Crime and Punishment

Материал опубликован 21 October 2024

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/data/files/j1729520900.doc (раздаточный материал)Lesson plan

Story. A couple of months ago, I received a message out of the blue saying I’d won a prize in an international lottery. I couldn’t even remember buying a ticket! Anyway, I contacted the person the letter was from, who asked me to send him a “fee” to process my winning. Like an idiot, I fell for it and sent him the money. I realized it was a scam when I didn’t hear from him again. So basically, the “prize” doesn’t exist. This terrible fraudster is just trying to trick gullible people (like me!) into sending him money! The police say he is been investigating this crime for a while now, but they haven’t found the culprit yet.

Perhaps you’ve been taken for a ride by a con artist or been the victim of some other petty crime? Or maybe the crime was something more serious? (answers)

Look at the pictures and say, what are we going to talk about? (crime and criminals)

What kind of crimes can you name? (answers)

Look at the table and fill it




Bank robbery

Bank robber

Rob (a bank)


Burgle (sb’s house)


Mug sb





Steal (a car)





Steal (sb’s purse)




Which of the crimes is the most serious? For which of the crimes would someone: go to prison? Pay a fine? Get off with a warning? Do community service?

Thank you for your work today. And I have one question: what is the most well-known method to
get a criminal guilty? How can we prove that he is a criminal? (answers can be: evidence by witnesses, dactyloscopy)
- I have got some extra- information for you. Dactyloscopy as a science indicates that no matter how a person tries to change the papillary lines, he will not succeed (history knows many cases and attempts, including skin transplantation on the fingers - but the figure is restored).
It is said that the lines on the skin of the fingers and palm of a person talk about his fate or it is encrypted data about the life of this person. This opinion is expressed by palmists, but the Lord forbids us to guess and be interested in such things. All events of human life are determined by his free choice and
God's Providence, and not by a rigid program that can be displayed on the surface of the palm. No line on the hand in any case cannot determine even the possible options for its development!
-How can you comment on the information and the whole lesson today?
The young man learned that crime doesn't pay when he was arrested for stealing the bicycle.
Crime doesn’t pay.

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