Вариант дифференцированного контроля понимания текста для 6 – го класса (English, В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа)

Материал опубликован 30 January 2023

Вариант дифференцированного контроля понимания текста для 6 – го класса (English, В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа).

Read the story about Helen Keller and do the task below the text.

The text.

People in many countries knew Helen Keller. She was born in 1880 in Alabama, the USA. For the first 19 months she was a pretty and happy baby. Then after a sudden illness, she became deaf and blind. Soon she forgot the old world and got used to the silence and darkness. Helen spent her time in a type of “no world”.

Helen used to say that her real birthday was not June 27, 1880, but March 3, 1887 – the day when Anne Sullivan came into her life. Miss Sullivan was a teacher from the Institute for the Blind in Boston. It was difficult for Anne Sullivan to work with Helen because she was an uncontrollable child. Miss Sullivan taught Helen to spell words: she tapped the letters into Helen̒s hand. Helen learned to read, to write and even to speak! More than that she learned to swim and to ride horseback.

Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan travelled widely. In different countries they raised money for the blind. The life of Helen Keller showed the world that people can overcome their troubles. People respected Helen Keller for her work with the blind, the deaf and the speechless.

THE TASK FOR THE GROUP 1 (высокий уровень).

Retell the story from the 3d person (author), retell the story from the 1st person (Helen). Is Helen happy in her life? How could she overcome the troubles?

THE TASK FOR THE GROUP 2 (средний уровень).

Answer the questions:

When was Helen born?

Where was she born?

Why did she become blind and deaf?

Who is Anne Sullivan?

Why was it difficult for Anne Sullivan to work with Helen?

What did Helen learn to do?

Why did people respect Helen?

THE TASK FOR THE GROUP 3 (низкий уровень).

Helen Keller was a famous American. Why?

Find in the text English equivalents of the sentences:

После внезапной болезни она стала глухой и слепой. Мисс Саливан была учителем Из Бостонского института для слепых людей. Пример из жизни Хелен Келлер показал всему миру, что люди могут преодолеть их трудности.

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