Конспект занятия (словарной работы) по теме «English - a Language of the World» (7 класс)
Before starting, give each person a copy of How to Define Words? sheet.
Go through the section of words on useful words briefly. Write a few words on the board and ask for suggestions as to how to define them, e.g. up-to-date, hard, helpful, etc. Tell the students to have this sheet handy during the activity.
Divide the class into A and B groups (2-4 students per group). They sit in front of each other. Give each group the appropriate crossword and allow them time to check through the words they will need to define before starting. If necessary, give individual help at this stage.
Explain that they have to take it in turns to ask for a word that is missing from their crossword. They simply ask: What’s 5 down? What’s 2 across?, etc. The other group now try to give as clear a definition as possible to help them guess the word.
Set a definite time-limit and stop the students at the end of it, whether they have finished or not.
They can now compare crosswords and check any words they didn’t fill in.
You can follow up by asking the groups to explain how they defined one or two words from the crosswords.
Half a crossword: English – a Language of the World Group A
Some of the words in the following crossword are missing. Group B know what they are. Group B also have some words that are missing from their crossword. They are the words at the bottom of the worksheet.
Take it in turns to ask each other for a missing word. You can ask: What’s (3) Across? What’s (7) Down? etc.
Half a crossword: English – a Language of the World Group B
Some of the words in the following crossword are missing. Group A know what they are. Group A also have some words that are missing from their crossword. They are the words at the bottom of the worksheet.
Take it in turns to ask each other for a missing word. You can ask: What’s (3) Across? What’s (7) Down? etc.
How to Define Words?
average, adj. – usual, ordinary, standard
cope, v – deal effectively with something difficult
drill, n. – training someone by doing things again and again
disappoint, v. – sad or unhappy because the things you hoped for do not happen
forget, v. – to fail to remember
hard, adj. – difficult to understand or solve
helpful, adj. – giving or ready to give help; useful
idiom, n. – a group f words used together as a word combination with a special meaning
interpret, v – to translate sb’s speech into another language
interpreter, n. – this person translates speech orally
memorize, v. – to learn by heart
modern, adj. – up-to-date, not old-fashioned
necessary, adj. – needed to be done, achieved
old-fashioned, adj. – not modern; favouring traditional ideas or customs
polite, adj. – not rude; showing behavior that is respectful of other people
practise, v. – to exercise a particular activity regularly
realize, v. – to understand clearly; to cause to happen
rude, adj. – impolite or bad-mannered
up-to-date, adj. - modern
useless, adj. – useless