12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
Материал опубликовала
Кузьменкова Анна51
учитель английского языка
Россия, Ленинградская обл., д. Низино
Материал размещён в группе «УМК «Английский в фокусе» «Spotlight»»

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку в 8 классе по теме « Средства массовой информации в нашей жизни» “What is Mass Media?”

МОУ “Низинская общеобразовательная школа”



Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку  в 8 классе по теме

« Средства массовой информации  в нашей жизни»

“What is  Mass Media?”





Учитель английского языка
Кузьменкова А.К.



Тема:    «Средства массовой информации в нашей жизни"

Цель:  формирование лексического навыка говорения: автоматизация лексического материала, создание прочных речевых связей в однотипных речевых ситуациях, развитие языковой компетенции учащихся через обобщение знаний по теме «Mass Media»

Задачи урока.

1.     Образовательный аспект:

●   Автоматизация уже изученных лексических единиц, создание прочных речевых связей в разнообразных речевых ситуациях;

●   Контроль изученных лексических единиц (фонетической и грамматической формы) в речевых упражнениях;

●   Автоматизация грамматического материала в ситуативно- подстановочных упражнениях;

●      Побуждать учащихся к использованию уже известной лексики и информации  на английском языке;

●   Обучение говорению: монологическая речь.

2.     Развивающий аспект:

● Развитие лингвистических способностей (фонетика, имитация, догадка);

● Развитие языковой догадки;

● Развитие навыков говорения и аудирования;

● Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

3.     Воспитательный аспект:

● Воспитание интереса к изучению темы;

●     Формировать системное представление учащихся о СМИ;

● Воспитание самостоятельности и личной ответственности.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Вид урока: урок совершенствования речевых навыков

Оснащение урока:  универсальные средства ИКТ: компьютер, проектор, экран; (программа электронные учебные ОМС-модули “A place to live”, “People around you”, мультимедийная презентация (PowerPoint), аудиоприложение Freddy Mercury “Radio”.

Структура урока:

1.     Организационный момент.

2.     Повторение изученного лексического материала.

3.     Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.

4.     Совершенствование аудитивных навыков.

5.     Активизация лексики со зрительной опорой.

6.     Введение новых лексических единиц.

7.     Развитие навыков чтения и работы с текстом.

8.     Подведение итогов урока.

9.     Домашнее задание


Ход урока:

I.                   Оргмомент

       T: Good morning students! Glad to see you. I’m sure everybody is all right. Let’s make our lesson interesting and useful. Today we are going to speak about some means of communicating. They are traditionally called the media.  The mass media actually rule the world and play a very important part in our lives. To make our lesson interesting I ‘ll give you some smiles. This smile means that our lesson is interesting, this one is- good, this one is- boring.


II .      Повторение изученного лексического материала

( мозговой штурм)

Mass media is media that is intended for a large audience. It may take the form of broadcast media, as in the case of television and radio, or print media, like newspapers and magazines. Internet media can also attain mass media status, and many media outlets maintain a web presence to take advantage of the ready availability of Internet in many regions of the world. Some people also refer to it as the “mainstream media,” referencing the fact that it tends to stick to prominent stories which will be of interest to a general audience, sometimes ignoring controversial breaking news. Many people around the world rely on this form of media for news and entertainment, and globally, it is a huge industry.

Usually, mass media aims to reach a very large market, such as the entire population of a country. By contrast, local media covers a much smaller population and area, focusing on regional news of interest, while specialty media is provided for particular demographic groups. Some local media outlets that cover state or provincial news may rise to prominence thanks to their investigative journalism, and to the clout that their particular regions have in national politics. The Guardian, formerly known as the Manchester Guardian, for example, is a nationally-respected paper in England that started as a regional daily.


T:And now tell me what types of mass-media do you know?

P:  I know TV, the Internet, newspapers and radio.

T: What types of mass-media do you use in your everyday life?

P: In my everyday life I usually use TV, the Internet, radio and newspapers.

T: So students, I see you know the main media. But what are their definitions?

Your task is to match the words and their definitions.




The Internet


a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements etc.;

the process of sending and receiving messages through the air; broadcasting programmes for people to listen to;

broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for people to watch on their television sets;

a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news;

a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer (e-mails).

Now look at the screen and check up your answers.


(Просмотр  Слайда №1 и проверка ответов)



III.   Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи


T: Now let’s speak about the main mass-media. You know that newspapers are very popular among people, don’t you?

