Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе на тему «Are all the young bad?»

Презентация к уроку 10 класс Are all the young bad?
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/data/files/i1604035213.pptx (Презентация к уроку 10 класс Are all the young bad?)
Конспект урока в 10 классе на тему
“Are all the young bad?”
Introduction: Today's young people are accustomed to luxury, they are characterized by bad manners, they despise authorities, they do not respect the elders, children argue with adults and greedily swallow food, they torment teachers. (Socrates )
Good afternoon, dear students. I’m glad to see you. How are you today? Отвечают…
Well, let’s start our lesson. Please don’t forget about our rule – to speak English only. If you say Russian word I’ll get a small magnet to my line. If I get all 5 magnets you will have extra homework, if all 5 magnets are stayed in your line you won’t have the homework at all.
Yesterday on my page at the social network I read one quote. I suggest you to read it, translate and say: When was it written? (Introduction of the lesson - 5 century BC)
Who do you think wrote it?
What do you think of these words? Do you approve them?
Can we refer them to the present?
Who can tell us what the main idea of my introduction for the lesson is?
Ответ учеников: in my opinion the main idea that the adults think that the youth is bad at all times. They think that all teens take drugs and join different gangs and groups.
Is it true? Are all the young so bad?
Ответ: of course NO.
Last lesson we talked about different subcultures. And your homework was to answer the question: Is it good to judge a person according to his appearance? Let’s check your answer using the mobile phones and the internet. Go to www.menti.com and use the code 35 11 28.
The first question is «Is it good to judge a person according to his appearance?» Why?
The second is «Why do young people express themselves individually?»
All your answers are right of course.
There are a lot of opinions about young people, but now I’d like to know your associations with the youth. How would you describe the youth using only three words?
Look at your answers. Are there any bad characteristics? NO
For the next task I’ll divide you into three groups choosing the cards. The students with similar cards are the one group. Sit together please.
The first group is Flowers. The second is Leaves. The third is Strawberries.
You’ll get the texts, which you have to read aloud in your group. After reading you are to guess – who do these opinions about young people belong to: an elderly person, a middle-aged person, or a teenager? You have only three minutes.
Читают тексты и отвечают на вопрос.
Ответ учеников: I think this opinion belongs to an elderly person, because only elderly people think that groups and subcultures are awful, and teens are violent. …
These articles are from one magazine, but one correspondent wrote the conclusion for them and in my opinion he has got some mistakes. Please read the articles and say are these sentences true or false. You can find them in your books at page 88. Three minutes to read the texts and then go to www.kahoot.it . Today we’ll play team game.
Your time is over.
Дети с телефона заходят на сайт www.kahoot.it , вводят пароль игры с экрана и в группах решают правдивы ли предложения или нет.
Read the sentence. Say is it true or false and correct the wrong sentences.
Not long ago your class took part at school competition and the girls were connected with two subcultures. Let’s watch and say – what are these groups?
Смотрят и определяют названия субкультур.
видео(Видео прилагается)
And now imagine that you are the people from different generations. The elderly.
The middle-aged. And the teens. You have to approve or disapprove these groups using the phrases from the slide.
Ответы учеников: (минимум три предложения)
At this slide you can see the QR-code of your homework. You’ll find the plan of the task. If you have questions, you can write me.
And now I suggest you to take your phones one more time and go to the Mentimeter www.menti.com use the code 72 78 57 . You are to write what you can say or understand now.
Thank you for your answers, I’m glad that you can say a lot about our theme.
The lesson is over. See you later. Good bye