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Final lesson results of the year

https://quizlet.com/574749781/learn https://quizlet.com/209843569/test 8 grade Starlight

1. What is the most common natural disaster in your country? 1. What is the most common natural disaster in your country? 2. In your opinion, what can governments do to better prepare for and respond to natural disasters? 3.Are there any technologies that can help predict or prevent natural disasters? 4. How do natural disasters impact the environment and wildlife? 5. Have you ever volunteered or donated to relief efforts after a natural disaster? 6. What lessons can we learn from past natural disasters to better prepare for future ones?

Products of the Future 1. How do you think technology will change the way we interact with everyday objects? 2. In your opinion, what is the most innovative product currently on the market? 3. Can you name any futuristic products that you have seen in movies or TV shows that you would like to see become a reality? 4. How important do you think it is for companies to prioritize user experience when designing new products? 5. Do you think that 3D printing will revolutionize the manufacturing industry?

Consumer Society 1. What is a consumer society and how does it differ from other types of societies? 2. How has the rise of consumerism affected our daily lives and habits? 3. In what ways do advertisements influence our purchasing decisions? 4. Can you think of any negative consequences of living in a consumer society? 5.Is it possible for individuals to resist the pressures of consumerism? If so, how? 6. What role do governments play in regulating consumerism and protecting consumers' rights?

Social Problems 1. What do you think are the most pressing social problems in your country right now? 2. How do you think social media has contributed to the rise of social problems? 3. In your opinion, what is the root cause of poverty and inequality in society? 4. Do you believe that education can help solve social problems? Why or why not? 5. Have you ever volunteered for a social cause? If yes, which one and how was your experience? 6. What role do you think governments should play in addressing social problems?

The ways to solve some world’s problems 1. What do you think are the biggest problems facing our world today? 2. In your opinion, what is the most pressing issue that needs to be solved urgently? What kind of international cooperation do you think is necessary to solve global problems effectively? 3. How can we encourage more people to become involved in finding solutions to global issues? 4. What role do you think education plays in creating awareness about global issues and inspiring action? 5. Finally, what steps do you think should be taken to ensure that future generations inherit a better world than the one we live in now?

Mysteries of the World 1. What is the most famous unsolved mystery in history and why do you think it has remained a mystery for so long? 2. Have you ever heard of the Bermuda Triangle? Can you tell me what makes this area mysterious? 3. Do you believe in supernatural phenomena such as ghosts or aliens? Why or why not? 4. Are there any local mysteries or legends from your hometown that you find interesting? 5. How have advancements in technology and science impacted our ability to solve mysteries?

Cloning extinct animals 1. Are there any potential benefits to cloning extinct animals? 2. What role could cloning play in conservation efforts? 3. Should we focus on cloning extinct animals or preserving endangered species? 4. What impact could cloned extinct animals have on existing ecosystems? 5. Do you think cloning extinct animals is a good idea? Why or why not?

Distance Learning 1. What are some advantages of distance learning compared to traditional classroom education? 2. How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the popularity and effectiveness of distance learning? 3. In your opinion, what are some potential drawbacks or challenges of distance learning? 4. Have you ever taken a distance learning course before? If so, how was your experience? 5. Do you think that distance learning will become more or less popular in the future? Why?

What is a Gap Year? 1. What is the definition of a gap year and how does it differ from taking time off after graduation? 2. How long do most people take for their gap year, and what are some common activities they engage in during this time? 3. What are some potential benefits of taking a gap year, both personally and professionally? 4. Are there any risks or downsides to taking a gap year, such as falling behind academically or struggling to find employment afterward? 5. How can someone make the most of their gap year experience and ensure that it's a valuable use of their time?

How different people are! 1. Are there any stereotypes or assumptions about certain groups of people that you have encountered? How did you respond to them? 2. How important is it to respect and appreciate the differences among people, even if we don't always understand them? 3. Can you think of a famous person who has made a positive impact by celebrating diversity and promoting acceptance? 4. What steps can we take as individuals to create a more inclusive and accepting world for everyone?

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