T:  Do you like reading newspapers?

P:  Yes, I do.

T:   What newspapers do the members of your family prefer reading?  F.eg. your mother ?

P:  My mother likes reading …

T: What are the main types of newspapers in Britain?

P:  The main types of British newspapers are quality newspapers and tabloids.

T: Do you know the titles of British newspapers?  What are they?

P: They are …

T: What do people read newspapers for?

P: They want to learn some news (TV programme, horoscopes, weather forecast, etc.)

T: And now let’s listen to a performance about press in Great Britain.

(Просмотр Слайда № 2 и рассказ ученика)

P:  Press is very important for people in the UK since they read a lot. It is a so-called “tradition” to start a morning with a newspaper in your hands. A great amount of newspapers is issued and sold in Britain daily. All the newspapers can be divided into two groups: quality papers and popular papers.

•      Broadsheets are:

•      The Times

•      The Guardian https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnsportal.ru%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2F2011%2F6%2FThe_British_Media.pptx&docid=b800e6d56b62ad9101cf5b32678561bd&a=bi&pagenumber=3&w=524

•      The Financial Times

Tabloids are:

•      The Daily Telegraph

•      The Daily Mail

•      The Daily Star

•      The Daily Mirror

•      The Sun


(Просмотр Слайда № 3 )

 T: So students, when television arrived, many people predicted that radio would disappear. They were wrong. Since the arrival of television, radio audiences has increased, and radio now has more listeners than ever before. Radio has changed I think that radio has become the most important media for music.

T: What do you think, when do the people listen to the radio nowadays?

P: I think that many people now listen to the radio while they are working or relaxing.

T: What radio stations do you prefer to listen?

P: I prefer to listen to ….

T: What do you know about Radio channels in Great Britain?


(Просмотр Слайда № 4 и рассказ ученика)

P: There are four radio channels. Radio 1 has mostly pop music; Radio 2 has light music, comedy, sport. Radio 3 has classical and modern music, talks on serious subjects, old and new plays. Radio 4 presents current news reports, talks and discussions.

T: Thank you very much.  I am sure that all of you know the famous English singer Freddy Mercury who loved radio very much. Let’s listen to his well-known song “Radio” and sing it with him.    


 IV. Совершенствование аудитивных навыков

 ( Аудиоприложение  № 1)

Прослушивание и исполнение песни Freddy Mercury ”Radio”

I'd sit alone and watch your light

My only friend through teenage nights

And everything I had to know

I heard it on my radio


You gave them all those old time stars

Through wars of worlds -- invaded by Mars

You made 'em laugh -- you made 'em cry

You made us feel like we could fly

So don't become some background noise

A backdrop for the girls and boys

Who just don't know or just don't care

And just complain when you're not there

You had your time, you had the power

You've yet to have your finest hour


All we hear is Radio ga ga

Radio goo goo

Radio ga ga

All we hear is Radio ga ga

Radio blah blah

Radio what's new?

Radio, someone still loves you!

We watch the shows -- we watch the stars

On videos for hours and hours

We hardly need to use our ears

How music changes through the years

Let's hope you never leave old friend

Like all good things on you we depend

So stick around cos we might miss you

When we grow tired of all this visual

You had your time, you had the power

You've yet to have your finest hour

Radio -- Radio

All we hear is Radio ga ga

Radio goo goo

Radio ga ga

All we hear is Radio ga ga

Radio goo goo

Radio ga ga

All we hear is Radio ga ga

Radio blah blah

Radio what's new?

Radio, someone still loves you!

You had your time, you had the power

You've yet to have your finest hour


All we hear is Radio ga ga

Radio goo goo

Radio ga ga

All we hear is Radio ga ga

Radio blah blah

Radio what's new?

Radio, someone still loves you!


T: You know TV now is one of the most important mass media. We can hardly imagine our life without TV. I think you know much about TV. Prove it answering my questions.

How many television channels do you receive in you town? What is your favourite TV channel?

How often do you usually watch TV?

When do you usually watch TV?

What are your favourite programmes?

What do you know about TV in Great Britain?

P: Two main companies are organising broadcasting in the UK.

They are BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and IBA (Independent Broadcasting Authority).

