Методическая разработка по английскому языку для студентов СПО по теме «Болезни и их лечение»

Материал опубликован 11 December 2024

Методическая разработка  

по английскому языку для студентов СПО
по теме «Болезни и их лечение»

Преподаватель: Куджева Л.Н.

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных навыков по изучаемой теме.


автоматизировать употребление лексики по теме;

развитие навыков говорения;

развитие навыков критического мышления;

развитие навыков работы с текстом.

Ход урока


Good day! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Well, let’s begin.


Just to make your brains work better I’ll give you the following task. Make up a chain of 15 words. Try to use as many words from our vocabulary as possible to make up sentences.The quickest will be the winner.

Speaking drill

You know that there are many proverbs about health.

I’ll give you cards and you are to match the parts of the proverbs.

Health is  …                                

keeps the doctor away.

Prevention is …                          

in a healthy body.

Health is not valued                    

another man’s poison.

An apple a day ….                      

.. above wealth.

A healthful mind …                  

.. better than cure.

One man’s meat is ….                

till sickness comes.

So, what proverbs have you got?

Now explain the meaning of the proverb that you like best of all.

Actualization of the vocabulary

1) illness / sickness – болезнь, нездоровье
2) disease [di’zi:z] – болезнь, заболевание
3) catching disease – заразная, инфекционная болезнь
4) untreatable disease – неизлечимая болезнь
5) to be ill / to be sick – болеть
6) to fall ill / sick – заболевать
9) to make an appointment [a’pointmant] with a doctor – записываться на прием к врачу
10) to catch a cold – простудиться
11) cold – простуда
12) flu – грипп
13) hay fever – сенная лихорадка (аллергический насморк)
14) pneumonia [ш’ш’тэшпэ] – воспаление легких, пневмония
15) bronchial [‘brorjkial] pneumonia – бронхиальная пневмония
16) bronchitis [brorj’kaitis] – бронхит
17) food poisoning [fpDiz(9)nirj] – пищевое отравление
18) measles [fmi:zlz] – корь
19) sore throat – боль в горле
20) quinsy [‘kwinzi] – ангина
21) asthma – астма
22) sepsis [‘sepsis] – сепсис
23) multiple sclerosis [skta’rausis] – рассеянный склероз
24) heart attack – сердечный приступ; инфаркт (разг.)
25) infarction – инфаркт
26) cough [kof] – кашель
27) sneezing – чихание
28) runny nose – насморк
29) to have / suffer from a headache [‘hedeik] – иметь / страдать от головной боли
30) stomachache [‘sUmskeik] – боль в желудке
31) toothache – зубная боль
32) to hurt – болеть (e. g. My leg terribly hurts. – У меня болит нога.)
33) injury [fincfe(3)n] – рана, ушиб
34) wound [wu:nd] – рана, ранение
35) painful – болезненный
36) to take blood pressure – измерять артериальное давление
37) to faint [feint] – терять сознание
38) to make an appointment with a doctor – записываться на прием к врачу
39) to send for a doctor – вызывать врача на дом
40) to call an ambulance [‘asmbj9ldn(t)s] – вызывать скорую помощь
41) chemist’s / drugstore – аптека
42) to prescribe (a) medicine [‘medisin] – прописывать лекарство
43) to take a medicine (for cold, flu, etc.) – принимать лекарство (от простуды, гриппа и т. д.)
44) to make diagnosis [.daiag’nausis] – поставить диагноз
45) to keep the bed – соблюдать постельный режим
46) to go for regular checkups – ходить на регулярный медосмотр
47) (hygienist) cleaning – гигиеническая чистка зубов
48) dental caries [‘keariiz] – кариес
49) to fill a tooth – пломбировать зуб
50) to pull a tooth out – удалять зуб
51) (medical) treatment [‘triitmant] – лечение
52) cure [kjua] – лечение, курс лечения; средство излечения
53) anti-inflammatory drug – противовоспалительное средство
54) pain-killer – болеутоляющее средство
55) drug – таблетка; наркотик
56) medicine [‘medisin] – лекарство, медикамент
57) to follow a doctor’s advice / recommendations – следовать советам / рекомендациям врача
58) to recover [n’kAva] – выздоравливать
59) to be under (the) care of a doctor – находиться под наблюдением врача
60) hospital stay – пребывание в больнице
61) patient – пациент
62) visitor – посетитель
63) ward [wo:d] – больничная палата
64) surgeon [‘s3:d[5(9)n] – хирург
65) (hospital) nurse – медсестра

Revision of words

Today we are going to drill the usage of words on our topic “Diseases and their treatment”. First of all let’s recollect them. Look at the slide and name the object or describe the process.

Correct the statements

- Students A and B are working together teaching each other. Read the statements and correct them. Do it in chain. 

Sick people never stay in bed while they are ill.

You were laid up with flu last week, I believe.

People often feel sick and giddy when they are quite well.

We seldom sneeze and cough when we have a cold.

You never have a sore throat when you have tonsillitis. And so on.

Relaxation (Take off – touch down)

- Some relaxation. Will you stand up if your answer is “Yes”.

