12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Россия, Дагестан респ., Кизляр

1) НАЧАЛО УРОКА (организационный момент)

T: Good morning everyone! I’m glad to see you. Today we have guests at our lesson, please greet them. So, how are you? Are you ready? Let’s begin then.


T: Today at the lesson we are going to discuss a very interesting topic

-And now, listen to the song. Do you know this band? Yes, it’s a famous British group “the Beatles” .

Look at the blackboard -What do you see? Who is this woman? Yes, she is.

-How did you recognize her? Yes, because she is famous.

-Is she one who is famous in Britain? No, she isn’t There are a lot of famous people in G.B.

There are lots of famous people of all different spheres all over the world. All people know them well. They love and respect their heroes who did a lot for their nation. So, how do you think, what is the topic of our lesson? (ответы учащихся)

Yes, that’s right; today we are speaking about “Famous people of G.B.”


T: How do you think what we are going to do at the lesson today?

P1/P2/P3: I think we are going to …


На доске прикрепляется значок корзины, в которую условно собирается то, что обучающиеся будут делать на уроке.    



- Совершенствовать произношение (to practise our pronunciation)

- Узнавать новую информацию (to learn new information)

- Узнавать новые слова (to learn new words)

- Тренировать грамматические навыки (to practice grammar)

- Читать (to read texts)

- Задавать вопросы (to ask questions)

- Отвечать на вопросы (to answer the questions)

T: I agree with you. At the lesson we`ll repeat the vocabulary on the topic “Famous People”, improve practical skills in listening, reading and speaking.



 T: At the last lesson we got to introduce with some famous people of G.B. And you should prepare the message about them. Let’s check your homework. A great English scientist. Не tried  to prove that  our remote granddads and grannies were monkeys

- It’s great. Would you like to know about Charles Darwin?-Who is ready for beginning to retell the message?

 Сообщение студента

Charles Darwin was born in the beginning of the 19th century. He was a great biologist. He created a new theory of evolution. Once there were only simple organisms living in the seas, hundreds millions of years they have developed to produce all the different kind animals and plants we knew today.

A well known British Politician. She was called “An Iron Lady”. The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was…

- It’s great. Would you like to know about Margaret Thatcher?-ОтличноА вы хотели бы узнать что-то новое о _____?

Who is ready for beginning to retell the message?

 Сообщение студента

Margaret Thatcher was the longest Prime Minister of the 20th century. Margaret Thatcher began her career in politics, when she became a Conservative Member of Parliament. In 1979 she was elected as Britain's first woman Prime Minister. From the start, her autocratic style earned her the nickname of "The Iron Lady". Margaret Thatcher was re-elected Prime Minister in the general elections of 1983 and 1987. In this year Margaret Thatcher celebrated her 85 birthday.

Who is ready for beginning to retell the message?

 Сообщение студента

One of the most popular musical groups was the Beatles. The group became famous in 1962. The group included Paul Mc. Cartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. The songs seemed simple, but they were exciting and appealed to the hearts of people. Every time the Beatles arrived somewhere many fans greeted them. Their famous songs were ''Yesterday'', ''Let it Be'', ''Lady Madonna'', and others. In 1980 John Lennon was murdered in New York in 1980. The killer was a fan of "The Beatles".

A comic actor with a black bowler  and a funny way of walking is …

Комический актер с черным котелком и забавным способом ходьбы …

-It’s great. Would you like to know about C.Chaplin ? Who is ready for beginning to retell the message?

 Сообщение студента

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England, on April 1889. Chaplin didn’t t have a very happy childhood. When his mother got ill, Chaplin and his brother went to the workhouse, which was the place for orphans. He started his career as an actor when he was nine. When he was twenty-one, he joined a traveling music-hall company. Soon after he went to America and became the famous star, Charlie Chaplin. The actor died in 1977 but we still remember his «Little Tramp», a funny little man in baggy trousers and a small bowler hat.

- I’m glad to see that you has done the homework well.


T: And now I want you to listen to the text about one of these famous people

     Your task is to link the gaps. Be attentive. You will listen to the text twice.


J.K. Rowling is the pen name she uses as a writer. The J is for Joanne, her real first name, but she prefers to be called Jo. Apparently, people only call her Joanne when they’re angry with her. The K is made up. Her publisher asked her to write using a name with two initials, but she didn’t have a middle name.

Jo did a few different things before she struck upon the idea of writing children’s books. She worked as a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International and as an English teacher in Portugal. The idea for the Harry Potter novels came from nowhere while she was on a train to London. She said, “The characters and situations came flooding into my head”.