The BBC is probably the best known non-commercial radio and television system, formed by royal charter in 1927 to "educate and enlighten" the citizens. It is a very large television and radio organization based in the UK. It includes five national radio stations, more than 30 local radio stations, two national television stations, the International BBC World Service and BBC Worldwide Television. The BBC is a public service. It is paid for by taxes, by advertisers, and all the major political parties have equal rights to give political broadcasts.

P: The BBC also has two television channels BBC 1 and BBC 2. BBC 2 offers more serious programmes than BBC 1. It shows discussions, adaptations of novels into plays and films, operas and concerts. BBC 1 offers lighter plays and series, humour and sport, but there are also some interesting documentaries. BBC documentaries like "Animal Planet", "Discovery", or "Wildlife" are popular in many countries of the world.

V.        Активизация лексики со зрительной опорой


1) Кроссворд по теме “Mass Media” ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ№2

-Do the crossword.





 T: You have a lot of favourite programmes. So the next task is to match each type of programme on the left with the correct item on the right. ( Учитель раздаёт карточки  и ученики выполняют задание)


) nature films

1) football, boxing, swimming

b) quiz shows

2) life of different countries

c) news

3) people try to win prizes by answering questions

d) soap operas

4) advertisements for products

e) commercials

5) animals, fish, birds, plants, flowers

f) travel films

6) information about what’s happening in the world

g) comedies

7) jokes and funny situations

h) sport

8) information for students

i) education programmes

9) story of the daily life of a family



T: Do you know that TV has some advantages and disadvantages? Let’s read the text and discuss the positive and negative sides of TV.

But first of all, let’s work with the list of words, try to understand them.


VI.   Введение новых лексических единиц

( Просмотр Слайда №5)




advantages and disadvantages –преимущества и недостатки

to keep people informed – информировать людей

to provide - обеспечивать

to be very harmful for eyes – быть вредным глазам

violent programs –программы, показывающие насилие

to make people violent –делать людей агрессивными

violence -насилие

advertisement -реклама

to become TV-addicted – стать зависимым от ТВ

Before reading: answer the question “Do you agree that TV has positive and negative sides? What sides are predominant to your mind?”


VII.          Развитие навыков чтения и работы с текстом


Advantages and disadvantages of TV

 Watching TV, you know, is the perfect way to spend our free time. Do you agree? Or maybe you don’t? It’s a well known fact that TV has good and bad sides.

  First of all it keeps people informed; we can learn a lot of information watching TV. We can choose programs that appeal to us more, because TV provides programs for all interests. Sometimes with the help of TV we can relax, entertain ourselves, especially when we are tired.

  Advertisement on TV gives us information about different products, and it makes it easier to choose things to buy. When we watch TV we learn something new about the world, famous people and recent news.

   But, on the other hand, TV has a lot of disadvantages. It takes a lot of time and it makes us lazy. Besides, it’s very harmful for our health, especially for our eyes. Some violent programs and films on TV make people violent. Violence becomes a vital problem in our days.

  There is too much advertisement on TV. Sometimes it can encourage us to buy things we don’t need at all. Watching TV takes all free time from almost all people. We just watch it, not concentrate, and waste time.

  So, we can’t say exactly whether it’s useful to watch TV or not, as TV has its advantages and disadvantages.

  Millions people in the world spend hours watching TV every day… But what for? Do people really think it’s the best way to spend time?

   Many people become TV-addicted and it’s really a problem of our time. But the fact is that “so many people, so many minds!” And what do you think?

  T:   Make up the table, using facts from the text (it’s better to divide the class in to two groups, the first one – to find the advantages of watching TV, the second one - to find the disadvantages of watching TV)

advantages of watching TV     

disadvantages of watching TV

(Дети читают текст и заполняют таблицу)



(Просмотр слайда №2 и проверка  ответов.)

  T: Try to express the main idea of the text in several sentences.


  VIII.         Подведение итогов урока.

Проведение связи с началом урока:

Remember your answer on the question before the text. Have you changed your opinion after reading or not?

  IX.           Домашнее задание.   -Open your diaries and write down the homework Make a project work.  You should create your own newspaper. How to make it you’ll learn from the website  http//: school- collection.edu.ru

Make up the presentation of your opinion, using the facts from  today’s lesson and the phrases from the table.

You have done very good work today. I’ m very pleased with the results of your work . Your marks are for today’s lesson  . (Выставление отметок). Have a nice day, my dears! Thank you and good-bye!

Опубликовано в группе «УМК «Английский в фокусе» «Spotlight»»

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