1 There are two main types of newspaper: ‘broadsheets’ and ‘tabloids’. Broadsheets are often larger than tabloids, and are ‘serious’ newspapers. They present the news in detail, and do not have many stories about the private lives of famous people. Tabloids, оn the other hand, are much more interested in news and scandals involving stars than they are in serious news. They often have very big headlines, particularly оn the front page, and have lots more photographs...
1) Look at the statements below about entertainment for children in London. Read the text to decide if each statement is true or false. Put “T” or “F” on your answers.
The Barbican Center programme changes from day to day.
Children can be left at the Barbican Centre for the day...
1. Прочитайте текст о чае и сопоставьте предложения (A-F) с абзацами (1-5). Одно предложение лишнее.
1) The origins of drinking tea can be traced back to the times of the mythical Chinese emperor Shen Nung, who lived about 2737 BC. According to a Chinese legend tea was discovered when the emperor’s servant put a boiling pot of water under a tea bush and some tea leaves fell into it...
In this game you are in a small country called Neverland. It is a deserted place. The weather there is terrible. It rains a lot and there are strong winds. The only people there are two young brothers. They live alone in their small house on the beach. In the game, you are one of the boys – Josh or Frank. Josh loves the beach very much and he is good at windsurfing. Frank is interested in doing quizzes and playing guessing games...
АКТ «Обследования жилищно-бытовых условий семьи несовершеннолетнего»
Ф.И.О. классного руководителя:____
В классе_____________человек
Прибыли за лето: человек
а) второгодники (Ф.И.)....
Паспорт семьи обучающегося (состоящей на учёте в ПДН).
СХЕМА ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ (для карты индивидуального социально-психологического сопровождения учащегося, состоящего на учёте ПДН или ВШУ, для представления в КДН и ЗП).
Признаки повышенной нервозности: отсутствуют; повышенная утомляемость, пониженная работоспособность, подавленной настроение, повышенная возбудимость, вспышки гнева, агрессивность по отношению к сверстникам, агрессивность по отношению к учителям, отказ от контактов, общих дел, склонность к разрушительным действиям, садизм, другие признаки.