Упражнение по английскому языку в 5 классе «Language battle»

Материал опубликован 24 August 2020

Language battle

An uncle A pet A cousin An aunt Name the family member who is missing

grandfather uncle nephew aunt My father’s brother is my …

82 Nineteen-two Eighteen-two Eighty-two Ninety-two 67+ 15 = Do the calculation

A book A copy-book A school bag A pencil case What school thing is missing?

cousin aunt aunt uncle My mother’s sister is my

cousin niece nephew brother My uncle’s son is my

Thirteen-nine Forty-nine Thirty-eight Thirty-nine 23+16 =

Seventy-two Sixty-three Seventeen-three Seventy-three 89 -16=

A daughter A rubber A sharpener A ruler Which word is odd? A ruler, a sharpener, a rubber, a daughter

Thursday Sunday Friday Holiday Which word is odd? Sunday, Thursday, Holiday, Friday

в формате MS Powerpoint (.ppt / .pptx)

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25 August 2020