Внеклассное мероприятие "Journey into Space"

Материал опубликован 15 April 2024 в группе

Презентация Journey into SpacePPTX / 1.63 Мб

/data/files/f1713179494.pptx (Презентация Journey into Space)

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/data/files/y1713179638.rar (Приложения к уроку)Методическая разработка открытого внеклассного мероприятия в 7 классе

по теме «Journey into Space»



учителя английского языка

высшей квалификационной категории

Палюлина Елена Владимировна,

Орлова Ирина Александровна

Участники заранее поделены на пять равных групп (экипажей) «Shuttle Crews». (каждой команде присвоено свое «космическое название»/на столах расставлены таблички с названиями и списком экипажей)


The names of the crews


Shuttle 1 - «The universe»

Shuttle 2 - «The Milky Way»

Shuttle 3 - «The Earth»

Shuttle 4 – «The Galaxy»

Shuttle 5 – «The Stars» (a special crew of the guests)

Ход урока


Teacher 1. Dear children and guests! Welcome aboard your space shuttles, As you know, we are going to travel into space and visit some space stations where you should complete different tasks. To make space travel more interesting you need to get stars for each task.

Teacher 2. You know, travelling through space IS a great challenge for all of you.

Try to get as many stars as you can to make the Galaxy full of them at the end of our journey.

Основная часть

Teacher 1. Okay, now we are still on the Earth. And the first thing you should do is to prove that you are real astronauts (STATION 0 - On the Earth)

Teacher 2. So, let's look at the screen. Here you can see some words which can help you to understand the task better. Let's read these words together and translate themлайд 2 в Презентации - определения слов/картинка со словами для экрана)

S1, S2.....(ответы учащихся)

Teacher 1. Нere is task №1 for you. Read the words in the box and match them with their descriptions. You've got 2 minutes to complete the task. (2min). The time is over. Read your answers .

S1, S2.....( (ответы учащихся – Слайд 3 на экране )

Well done. You've got two stars for the task.

Teacher 2. Well, here is another task for you. It’s called «Scrambled Words» (Task 2_анаграмма_ Слайд 4 ). Put the letters in the right order to make a space word.

The time is over. Read your answers.

S1, S2.....( (ответы учащихся)

Good for you. You're absolutely right so you've got two stars for the task.

Teacher 1. Now we see that you know a lot about space and you are real astronauts. Are you ready to blast off? Let's count together 5..4..3..2..1. Our travel has already started.

Teacher 2. Welcome to STATION №1 that is called «The Solar System». Do you know what solar system is/ can you explain?

S1, S2.....(ответы учащихся)

Teacher 1. Dear astronauts! On your desks you've got envelopes with a key sentence. Open the envelope and make a sentence which can help you to understand the right order of the planets. (Task 3_ключевое предложение). Each capital letter in each word shows the name of the planet. OK let's check. Will you read the sentence?

S1, S2.....(ответы учащихся/зачитывают предложение)/учитель выводит предложение на экран – Слайд 5)

Teacher 2. Let’s see what do you know about the solar system. You've got pictures on the desk. These pictures illustrate the planets so you should come to the board and stand in line in order the planets go after the Sun. (учащиеся выходят к доске и выполняют задание/затем называют себя _Im the Earth...).

Let's have a look. Is it the correct order or not? Compare with the key sentence. Right.

That’s how the solar system looks like. (учитель выдает звезды командам)

Teacher 1. Thank you. Hope you had fun. So let's go to the next station. STATION 2 is called «Inside the space shuttle». By the way do you know what is inside your space shuttles? Let's find out. Look at the screen please. Do you know these words? Read and translate them. (Слайд 6)

S1, S2....(ответы учащихся_чтение и перевод слов).

These words will help you as the task is to read the text and complete it with the words from the box. (учителя проверяют слова, время 3 минуты)(Task 4_текст «Inside the space shuttle») Слайд 7

S1, S2....(ответы учащихся- чтение и перевод слов/проверка задания).

Учитель выдает звездочки (по количеству правильно вставленных слов, максимум 12 звезд)

Teacher 2. The next station is STATION 3 «Keeping fit»(физкульт-минутка), let's go there. You know the astronauts should keep fit because their muscles become soft and weak in gravity. That's why they have to do regular exercises so let's move a little. (The video Just Space Dance). Слайд 8

I hope you're not too tired after doing so many physical exercises. You were great that is why each shuttle crew will get two stars for the task. (учитель выдает звездочки)

Teacher 1. Here is STATION № 4 «What are the planets like? »We've got some questions for you to answer. The questions are about the planets. Let’s watch a funny video first. (ученики просматривают видео).

You were asked to take your planet research booklets with you. They will help you to find the information. I’ll give you 2 two stars, if you make no mistakes.

Here is a list of questions for you. (Task 5_вопросы о планетах). you've got two minutes to complete this task. Слайд 9

S1, S2....(ответы учащихся_зачитывают ответы на вопросы)

I see you know the answers to the questions quite well. Well done.

Teacher 2. So now it's time to go to STATION № 5. It is called «Space Search». (Task 6 -поисковый лист). Cлайд 10

We're going to search for some space words and you’ve got two minutes to complete the task. The crew that will be able to find more words than others will get three stars. Lets get started.

(ученики ищут слова в течении двух минут/учителя попутно проверяют кол-во слов)

Well done! It wasn't an easy task. So, you see that astronauts should be not only fit but intelligent as well.



Teacher 1.Well, our dear travellers! Sorry to say it was the last station and our space travel is coming to the end. It's time to return home because our beautiful blue planet the Earth is waiting for us. Can you tell us what do you like most about the journey?

S1, S2....(ответы учащихся

Teacher 2. By the way, have a look at the Galaxy. How many stars are here. They look so nice in the darkness. Each space crew should count the stars, so the best shuttle crew today is the shuttle with the biggest number of the stars. (называем команду победителя).

As the results show the best crew today is__________________.

Teacher 1. Our congratulations!!! Thank you so much for coming here today and thank you for the stars you have lit today. We wish you all the best and hope that in the future you’ll become famous astronauts.

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