Позднякова Алла Ивановна
учитель английского языка
МОУ г.Горловки «Лицей №85 «Гармония»
Изучение правил использования страдательного залога с целью научиться различать действительный и страдательный залоги
Выполнила: учитель английского языка МОУ г.Горловки «Лицей №85 «Гармония» Позднякова А.И., Донецкой области.
Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для обучающихся 8-9-х классов общеобразовательной школы.
Учебно-методическое пособие разработано для обучающихся 8-9-х классов, изучающих английский язык по учебнику Ю.Е Ваулиной, Д.Дули «Spotlight», и подготовлены с учетом требований основной образовательной программы по учебному предмету «Английский язык. 5-9 кл.» / сост. Старшинова Л.В., Слесарева В.Н., Мами Е.Д. – 4-е изд. доработ. ГОУ ДПО «ДонРИДПО». – Донецк: Истоки, 2020. – 300 с. В пособие вошли упражнения и задания на страдательный залог.
Обучение иностранному языку в школе подразумевает овладение обучающимися умением использовать иностранный язык в реальной ситуации общения для достижения взаимопонимания. В связи с этим преподавание включает в себя четыре главных аспекта: обучение произношению, обучение чтению, обучение лексике, обучение грамматике. Каждый из аспектов по-своему важен и требует постоянного внимания со стороны учителя. В английском языке существует целый ряд грамматических явлений, которые вызывают трудности у учеников. Среди них и страдательный залог. При подготовке к письменным контрольным работам по английскому языку в разделе лексики и грамматики каждый обучающийся сталкивается с необходимостью повторить пассивный залог, т.к. всегда встречается одно или два задания на эту тему. Чтобы помочь обучающимся разобраться в этой сложной для них теме, необходимо, в первую очередь, научиться различать активный и пассивный залог. Этой теме и посвящено методическое пособие.
В результате использования учебно-методического пособия обучающиеся должны:
-Научиться различать пассивный залог;
- Переводить предложения из активного залога в пассивный;
- Употреблять предлог «by» в страдательном залоге;
-Научиться применять полученные знания при работе с текстами и в разговорной речи.
Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для обучающихся 8-9 классов общеобразовательных школ с изучением английского языка. Материалы разработки могут быть использованы для обучающихся старших классов в качестве повторения курса по грамматике. Предлагаемое пособие состоит из двух частей. В первой части представлены теоретические материалы, таблицы. Вторая часть - упражнения, задания, направленные на контроль и закрепление данного грамматического явления. Данная разработка ставит своей задачей формирование навыков самостоятельной подготовки обучающихся к выполнению заданий.
Пособие является приложением к учебнику, т.к. правилам употребления страдательного залога в учебнике не уделено достаточно времени. Данная разработка дает возможность определить, насколько хорошо усвоен учебный материал и соответствующим образом скорректировать учебный процесс; позволяет проследить динамику успеваемости. Задания помогают подготовиться к ГИА по английскому языку.
В большинстве случаев, особенно в разговорной речи, мы пользуемся глаголами в форме действительного залога, когда подлежащее обозначает лицо или предмет, совершающий действие.
Flowers attract a bee – Цветы привлекают пчелу.
Но иногда, особенно в письменной речи, подлежащее наоборот подвергается действию, тогда мы используем глагол в форме пассивного (страдательного) залога.
A bee is attracted by flowers – Пчела привлекается цветами.
В русском языке глагол меняется с действительного на страдательный с помощью суффиксов и окончаний:
«Привлекают – Привлекается».
В английском для страдательного залога используются:
- глагол to be;
- причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle).
Следует отметить, что форма Past Participle у правильных глаголов образуется в точности как простое прошедшее время, с помощью окончания -ed. Неправильные глаголы образуют эту форму особым способом – это третья форма глагола, которую необходимо найти в таблице неправильных глаголов.
Запомните, что когда необходимо обозначить особу или объект, со стороны которого подлежащее испытывает воздействие, то употребляют оборот с предлогом «by»: This book is written by Hemingway.
