Итоговый урок по теме «Ecological problems» (10 класс)

Материал опубликован 8 February 2017 в группе

Пояснительная записка к презентации

10 класс

Итоговый урок по теме: «Экологические проблемы»

Ecological problems»)

Презентация к уроку "Ecological problems" 10 класс
PPT / 12.09 Мб


Цель урока: Развитие коммуникативных компетенций средствами английского языка, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка средствами информационных технологий.


Задачи урока:

когнитивная – систематизировать знания по теме урока на уровне понимания, применения, анализа; контроль устной речи по теме, закрепить в речи грамматические структуры Present Perfect и Past Perfect в действительном и страдательном залогах, развивать речевые навыки;

аффективная – развивать внимание, память, языковую догадку;

умения обобщать, делать выводы; интереса, познавательной

активности учащихся посредством информационных и

коммуникационных технологий;

воспитательная - повышение лингвострановедческой компетенции,

формировать экологическую грамотность, чувство любви к

природе и ответственность за ее сохранение.

Оборудование: компьютер, экран, проектор, стенгазета на экологические темы,

таблицы с существительными и глаголами по теме «Экология»,

листовки по теме «Переработка отходов»  

таблички с надписями Mass Media, Wildlife specialists, Environmentalists 

видео и фонограмма песни группы Weezer “Island In The Sun”.

проспекты и фотографии природных достопримечательностей, уголков дикой природы, зоопарков; документы, выполненные в программах Microsoft

Word, Microsoft Power Point, использование Internet.

Список использованной литературы:

1. First Certificate Star. L.Prodromou, Oxford, Macmillan, 1998.

2. Prospects. Upper-Intermediate. K.Wilson, J.Taylor, Oxford,

Macmillan, 2003.

3. T.V. Pavlova. Russia in closed-up. Moscow, 2000.


Тип урока: урок-закрепление

Формы работы: фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная

Ход урока

I.Начало урока. Приветствие. Постановка цели.

Учитель: Good afternoon. This lesson is the last one on the topic “Ecological

Problems”. You have to discuss these problems and show what way we can

help. At the end of the lesson you should answer the question: Can you help to

save the planet? Now let’s begin.

II.Речевая разминка (Warming up). Повторение лексики предыдущих уроков, словообразования прилагательных, существительных, глаголов и употребления времен Present Perfect и Past Perfect в действительном и страдательном залогах.

А) Повторение лексики предыдущих уроков:

Учитель: First, I’d like to ask you what ecological problems do you know?

Ученики: Acid rain, deforestation, water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution,

the greenhouse effect, endangered spiecies…

Учитель: But what is the most important problem? What do you think about it?

Ученик: There are a lot of ecological problems not only in Russia but in the whole

world. To me, the most important ecological problem is pollution.

Учитель: People have always polluted their countries. Some years ago it was not a

serious problem. But now it has become more serious. What are the reasons

for it?

Ученики: (варианты ответов)

I think people throw away too much litter. There is a lot of litter everywhere.

Different kinds of transport make this problem serious.

Many factories don’t recycle. They produce goods a lot of litter.

In my opinion we know the rules but don’t remember them when we go hiking or fishing or just walking in the forest.

Factories and cars pollute the air with harmful gas.

В) Повторение словообразования глаголов, существительных, прилагательных по


Учитель: Oh, I see you can give us a lot of reasons. Thank you.

Now let’s play the game “Mind maps: The environment”.

1. (Использование ПК учителем. Microsoft Power Point. Приложение 1)


1. Find verbs which are 2. Find adjectives that are 3. Find nouns that are associated with these nouns. associated with these nouns. associated with

these verbs.


Ученики: (учащиеся по очереди отвечают)

location>locate accident>accidental accuse>accusation

destruction>destroy danger>dangerous prevent>prevention

solution>solve silence>silent promote>promotion

power>powerful сampaign>campaign

organization>organize illness>ill design>design

protection>protect environment>environmental die>death

pollution>pollute poison>poisonous protest>protest



Учитель: Thank you very much. I see you know word formation.

С) Повторение употребления времен Present Perfect и Past Perfect в

действительном и страдательном залогах.

Учитель: Decide if each of these sentences should be in the Present Perfect or Past

Perfect. Then decide if it should be active or passive.

2. (Использование ПК учителем. Microsoft Power Point. Приложение 2)


Hundreds of Siberian tigers have been killed in the last twenty years.

(Present Perfect Passive)

After the dinosaurs had been wiped out, as the result of a catastrophe, mammals

were able to flourish. (Past Perfect Passive)

Pandas had not been seen outside China when Marco Polo arrived there.

(Past Perfect Passive)

For centuries before humans arrived, buffalo had roamed the American prairies.

(Past Perfect Active)

The number of giraffes in Africa has fallen dramatically recently.

