Mетодическая разработка по английскому языку в 4 классе «Комплект тестовых заданий»

(английский язык, 4 класс)
Современная образовательная программа для школьников по предмету «Английский язык» постоянно осуществляет контроль над успеваемостью учеников. Для такого контроля используют тесты, так как это самый продвинутый метод контроля знаний и усвоения полученного материала школьником на протяжении определенного периода.
Данный комплект лексико-грамматических заданий по английскому языку соответствует учебным возможностям учащихся данной ступени обучения и предназначен для определения уровня знаний английского языка по пройденным темам (ЛЕ по темам: «Семья», «Мой лучший друг», «Количественные и порядковые числительные», «Профессии», «Еда», «Животные», «Названия месяцев», «Отдых», «Мир моих увлечений», грамматика по темам: «Настоящее простое время», «Настоящее продолженное время», «Будущее простое время», «Прошедшее простое время», «Модальные глаголы», «Предлоги» «Степени сравнения прилагательных») на конец учебного года.
Тест построен на основе изученного грамматического и лексического материала за курс 4-го класса по учебнику: Н.И. Быкова, Д.Дули, М.Д.Поспелова, В.Эванс Spotlight-4.- Москва: Просвещение, 2019.
Учащимся предложено 15 заданий. Максимальное количество 146 баллов. За каждый правильный ответ учащийся получает 1 балл.
Критерии оценок:
Менее 50% — «2»
50-69% — «3»
70-89% — «4»
90-100% — «5»
1. Расставьте названия месяцев по порядку.
February September May July December March November June January August October April
2) Соедини транскрипцию и слово.
1. baker
2. greengrocer
3. mechanic
4. postman
5. waiter
6. nurse
a. [ˈpəʊstmən]
b. [mɪˈkænɪk]
c. [nɜːs]
d. [ˈbeɪkə]
e. [ˈgriːngrəʊsə]
f. [ˈweɪtə]
3) Составь словосочетания и запиши их.
A tin | of biscuits |
A bottle | of jam |
A carton | of chocolate |
A jar | of potatoes |
A bar | of Coke |
A loaf | of beans |
A kilo | of milk |
A packet | of bread |
1.пакет молока- __________________________________________________
2.банка горошка- ____________________________________________
3.бутылка колы- ___________________________________________________
4.банка варенья- ____________________________________________________
5.буханка хлеба- __________________________________________________
6.килограмм картофеля- ________________________________
7. плитка шоколада __________________________
8. пачка печенья______________________________ /16
Заполни пропуски.
Предлоги: in front, in, on, under, behind, next;
1. The hairbrush is _____ the shelf. I always put it there.
2. My gloves are _____ the wardrobe.
3. I found my camera _____ the armchair.
4. The keys are _____ to the watch.
5. The roller blades are _____of the table.
6. The mobile phone is ______ the chair. It fell down. /6
5) Составь предложения из слов.
1. is, the violin, Simon, playing?
2. did, to a museum, go, you, yesterday?
3. Dan, on Sundays, surfs.
4. a lot of eggs, there, in the fridge, are.
5. it, tomorrow, will be, rainy.
_______________________________________________ /10
6) Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple.
We (1) _____ (buy) tickets for all the scary rides – the best one was the Monster House. In the evening we (2) _____ (stay) to watch the fireworks and we (3) ___ (leave) the funfair at eight o’clock. It (4) ___(is) a really special day. Later, we (5) ___ (eat) burgers and chips for dinner and the waiter (6) ___(give) us a free Coke!
The best day of the year was when I (7) ___(go) to the funfair with Larry. /7
Выбери правильный вариант:
Look! The seals … now. (clapping/are clapping)
The dolphins usually … in the sea. (swim/are swimming)
A crocodile … on its own. (is crying/are crying)
A lazy lizard … in the sun at the moment. (sit/ is sitting)
A silly monkey often … at the zoo. (laughs/are … laughing) /5
Правила зоопарка. Выбери да/нет.
