12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Рузана Хамидуллина35

Межрегиональная научно-практическая конференция учащихся «Современная палитра языков и культур: взгляд молодых»

Секция: лингвистика

Исследовательская работа

Тема: «Дополнительное образование»

Кривцова Дарья Олеговна, Опарина Екатерина Андреевна

учащиеся 8л класса МБОУ «СЭЛ № 45»

Научный руководитель

Хамидуллина Рузана Рауисовна

Учитель английского языка





Chapter 1 Additional education: aims, tasks, problems…………………………4

Сhapter 2 Survey……………………………………………………………… 10

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………..16

Bibliography ……………….………………………………………..…………17


The purpose of our work is to find out how students feel about additional education.

The object of our research is the system of additional education.

The research objectives are:

find out the state of additional education in Russia

find out the problems and challenges of additional education in our days

find out whether additional education is necessary in our days

find out which direction of additional education is most popular

find out if additional education affects the choice of profession

Research methods:

online resources


analysis of results.

The work consists of four parts:


The main part (includes 2 chapters)



Our hypothesis is that additional education is necessary, but it does not affect the future profession.

We believe that our article is very exciting, it will be fascinating and useful for teachers, students, parents and school administration. 

Chapter 1

Additional education: aims, tasks, problems

Extracurricular education in Russia emerged at the end of the XIX century in the form of circles, clubs, workshops, day shelters for children, summer health camps-colonies, etc. These were only isolated out-of-school institutions created by progressive Russian teachers who set themselves different goals. At the state level, the decision to develop extracurricular education was made in November 1917, when the Department of extracurricular education was created in the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR.

In 1992, out-of-school institutions have been called institutions of additional education for children. It is important to note in this regard that in the 90s there was not a simple change of signage, but a qualitative change in the content and forms of activity of both institutions and teachers of additional education of children.

The state of additional education in Russia

In 2017, there were 56,302 organizations implementing additional educational programs in Russia. From 2015 to 2017, their number increased by 24,226 organizations, or more than 75%. Almost 86% of organizations that implement additional educational programs are owned by the municipality. Another 11% are under the jurisdiction of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The number of children is more than 10 million. If we talk about Izhevsk, it has 3237 organisations and 42726 children attending them.

The main directions are:

 natural science;

technical creativity;

tourist and local history;


social and humanitarian;

physical culture and sports 

Modern additional education for children:

an educational space of opportunities for self-realization of children and the disclosure of their talents;

a tool for the development of the human potential of regions, countries;

institute for the education of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible personality, the formation of an all-Russian civil identity based on the spiritual and moral values of the peoples of the Russian Federation, historical and national-cultural traditions, the formation of a generation of Russians focused on active inclusion in the processes of socio-cultural development of the state;

socio-cultural environment of childhood growing up and self-determination of

the younger generation in the context of the crisis of "childhood" and "adulthood".

Additional education of children is aimed at:

mastering students ' knowledge about modern spheres of human activity, the main characteristics of the modern world, science, society, and technology;

formation of modern competencies and literacies that correspond to the main directions of the country's socio-economic development strategy and the current challenges of the future;

motivation of the younger generations to knowledge, creativity, work and sports;

introduction to the basics of modern professions, organization of the system of

economic, social, and cultural tests;

gain experience in social interaction and productive activities;

promotion of self-determination based on familiarity with the current geo-economic, geopolitical, and geocultural situation;

health promotion.

In the Russian Federation in 2014-2020, within the framework of the priority

project "Affordable additional education for children", the federal project "Success of every child" of the national project "Education", a set of measures for the development of additional education for children was implemented.

The main achievement was the increase in the coverage of additional education for children, including technical education, to 74.9 % of the total number of children of the corresponding age. The thematic range of additional education programs for children has been expanded, and opportunities have been created for the identification and disclosure of talents (a system of competitions and events, regional centers for the identification, support and development of abilities and talents in children and young people, functioning based on experience Educational Fund "Talent and Success"); created a modern high -tech infrastructure for additional education of children ("Quantoriums", IT cubes, DNA (houses of scientific collaboration), centers "Point of Growth"). The information openness of the system of additional education of children, the awareness of families with children, about opportunities for obtaining educational services grew up. Programs of early professional orientation and development of recommendations for the construction of an individual curriculum in accordance with the selected professional competencies ("Projectorium", "Ticket to the future") have been implemented.

Conditions have been created for strengthening and developing the human resources potential of the system of additional education of children through the involvement of students of higher education organizations, mentors from the real sector of the economy. The opportunities for non-governmental organizations to access budget funds for the implementation of additional general education programs have been expanded, including through the introduction of a system of personalized financing of additional education for children.

Also recently, additional education certificates have been introduced in Russia. The certificate for additional education of children was introduced in 2017. It allows children to receive additional education at the expense of budget funds and is issued within the framework of the federal project "Success of every Child "of the national project "Education". Certificate holders can choose clubs, sections, etc. from the list of additional education organizations that are approved in the region.

To date, you can get a certificate for additional education of children in 42 regions of Russia. Among them are the Moscow, Kaliningrad, Novgorod, Tambov, Tyumen, Kemerovo, Vologda, Lipetsk, Tomsk, Saratov, Volgograd, Sverdlovsk and Yaroslavl Regions, the Altai and Khabarovsk Territories, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region, the Komi Republic, North Ossetia-Alania and Mordovia, the Udmurt Republic, and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. You can find out whether the program is valid in the region on the official website of the local administration.

