Конспект урока в 7 классе по английскому языку по теме «Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты»

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Конспект урока в 7 классе по английскому языку по теме «Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты»
Учитель: Жеребцова Татьяна Владимировна
Цель урока: создать условия для формирования умений самостоятельно строить повествовательные, отрицательные предложения с модальными глаголами и применять данный грамматический материал в определенной речевой ситуации.
1)обучающая (предметный результат):
- ввести новое грамматическое правило по теме «Модальные глаголы»;
-формировать умение использовать модальные глаголы в устной и письменной речи;
2)развивающая (метапредметный результат):
- развивать умение планировать свою деятельность, развивать память и внимание;
- развивать умение монологической речи;
- повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка;
- учить работать в малых группах (парах);
3)воспитательная (личностный результат):
- воспитать субъект межкультурного взаимодействия;
- воспитывать культуру общения и потребность в практическом использовании языка;
-учить учеников целеустремлённости, преодолению трудностей, воспитывать познавательную потребность учащихся.
Тип урока: урок открытия новых знаний
Формы организации учебной деятельности: групповая, парная, индивидуальная
Оборудование: персональный компьютер, мультимедиапроектор, экран, презентация для урока, учебник английского языка 7кл.М.З. Биболетовой, Н. Н. Трубаневой, словари, дидактический материал (задания с карточками).
Видеофрагменты, которые вставлены в презентацию, взяты с сайта YouTube.com
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент. Самоопределение к учебной деятельности.
- Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning, teacher!)
- I'm glad to see you. (We are glad to see you, too.) I’m your English teacher. My name is T.V.
Please, come to me. Take the flag and take your seats. The first group is yellow. The second group is green. The third group is blue.
-Sit down, please.
OK. We will go a travelling. We are the youth international team. There is a map for you. You can see it on the table.
Let’s begin.
What emotions are you feeling at the moment? ( You have red envelops on the table, Please, choose the emotion of the moment.)
At the end of the lesson we check up how is changing our emotions?
-What date is it today? – thank you. Let’s write the date in your map.
-What is the weather like today? – thank you. Let’s find and choose a picture.
For communication in the travelling we need words. Please, open your books on p.69 Exercise number 38. Let’s repeat them.
Фонетическая разминка.
Ex.38 p 69 – listen, repeat and remember
[ʊ] - could, would, should, couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t
[a:] – can’t, shan’t, are, aren’t
[æ] - have, has, haven’t, hasn’t
[əʊ]– won’t, don’t
[ i ] – did, didn’t, is, isn’t
I wish you good luck.
Let’s go!
Look at the blackboard. You can see a big map. We need to go through 4 stages and we come to the aim.
We have to find a treasure chest.
Each task we will show on the big map.
2. Актуализация знаний и фиксирование индивидуального затруднения в пробном учебном действии.
Each travelling fun with the song.
Let’s listen the song. But at first, listen my question: What words do help us to understand of contents song?
What words do help us to understand of contents song?
What is the verb? Can you name this verb?
Look at the screen. ……..
How can we call these verbs?
Can you answer this question? Why?
We must read and translate these verbs.
Today we must answer this question.
3. Выявление места и причины затруднения. Постановка учебной задачи.
-let’s try to call the topic of the lesson.
Yes, you are right! The topic of the lesson is «Modal verbs of obligations»
Why do we need modal verbs?
Look at the screen. Read and translate the sentences
Mary can translate the articles from that magazine .
She must translate this article tomorrow.
Have you got a problem with the second sentences?
What is the purpose of using modal verbs in English?
Tell me, please.
Я могу отправиться в путешествие. Ok.
Я должен отправиться в путешествие.
Can you translate?
What questions do we need answer?
Yes, you are right. Are there other modal verbs?
4. Построение проекта выхода из затруднения
– What is the aim of our lesson?
The aim: (We must learn modal verbs. ) ( Today we must use modal verbs in our speech )
You are right. we must use modal verbs in our speech
Let's do a plan for our lesson. (план)
1)изучить модальные глаголы – learn modal verbs
2)применять новый грамматический материал в устной/ письменной речи - use new grammar in our speech
3)общение - communication
What rules of behavior will be in your groups? ( We will listen each other. We will help each other. Together to find answers to questions)
Great! Let’s go.
We see that our travelling will be on tree ways. The final aim will be solve problem.
For each task you will get some points.
Your marks:
For the first task you can get 2 points. (for the second task you can get 3 points….)
2 p
3 p
5 p
14-15 – «5» If you get 14 – 15 points, your mark is 5
10-13- «4»
9 –let’s do again
5.Реализация построения проекта
The first problem on the way.
You must watch the video. It’s time to listen and write new modal verbs. Look at the screen.
(видеоурок о грамматическом материале)
What modal verbs do you know?
What words you can translate?
Why do we need modal verbs?
-Let’s have a rest
6. Первичное закрепление с проговариванием во внешней речи
The second problem on the way. You work in group. Each group has blue envelopes with cards. Please, you should take one sentence, read and translate. You have 2 minutes.
1)You must tell me the truth
2)I have to do some shopping today. The party will be tomorrow.
3)You don't have to answer my question if you don't want to.
4)People should do more exercises.