(Present Perfect Active)

Учитель: Well done. I think you are ready for a discussion.

III. Основная часть урока.

Учитель: We have decided to hold this lesson as a press-conference. To the right we

have some environmentalists and wildlife specialists. To the left there are mass media reporters. Now introduce yourselves. Please, specialists first.

Далее каждый учащийся представляет себя как специалиста или репортёра, указывая ту область деятельности, которой он занимается. Ученики представляют свои доклады, которые они готовили во время изучения темы. Ведется дискуссия.

Ученик: - My name is Mrs…I’m a reporter. I work for the magazine “Eco News”.

I’d like to know about the most serious ecological problems on the Earth.

3. (Использование ПК. Документ Microsoft Power Point. Приложение 3.)

(мультимедийная презентация доклада учеником)

Ученикспециалист»: - My name is Mrs… I’m a doctor of the University of Rome. I’ve been exploring the Mediterranean Sea and its base, the animal and plant world there. The Mediterranean Sea is in danger. Some of its wildlife is unique, but its survival is threatened by pressures from tourism, pollution and overfishing. Millions of tourists visit the Mediterranean each summer, but few have any idea what damage is being done around and below the water. Habitats and their wildlife are disturbed, polluted and exploited, and protection schemes are struggling to cope with the destruction.

Half of the 100 million people who live around the Mediterranean coast live in towns and cities. They, and a great number of tourists, produce sewage that is poured into the Sea. Because there is so little movement of water in and out of the Mediterranean, the sewage is not flushed away but remains, killing the plants and decreasing oxygen in the water.

Доклад несколько раз прерывается вопросами «репортёров»:

Ученикрепортёр»: Will plastic waste decompose and break down naturally?

Ученикспециалист»: No, it won’t. Plastic waste, thrown into the sea, is a really big

problem as it is not biodegradable.

Ученикрепортёр»: How do fishing methods affect the Mediterranean sea and its


Ученикспециалист»: For centuries, fishing has provided a living for Mediterranean people. However, with new fishing methods, fish stocks are dwindling as modern ships catch huge numbers of fish and less valuable fish are thrown back. This affects other animals in turn including the Mediterranean monk seal. This was once very common but was blamed for competing for fish and killed. The monk seal is now Europe’s rarest mammal with a population of less than 700.

The usage of drift-nets is a big problem. Dolphins are the high profile victims of this kind of fishing, but the other problem is that too many fish are being caught, and often fish which are too young to be caught. Again, because of this system, fish stocks, particularly in Europe, could be exhausted in the next 30 years.

Учитель: - Thank you very much. Your report was very interesting. I fully agree with

your point of view.

Ученикрепортёр»: - I’m a reporter of CNN. I’d like to clear up one more point.

What about polluted air?

4.(Использование ПК. Документ Microsoft Power Point. Приложение 4.)

(мультимедийная презентация доклада учеником)

Ученик-«специалист»: - My name is Mr… “I’m a doctor of Oxford University. I’d like to tell you about the problems of air pollution in big cities. And I want to show the successful results. I’ve been exploring the technology how to save fresh air in big cities. My report is about English city Sheffield. Sheffield is one of the England’s largest cities. It is an industrial city with lots of plants and factories. For more than a century it was a smoky and dirty city, and the view of chimneys sending smoke and dirt was very characteristic of it. Today it’s one of the cleanest industrial cities in Europe.

Ученикрепортер»: -How did they manage to improve the environment?

Ученикспециалист»: -The factories and plants were modified. Modern technology reduced the amount of the waste in the air by special filters. A quarter of a million tulips are imported from Holland each year.


Учитель: - Thank you very much. You know that there are organizations in the world which campaign against threats to the environment, one of them is Greenpeace. Let’s see the representative of it, Mr. Brown. What can you tell us about Greenpeace?

5. (Использование ПК. Документ Microsoft Power Point. Приложение 5)

(мультимедийная презентация доклада учеником)

Ученикспециалист»: -It is the world’s most successful environmental pressure group. It campaigns against the unchecked proliferation of nuclear power, the pollution of our seas and rivers, and the destruction of our rainforests and the natural habitat of people and animals all over the world. Greenpeace has always managed to get worldwide publicity for the many and varied campaigns that it runs. The organization’s headquarters are in Amsterdam, Netherlands, but it has offices in many countries. The biggest office in Central Europe is in Prague. Join us!

Учитель: -We would be glad to see Susan Stevens, environmental campaigner. Unfortunately, she cannot visit our press-conference, because she is busy with the campaign preventing the destruction of some of Canada’s ancient rainforests. But we can see the interview.

Учитель: -Let’s interrupt our press-conference and return to the lesson for a moment. Susan’s answers are in a note form. Try to work out what she actually said. Then listen to the interview and check your answers.

