Вводный урок по теме «Мой родной город» (Английский язык, 4 класс)
Пояснительная записка к презентации
Сценарий урока
Организационный этап (2 мин)
a) Good morning, dear boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. Дети приветствуют учителя Let’s sing a greeting song!
What is your mood at the beginning of our lesson? Look at smiles and choose. Show me please.
b) Речевая зарядка. Беседа учителя с учениками (1 мин)
How are you?
Do you like to play?
What games do you like?
Do you like to play puzzle?
Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности (4 мин)
Let’s play. Gather a picture and fix it on the board. Work in small groups. You have got two minutes.
What can you see on the pictures?
Who can tell the topic of our lesson?
Have you got any ideas?
Today we’ll speak about town and its interesting places.
Do you know fairy-tales which have got a word «Town» in their names?
(Волшебник изумрудного города, город мастеров, Незнайка в солнечном городе, История одного города)
Актуализация знаний (2 мин)
Listen! Who is knocking on the door. Let’s meet a guest. What does she says/ «My name is Mary! I live in a beautiful old town. I want to show you a map of
my hometown”.
(стр. уч. 80) Look at the map. There are many interesting places in it.
Listen to the names of them.
(прослушивание записи) (1, 28)
Первичное усвоение новых знаний (4 мин)
Listen and repeat it after the speaker. (1,28)
What is there in Andy’s town?
To answer this question, we use the phrase There is ….
For example
There is a museum in the town. One by one.
Физкультминутка (1 мин)
Are you tired, let’s do exercises 14 мин
Первичное закрепление
Let’s play the game «What is wrong» 2 мин
Mary want to know anything about your town. Do you want to make the map? Let’s do it. You’ve got a map and buildings. You should present your maps. And tell about it. You’ve got 7 minutes. Work in pair.
Домашнее задание: слова знать. Стр 81 упр 2 прочитать текст
Рефлексия. What do we do today? What did you know? Was is interesting to work today? Choose the mark.
How does your mood change? Take smiles and fix it on the board