План-конспект урока английского языка по теме «Dinosaurs» к учебнику In Touch 3
План-конспект урока
Тема урока: Dinosaurs
Цель урока: знакомство с новой лексикой по теме «Dinosaurs» + развитие навыка поискового чтения
Сопутствующие задачи: повторение ранее изученного языкового материала (extinct species), практика произносительного навыка, практика аудиального навыка.
Языковой материал: лексика по теме (carnivore, crocodile, dominant, failure, fossil, herbivore, lizard, lorry, marine, relative, reptiles, resemble)
Цели урока:
- освоение новых лексических единиц и закрепление ранее изученных;
- расширение научного кругозора учащихся.
- воспитание интереса к вопросам науки и естествознания;
- развитие умений во всех видах речевой деятельности;
- развитие умения анализа текста;
- развитие навыка аудирования;
- развитие коммуникативных навыков.
Оснащение: учебник In Touch 3, доска, экран, презентация, аудио к учебнику, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока
Этапы | Речь учителя | Предполагаемая речь учеников | Примечания |
Приветствие + введение в тему урока | Good afternoon, children! How are you today? Today we are going to become scientist preparing for the journey to the past. Strange creatures lived on our planet in the period of time that we are going to visit. Please look at the screen and try to guess who those creatures were. What do you know about dinosaurs? What happened to dinosaurs? Why did they become extinct? Please, look at the screen again. What can you see? Before we go to the past we need to solve it to make sure that we know everything that we need about dinosaurs. What do we have to learn about dinosaurs before we go to the past? So, what is our aim today? | Good afternoon, (имя учителя)! Dinosaurs They are reptiles. An animal with cold blood and hard skin A crossword History of dinosaurs, were they dangerous, are any kind of dinosaurs still alive, etc. To learn more about dinosaurs, to complete the crossword | Вывод изображений на слайд Фронтальный опрос Выводится на экран Записать ответы на доску |
Практика произношения новых слов + аудирование | As scientist we need to know all the words (terms) that we can come across during our preparation. Let’s check your homework. First, repeat after me. Now let’s make sure that you know the meanings of these words. We are going to work in pairs. I’m giving you cards with the words and their definitions. Your task is to match them. Before we go to the past, we also should know the main facts about dinosaurs. Please, look at the board. There are questions. We will find the answers to them after listening to the text. But first, let’s read them. Let’s listen to the text. Now we can answer the questions. Let’s read the text aloud again one by one. | | Повторение новых слов (словарь в конце учебника) за учителем хором Раздаточный материал 1 (вопросы на доске) Who were the first rulers of the Earth? Homo sapiens or dinosaurs? Were all large dinosaurs dangerous? Did first human beings and dinosaurs live at the same period of time? Are all ancient reptiles extinct? Аудио к учебнику, стр. 60, ex.2 Ответы на вопросы по поднятой руке |
Работа с текстом | We have studied all the information about dinosaurs. Now, we have to pass the test to prove that we are ready to meet dinosaurs. Please, look at the task 3. (Имя ученика), please, read the task. Don’t forget that you have to prove your answers. If some statements are not true, please, find the right answers. | | Выполнение задания 3 в учебнике, стр. 61 |
Закрепление новой лексики | Now I’m giving you a table with our new words. Your task is to create sentences using these words. Each line is for one sentence. Now we are finally ready to complete our crossword. We are finally ready for our journey. Well done! | | Раздаточный материал 2 Заполнение кроссворда всем классом по поднятой руке |
Завершение урока + домашнее задание | What have we learned about dinosaurs today? You homework is… Did you enjoy our lesson? Thank you for your job! Good-bye! | | Свериться с предположениями на доске, сделанными в начале урока |
Раздаточный материал:
carnivore | An animal that eats meat |
dominant | Strongest |
marine | Something related to water or the sea |
fossil | Any rock or mineral dug out of the earth |
herbivore | An animal that eats mainly plants |
lizard | A reptile that has a long body and tail. It lives mostly in hot regions |
reptile | Any coldblooded creature |
resemble | To look like something or someone else |
Презентация к уроку Dinosaurs
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Example: Herbivore + plants = Herbivores are creatures that eat plants.
Carnivore | Meat |
Rock(s) | Fossil |
Birds | Pterosaurs |
Dinosaurs | Reptiles |
Dinosaurs | Extinct |
Cavemen and dinosaurs | At the same period of time |
Tyrannosaurus Rex | Fierce |