1. You must feed the animals. (yes / no)
2. You mustn’t play loud music. (yes / no)
3. You mustn’t run. (yes / no)
4. You must put your rubbish in the bin. (yes / no)
5. You must ride bikes. (yes / no)
6. You mustn’t leave pets at home. (yes / no) /6
9) Какая погода будет завтра в разных странах? Вставь слова.
1. It will be _ _ _ _ _ y in London tomorrow.
2. It will be _ i _ _ _ in Paris tomorrow.
3. It will be s_ _ _ _ in Rome tomorrow.
4. It will be _ a _ _ _ in Madrid tomorrow.
5. It will be _ _ _ w _ in Moscow tomorrow. /5
10) Выбери правильный вариант /варианты и заполни пропуски.
1. Listen! My friend … playing the violin. a) am b) is c) was d) are e) were 2. Ann’s mother has got …. hair. a) fair b) kind c) dark d) funny e) slim 3. Look! The boys … in the garden. a) are playing b) play c) playing d) plays e) is playing 4. Bob’s dad is a mechanic. He works in the …. a) cafe b) post office c) theatre d) hospital e) garage | 5. Ann always … uniform at school. a) wear b) is wearing c) wearing d) wears e) am wearing 6) They like … in their free time. a) to cook b) is cooking c) cooks d) are cooking e) cooking 7) There aren’t many … in the fridge. a) milk b) olive oil c) eggs d) oranges e) lemonade 8) There is … bread in the cupboard. a) many b) a lot of c) how much d) how many e) much | 9) Can I have a … of lemonade, please? a) packet b) loaf c) bar d) bottle e) carton 10) February is the … month of the year. a) longest b) worst c) nicest d) shortest e) tallest 11) Today is the … of May. a) fifth b) fiftieth c) fifteen d) fiftyth e) fifteenth 12) Tom …angry yesterday. a) is b) was c) am d) were e) are |
13) They … at school last Saturday. a) didn’t b) wasn’t c) weren’t d) isn’t e) aren’t 14) Giraffes are … than monkeys. a) taller b) the tallest c) tall d) more taller e) the most tallest 15) We … Moscow two days ago. a) visit b) visits c) are visiting d) visited e) visiting 16) Kate … to the concert last week. a) had b) rode c) saw d) thought e) went 17) You will play basketball … . a) yesterday b) next Sunday c) now d) tomorrow e) two days ago | 18) They … do homework in an hour. a) will b) didn’t c) doesn’t d) don’t e) isn’t 19) I didn’t … my granny yesterday. a) phoned b) phone c) phones d) phoning e) is phoning 20) There is a sofa …the table. a) on b) behind c) under d) next to e) in front of 21) There are a lot of … on the table. a) men b) sheep c) dishes d) mice e) children 22) Mag is Ann’s … . a) mother b) dad c) grandfather d) daughter e) brother | 23) Would you like …cake? a) some b) any c) is d) can d) can’t 24) Have we got …apples? a) some b) any c) a d) an e) are 25) There is … orange in the fridge. a) many b) a lot of c) an d) a e) some |
11) Раскрой скобки, употребив прилагательное в правильной форме.
1. Giraffes are __________ (tall) than elephants.
2. Whales are __________ (big) animals.
3. Crocodiles are __________ (long) than lizards.
4. Monkeys are the __________ (funny) at the zoo.
5. Alice is the __________ (good) student in the class.
6. Polly is __________(pretty) than Helen.
12) Заполни таблицу.
давать | give | gave |
| go | |
пить | | |
| see | |
покупать | | |
| | made |
| sang | |
иметь | | |
| | left |
13)Вставь слова в пропуски.
sleep hippos live | forty grass fat April October night |
| |
| |
… are very big animals. They … in Africa. They are very … . Hippos have their babies during the rainy months of … and … . They … most of the day and eat at … . They eat … and live for … years.
1. | 3. | 5. | 7. |
2. | 4. | 6. | 8. |
15) Противоположности.
Соедини имена прилагательные в левой колонке с противоположными по значению именами прилагательными в правой колонке.