6. (Использование ПК. Документ Microsoft Power Point. Приложение 6)

Упражнение выполнено в программе Microsoft Power Point. Учащиеся по очереди составляют предложения, используя опорный материал с экрана.

Учитель: -Let’s continue our press-conference and listen to the interview with Susan .

Затем прослушивают запись интервью на аудиокассете и сравнивают свои ответы. Текст интервью появляется на экране при помощи эффектов анимации.

Учитель: -What can we do to help environment? Today we are welcome the Head Manager of the local recycling center. Could you inform us about recycling.

7. (Использование ПК. Документ Microsoft Power Point. Приложение 7)

Мультимедийная презентация доклада учеником.

Раздаются листовки центра переработки бытовых отходов. (Приложение 8)

Ученикспециалист»: One way of helping the environment is by recycling, which

means using again.

There are two main ways of recycling: either you can use things again yourself, or you can take them somewhere so that they can be processed to make something new.

Look at this poster, designed by a recycling centre, there you can find the answers to the important questions.

Ученикрепортёр»: -How can we recycle the following: tins, jars, old clothes, paper,

gift wrapping paper?

Ученикспециалист»: Tins - We can recycle tins by taking them to the nearest

recycling centre.

Jars - We can wash out jars and use them to hold small things.

Old clothes - We can give old clothes to charity.

Paper - We can reuse paper to make notes on before recycling it.

Gift wrapping paper - We can reuse gift wrapping paper to wrap up other presents.

And what can we do when we go shopping to help recycling?

We can buy things in bulk rather than in small quantities to cut down on packing and we can check that products we buy have been or can be recycled.

How do you think using computers and e-mails might help?

Using e-mails cuts down on paper and envelopes and so save trees.

Computers store information so we need to buy fewer books.

Ученикрепортёр»: -What ways of recycling could you offer to help save resources

and energy in schools?

Ученикспециалист»: -A lot of paper is used in schools and wasted.

Do teachers and pupils need to make so many photocopies?

Often pupils just throw them away afterwards. It would be better to have everything in an exercise book to keep. Perhaps we should also have school text books that pupils borrow and then give back at the end of the year. Pupils who have computers could send in their homework by e-mail to cut down on paper and the teacher could put the correct answers on a special web-site.

What do you do to recycle and help environment? What more could you do?

Ученик: As for me, I reuse paper for notes and I give all my old clothes to charity. I also reuse gift wrapping paper for other presents. However, I know I could do more. I don’t go to the recycling centre as it’s rather long way from my home – I could perhaps go with someone who has a car.

IV. Заключительный этап урока. Выставление оценок. Рефлексия.

Учитель: - Thanks a lot. Our press-conference was successful. At the end of the lesson

I’d like to know if you like it.

Ученики: - In my opinion, the lesson was interesting, because I like the way our

“specialists” show us ecological problems in the world.

- I absolutely agree, because it was new for me to know how to recycle

paper, cans and glass.

Учитель: - And what can you tell us about your work?

Ученик: - I think my work was good, because I was asked some questions after my

report, so “reporters” were interested in the information.

Учитель: Now let’s return to the question I ask you at the beginning of the lesson: Can we help to save the planet?

As for me I think we could help to save our planet if take care of nature.

Учитель: What should we do for it?

- We should help animals. We should care for wildlife. We should recycle paper, cans and glass. We shouldn’t throw away litter. We shouldn’t let fires burn in the forest.


Учитель: - Let’s watch а video of one famous band “Weezer” with a song devoted to

wildlife “Island In The Sun”. Let’s sing altogether.

8. (Использование ПК. Проигрыватель Windows Media. Видео и фонограмма песни)

(Xором исполняем песню).

Учитель: -Thank you. The lesson is over. I see that you know a lot about ecology and its problems and you can do your best to help environment. I’m sure that you are real friends of our planet. It’s very important to save it for all forms of life. - … you were very active and get excellent marks. Good bye! Have a nice day!

Ответы учащихся оцениваются с учетом их работы на подготовительном этапе, на уроке, активности, реакции при ответах на вопросы и т.д. Поэтому некоторые получили по две оценки за урок.

Предварительный просмотр презентации


«Ecological problems» Разработан: учителем английского языка высшей категории Е.В.Забориной 10 класс Урок

Цель урока Развитие коммуникативных компетенций средствами английского языка. Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка средствами информационных технологий.