Рисунок 1 – Употребление оборота с предлогом «by»
Пассивный залог в английском языке имеет всего восемь грамматических форм. Три времени - будущее, настоящее и прошлое, плюс три состояния времени - простое, длительное и завершенное. Казалось бы, форм пассивного залога должно быть девять, однако будущее длительное время в пассивном залоге не употребляется.
Пассивный залог, таблица форм которого приведена ниже в таблице 1, опирается на стройную грамматическую схему. Руководствуясь таблицей, вы без труда сможете составить правильные предложения.
Таблица 1 – Правила образования времен пассивного залога.
| Настоящее | Прошедшее | Будущее |
Простое | am/is/are + built/called | was/were + built/called | will + be + built/called |
Длительное | am/is/are + being + built/called | was/were + being + built/called | - |
Завершенное | have/has + been + built/called | had + been + built/called | will + have + been + built/called |
Правила перевода пассивного залога.
В английском языке, если забыть о русском и понимать сразу смысл, все очень просто. Существует объект, действие и простая таблица в три столбца на три строки. Но в нашем языке пассивный залог грамматически реализуется куда богаче и сложнее. Поэтому и способов перевода одного и того же английского предложения может быть несколько.
1. При помощи глагола «быть» и причастия. Особенно это удобно, когда речь идет о прошлом или будущем времени. Как известно, в русском языке глагол «быть» в настоящем времени (форма «есть») употребляется весьма редко.
2. The houses were built here last year. – Дома были построены здесь в прошлом году.
3. The parcel will be sent tomorrow. – Посылка будет оправлена завтра.
4. Возвратными глаголами (с окончанием -ся). Этот способ удобен для настоящего времени. Letters are delivered at 7 o’clock every day. – Письма доставляются ежедневно в семь часов.
5. Неопределенно-личной конструкцией. Глагол в этом случае стоит во множественном числе. Подходит для любого времени, но используется только тогда, когда объект, совершающий действие, не указан. The houses were built here last year. – Дома построили здесь в прошлом году. Letters are delivered at 6 o’clock every day. – Письма доставляют ежедневно в шесть часов. My car has already been repaired. – Мою машину уже починили. These offices are being cleaned now. – В офисах сейчас убирают. The parcel will be sent tomorrow. – Посылку отправят завтра утром.

1. Translate into English use the verbs Past Simple Active and Past Simple Passive
The Active Voice The Passive Voice
1) Я сказал Мне сказали;
2) Он разрешил Ему разрешили
3) Мы дали Нам дали
4) Он увидел Его увидели
5) Она нарисовала Ее нарисовали
6) Я забыл Меня забыли
7) Она позвала Ее позвали
8) Они поняли Их поняли
9) Я назвал Меня назвали
10) Она вспомнила Ее вспомнили
2. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Present Simple Passive.
1) The telegrams (to deliver) here.
2) Badminton (to play) in summer.
3) These newspapers (to bring) every morning.
4) The flowers (to water) three times a week.
5) Cheese (to make) from milk.
6) I (to allow) to go for a walk now.
7) Furniture (to make) from wood and plastic.
8) Dictations (to write) every day.
9) This newspaper (to sell) everywhere.
10) The important questions (to discuss) very often at school.
3. Put the sentences into the Passive voice
Our friend usually gathers mushrooms at the end of August.
Jack often plays football in summer.
Ann cleans the garage twice a week.
Dick and Meggy act funny dialogues at the English lessons.
I usually get greeting cards every New Year.
Jane grows very beautiful flowers in the garden every year.
The pupils often take books from the library.
I wash my dress every week.
Mark sweeps the floor in his room every day.
Bob and his brother often repair their old car.
4. Open the brackets. Write the sentences
in the negative b) in the interrogative
Example: Flowers (to sell) in the street.
Flowers are sold in the street.
Flowers aren’t sold in the street.
Are flowers sold in the street?
Football (to play) all over the world.