1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. _________________
Расставьте названия месяцев по порядку:
February September May July December
March November June January August October April
1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
7. July
8. August
9. September
10. October
11. November
12. December
2) Соедини транскрипцию и слово.
1. baker
2. greengrocer
3. mechanic
4. postman
5. waiter
6. nurse
a. [ˈpəʊstmən]
b. [mɪˈkænɪk]
c. [nɜːs]
d. [ˈbeɪkə]
e. [ˈgriːngrəʊsə]
f. [ˈweɪtə]
3) Составь словосочетания и запиши их.
A tin | of biscuits |
A bottle | of jam |
A carton | of chocolate |
A jar | of potatoes |
A bar | of Coke |
A loaf | of beans |
A kilo | of milk |
A packet | of bread |
1.пакет молока- a carton of milk
2.банка горошка- a tin of beans
3.бутылка колы- a bottle of Coke
4.банка варенья- a jar of jam
5.буханка хлеба- a loaf of bread
6.килограмм картофеля- a kilo of potatoes
7. плитка шоколада - a bar of chocolate
8. пачка печенья – a packet of biscuits
Заполни пропуски предлогами.
Предлоги: in front, in, on, under, behind, next;
1. The hairbrush is on the shelf. I always put it there.
2. My gloves are in the wardrobe.
3. I found my camera behind the armchair.
4. The keys are next to the watch.
5. The roller blades are in front of the table.
6. The mobile phone is under the chair. It fell down. /6
5) Составь предложения из слов.
1. is, the violin, Simon, playing?
Is Simon playing the violin?
2. did, to a museum, go, you, yesterday?
Did you go to a museum yesterday?
3. Dan, on Sundays, surfs.
Dan surfs on Sundays.
4. a lot of eggs, there, in the fridge, are.
There are a lot of eggs in the fridge.
5. it, tomorrow, will be, rainy.
It will be rainy tomorrow. /5
6) Раскрой скобки, употребив глагол в Past Simple.
We (1) _____ (buy) tickets for all the scary rides – the best one was the Monster House. In the evening we (2) _____ (stay) to watch the fireworks and we (3) ___ (leave) the funfair at eight o’clock. It (4) ___(is) a really special day. Later, we (5) ___ (eat) burgers and chips for dinner and the waiter (6) ___(give) us a free Coke!
The best day of the year was when I (7) ___(go) to the funfair with Larry. /7
1 - bought
2 - stayed
3 - left
4 - was
5 - ate
6 - gave
7 - went
7)Выбери правильный вариант:
1. Look! The seals … now. (clapping/are clapping)
2. The dolphins usually … in the sea. (swim/are swimming)
3. A crocodile … on its own. (is crying/are crying)
4. A lazy lizard … in the sun at the moment. (sit/ is sitting)
5. A silly monkey often … at the zoo. (laughs/are … laughing) /5
8) Правила зоопарка. Выбери yes/no
1. You must feed the animals. (yes / no)
2. You mustn’t play loud music. (yes / no)
3. You mustn’t run. (yes / no)
4. You must put your rubbish in the bin. (yes / no)
5. You must ride bikes. (yes / no)
6. You must leave pets at home. (yes / no) /6
9) Какая погода будет завтра в разных странах?
1. It will be _ _ _ _ _ y in London tomorrow. (cloudy)
2. It will be _ i _ _ _ in Paris tomorrow. (windy)
3. It will be s_ _ _ _ in Rome tomorrow. (sunny)
4. It will be _ a _ _ _ in Madrid tomorrow. (rainy)
5. It will be _ _ _ w _ in Moscow tomorrow. (snowy) /5
10) Выбери правильный вариант /варианты и заполни пропуски.