Задачи урока систематизировать знания по теме урока на уровне понимания, применения, анализа; закрепить в речи Грамматические структуры Present Perfect и Past Perfect в действительном и страдательном залогах; развивать речевые навыки; когнитивная

Задачи урока - развивать внимание, память, языковую догадку; развитие умения обобщать, делать выводы; - развитие интереса, познавательной активности учащихся посредством информационных и коммуникационных технологий; аффективная

Задачи урока - повышение лингвострано- ведческой компетенции; - формировать экологическую грамотность, чувство любви к природе и ответственность за ее сохранение; воспитательная

Оборудование урока компьютер, проектор, экран; листовки по теме «Переработка отходов»; таблички с надписями reporters, specialists;

Список использованной литературы 1. First Certificate Star. L.Prodromou, Oxford, Macmillan, 1998. 2. Prospects. Upper-Intermediate. K.Wilson, J.Taylor, Oxford, Macmillan, 2003. 3. T.V. Pavlova. Russia in closed-up. Moscow, 2000. 4. Интернет-ресурсы.

The Earth Sounds Alarm Help save the only world we’ve got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q

Mind maps: The environment noun > verb Example: destruction > destroy locate organize protect pollute solve location > organization > protection > pollution > solution >

Mind maps: The environment noun > adjective Example: accident > accidental dangerous ill environmental poisonous silent powerful successful danger > illness > environment > poison > silence > power > success >

Mind maps: The environment verb > noun Example: accuse > accusation campaign design death expansion prevention promotion protest campaign > design > die > expand > prevent > promote > protest >

Decide if each of these sentences should be in the Present Perfect or Past Perfect. Then decide if it should be active or passive. 1.Hundreds of Siberian tigers . . . (kill) in the last twenty years. 2.After the dinosaurs . . . (wipe out), as the result of a catastrophe, mammals were able to flourish. have been killed (Present Perfect Passive) had been wiped out (Past Perfect Passive)

3. Most species of whales . . . (protect) for some years now by an international agreement. 4. In many countries the trees . . . (cut down) because the land was needed for crops. 5. The scientists was amazed to hear that a dodo . . . (see) by a hunter in the depth of the forest because everyone believed they . . . (be) extinct for over a hundred years. (Present Perfect Passive) (Past Perfect Passive, Past Perfect Active) (Present Perfect Passive) have been protested have been cut down had been seen had been

6. Pandas . . . (not see) outside China when Marco Polo arrived there. 7. For centuries before humans arrived, buffalo . . . (roam) the American prairies. 8. The number of giraffes in Africa . . . (fall) dramatically recently. had not been seen (Past Perfect Passive) had roamed (Past Perfect Active) has fallen (Present Perfect Active)




The problems of air pollution in big cities

Sheffield is one of the England’s largest cities. It is an industrial city with lots of plants and factories. For more than a century it was a smoky and dirty city, and the view of chimneys sending smoke and dirt was very characteristic of it.

Today Sheffield is one of the cleanest industrial cities in Europe.

An international organization which campaigns against threats to the environment www.greenpeace.org. e-mail: greenpeace.CSFR@diala.greenpeace.org

GREENPEACE campaigns against

HELP SAVE THE ONLY WORLD WE’VE GOT Tel: 420 2 24 320 448 Fax: 420 2 31 122 89 JOIN US!

RECYCLING means using again

There are two main ways of recycling: you can use things again yourself, or you can take them somewhere so that they can be processed to make something new.

How can we recycle the following? Cans Gift wrapping paper Jars Old clothes Paper

How do you think using computers and e-mails might help? What two things can we do when we go shopping to help recycling?

What do you do to recycle and help environment? What more could you do?

Susan Stevens, environmental campaigner has been involved in environmental campaign since she was a student. Amongst other things, she has campaigned against the production and sale of nuclear weapons, new motorway construction and traffic pollution near schools.

1.When did you first get involved in environmental campaigning? Ten years ago /student / Manchester University. Worked / student newspaper. Local factory / accused / serious air pollution. Interviewed / owner / shocked / attitude. Decided / do more campaigning. Joined / Greenpeace /when / left /university.

1.When did you first get involved in environmental campaigning? Ten years ago, when I was a student at Manchester University. I worked for the student newspaper. A local factory was accused of serious air pollution. I interviewed the owner and I was shocked by his attitude. I decided to do more campaigning and joined Greenpeace when I left university.

What was the most difficult environmental campaign you have been involved with? Campaign against whaling / Norway. Norwegians and the Japanese / ignored / worldwide ban / whaling. The problem / Norway / that local people / unhappy / protestors. We / not welcome.

What was the most difficult environmental campaign you have been involved with? I was involved in the campaign against whaling in Norway. The Norwegians and the Japanese had ignored the worldwide ban on whaling. The problem in Norway was that local people were very unhappy about the protestors. We were not welcome at all.

Is campaigning just a waist of time? No! campaigning / essential! People / don’t know enough / what’s going on. If / don’t campaign / multinational companies / carry on / causing pollution.

Is campaigning just a waist of time? No! campaigning is essential! People don’t know enough about what’s going on. If we don’t campaign, multinational companies will carry on causing pollution.

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