Patients (to examine) by the doctor every morning.
The dishes (to wash up) by us every day.
I often (to ask) at the English lessons.
Tulips (to grow) in her garden.
This shirt (to make) of cotton.
The bushes (to cut) in the park every week.
The house (to clean) every morning.
Bananas (to grow) in Africa.
The New Year Tree(to decorate) with colourful lights and snowflakes.
5. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Present Passive.
1. You (to ask) at every lesson?
2. Jane often (to invite) to the concerts?
3. Volleyball sometimes (to play) at PE lessons?
4. The newspapers (to buy) near the post office?
5. The ice-cream (to sell) in the street?
6. How often this office (to clean)?
7. What time (to drink) tea in your family?
8. Where the carrots (to sell)?
9. Why the doctor (to send for) every day?
10. Where your documents (to keep)?
6. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple Passive.
The plate (to break) by my brother yesterday.
This nice dress (to put) my sister on at the concert last Sunday.
The e-mail (to send) to my friend ten minutes ago.
The books (to give) by librarian yesterday.
The prize (to win) by our classmates last Wednesday.
The paper bag (to buy) by my mother two days ago.
My flowers (not water) yesterday.
Many species of fish and plants (to poison) in the lake last year.
The bird-houses (to made) by pupils of our school last spring.
My parrot (to caught) by my neighbors.
7. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple Passive.
The keys (to leave) at home.
The doctor (to send for) five minutes ago.
The tickets (to bring) two days ago.
The plans for the next party (to discuss) yesterday.
This book often (to ask for) in the library.
The supper (to prepare) twenty minutes ago.
The dictation (to write) without any mistakes at the last English lesson.
The skirts (to wash) two days ago.
The door (to lock) yesterday evening.
This funny story (to tell) us at the last birthday party.
8. Open the brackets. Write the sentences a) in the negative b)in the interrogative.
The classroom (to clean) after lessons the day before yesterday.
The sandwich (to cook) yesterday morning.
The light in the hall (to turn off) two hours ago.
The magazine (to return)to the library.
These poems (to write) by my aunt many years ago.
The picture (to paint) by famous Russian artist.
The church (to build) last spring.
These letters (to translate) at the last English lesson.
The wallpaper (to hang) in the hall last Thursday.
This juice(to make) last autumn.
9. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Future Simple Passive.
The letter (to receive) in two days.
The kitchen (to air) in ten minutes.
This work (not to finish) tomorrow morning.
The text (to listen) at the next English lesson.
The newspapers (to deliver) in twenty minutes.
The exercises (to do) at the next English lesson.
The exhibition (to open) in the Russian museum next Saturday.
The classrooms (to clean) in half an hour.
The keys (to leave) on the table tomorrow.
The cards (to buy) for the party tomorrow morning.
10. Open the brackets. Write the sentences a) in the negative b) in the interrogative.
This rule (to explain) by the teacher at the next German lesson.
The new book (to sell) in all shops next week.
Jack (to introduce) to Suzy’s parents next Sunday.
The documents (not to type) by secretary in ten minutes.
This article (not to publish) in this magazine next week.
The translation of the text (to finish) by the students at the next English lesson.
This nice doll (to give) to my sister as a present next Sunday.
All his money (to spend) on sweets in two days.
The products (to sell) in the country shop next week.
The result of the tests (to give) in two hours.
11. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect Passive.
The cake (to bake) by Lully this morning.
Dan just (to listen to) by all pupils at the lesson.
The documents (not to type) by the secretary yet.
This problem (to speak about) at this lesson.
The coffee just (to make).
The eggs (not to buy) today.
This rule already (to explain) by the teacher.
Our dinner (not to cook) yet.
The article (to translate) from English into Russian at this lesson.
Bob (to meet) by his brother at the railway station today.
12. Choose the correct item.
Tom … to the cinema by his friend last Friday.
