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Татьяна Швецова16

Контрольная работа по английскому языку на тему Future Simple Tense.

I Write shall instead of will where it is possible

I will sail to Africa.

You will like it too.

They will go to Italy one day.

I will go on holiday in three months.

We will see the New Year in with our parents.

II Make the sentences negative

They will worry about him a lot.

We’ll celebrate your birthday in the café.

Mum will go with me to the shop.

I’ll always remember this voyage.

Nora will write to you next week.

III Make up questions out of these sentences

Granny will make a cake.

Kate will teach you to swim.

Mary and Pete will sail to Brazil together.

Sam will soon see Mexico.

I shall fly a kite next Monday.

IV Translate the sentences from English into Russian

1. He will cook breakfast tomorrow.
2. My family will go to the cinema next week.
3. Nick’s sister will write songs for us.
4. She isn’t going to come to the party.
5. Where will you go next summer?

V Translate the sentences from Russian into English

1. Я не увижу тебя на следующей неделе.
2. Я собираюсь добраться до школы.
3. Мэри будет играть на гитаре.
4. Я куплю книгу через 2 дня.
5. Моя семья поедет в Америку в следующем году.


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