industry, it is Port. 2.One of the company’s first regulations was the delineation of the Douro.3. In 1799, 44 million liters of Port were imported. 4. Among the notable men who touted this accomplishment were William Pitt and Richard Brinsley. 5. While there are many theories as to the origin of the fortifield wine knows as Port. 6. In search of new wines to ship back to England. 7. The merchants came across an abbot in Lamego.

4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Виноград- древнейшая сельскохозяйственная культура, и человечество выработало и отобрало для возделывания огромное количество его сортов, которые отличаются друг от друга величиной грозди, ягод, окраской, вкусом и другими свойствами. Определённые сорта винограда, так называемые технические, предназначены только для производства сухого вина.

5.Вставьте глагол to be.

1. If Portugal … the mother of Port, Britain … certainly it … father. There … many theories as to the origin of the fortified wine known as Port. 2. One of the most prevalent wine …the Portuguese Port. 3.Who … producing a style of wine?

Напишите словами количественные числительные. 15, 16, 20, 49, 33, 15567, 2034, 67090.

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