Материал опубликован 6 May 2024 в группе

Автор публикации: Е. Ветер, студентка 1 курса


What do the paintings say?


Полин Палмер. «Утреннее солнце»

О чем говорят картины?

Пояснительная записка к ресурсу



Калягина Ирина Владимировна






Высшая педагогическая.


Образовательное учреждение

Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции». СПб ГБПОУ «СПб ТКУиК»


Название ресурса

Pouline Palmer. “Morning Sun”


Вид ресурса

Сочинение-описание по картине на английском языке.



ОУП.03 Иностранный язык


Студент, автор сочинения



Курс, группа

1 курс, группа 9КМ-11


Специальность СПО

38.02.04 Коммерция.


Количество слов



Количество знаков без пробелов







Чтобы текст сочинения отражался по заявленным требованиям конкурса - шрифт — Times New Roman, размер — 14 кегель, междустрочный интервал — дополнительно прикреплен файл в формате Word.


Файл с сочинением в формате Word

Ветер Е. Сочинение на английском языкеDOCX / 14.17 Кб



Для сочинения-описания студент выбрал ту картину, которая очень нравится, исходя из собственных художественных предпочтений.

Источники информации



Pauline Palmer. “Morning Sun”


1. Who is the author of the picture and what is depicted?

2. What is depicted in the foreground and background, in the center? What paints does the artist use?

3. What mood does the picture cause?

The painting "Morning Sun" is a work by the talented artist Pauline Palmer, which undoubtedly occupies an honorable place in the world history of art. Looking at this work, the viewer is immersed in a world of bright colors and saturated shades that seem to dance before his eyes. Every drop of paint on the canvas seems to be permeated by the light of the morning sun, creating a unique atmosphere of freshness and life.

In the foreground of this beautiful art that is in front of us, we are surprised and delighted to recognize a girl dressed in a luxurious and lush pink dress. She, as if frozen in time, looks into the mirror, as if trying to catch some inconspicuous detail in her appearance. Her gaze, full of introspection and attention, is focused on a reflection that we, the audience, do not see. Elegant beads, created from beads of various shapes and sizes, hang around the girl's neck, which play in the rays of light, adding even more charm and luxury to her. Her feet are shod in elegant and neat pink ballet flats, which, despite their plainness, attract attention with their ease and lightness. No less amazing is the scene that we observe on a small table in addition to the mirror. Here, next to the mirror, which reflects only part of what is happening, we see a small but really bright bouquet of flowers in a bright orange shade, which seems to inspire new beginnings and fills the space with joy and warmth. This bouquet, like a brilliant star in the morning sky, attracts the eye and fills the soul with optimism. In addition, on the table we notice a tablecloth of a pleasant blue shade, which, as if in contrast with the bright colors, creates a feeling of calm and tranquility. Despite the brightness of the colors and light that reigns in this picture, we feel a special, cozy peace and warmth of the morning. The sun, as if just recovering from a night's sleep, has just left its bed and begins to spread its rays to the whole world. These rays fill the space with warmth and light, they seem to bless every corner, every object and every living being that are in their area of action.

Now let's dive into the details of the background of our image. The sea stretches away from us like a huge mirror reflecting the first rays of the rising sun. These rays gently stroke the water surface and play in an endless dance on the sea surface. The skies are painted in pastel shades of pink and orange, which creates the illusion of boundless space and magic. Against the background, the contours of small rocks appear, giving the picture additional picturesqueness and mystery, as if emphasizing an ideal secluded place for rest and reflection. In this painting, we can observe how nature wakes up after a night's rest, welcoming the new day with open arms. Morning is a time of rebirth, a time of new beginnings, a time when hope and optimism are in the air. When we meet the morning sun, we feel how the energy of life fills us, filling every cell of the body with freshness and vivacity.

The painting "Morning Sun" is a real work of art that can immerse every viewer in a world of delight and inspiration. Its bright colors remind us of the priceless value of every morning, that endless possibilities and prospects are hidden in each new dawn. This work of true craftsmanship carries a deep meaning and symbolism that can touch the most delicate strings of the viewer's soul. "Morning Sun" is not just a canvas, it is a source of inspiration and wisdom that can transform our view of the world and fill our lives with meaning and joy.

Перевод сочинения Ветер Евы на русский язык:


1. Кто автор картины и что на ней изображено?

2. Что изображено на переднем и заднем плане, в центре? Какие краски использует художник?

3. Какое настроение вызывает картина?


Ветер Е. Перевод сочинения на русский языкDOCX / 14.99 Кб

в формате Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx)
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