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Кузеванова Наталья Ивановна32

Lesson plan


Mrs. Natalia Kuzevanova

Subject, class, date

English B, grade 10


Happy Holidays? (12 hours)

The theme of the lesson

Discovering London

The key question

What makes a walking tour successful?

Lesson objectives

Teaching strategies

To talk about different sights in London and write the report on what they saw anf heard about the city.

To learn more about cultural life in London

Video stimulus for introducing the topic and and giving thoughts for thinking

Brainstorming for eliciting ideas and opinions

Pair and group work for sharing ideas and developing collaborative skills

Thought-provoking questions for developing critical thinking

Note taking



Critical thinking skills: analysing and making conclusions, expressing opinions and evaluating

Social skills: raising awarenss of the cultural sights

Collaborative skills: working in a pair and a group

Language skills: developing listening, speaking and writing skills;

Reflection skills

Criterion D: Using language in spoken form

Lesson outline:

1)Warm-up: tuning in the lesson with the song , lesson objectives

Task: listen to a song and say what it is about. What are your impressions about the song?

What do you think the singer’s attitude to London?

2) Revisiting the unit topic.

a) There are milllions of people who love London. However, there are things in London which people hate

Can you guess?

Pairwork – 5 things people hate about London

b) What are the ways to explore this or that place when you travel? – brainstorming

c) What are the good things about walking tours? What are the disadvantages? – group work

3) Reflection on the research:

- Describe the steps of your research

- What helped you to do the research faster?

- Were there any obstacles?

- How much did you enjoy doing it?

Let’s explore London. Oral individual: students play a role of a tour-guide. They use the interactive google map to show the route and the sights on the way they have chosen to talk about.

After each answer (reflection)

What have you learned about London while preparing the Task?

Listening and note taking

Please listen to the guides and take the notes as you need the info to write the report to the school principal afterwards.

Complete the table

The route (from…to)

How long is the tour?

The attractions and sights

What are the most interesting?

What needs improvement

6) Group discussion (the key question)

What makes a walking tour successful?

Talk about the role of the guide.



Interested in delivering an excursion


Keeps attention of the audience

Use criterion D description. for the feedback.

Criterion D: Using language in spoken or written form

7-8 points

The student:

Speaks effectively using a range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions accurately; occasional errors do not interfere with communication. When speaking, uses clear pronunciation and excellent intonation, making communication easy

2) organises information and ideas
clearly into a well-structured text; uses a range of cohesive devices accurately, adding clarity and coherence to the message

3) uses language
effectively to suit the context

7) Wrting a report. Introducing the structure – pair work activity (matching cards)

8) Writing a report (focus on the language and grammar) Complete First, SB, p 39, 191

9) Home task: write a report

You recently made a walking tour around London. Now the director of you school has asked you to write a report about it for other students of the school to read it. You should explain what you did and say why you think the day was a success and what needs improvement in the tour.

(150-180 words)



Complete First, SB

Google map


Broshures about London

6 min video about London


5 things you will love and hate about London


this is my city, London song


Hey June (a song)





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