1.        Who likes when your mother takes care of you when you are ill?

2.        Who goes to the doctor immediately, feeling the first symptoms?

3.        Who has a sore throat today?

4.        Who suffered from insomnia last night?

5.        Who fears injections?

6.        Who has never had a nervous breakdown?

7.        Who feels 100% healthy and happy now?

4.Reading of the text(1)

Ilnesses and their treatment – Болезни и их лечение

Nobody likes visiting a doctor. However, when people feel sick they make an appointment with a doctor, send for a doctor or, in most serious cases, call an ambulance. For such illnesses as flu, cold, hay fever, food poisoning, you can buy either some medicine from the chemist, or have a prescription made up. Undoubtedly, all of the illnesses have different symptoms. For instance, if you have a sore throat, sneezing and cough, it is obvious that you have caught a cold. But when you are running a high temperature and have symptoms for cold, you’ve got flu. Let us try to make another diagnosis. If you feel sick, want to vomit and have a stomachache, you must have got a food poisoning.

Many people are afraid of dentists. However, it is essential to see your dentist for a regular checkups and cleaning. It will help to prevent dental caries. Besides, doctors recommend that people should brush their teeth each time after meals. Anyway, when people have a toothache they should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as it is possible. The doctor will use a local anesthetic to the area around the tooth and fill the cleaned out cavity or pull it out. Sometimes after the treatment you will have to take some anti-inflammatory drugs or pain-killers. So, if you follow all of your doctor’s recommendations, you’ll recover very soon.

The most common childhood diseases are measles, pneumonia, flu, scarlet fever and sore throat. If the disease is catching, the sick child is usually isolated and should keep the bed. Doctors usually recommend that the patients should drink a lot of hot tea with lemon and honey as well as taking some pills for curing.

The most serious diseases include heart attacks, asthma, multiple sclerosis, sepsis and many others. In case of unbeatable illness most people need special medical attention and are under care of a doctor in hospital. Anyway, any hospital stay, any treatment or any surgical operation is stressful. That is why visitors may see the patients. Moreover, experts say that visitors can be good medicine for patients because they can help, support and distract them from disturbing problems.
Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I think that all people should take care of their health and go for regular checkups. Undoubtedly, sooner or later all people are sick and have health problems. So, for speedy recovery it is essential to follow the doctor’s advice.

5.Reading of the text(2)

Good Health Is Above Wealth There is a good proverb in English:" Good health is above wealth". Health was valued greatly in all times and in all countries. The ancients said: "A sound mind in a sound body". Therefore we must live a (health) life. A healthy way of life consists of physical exercises, good plain food, absence of bad habits, such as (smokе) and (drink). Our town life today gives us little opportunities for (physic) exercises and motion. We have running water and central heating in our flats, we like to sit in a comfortable armchair and watch TV on our days off. We often forget that fresh air and exercises are good for the health. We eat much meat and sugar, but not much fruit and vegetables. The problem of food is very important for the healthy way of life. We may again remember another English proverb: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Doctors always advise us to eat more vegetables and fruit, because there are very many vitamins in them. Everybody who has bad habits must try to give them up, if he doesn't want to fall ill. Besides, it is not very (use) to sit up late at night before a TV-set and sleep till noon the next day. And another English proverb says: "Early to bed, early to rise makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise". A person is healthy when he is free of illness. But if you are ill or have sharp pain you have to go to the doctor immediately. He will listen to your lungs. Then the doctor will take your blood pressure and feel your pulse. If you have a bad cold, а high temperature and hacking cough, when you have a sore throat, it will be difficult for you to swallow and to breathe. Perhaps the doctor will ask you to buy the medicine and to stay in bed for some days. If the doctor (prescribe) a medicine for you, you should take it (regular). You will drink warm milk if you have a (run) nose. You will recover (early) if you stay in bed. People all over the world are fond of sport and games. Sport makes people healthy and keeps them fit. All necessary facilities are (provide) for them: stadiums, sports grounds, swimming-pools, skating rinks, football fields. In general, our people are fond of sport and games, but many of them watch football, hockey and basketball on TV, lying on a comfortable sofa. If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or another. Sport, healthy food and absence of bad habits help us to live a healthy life. It can help us to relax and to keep fit, to make new friends and to plan our life, to develop our mind and body and to be strong.

6. Answering questions (Quiz-Quiz-Trade)

Take a card with a question. Read the answer. Make up a pair and ask your partner this question. Let him answer, you may help. Then exchange the cards and make up another pair. (The sample cards: 1. How does a sick person look? - Swollen eyes, a pale face and dark areas under the eyes. 2. What is the difference between “He is ill” and “He has ill manners”? – A. The person is sick. B. The person doesn’t know how to behave in the society, his manners are not good.

7. Making up sentences and translation (Jot thoughts)

First, write down the words of our topical vocabulary on a sheet of paper pronouncing the word aloud. Then, choose any 9 words. Place them like 3 down and 3 across (the words with faces up). Now, try and make up a sentence in English using the 3 words either down or across or diagonally. Write it down. And at last, change the places with the opposite team. Ask each other Russian-English translation of these sentences.

8. Summing up

Write down 3 words that you know very well, 2 words that need to be memorized, 1 word with the most difficult spelling for you.

9. Sums of the lesson, home task

Thank you for your work. Your home task will be to read the text and to make up sentences with the words. See you later.

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