1. Listen! My friend … playing the violin.
a) am
b) is
c) was
d) are
e) were
2. Ann’s mother has got …. hair.
a) fair
b) kind
c) dark
d) funny
e) slim
3. Look! The boys … in the garden.
a) are playing
b) play
c) playing
d) plays
e) is playing
4. Bob’s dad is a mechanic. He works in the ….
a) cafe
b) post office
c) theatre
d) hospital
e) garage
5. Ann always … uniform at school.
a) wear
b) is wearing
c) wearing
d) wears
e) am wearing
6) They like … in their free time.
a) to cook
b) is cooking
c) cooks
d) are cooking
e) cooking
7) There aren’t many … in the fridge.
a) milk
b) olive oil
c) eggs
d) oranges
e) lemonade
8) There is … bread in the cupboard.
a) many
b) a lot of
c) how much
d) how many
e) much
9) Can I have a … of lemonade, please?
a) packet
b) loaf
c) bar
d) bottle
e) carton
10) February is the … month of the year.
a) longest
b) worst
c) nicest
d) shortest
e) tallest
11) Today is the … of May.
a) fifth
b) fiftieth
c) fifteen
d) fiftyth
e) fifteenth
12) Tom …angry yesterday.
a) is
b) was
c) am
d) were
e) are
13) They … at school last Saturday.
a) didn’t
b) wasn’t
c) weren’t
d) isn’t
e) aren’t
14) Giraffes are … than monkeys.
a) taller
b) the tallest
c) tall
d) more taller
e) the most tallest
15) We … Moscow two days ago.
a) visit
b) visits
c) are visiting
d) visited
e) visiting
16) Kate … to the concert last week.
a) had
b) rode
c) saw
d) thought
e) went
17) You will play basketball … .
a) yesterday
b) next Sunday
c) now
d) tomorrow
e) two days ago
18) They … do homework in an hour.
a) will
b) didn’t
c) doesn’t
d) don’t
e) isn’t
19) I didn’t … my granny yesterday.
a) phoned
b) phone
c) phones
d) phoning
e) is phoning
20) There is a sofa …the table.
a) on
b) behind
c) under
d) next to
e) in front of
21) There are a lot of … on the table.
a) men
b) sheep
c) dishes
d) mice
e) children
22) Mag is Ann’s … .
a) mother
b) dad
c) grandfather
d) daughter
e) brother
23) Would you like …cake?
a) some
b) any
c) is
d) can
d) can’t
24) Have we got …apples?
a) some
b) any
c) a
d) an
e) are
25) There is … orange in the fridge.
a) many
b) a lot of
c) an
d) a
e) some
11) Раскрой скобки, употребив прилагательное в правильной форме.
1. Giraffes are __________ (tall) than elephants. (taller)
2. Whales are __________ (big) animals. (big)
3. Crocodiles are __________ (long) than lizards. (longer)
4. Monkeys are the __________ (funny) at the zoo. (funniest)
5. Alice is the __________ (good) student in the class. (best)
6. Polly is __________(pretty) than Helen. (prettier)
12) Заполни таблицу.
Давать | Give | gave |
идти | Go | went |
пить | Drink | drank |
видеть | See | saw |
Покупать | Buy | bought |
делать | Make | made |
петь | Sing | sang |
иметь | Have | had |
покидать | Leave | left |
Fill in the words from the table.
hippos(1) live(2) fat(3) October(4) April(5) sleep(6) | |
night(7) grass(8) | |
forty(9) | |
(1)… are very big animals. They(2) … in Africa. They are very(3) … . Hippos have their babies during the rainy months of(4) … and(5) … . They (6)… most of the day and eat at(7) … . They eat (8)… and live for(9) … years.
14) Переставь буквы в звездочках так, чтобы составить английские слова, обозначающие названия разных стран.
Y A T I L (Italy)
DPNA OL(Poland)
RU SIS(Russia)
YUTE RK(Turkey)
A N I P S(Spain)
15) Противоположности.
Соедини имена прилагательные в левой колонке с противоположными по значению именами прилагательными в правой колонке.
1. big-small
2. cold-hot
3. old-young
4. bad-good
5. ugly-beautiful
6. slow-fast
Список литературы: Учебник для 4 класса. Н.И. Быкова, Д.Дули, М.Д.Поспелова, В.Эванс Spotlight-4.- Москва: Просвещение, 2019.