Seven Potter novels later and Rowling is one of the richest women in the world. In fact, she is the first novelist ever to become a billionaire from writing. Her rags to riches story is a fantasy story in itself. She was on government handouts while writing her first novel. Her last four books broke records for the fastest sellers in literary history.

Today she devotes much of her time to many charitable causes. She famously demanded that Coca-Cola donate $18 million to the Reading Fundamental charity if it wanted a tie-up with the Potter movies. The future? In March 2008, she said: "I will continue writing for children because that's what I enjoy".


J.K. Rowling is ____________________ as a writer. The J is for Joanne, her real first name, ____________________ called Jo. Apparently, people only call her Joanne when they’re angry with her. The K __________. Her publisher asked her to write using a name ______________, but she didn’t have a middle name.

Jo did a few different things before ____________________ of writing children’s books. She worked as a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International and as an English teacher in Portugal. The idea for the Harry Potter novels _________________ while she was on a train to London. She said, “The characters and situations __________________ head”.

Seven Potter novels later and Rowling ___________ richest women in the world. In fact, she is the first novelist ___________ a billionaire from writing. Her ___________ story is a fantasy ___________. She was on government handouts while writing her first novel. Her last four books broke records for ________________ in literary history.

Today she ________________ her time to many charitable causes. ___________________ that Coca-Cola donate $18 million to the Reading is Fundamental charity ________________ with the Potter movies. The future? In March 2008, she said: "I will continue writing for children because ________________ ".

(учащиеся прослушивают текст и заполняют таблицу)

T: Now change your papers to check up this task. And I`ll show the right variant.

(Самопроверка учащихся- проверяется правильность заполнения дат)

6) “Who is it?”

Ok, I see you are tired a little, so let’s have some fun. I’ve prepared for you very interesting task.

So, in this scrolls I’ve wrote a description of the famous man or woman. You need take one of them, read and guess who is it. If you don’t know the answer, the others can help you.

Let’s begin! Who want to be the first?

She was a very nice woman. And she was a real English princess, too. That was the woman whom everybody loved. She had two sons and her husband was the Prince Charles. Her death was passed by strange events. (Princess Diana)

He was born in London in 1889. Later he lived in the USA. He was a film actor. He had a funny way of walking. (Charlie Chaplin)

She was born in 1891. She wrote 75 detective stories. She died in 1976. She was known as the Queen of Crime. (Agatha Christie)

A well known British Politician. She was the first the first woman Prime Minister of Britain. She was called “An Iron Lady”. (Margaret Thatcher)

A great English scientist. He studied many different kinds of plants and animals. He built up his own theory of evolution. (Charles Darwin)

She is the Queen of sixteen independent countries and their territories. She holds the crown of each country separately, but she lives in the United Kingdom. She has reigned for 64 years. (Queen Elizabeth II)

A famous British musician who played in group “The Beatles”. (John Lenon)

Well done you’re all!


  T: And now I want you to tell us about these famous people. But you need to use only Adjectives and then named its three forms. You need to recall the rule degrees of comparison. Are you ready? Ok, now the first picture is for…..(называет ученика)


T: So let`s discuss some questions.

    What traits of character can help people become successful?

Could you become a famous person?

 What would you do if you were a famous person?

T: Remember this grammatical construction – If I were … I would + V1 …

   TThank you for your honest answers. Indeed, it is not easy to become a well-known person.

        You should possess such qualities industry/diligence, patience, curiosity and many others.

         And of course, to work for the good of your country.

And don’t forget !

Success is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”.



   T: Did you like our lesson? What did you like most of all?

       (a funny quiz, a group work, to ask and answer the questions, to make a cinquain, to make a cluster)

  T: let us express your mood using the sun's rays.

       If you enjoyed our lesson and you got a lot of interesting information, then attach a yellow ray to the sun. And if you think that you did not receive the necessary information in the classroom and our lesson was boring, then attach a red ray to the sun.  Уou can use magnets.

( Прием рефлексии «Солнышко». Лучи желтого цвета – Мне очень понравился урок, получил много интересной информации. Лучи оранжевого цвета – Не все получилось на уроке, не было интересной информации.)  

Т: Помните! Вы можете стать умнее тремя путями: путём опыта - это самый горький путь, путём подражания -это самый лёгкий путь, путём размышления -это самый благородный путь. Удачи и успехов вам!

Т:  The lesson is over.


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