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Учитель английского и немецкого языков с опытом работы в школе более 35 лет.Хобби- сочинение стихов, перевод, спорт, рисование.
Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Материал размещён в группе «В помощь учителю английского языка»

How much do you know about the symbols of countries? Match the symbol to the country.



1. The day of this symbol is celebrated on August 22. It was established in 1994. It consists of three horizontal stripes – white, blue and red. 

New Zealand

2. This symbol was adopted in 1834. It has four red five-pointed stars on a blue field.


3. Its name is Union Jack”.


4. It represents a red dragon on a white and green background. 


5. There   is a blue field with the Union Jack and white stars – one small five-pointed star and five seven-pointed stars.


6. You can see a red field with a white square with a red maple leaf in the centre.

The UK

7. This symbol is also often called "Old Glory". It has seven red and six white horizontal stripes. Тhere are 50 white stars on a blue background: one star for each state.


8. The flag has three vertical strips: blue, white and red.  Blue means freedom. The white color on the flag represents the world equality. Red represents courage and brotherhood. 



Keys - 1. Russia 2. New Zealand 3. The UK 4. Wales 5.Australia 6.Canada 7. The USA .8.France

Опубликовано в группе «В помощь учителю английского языка»

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