Методическая разработка урока на тему «The Importance of Play for Kindergarteners. Значение игры для дошкольников»

на тему «The Importance of Play for Kindergarteners (Значение игры для дошкольников)»
Яруллина С. Т.
преподаватель английского языка
Стерлитамак, 2022
Цель: развитие речевых умений по теме «The Importance of Play for Kindergarteners (Значение игры для дошкольников)»
Задачи урока:
I. Образовательные:
- формировать лексические навыки по теме «The Importance of Play for Kindergarteners (Значение игры для дошкольников)»;
- активизировать употребление лексических единиц в речи на профессиональную тему «The Importance of Play for Kindergarteners (Значение игры для дошкольников)»;
- развивать умения и навыки чтения.
II. Развивающие:
- развивать произвольную и непроизвольную память, мышление, внимание при работе над упражнениями;
- развивать речевые умения;
- развивать слухопроизносительные навыки;
- развивать языковую догадку.
III. Воспитательные:
- воспитывать доброжелательное отношение друг к другу;
- воспитывать познавательный интерес к уроку иностранного языка;
- воспитывать чувство самореализации.
Языковой материал:
- лексический: creativity, imagination, problem-solving, confidence, processing emotions, interacting with others, flexibility, teamwork, self-expression, self-confidence, self-reliance.
Оборудование: учебник Kindergarten Teacher (серия Career Path), словари, компьютер, проектор, моторизированный экран, компьютерное приложение к учебнику, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока:
I. Getting ready for the lesson
1. Greeting, setting aims.
T: Good morning, students. Take your seats and get ready for the lesson. Today we’re going on talking on the topic The Importance of Play for Kindergarteners; we are to revise the lexical material we’ve learnt, learn some new words, and develop our listening and speaking skills. The main aim of our lesson is to discuss the importance of play for kindergarteners, to do some exercises about the topic “The Importance of Play for Kindergarteners”.
II. Main part
1. Speaking Practice
Let’s read and understand the following expression
Fred Donaldson is a professor from the USA. He was a play specialist. He is famous for writing research works about play.
(Students read, translate. Then the teacher dusts a word by word. Looking at the blackboard students read the expression with missed words.)
2. Revising the material
- watching the video
- answering the teacher’s questions
- doing the exercise
Exercise 1. Put the words into two groups.
assembling a toy
sport games
card games
board games
outdoor games like hide and seek
putting puzzles together
assembling a model airplane or Lego theme set
dressing up
playing with blocks
playing with dolls
playing with trucks
playing make-believe
coloring, painting on blank paper
exploring the playground or park
exploring new play spaces like doll houses
3. Introducing new lexical material.
processing emotions
interacting with others
Exercise 1. Match the skills and their definitions.
4. Listening
Doing ex. 6-7 p. 15 (from Kindergarten Teacher)
Using the application for textbook students listen to the dialogue, complete the conversation.
MENTOR: I looked over your schedule for tomorrow. May I make a recommendation?
STUDENT TEACHER: Of course. What is it?
MENTOR: I think you should have more 1. _________ time in your day.
STUDENT TEACHER: Oh, really? Why do you think that?
MENTOR: It’s 2. __________ for your students to be able to think on their own.
STUDENT TEACHER: I see. Are you talking about 3. _______ ________?
MENTOR: Exactly. You need to give your students a chance to be 4. _________ .
STUDENT TEACHER: Okay. Can you give me an example?
MENTOR: Sure. You could tell them to create an imaginary world. Just make sure they 5.________ each other.
STUDENT TEACHER: That’s a great idea. How would you encourage 6 _________?
MENTOR: Make sure no one is left out by putting students in groups. Children often form friendships when they create things together.
STUDENT TEACHER: That sounds like fun! I’ll try to do something like that.
5. Writing (making a play poster)
Using the dialogue students in groups complete the reasons for play poster.
6. Making conclusions.
What conclusion can we make? Do you think that play is a very important part of child’s development?
Play is an important part of developing children.
What play to choose: structured or unstructured? What type of play are you going to choose in your future professional activity?
I think both of them should be included in working with children. It depends on situation.
What skills does play develop?
Play develops different skills of kindergarteners such as creativity, imagination, problem-solving, confidence, processing emotions, interacting with others, flexibility, teamwork, self-expression, self-confidence, self-reliance. These skills are very important in their future life.
7. Summing up the lesson
T: You have been working hard and your marks are…
Your home task for the next lesson is doing exercises (p. 15 ex. 8).
Куликова Ирина Геннадьевна
Яруллина Светлана