At the airport (В аэропорту)

Материал опубликован 13 June


Repeat and read: [t] - travel, travelling, customs, flight, seat, ticket, get tickets, check-in counter, security [d] - direct, depart, departure, mind, minded, declaration [ð] - the, there, there is, there are, than, other

Why do people travel by air? Is the safest way of travelling You have an opportunity to enjoy the wonderful scenery the most convenient and comfortable means of travelling It saves time

WARMING UP: Advantages Disadvantages 1) It is faster than other means of transport. 1) Turbulence can also spoil the flight. 2) of the meal and the entertainment on board. 2) There are usually long queues at the check-in. 3) It is the most comfortable way of travelling. 3) There are terrorist threats which would spoil any journey. 4) Your luggage can be lost. 5) It is the most expensive way of travelling. I like (dislike) travelling by plane (because):

VOCABULARY Departure To go through the formalities Check-in counter To fill in the customs declaration Luggage Boarding pass Security check Carry on luggage Antihijacking measure

Check – in - регистрация, регистрироваться

Check-in desk-стойка регистрации

Hand luggage - багаж


Departure - отправление

Take off - взлет

Gate - ворота, выход

Boarding pass-посадочный талон

Announcement – объявление

Customs – таможня

Baggage claim - выдача багажа

“AT THE TRAVEL AGENCY” Act out the dialogue: Can I help you? I would like to reserve … to … . When are you planning to leave? On the … of … . Are you going to travel…class or … ? …seat(s) in … class, please. How much would that be? … dollars. Please, give me your name and address. Sure. … Would you like to get your tickets now? Yes (No. I’ll pick them up before the departure).

1. What do you need to go abroad? 2. What formalities do you have to go through before the departure? 3. What do you have to declare at the customs declaration? 4. What antihijacking measures are there at the air companies? Answer the questions:

Make up your own Proverb: I value wisdom over gold and understanding over silver. I value … over gold and … over silver. (life, information, peace, knowledge, friendship … )

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