Problems and tasks of additional education in our days

At the same time, a number of problems remain in the system of additional education of children that need to be addressed:

social and territorial inequality in access to quality supplementary general education programs;

insufficient rate of updating the content and technologies in certain areas of additional education for children;

insufficient effectiveness of interagency cooperation;

the lack of modern infrastructure and material and technical resources, limited opportunities for the development of the social infrastructure of childhood (especially at the municipal level);

insufficient formation of the system of support for the continuous professional development and career growth of teaching staff;

low level of digitalization of organizations implementing additional general education programs;

barriers to open competition that encourages the renewal of the software field and the improvement of the quality of educational services.

the lack of a clear system of norms regulating the provision of services for the implementation of additional general education programs in the private sector of additional education.

To achieve the objectives of development of additional education of children

it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

the increase in the coverage of additional education of children (including children living in rural areas, in difficult life situation of children with disabilities;

empowering the personalization additional kids education, integration of its resources in an individual educational path;

updating the content, technologies and formats of additional education for children to meet individual needs and solutions tasks of social and technological development of territories, improving the quality of education;

formation of an effective system for identifying, supporting and developing the abilities and talents of children and young people, based on the principles of justice and universality;

strengthening the potential of additional education of children in solving the problems of upbringing and growing up;

formation of mechanisms for the continuity of educational trajectories in additional and professional, higher education, and a person's work career;

implementation of the target model of regional systems of additional education for children;

digital transformation of additional education for children;

development of the industry of modern domestic equipment and teaching aids for additional education of children;

strengthening the role of society (public professional and parent communities and public organizations, parents, socially responsible business) in the management and development of additional education for children.

The national objectives of improving the competitiveness of Russian general education, entering the top ten countries in terms of the quality of general education (including taking into account modern ideas about quality) determine the demand for additional education opportunities for children to develop functional literacy, form meta-subject competencies and design, ensure and support the personal results of students. In particular, the expansion of children's participation in natural science programs in the conditions of renewal content and technologies should ensure the formation of natural science literacy among Russian schoolchildren, and contribute to the quality of educational achievements and indicators of participation in the international PISA study.

Chapter 2


To find out the opinion of our students we made a survey. We asked 40 students of 7th, 8th and 10th classes and asked them 5 questions. And here you can see the results.


As we can see from the diagram, the majority of students consider additional education necessary, while the rest of the students do not consider additional education necessary or cannot answer.


As we can see, almost all students were / are engaged in additional education, a very small part of the students did not deal with additional education at all.


As we can see, the leading positions among the types of additional education are occupied by sports - the first place, art additional education - the second place, natural sciences - the third place. It can also be noted that additional education in tourism and local lore is the most unpopular among the respondents.


As we can see, most students are engaged in additional education, as it is related to their future profession, it helps them to keep fit, and it prepares them for State Final Exam.


As we can see, the majority of students are not going to associate their future profession with additional education. The second place is taken by the part of the respondents planning to link their future profession with additional education. And only a small part of the students refrained from answering or does not know how to answer.

After analyzing the diagrams, we can say that the most popular field of additional education is sports and that the vast majority of students have interacted with additional education in one way or another and consider it necessary, because it prepares them for State Final Exam , it is related to their future profession, and it helps them to keep fit .

We also interviewed 28 adults. We are interested to know their opinion on some issues of additional education.


As we can see, most people were engaged in additional education in childhood


As we can see, the most popular areas of additional education in childhood for adults were the areas of sports, humanities and creativity.


As we can see, for most people, additional education in childhood did not affect the future profession.


As we can see, most people believe that additional education is necessary for children today


As we can see, most people believe that additional education is necessary for children, as it develops their personalities and it can be useful for their future profession.

After analyzing all the diagrams, we can say that most adults believe that children need additional education, as it develops them and can be useful for their future profession. But despite this, their complementary activities in childhood did not affect their profession. And we can also say that before most children were engaged in something extra, the most popular areas of additional education were sports, creativity and humanities.


Thanks to the survey of students and information about additional education from various sources, we can say that the vast majority of students have been or are engaged in additional education and consider it necessary. They explain this by saying that it is related to their future profession, it helps them to keep fit ,and it prepares them for Unified State Exam . The older classes are mostly engaged in additional education related to the future profession.

We also learned that additional education is ingrained in Russia, and there are many programs that help children find what they really like. But the system of additional education also has many problems that still need to be solved. Doing something extra, students get a lot of new skills and knowledge, meet new friends.

Our hypothesis is confirmed. Both teenagers and adults think that additional education is necessary but they are not going to use it in the future.

While doing this project and interviewing the children, we were convinced of the need for additional classes. Many people (including us) believe that it is better to learn new things than to spend their free time on the phone and games. We hope this project was fun for you.

дополнительное образование
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Концепция развития дополнительного образования детей до 2030 года.

Дополнительное образование детей в России: единое и многообразное. Издательский дом Высшей школы экономики, Москва, 2019.

Авторы материала: Д. Кривцова (9 класс), Е. Опарина (9 класс)

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