5)You mustn‘t drive on the red light.
6) You must wash your hands before lunch.
7) I have to go to work on Sunday.
8)You should go home. It’s late.
9) You mustn’t smoke here.
10) I don’t have to go to university tomorrow. It’s Sunday.
11) You shouldn’t go to bed so late. You’ll feel bad tomorrow.
12)I love this film. You must watch it.
1) Вы должны сказать мне правду
2) Мне следует сделать кое-какие покупки сегодня. Вечеринка будет завтра.
3) Вы не следует отвечать на мой вопрос, если вы не хотите.
4) Люди советуют делать больше упражнений.
5) Вы не должны ездить на красный свет.
6) Вы должны мыть руки перед едой.
7) Мне придется пойти на работу в воскресенье.
8) Вам стоит пойти домой. Уже поздно.
9) Здесь нельзя курить.
10) Завтра мне не нужно идти в университет. Завтра воскресенье.
11) Не стоит так поздно ложиться спать. Завтра будешь себя плохо чувствовать.
12)Мне очень нравится этот фильм. Тебе непременно стоит его посетить.
The second and the third groups listen and check up the first group.
Ok, What did we do in this exercise?
What modal verbs did we saw this exercise?
…… and…… your work is very good. Please, assess your task.
…..go to the blackboard. We decided the first problem.
Let’s go.
The next problem on the way.
Look at the screen. You can see many pictures.
You must describe the picture using modal verbs. Each group must make up 2 sentences. You have 2 minutes.
1)You have to get a visa to go to London. – Вам необходимо получить визу чтобы поехать в Лондон.
2) We should do more sports – Нам следовало бы заниматься больше спортом.
3)You have to listen your teacher.
4) You must not swim in that river. It's full of crocodiles. - В той реке нельзя плавать. Она кишит крокодилами.
5) You must take some time off and get some rest. - Вам следует взять небольшой отпуск и немного отдохнуть.
6) We must find a safe place. - мы должны найти безопасное место.
7) На следующей неделе я должен поехать в командировку. – Next week I will have to go on business.
8) Where should we go? — Куда нам (следует) пойти?
9) I should buy 2 tickets to London – Мне следует купить 2 билета в Лондон.
Ok. In my opinion the best work was in the (first) group.
Please, answer my question:
What did you do? How do you think, do modal verbs help us describe pictures?
Do you agree with your classmates?
Please, assess your task.
…..go to the blackboard. We decided the second problem.
The third problem on the way.
We must make up the dialogue and say what modal verbs was there in our task?
You work in group. You have 2 minutes.
Alice: I need some pocket money. I have to find a job.
Joe: No problem. There is a job for you.
Alice: What kind of job is it?
Joe: Babysitting
Alice: It sounds fine. What should I do?
Joe: It’s easy. Just play.
Alan: I am going for an interview next Friday
Bob: Where and why?
Alan: Another school, I am afraid. What should I wear?
Bob: Don’t ask me.
Alan: What should I wear?
Bob: Well, you shouldn’t look sloppy, you should look neat.
Alan: Do you think I should go on my bike or not?
Bob: It doesn’t matter. But you should be on time.
Mike: I am going to the birthday tonight. What should I wear?
Dan: Let me think about it.
Mike: What should I do? Do you think I should look sloppy?
Dan: It doesn’t matter. First of all you should be on time.
The second and the third groups listen and check up the first group.
It’s time open your books on p.70, Ex .41. and check up your dialogues on the modal.
Well, your work is great. The work of the (first) group is great.
What modal verbs was there in our dialogues?
Please, assess your task.
…..go to the blackboard. We decided the third problem.
7.Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой по эталону.
Ok. What modal verbs did you use during our travelling?
The next task for us. Now we shall work individually.
We learned how to use modal verbs in different situations.
You must fill sentences correct modal verbs: must, have to, should . you have 2 minutes.
1)You_____________ come in time to school in the morning. (have to)
2)You look very tired. You ____________ have a short holiday. (should)
3)Little children __________ wash their hands before they eat.(should)
4)You __________ take these pills twice a day after meals. (must)
5)We _____________ help to lay the table. Be quick. (have to)
Let’s check up your work. Please, assess your task. …..go to the blackboard. We decided the fourth problem.
9.Рефлексия деятельности. Домашнее задание.
Let’s continue our work. Look!!! We are on the island.
We found a treasure chest. Let’s open it. What is it? (must, have to, should)
We opened a magic island. Now we are a big team. Go to the blackboard.
Let’s answer the question.
Are there other modal verbs in English? ( Yes, there are. Must, have to, should )
What is the aim of the lesson? ( The aim is use modal verbs in our speech)
How to change your emotions during the travelling?
Ok. Let’s count your points. Are there pupils who get 14-15 points – your mark is 5. It is very wonderful.
Are there pupils who get 14-15 points – your mark is 4. It is good.
If you have less 9 points , we will try to do this work on the next lesson.
Don’t worry, be happy.
-home work
№ 39 стр 70 – give short answers (дать краткие ответы на вопросы)
№ 37 стр 69 – complete the sentences with modal verbs. (поставить модальный глагол)
- please, choose your home task.
Please, give me your maps.
-stand up, please. Our lesson is over. You may be free.