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Halloween, 8 класс


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Обучающиеся познакомятся с зарубежной культурой при помощи праздника Хеллоуин, отработают грамматические конструкции

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History of Halloween

From communion with the dead to pumpkins and pranks Halloween is a patchwork holiday stitch together with cultural, religious and occult traditions that spans centuries.

It all began with the Celts - a people whose culture had spread across Europe more than 2,000 years ago. October 31st was the day they celebrated the end of the harvest season in a festival called ‘Sawin’. That night also marked the Celtic New Year and was considered a time between years, a magical time when the ghosts of the dead walked the Earth. It was the time when the veil between death and life was supposed to be at its thinnest.

On Sawin the villagers gathered and lit huge bonfires to drive the dead back to the spirit world and keep them away from the living. But as the Catholic Church's influence grew in Europe it frowned on the pagan rituals like Sawin. In the 7th century the Vatican began to merge it with a church sanctioned holiday, so November 1st was designated All Saints Day to honor martyrs and the deceased faithful.

Both of these holidays had to do with the afterlife and about survival after death. It was a calculated move on the part of the church to bring more people into the fold.

All Saints Day was known then as Hallowmas. Hallow means holy or saintly, so the translation is roughly ‘mass of the saints’. The night before October 31st was All Hallows Eve, which gradually morphed into Halloween.

The holiday came to America with the wave of Irish immigrants during the potato famine of the 1840s. They brought several of their holiday customs with them including bobbing for apples and playing tricks on neighbors like removing gates from the front of houses. The young pranksters wore masks so they wouldn't be recognized, but over the years the tradition of harmless tricks grew into outright vandalism.

Back in the 1930s it really became a dangerous holiday. I mean, there was such hooliganism and vandalism. Trick-or-treating was originally an extortion deal – give us candy or will trash your house.

Store keepers and neighbors began giving treats or bribes to stop the tricks and children were encouraged to travel door-to-door for treat as an alternative to troublemaking. By the late 30s trick-or-treat became the holiday greeting.


pumpkins and pranks – тыквы и шутки

the harvest season – сезон сбора урожая

ghosts of the dead – призраки мертвых

veil вуаль

bonfire костер

keep away from не подпускать, держаться в стороне

pagan язычник

to mergeобъединяться, сливаться

to honor martyrs почитать мучеников

deceased faithful умершие праведники

afterlife загробная жизнь

а fold паства, круг единоверцев

saint – святой

famine – голод

Trick-or-treat – сладость или гадость

5 мин

Answer the Questions.

What was the origin of Halloween?

How did people celebrate it in ancient times?

What are the symbols of Halloween?

What is the holiday greeting nowadays?

How did Halloween appear in the US?

What is Hallowmas?

Why did the holiday become dangerous in the 1930s?

What are you afraid of?

Ghoul [gu:l] вампир

Tombнадгробие t1604222991aa.jpg

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Возвращаясь к теме Хеллоуина, обратите внимание на список рекомендуемых фильмов и мультфильмов:

What films and cartoons you should watch on Halloween?


Корпорация монстров

Семейка Аддамс

Труп невесты


Кошмар перед Рождеством

Монстры на каникулах

Башня ужаса

Коралина в стране кошмаров


Особняк с привидениями

Эдвард Руки-Ножницы

Домашнее задание

Учебник стр 16 упр 1,2




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