(is taken, will be taken, was taken)
This car … next week. (was sold, is sold, will be sold)
These articles … by a famous French journalist last century. (were written, will be written, are written)
The apricot and pitch trees … in our garden every year. (won’t be planted, aren’t planted, weren’t planted)
This rule … by the students last week.(won’t be learnt, isn’t learnt, wasn’t learnt)
The small brothers … at home alone yesterday evening. (are left, will be left, weren’t left)
This article … in two days. (will be written, is written, was written)
The projects … the day after tomorrow. (weren’t typed, won’t be typed, aren’t typed)
This cartoon … at the cinema not far away from our school last week. (was shown, is shown, will be shown)
The pancakes … by the children today. (have been eaten, were eaten, will be eaten)
13. Choose the correct item.
1. Kate's baby ... usually… after with great care.( was looked; is looked, will be ·looked )
2. From the airport they ... by taxi to the hotel. in twenty minutes.( will be taken, were taken, are taken)
3. Our house ... by the high fence.( was protected, is protected, will be protected)
4. The translation of this new article ... today.( will be done, was done, has been done )
5. Frank ... on by the best doctor in three days.( has been operated, will be operated, is operated)
6. The church ... by some great artists two centuries ago. (was painted, is painted, will be painted )
14. Choose the correct item.
1. The papers ... on the desk yesterday evening ( are left, have been left, were left)
2. The little boy ... often ... fun of. (is made, has been made, will be made )
3. This book ... next year. (wasn't published, won't be published, isn't published)
4. A lot of rice ... in Asia (will be eaten, was eaten, is eaten)
5. London ... by fire in 1666. (was destroyed, is destroyed, has been destroyed)
6. Our class ... by another teacher in two years.( is taught, will be taught, was taught)
15. Put the verbs into the Future Simple Passive. Ask questions.
1. Where Mary (to take) ·by her parents next summer?
2. When this book (to sell) in this shop?
3. When the ceiling (to whitewash) in our flat?
4. Why the doctor (not to send for) tomorrow morning?
5. How many exercises (to do) at the next lesson?
6. What pictures (to send) next week?
7. Where the race (to finish)?
16. Put the verbs into the correct form. Ask questions.
l. Why such mistakes often (to make) even by the best students?
2. How the pyramids (to build) by the Egyptians many centuries ago?
3. How this film (to speak about) at the last festival?
4. Why this job (not to offer) to Ann yet?
5. Where Scott's bicycle (to steal) last autumn?
6. Where your new country house (to build) next summer?
7. When London (to destroy) by fire?
17. Make up questions from the words.
1. of stone, built, this house, is?
2. bought, when, this book, was?
3. by the secretary, when, our time-table, changed, will, be?
4. rebuilt, why, last year, these buildings, were?
5. hasn't, been, Paul, why, at this lesson, asked, by the teacher?
6. yesterday, the sweets, eaten, were?
7. sent for, the doctor, when, was?
18. Make up questions from the words.
1. this picture, painted, when, was?
2. Carol, often, why, laughed, at, is?
3. will, be, these books, where, sold?
4. why, his, about, name and address, asked, wasn't, he?
5. tape-recorder, made, in China, is, this?
6. last century, was, built, this building, in the?
7. is, where, the bread, bought?
19. Translate from Russian into English.
Меня часто посылают на почту.
За доктором послали час назад.
Нас часто приглашают на вечеринки.
Об этом случае будут говорить?
Его часто спрашивают на уроках.
Им показали очень интересный фильм.
В воскресенье ребенка отвезут к бабушке.
За ней пошлют завтра.
Его советами все еще пользуются.
Его часто спрашивают об этом.
20. Translate from Russian into English.
Эти дома построили два года назад.
Книга будет возвращена вовремя.
Важные вопросы мы обсуждаем дома .
Эта работа будет закончена завтра.
Трудное задание было дано ученикам учителем.
Такси вызовут к дому.
Все ошибки будут исправлены.
Книги поставят на полку.
Цветы срежут и поставят в вазу.
