12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Борисенко Александра Сергеевна14

My things.

I. Начало урока. Организационный момент


Stand up, children. Let’s begin our lesson. 
Good morning, my children! I’m glad to see you!

Представление темы и задач урока

Teacher: Children, look at the screen. 1-5 слайд.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Teacher: А) We` ll start our lesson with our phonetic exercise. Repeat after me all together.

[ɛ]   helmet, teddy bear

[a:] basketball, scarf, guitar

[æ]  have, cap, handbag

[ei] name, trainers, skateboard

III. Речевая зарядка

It`s time to our speech drills. Dima, come to the blackboard and answer the questions. And you ask questions to Dima.

IV. Отработка лексики по теме “My things”

Teacher: Look at the blackboard, please (на доске слова "zebra", "bank", "music", "radio", "computer", "television") Do you know these words?

Pupils: yes, we do.

Teacher:  How do we call such words?

Pupils: International words.

Teacher:  Right you are! Give me your examples of international words (ученики приводят примеры).

Teacher: Open your books, page 38. Look at the exercise 1, please. Do you know any of these words? (ответы учеников)

Right, listen and repeat.

6-7 слайд: Look at the screen and match the words. (2 листочка, можно спросить у доски).

V. Беседа по теме “My things”, мини-диалоги в парах

Teacher: We are going to talk about our things.

1) Let’s go to the exercise 2. Here we've got two questions. We'll listen to the dialogue and try to answer these questions.

Who's got a new bike?

What was Amy's birthday present?

Аудирование диалога, ответ на вопросы.

Чтение диалога по ролям.

Teacher: Now try to make your own dialogues

Учащиеся составляют свои диалоги по образцу.


Teacher: Children, let’s have a little rest. Stand up, please. Let’s do some physical exercises.

Hands up.
Hands down.
Hands under the table.
Sit down.

VI. Представление сценки по теме “My things

Представление диалогов учащихся.

Teacher: Thank you, children. You are good actors. Go to your places, please.

VII. Now it’s time for grammar material.

Tell me please, what is the difference between the sentences?

I have a cap. I have caps.

The noun cap in the second sentence has got the ending –s.

Try to guess the rule when we should add –s. - Right.

Let’s go to the exercise 5.

Look at the screen (8-12 слайд).

Let’s go to the exercise 6, 9.

VIII.Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов

Teacher: We had a good lesson. Thank you for your work. Homework is on the blackboard: WB ex.1-2 p.24 +выписать слова из упр.1 в словарь и выучить их.

Our lesson is over. I thank you for your good work. Your marks are following…  Good bye, my dear girls and boys!


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