Час назад пол помыли
21. Put the sentences into the Passive Voice
1. She has put her keys in her pocket.
2. He is giving a big party. He invites us.
3. Paul Hogan plays the leading role in this film.
4. Mother was cooking dinner from two till three.
5. My younger sister borrowed my book without asking.
6. We are planning the redecoration of our house.
7. Derek is repairing my car now.
8. Kate was doing washing at that time.
9. He said he had seen a miracle.
10. The children have left clothes lying around.
22. Put the sentences into the Active Voice.
My pen was taken by somebody.
He said his wallet had been stolen by someone.
Their steps were heard by us.
Who has been invited to dinner by Tom?
Liz said the fish had been eaten by her cat.
All the books were left at home by me.
A new rule is being learnt by the pupils at the moment.
This story was written by my brother.
The dog has already been taken for a walk.
I was promised a new computer by my parents.
Choose the correct answer. Active or Passive?
1. Somebody ... me on the phone every evening.
A) asks
B) is asked
C) asked
D) will asks
E) are ask
2. I ... my keys last week.
A) was lost
B) lost
C) am lost
D) losted
E) will lost
3. Hamlet … by Shakspeare.
A) were written
B) wrote
C) is written
D) was written
E) been written
4. This play … yet.
A) hasn’t been translated
B) hasn’t translated
C) wasn’t translated
D) hadn’t traslated
E) translated
5. Who ... the first pair of jeans?
A) is being designed
B) is designed
C) designed
D) are being designed
E) are designed
6. I ... many questions by my friends after the lesson.
A) will ask
B) will be asked
D) will being asked
C) would be asked
D) asked
7. The children ... to the zoo next week.
A) will be taken
B) will take
C) takes
D) will take
E) take
8. In France, elections for president … every five years.
A) was held
B) hold
C) is held
D) are held
E) is hold
9. ... these problems ... yet?
A) Have ...been discussed
B) Have ... discussed
C) Has .....discussed
D) Have ... discuss
E) Had ... been discussed
10. The painting … up yet.
A) hasn’t put
B) hasn’t been put
C) hasn’t being put
D) hasn’t be put
E) hadn’t put
11. According to the legend, which famous building … if the ravens ever leave it?
A) will been destroyed
B) will destroy
C) will be destroyed
D) has destroyed
E) is destroyed
12. The e- mail ... tomorrow.
A) will be received
B) will receive
C) would been receive
D) received
E) receives
13. He ... me this text next week.
A) will be given
B) will give
C) gave
D) would given
E) gaves
14. The Mayor …. the new sport center tomorrow.
A) will be opened
B) is opened
C) will open
D) open
E) opened
15. We ... the historical places of the capital to the guests.
A) showed
B) were shown
C) shows
D) are show
E) show
Choose the correct verb in the Passive Voice.
16. The article .... yet.
A) hasn’t been finished
B) wasn’t finished
C) hasn’t finished
D) didn’t finish
E) hadn’t finished
17. A new law … by the government.
A) had been passed
B) is passed
C) has been passed
D) have been passed
E) had passed
18. The tests ...... two weeks ago.
A) wrote
B) was writing
C) were written
D) was being written
E) had written
19. I am sure I … by police about this accident.
A) have being asked
B) will be asked
C) is asked
D) am asked
E) has asked
20. Our café … by a lot of people.
A) were visited
B) are visited
C) is visited
D) was visited
E) has been visited
21. The bridge .... by tomorrow morning.
A) will have been reconstructed
B) is being reconstructed
C) will be reconstructed
D) was reconstructed
E) have reconstructed
22. His adventures … in his book.
A) described
B) had been described
C) had been describing
D) were described
E) have described
23. The equipment … just… .
A) was delivered
B) were delivered
C) has been delivered
D) will be delivered
E) is delivered
24. The newspaper … at the moment.
A) has been published
B) is published
C) was published
D) is being published
E) will be published
Active or Passive?
1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.E 16.A 17. C18. C 19. B 20.C 21.A 22.D 23.C 24. D
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